Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #47

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U.S. Meat Supply Is 'Perilously Close' To A Shortage, CEO Warns
April 13, 2020

“One of the country's largest pork-producing plants closed indefinitely after nearly 300 of its employees tested positive for COVID-19. And the company's CEO warned that the coronavirus pandemic is pushing the nation's meat supply "perilously close" to the edge.

"It is impossible to keep our grocery stores stocked if our plants are not running," Smithfield Foods CEO Kenneth Sullivan said in a statement.”
This is what I was afraid of - I can't produce meat (never hunted and wouldn't know how) - I can make all kinds of stuff - thankfully we don't eat that much but still... scary times ahead IMO.
Moving too fast? Fears of a second wave of coronavirus emerge as some countries relax restrictions. @JamesAALongman reports.

"Everyone is of course eager to get back to a normal life, but the fear and the possibility of second wave is very real. Just days after reopening Wuhan, China is now scrambling to contain an outbreak on it's northern border, its biggest rise there in six weeks.

Hundreds of new infections reported from returning Chinese Nationals. The town concerned is in lock down.

In Europe, strategies are diverging..."


Good Morning America on Twitter

Within this GMA piece, is an embedded article from Daily Mail, making such strong reference to "different strains". Is that actually true. I have certainly heard of heavier virus load in different people but not "strains". Even the NYC cases, which they say came from Europe, still came from Europeans who had been in China. Is there legitimate/technical data out there on these different strains? tia
Maybe this has been discussed, but here is some interesting data. Sweden is letting it rip.

No significant measures against COVID-19 in an effort to minimize economic damage and induce herd immunity in the population. Here is Sweden's curve for hospital resources from IHME, indicative of the onset and end of their national exposure.

View attachment 243048

IHME predicts 18,000 deaths in Sweden from COVID-19. This is one out of every 555 people.

For contrast, the U.S. with preventative measures is predicted to lose 68,000 people or one out of every 4700 people. Scaling Sweden's numbers for population suggests that if the U.S. were to have avoided preventative measures, the U.S. would have had around 600,000 deaths in a short period of time, and probably considerably more since the health care system would have been overrun.

Sweden's peak is due in 3.5 weeks. It is worth watching closely, but could get very ugly.

Sweden is not doing nothing. People over 70 are recommended to stay home except for short walks, post-secondary institutions were closed on March 18. It's a different type of management, but it's not "do nothing."

More available here: COVID-19 - The Public Health Agency of Sweden
Moving too fast? Fears of a second wave of coronavirus emerge as some countries relax restrictions. @JamesAALongman reports.

"Everyone is of course eager to get back to a normal life, but the fear and the possibility of second wave is very real. Just days after reopening Wuhan, China is now scrambling to contain an outbreak on it's northern border, its biggest rise there in six weeks.

Hundreds of new infections reported from returning Chinese Nationals. The town concerned is in lock down.

In Europe, strategies are diverging..."


Good Morning America on Twitter

Within this GMA piece, is an embedded article from Daily Mail, making such strong reference to "different strains". Is that actually true. I have certainly heard of heavier virus load in different people but not "strains". Even the NYC cases, which they say came from Europe, still came from Europeans who had been in China. Is there legitimate/technical data out there on these different strains? tia
Just a little brain fart fyi- I had to take Dad out for his errands today. The only place I had to actually go inside was w-mart. I put on a fresh paper mask. I remembered, that when I worked healthcare at the nursing homes, as a CMA, we dated the newly applied bandages and pain patches. With our initials of course.
Anyway, I decided to date my paper mask, when I wear it. I leave them inside the car with the gloves and wipes, but those aren't dated.
Anyway.... to those who might want to do the same. At least I know the latest date it was worn, and if enough time allowed between wearings for the virus to die.
Not brain-farty...a good idea. I feel when I had one on for such a short time, i shouldn't have to throw it away... hanging them on different car knobs just isn't working well..
A happy news story for you all :) I just checked and it's rising by about £10,000 a minute!

A 99-year-old war veteran has raised more than £3m for the NHS by aiming to walk 100 lengths of his back garden before his 100th birthday. Capt Tom Moore, from Keighley in Yorkshire, initially planned to raise £1,000 through the challenge. However, after launching his campaign on 8 April and raising £70,000 in just 24 hours, he extended his fundraiser and hit the £1m target on Tuesday morning.

“It’s almost unbelievable isn’t it?,” Moore told the BBC. “But when you think who it’s for, and they’re all so brave … I think they deserve every penny of it.”

War veteran, 99, raises £3m for NHS by walking lengths of back garden

Isn’t he amazing? I saw the BBC interview this morning (I cried. Again.). Captain Moore has now raised over £3.5million. What a hero.
No cure for The Stupids :mad::mad::mad:
Has it even occurred to them what they're doing might cause further set backs?
I was just reading this and watching the videos..... The stay at home orders and social distancing is put into place to save everyone, even those protesting. I just don't understand.
Can someone explain why this is happening (protesting)? I am glad of the stay at home order. Keeps me and my family safe!

I feel like everyone will end up getting this at some point, but the longer you stay away from it, the better the understanding of this virus and hopefully, the treatments will be. IMO
"Coronavirus: One in five deaths now linked to virus - BBC News" One in five deaths now linked to coronavirus

"The Office for National Statistics said in the week ending 3 April the virus was cited on 3,475 death certificates.

It pushed the total number of deaths in that week to over 16,000 - a record high and 6,000 more than normal at this time of year when deaths tend to fall.

Meanwhile, Chancellor Rushi Sunak acknowledged there were "tough times" ahead economically.

It comes as the Office for Budget Responsibility, the UK's tax and spending watchdog, warned the pandemic could see the economy shrink by a record 35% by June.

Mr Sunak told No 10's daily coronavirus briefing that it was "clear" the situation could be "much worse" without the action taken so far.

But he admitted the government could not "protect every business or household" as it was clear coronavirus would have "serious implications".

And he said the economy would bounce back, adding the "single most important thing is to protect health of everyone".

Spike in deaths 'hugely significant'
The ONS report looked at the impact the numbers of people dying with coronavirus alongside all other deaths.

Normally at this time of year deaths drop because there is less flu circulating than there is in winter.

But instead it jumped up by to a record level of 16,000, the highest number seen since the ONS started publishing data in 2005, topping the biggest weekly toll during the 2015 flu outbreak.

ONS official Nick Stripe said it was clear the coronavirus pandemic had reversed that trend, saying the rising number of deaths was "hugely significant".

"This is not normal," he added."

It seems there is a huge spike in UK deaths other than CV19, which could mean there are some CV19 deaths going unreported. This is very worrying.
In New Jersey, 8,185 individuals with confirmed or potential cases of COVID-19 were hospitalized as of 10 p.m. Tuesday night.

Of those hospitalized patients, 925 patients are in intensive care1, 126 are in critical care and 6,019 are in medical surgical beds.

The state is using 55.4% of its statewide ventilator capacity with 1,626 patients on ventilators.

There were 514 patients discharged in the last 24 hours

The New Jersey State Health Department reported 368 new positive cases of COVID-19 In Monmouth and Ocean counties. Tuesday, and 26 additional deaths as a result of complications from the disease, as the death toll in the two counties approached 300.

There have been 2,805 deaths related to coronavirus in New Jersey. Officials reported 365 new deaths Tuesday.

FDA approves COVID-19 saliva test developed at Rutgers

A new saliva test developed at Rutgers University that could dramatically alter the way the coronavirus is detected received federal emergency approval over the weekend, and officials expect to begin rolling it out as soon as Wednesday.

NJ coronavirus update: 2,805 deaths reported as cases rise to 68,824

This was really getting me confused---> confirmed or potential cases of COVID-19 were hospitalized as of 10 p.m. Tuesday night. I was thinking this had to be old news?????

anyway......... that saliva test going for FDA approval could be some real big fat game changer. I hope you can help us keep track of how the Rutgers does. tia
I was just reading this and watching the videos..... The stay at home orders and social distancing is put into place to save everyone, even those protesting. I just don't understand.
Can someone explain why this is happening (protesting)? I am glad of the stay at home order. Keeps me and my family safe!

I feel like everyone will end up getting this at some point, but the longer you stay away from it, the better the understanding of this virus and hopefully, the treatments will be. IMO
My husband and all my kids are working in essential businesses and the paychecks are still coming in for now. But for those with no income who previously lived paycheck to paycheck it's gonna be impossible for them to keep going IMO. Ohio has the 2nd highest unemployment in the nation, Pennsylvania has the highest.

But IMO some people just protest to protest.

ETA Video at link is source for Ohio, Pennsylvania unemployment . Large gathering of Ohio protesters demand DeWine end social distancing, reopen economy
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Is DNA driving coronavirus severity?

A vast store of DNA is being used to study why the severity of symptoms for coronavirus varies so much.

UK Biobank - which contains samples from 500,000 volunteers, as well as detailed information about their health - is now adding Covid-19 data.

It is hoped genetic differences could explain why some people with no underlying health conditions can develop severe illness.

More than 15,000 scientists from around the world have access to UK Biobank.

Prof Rory Collins, principal investigator of the project, said it would be “a goldmine for researchers”.

“We could go very quickly into getting some very, very important discoveries,” he said.

How do Covid-19 symptoms differ?

Some people with coronavirus have no symptoms - and scientists are trying to establish what proportion this is.

Others have a mild to moderate disease.

But about one in five people has a much more severe illness and an estimated 0.5-1% die.

How can UK Biobank help?

UK Biobank has blood, urine and saliva samples from 500,000 volunteers whose health has been tracked over the past decade

And it has already helped to answer questions about how diseases such as cancer, stroke and dementia develop.

Now, information about positive coronavirus tests, as well as hospital and GP data, will be added.

Prof Collins said: “We’re looking at the data in UK Biobank to understand the differences between those individuals.

“What are the differences in their genetics? Are there differences in the genes related to their immune response? Are there differences in their underlying health?

“So it is a uniquely rich set of data - and I think we will transform our understanding of the disease.”

Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionSmall genetic differences could explain why some people become very ill
For what will scientists be looking?

Researchers will be scouring the entire genome, searching for tiny variations in DNA.

One area of particular interest is the ACE2 gene, which helps make a receptor that allows the virus to enter and infect cells in airways.

What about healthy people who become very ill?

In addition to the UK Biobank study, a team led by Prof Jean-Laurent Casanova, from the Rockefeller University, in New York, is planning to study people under 50 with no underlying medical conditions who are taken into intensive care units.

See more at link.
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Not brain-farty...a good idea. I feel when I had one on for such a short time, i shouldn't have to throw it away... hanging them on different car knobs just isn't working well..

This situation is a rolling crisis. Details changing hourly, if not daily. I am winging it like the rest of the well as being a recently moved in live in caregiver to my elderly father.

Things I had no idea that were issues....suddenly have become issues. Food. Transportation. Medications ans Dr appts. Daily boring necessities.

All that....AND......getting myself out of a domestic abuse marriage in another state.
Sometimes, I remember good ideas.

Most times.... no short term memory. Oh, and living with MS. And..diabetes 2.
This situation is a rolling crisis. Details changing hourly, if not daily. I am winging it like the rest of the well as being a recently moved in live in caregiver to my elderly father.

Things I had no idea that were issues....suddenly have become issues. Food. Transportation. Medications ans Dr appts. Daily boring necessities.

All that....AND......getting myself out of a domestic abuse marriage in another state.
Sometimes, I remember good ideas.

Most times.... no short term memory. Oh, and living with MS. And..diabetes 2.
You certainly have a lot on your plate. I am glad you got out of your relationship and are safe. Take it one day at a time. You really are a hero taking all of this on. We are here for you ((hugs))
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