Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #49

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That's amazing. I guess there will be plenty of students they can call on in Oxford and London. Did you know anyone who trialled any vaccines?

Yes, acquaintances, and there were never any ill effects that I know of but they may have got lucky and had the placebos. I remember arguing with my then-boyfriend when he considered doing a trial for a brain tumour drug (I won, he didn’t do it). I’ve just checked and the clinic is still there so I assume they never had any real disasters. I wish I’d kept the toe letter, it was by far the most highly paid I saw and provoked quite a debate down the pub haha
Bowing will work. A polite nod and a smile will work. I intend to avoid energetic talkers. I will say that watching an unmasked man approach and literally breathe on the faces and down the necks of 4 other men who were waiting in line for food pick-up...really gave me pause. I was so mad. I started to get out of the car, but my DH gave me a look. He was one of the 4 men (3 were masked, including my DH).

This was the first time he felt the need to strip off his clothes the instant we came home, and he put the bag with the food in it as far from our faces as he could (it's an SUV, so no trunk). We both washed up, then he took the food out, washed up again, and we took the bag out to the trash immediately, washing up after.

SO angering - but that's how it's going to be. There's not enough LE on the planet to follow all these fnools around. The offender was an overweight 30-something.
Why did they let the dude do that? One of them should have pushed him back and said back off.

It's better to be rude than dead.
Congress has reached a deal on a fourth coronavirus relief package, this one aimed at sending additional help to small businesses and hospitals struggling amid closures as well as expanding support for testing.

The package was passed by the Senate Tuesday evening and next goes to the House for a vote. President Donald Trump has offered public support, indicating he'll sign it.
Here's what the agreement includes, according to a bill text obtained by CNN.

Small business funding: What's in the new relief package? - CNNPolitics
I take Losartan and Atenolol, and managed coronavirus without needing hospital care. A month on and some symptoms still linger but I'm not complaining. A little fatigue, sinus issues, brain fog maybe. Getting better by the week.

I wouldnt want people to panic because they take these meds. I'll never know if they worsened my symptoms or not but I'm def still here to tell the tale ;)

I was following when you shared mid-March that you were positive. So glad that you are doing well and sharing that with all of us here. I had never heard of these drugs before, and scientists associating with hypertension (and what these drugs actually do) among some folks.

I bet you now know more about how your hypertension drugs work now more than ever before?

Godspeed that you get back to 100%.

And I so very much agree with you that posting information, we don't want people to panic. Gosh far from it. It's just that when information is shared to discuss, many of us don't anticipate that others will "panic"... as just sharing information and not considering the effect on others and their anxiety.

I perhaps Don't know how to balance that very well, apologies.


What a scary situation for people, like us, who are taking these Ace inhibitors.

Many of us would be at risk, by stopping the use of these prescriptions.>>>> At risk of strokes or heart attacks....

But now we are warned that we are at risk by continuing to take these medications????? :(:(:(:(
Here's a small study that appears to have been helpful so it will be good when all the studies are reviewed.

Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin as a Treatment of COVID-19: Results of an Open-Label Non-Randomized Clinical Trial - PubMed

Here's a link that shows a lot of studies still seem to be ongoing or awaiting review.

A Systematic Review on the Efficacy and Safety of Chloroquine for the Treatment of COVID-19 - PubMed

Not getting infected the best course of action IMO. Really don't want to be the subject that proves/disapproves which remedy works/doesn't work.
Yes, acquaintances, and there were never any ill effects that I know of but they may have got lucky and had the placebos. I remember arguing with my then-boyfriend when he considered doing a trial for a brain tumour drug (I won, he didn’t do it). I’ve just checked and the clinic is still there so I assume they never had any real disasters. I wish I’d kept the toe letter, it was by far the most highly paid I saw and provoked quite a debate down the pub haha
Thing is the big toe is really important for balance and walking I understand, so I can understand not risking that. Maybe a little toe? Some people have 6 toes so they could spare one. Didn't (Anne Boleyn have 6 toes come to think of it?)

I'm going to look to see if they are advertising these trials.
Observation from tiny town grocery. Lots of food. Only shelves that are still not stocked well are canned veg, fruit, and pie filling. I honestly forgot to check the cleaning aisle, though. Likewise, when I went for the Kleenex I did not register how the other paper products were.

I’ve been pretty much isolated for a month. Only my 2nd trip to a store. But last time, even ice cream was wiped out.

All employees were in a mask. Most customers were, although I was the only one in gloves. It was mostly men walking around without masks, acting like it was 2019 or something. Maybe that’s why so many more of them are dying. Their stubbornness may be what gets them.
I'm 10 years younger than you. So officially in the same risk pool, and I have a couple of underlying conditions. I am truly happy spending most of my time at home, but I do love traveling and was finally at a point in my career where I was starting to make progress in understanding a particular culture, that I love to visit.

I don't see any way that I can go again. So I'm sad. It's also weird to think I may never been in a regular classroom again (I'm not retired).

But yeah, if you or I get this, we're very likely to be very sick and even if we don't die, we are going to regret getting it. I'll stay home for the rest of the year and I sure do hope there's a working vaccine within the next 18 months.

I do feel there are so many different emotions within each decade of life. We are living with the same facts, but we all know that we have different facts, variables and life-situations that govern our emotions.

Sometimes I feel "lucky" to be in the over 65 age group. I didn't really want to retire when I did, but the life with my husband who was retiring governed our new retirement goals and life choices. I have a couple of acres, lots of trees, fruit trees, gardens flowers.. and a workshop to build things. I count my blessing every day. I feel anxiety for sure, because I am in such a vulnerable class.... And I have had pneumonia....3 ER visits.. I KNOW so well what it is like to have no breath. and it is horrifying. But I have a "choice" to stay at home, and it works just fine...for me. My husband passed exactly one year ago, so do I wish I had someone to be living this with??? You betcha.

I really feel for older, but not senior citizens, who have to straddle that fence... can't quite retire, but can't really get sick.

I know that children of a young enough age will treat this as some history lesson in their future studies.

I think that teens and twenties are going through a huge shock and it will affect their lives forever. They will have their own PTSD.

I think that those mid decades...thirties, and forties... are stressed to the max. So much to still have to do, children to raise, jobs to hopefully get back, and savings, investments, shattered.

So with all that nothingness in my opinions, I am starting to believe that taking some chances to open things up is, in fact, good for a lot of the country. But do I really trust my fellow-man...not so sure. I feel some governors are taking risks to kindof please the master, the president...but I do believe they are going to be extra extra extra careful. If its a screw-up, we will pay dearly. But if they are extra extra extra careful maybe the on-off switch will work out ok.

I am watching Sweden as much as I can.... totally different culture, but openness is certainly part of the learning there.

But for my lucky self... I am not going out there much at all...until we get testing testing testing, and antibodies, antibodies antibodies..and eventually vaccines.
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I’m feeling rather “unstimulated”...I haven’t received my “stimulus” check yet, am I the only one? I need to go to the CARES thread and catch up/investigate. I did file for 2018 and mailed in payment (not direct deposit) but not 2019 yet. Does anyone know if they’ve physically mailed out any checks yet or what the deal is, tia.

We have not either, the rest of my family received their money- direst deposit. The website keeps give me, " Payment Status Not Available."
Observation from tiny town grocery. Lots of food. Only shelves that are still not stocked well are canned veg, fruit, and pie filling. I honestly forgot to check the cleaning aisle, though. Likewise, when I went for the Kleenex I did not register how the other paper products were.

I’ve been pretty much isolated for a month. Only my 2nd trip to a store. But last time, even ice cream was wiped out.

All employees were in a mask. Most customers were, although I was the only one in gloves. It was mostly men walking around without masks, acting like it was 2019 or something. Maybe that’s why so many more of them are dying. Their stubbornness may be what gets them.

i went to a Dollar Tree today..... hadn't been there for a couple of months at least. Jam packed full of toilet paper 4-packs. Go figure.
10 of Rods said regarding a vaccine-

If there's never a vaccine...or one isn't invented within 18-24 months, we're going to see deaths continue to go along at the rates they're nearing right now.

That makes sense to me, a prolonged cycle of containment. It keeps spreading and being repressed at a manageable level.

But two questions I can't answer-

1) Why is it for Sweden with lax distancing rules (kids in school- silent spreaders), that deaths go to zero by July 1st. Is it herd immunity (so quickly?), or summer weather (which is downplayed in the media), or something else? I don't know.

2) a second wave of COVID-19 is expected late fall. To have a wave you need a lull. Why would we expect a lull in activity, other than this is what pandemics do (for reasons I can't find the answer for).

I have hope the opening of economy will not be as bad as is projected, and we might have a fairly normal summer. And months to prepare for a health care and testing for second wave.


Is this correct? The 10 of Rods is a card of heavy burdens, long term ambitions and large projects. The element here is Fire which relates to energy, drive, home, community and work (Tarot)


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i went to a Dollar Tree today..... hadn't been there for a couple of months at least. Jam packed full of toilet paper 4-packs. Go figure.
I can’t believe I didn’t look for Clorox wipes. We could use them. But I forgot to add it to my list and I hyperfocus on the list now, rarely grabbing anything extra because I have a mission - to get in and out as quickly as possible so I can decontaminate at home and hole up again for weeks.
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