Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #55

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The virus gets close to USA President:

"Vice President Mike Pence's press secretary, Katie Miller, has tested positive for coronavirus. The president said during a roundtable Friday that "Katie" in Pence's office had tested, positive, and CBS News can confirm he was referencing the vice president's press secretary.

It's not clear when Miller, who is also the wife to top Trump aide Steven Miller, last interacted with the president or vice president, but CBS News can confirm she was within close proximity to the vice president."​

Pence press secretary Katie Miller tests positive for coronavirus

And succession is..... per google... The current Presidential Succession Act was adopted in 1947, and last revised in 2006. The line of succession follows the order of: vice president, speaker of the House of Representatives (Pelosi), president pro tempore of the Senate (Chuck Grassley/Iowa)......
What are serology tests and do they work?

Some countries are using serological, or antibody, tests to check past infections and immune status.

Read our latest Doctor's Note here.


Triple anti-viral drug shows COVID-19 promise

Researchers in Hong Kong have found that patients suffering milder illness caused by the new coronavirus recover more quickly if they are treated with a three-drug antiviral cocktail soon after symptoms appear.

The small trial, which involved 127 patients, compared those given the combination drug - made up of the anti-HIV therapy lopinavir-ritonavir, the hepatitis drug ribavirin and the multiple sclerosis treatment interferon-beta - with a control group given just lopinavir-ritonavir.

Read more here.
My state got an F too and the counties that I live in and work in both got F's.

This is not good.
Went to Walmart and it was a zoo. Pouring down rain so I thought it would not be crowded - boy was I wrong. On the good side, got TP and paper towels!!! Still no lysol.
The US blocked that?? What on earth? :(

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Thanks so much. It will give me some time to phase out mentally to retirement. A job I have loved for well over 30 yrs. So come fall I will be done. Unless there is another exposure then that's it for me. I feel confident I can do it safely but mentally I don't want to go thru it again. I think what kept me sane was the fact that I was on day 7 since exposure when I found out.

Yes, it was a bit "painful" going through this with you... I think we could all feel the emotions, the ups and downs. but still knowing it is YOU going through it, not us. But the fact that you can now work through your gradual retirement goals on your own terms is so good.

Bravo, Bravo.
Apparently a lot of hospitals jumped on it and started giving people those anti-malaria drugs. These drugs don't make good anti-virals.
They have been tried against other viruses and failed every time. They only seemed to have anti-viral properties in vitro, not in a live human being. They are not harmless either, as they have cardiovascular side effects.
Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin plus zinc vs hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin alone: outcomes in hospitalized COVID-19 patients

This study did show some benefit when combined with zinc sulphate. Not peer reviewed yet.
Australia's biggest states hold off relaxing COVID-19 lockdowns

Australia's most populous states held back from easing COVID-19 restrictions on Saturday even as some states allowed small gatherings and got ready to open restaurants in line with the federal government's three-stage plan for reopening businesses.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison outlined plans to remove most curbs by July in a three-step process to get nearly 1 million people back to work, as the country has reined in new COVID-19 infections to less than 20 a day with strict lockdowns.

Australia's total deaths from COVID-19 remain just below 100, while the number of cases were close to 7,000.

Seoul shuts bars, clubs after new coronavirus cases: Live updates
US Prevents UN Security Council Vote On Pandemic Resolution

The United States on Friday prevented a vote in the UN Security Council on a resolution on the coronavirus pandemic, apparently because it made implicit mention of the World Health Organization, diplomats said.

The text, under negotiation since March, called for a worldwide cessation of hostilities in conflict zones so governments can address the pandemic.

The US blocked a procedure that would have led to a vote on the resolution, the diplomats said.

I feel it so personally..... this feeling of being such a selfish world-player. I want my international friends back.
The virus gets close to USA President:

"Vice President Mike Pence's press secretary, Katie Miller, has tested positive for coronavirus. The president said during a roundtable Friday that "Katie" in Pence's office had tested, positive, and CBS News can confirm he was referencing the vice president's press secretary.

It's not clear when Miller, who is also the wife to top Trump aide Steven Miller, last interacted with the president or vice president, but CBS News can confirm she was within close proximity to the vice president."​

Pence press secretary Katie Miller tests positive for coronavirus
As we see no social distancing in the WH, this could be very bad.
Yes, of course. This situation is hard and I don't minimize that at all. Apologies if I sounded insensitive to people's pain.


No, not insensitive at all. These are very heavy topic, and we all have different views of the world. For me, I admire people who take risks, are independent, and have a strong work ethic. I believe bad businesses should be allowed to fail, but this isn't the same thing. This is mandated closure. It is a question of balance, and how we balance liberty vs safety, and where you are on the line between. People might call me insensitive, for being further on the side of opening small business, and being further away the safety side. And there are other costs to being too far on I either side. (eg....alchohol, drugs, suicide)
‘Social distancing ambassadors’ will monitor Seattle parks over warm weekend

About 60 “social distancing ambassadors” will be out to keep people moving at Seattle parks this weekend.

Major parks in Seattle will now close at 8 p.m. instead of 11:30 p.m. to deter barbecues, bonfires, parties and gatherings. Parking will remain closed at many popular parks to cut down on crowding. See which lots are closed here.

The early closures will stay in place during the state stay-at-home order, which lasts through May 31.

Officials say people using parks should keep moving.

"Do get out if you need to, but don't plan on spending the day in a park. Don't plan on having a picnic or bonfires. Don't plan on playing volleyball or group activities. Really, the parks are there to keep moving,” said Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan.
Coronavirus in NY: Deaths top 21,000 as new threat prompts concerns after 5-year-old dies

New York Govenor Cuomo said the state is investigating a handful of cases involving children who may be suffering from severe symptoms related to COVID-19. On Thursday, a boy, 5, died in New York City from these newly emerging complications. Overall, 73 children seem to have similar symptoms.

“This is every parent’s nightmare,” Cuomo said, adding the situation so far appears rare.

It appears some children infected with the virus can become ill with symptoms similar to Kawasaki disease, which is an inflammation in blood vessels. It’s also similar to toxic shock syndrome.

“There is still a lot we don’t know about this virus,” Cuomo said. It’s unclear, for example, whether people who recover from COVID-19 are immune from future illness.

The same may be true with children in some circumstances. “We didn’t think children would suffer from it," he said.

Parents are asked to look for these symptoms and seek health care immediately if the child has:
  • Prolonged fever for more than 5 days
  • Difficulty feeding (for infants), or child is too sick to drink
  • Severe abdominal pain, diarrhea or vomiting
  • Change in skin color (becoming pale, patchy and/or blue)
  • Trouble breathing or breathing very quickly
  • Racing heart or chest pain
  • Decreased amount or frequency of urine
  • Lethargy, irritability or confusion
Did this happen in other countries? Since are behind China, Italy, and others... Did any of these countries see these children cases?
The numbers are not that high, but the issue could be dire. I hope they keep us informed, and hope that the cases do not increase.

News this morning indicates this is a "new reaction". Cases jumped from 50s to 70s overnight.
Doing that drive is a dream of mine. I've only ever been to New York and New Jersey - Massachusetts if next.

While my risk of death is a bit higher than yours, I'm still planning to travel if possible within the next 18 months - probably California first, then if things are looking good, a plane ride to the East Coast. I don't think I'll feel okay with a Transatlantic flight to Europe until after that.

Of course, I'll be inching closer to 70 throughout these events, which is why I wouldn't want to be on the opposite side of the planet if I get sick (and not just CoVid but anything else infectious - viruses are always a risk of travel). Being sick during a fairly expensive vacation doesn't sound like fun.

I think so many of us are "dreaming" of our AMerican vacations. Since I am partial to New England, I KNOW you would love the trip. I lived in MA and NH for 40 years...and there is no end to the history and beauty you can find travelling in Maine, Boston, NH and VT.....

But given the above statement, my "dreams" are to finally get out to some Western States... Montana, Idaho, Washington....

We do really live in such a diverse country, don't we?
Chicago is currently in what the city calls phase two of its recovery, a period Mayor Lori Lightfoot plan dubs “stay-at-home.”

Before moving into phase three, labeled “cautiously reopen,” the city would need to see a decline in the COVID-19 case rate over 14 days and a declining rate of new cases, stable or declining rates of hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths, fewer than 1,800 coronavirus patients in hospital beds, fewer than 600 coronavirus patients in ICU beds, and fewer than 450 coronavirus patients on ventilators.

The city also would need to be able to test 135,000 residents per month, with positive rates decreasing below 15% of those tested in the community and at least 14 days of declining rates of new cases, on average. Positive rates of below 30% would be needed in “congregate” settings such as nursing homes, shelters and jails.

Face coverings would still be required, Lightfoot said.

The mayor’s plan doesn’t estimate the earliest Chicago could change phases. Under Gov. Pritzker’s plan, the earliest a region can move from the second phase to a third “recovery" phase is May 29.

Lightfoot said she wouldn’t give dates for when reopening might be possible because the decision needs to be made by data and any date would be “completely arbitrary.”

The mayor also refused to set a timetable for restoring access to the lakefront, along with The 606 elevated trail and the downtown Riverwalk, after residents packed into them on a warm afternoon.

Lightfoot said she would release standards for moving to phase four, labeled “gradually resume,” and phase five, “protect,” over the coming weeks.

The mayor left the door open for restaurants to reopen sooner than late June but said such decisions would need to be based on strong science. She did say no restaurateur wants to be at risk or endanger customers but there are potentially “innovative ways” they could reopen.

Lightfoot has cautioned against ending the state’s stay-at-home order prematurely or loosening restrictions. She has said doing so might lead to a spike in cases, pointing to examples in Japan, Singapore and Germany.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot lays out ‘five-star’ plan for reopening Chicago following coronavirus pandemic disruptions
Did this happen in other countries? Since are behind China, Italy, and others... Did any of these countries see these children cases?
The numbers are not that high, but the issue could be dire. I hope they keep us informed, and hope that the cases do not increase.

News this morning indicates this is a "new reaction". Cases jumped from 50s to 70s overnight.

I think that the UK has been having similar child cases.

.... officials in the United Kingdom notified doctors of similar cases there, also describing them as having features similar to Kawasaki disease and toxic shock syndrome. Several of the children had tested positive for COVID-19.
A mysterious illness is striking children amid the coronavirus pandemic – but is it Kawasaki disease?
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