Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #55

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No, not insensitive at all. These are very heavy topic, and we all have different views of the world. For me, I admire people who take risks, are independent, and have a strong work ethic. I believe bad businesses should be allowed to fail, but this isn't the same thing. This is mandated closure. It is a question of balance, and how we balance liberty vs safety, and where you are on the line between. People might call me insensitive, for being further on the side of opening small business, and being further away the safety side. And there are other costs to being too far on I either side. (eg....alchohol, drugs, suicide)
I hear ya. I happen to think barbers and hair salons will come out of this fine. They essentially have a guarantee of return customers, a security many other businesses don't have right now. At the same time, I understand they are currently hurting.

Did this happen in other countries? Since are behind China, Italy, and others... Did any of these countries see these children cases?
The numbers are not that high, but the issue could be dire. I hope they keep us informed, and hope that the cases do not increase.

News this morning indicates this is a "new reaction". Cases jumped from 50s to 70s overnight.
I'm curious about this too!

Have children been affected and we just didn't recognize it as COVID? Is it a misunderstanding that kids don't suffer from the virus? Very concerning, if so.

We actually did the drug store color on me for the first time ever and it wasn't nearly as bad as I anticipated. My dd did it for me, though. I don't think I'd trust myself to do it.

Two of the cashiers at my Winn Dixie were chatting it up the other morning because BOTH had spontaneously decided to do their own hair coloring the night before. All of us within ear shot thought they looked beautiful! I think diy hair color gets a bad rap.
I think so many of us are "dreaming" of our AMerican vacations. Since I am partial to New England, I KNOW you would love the trip. I lived in MA and NH for 40 years...and there is no end to the history and beauty you can find travelling in Maine, Boston, NH and VT.....

But given the above statement, my "dreams" are to finally get out to some Western States... Montana, Idaho, Washington....

We do really live in such a diverse country, don't we?
We do live in a diverse country - with so many places to visit and see within our borders.

We canceled an international trip we had planned for this summer, and once we resume traveling, it will be focused on domestic destinations, and by car or train rather than plane. I don't see that happening in 2020, though. :(

I wondered at the "panic time" in mid March, when everyone had to go home and hunker down, why we all didn't just put on masks, gloves, and do social distancing at that time.

After all, we are all going back to work, doing that exact scenario. Granted, some jobs may never come back. But we would not have the unemployment rate we have now, and the wath of devastation. And I don't think that we would have had the enormous numbers of dead that were predicted.

But, it was a zero sum it, and suffer economic consequences or ignore it, and potentially suffer the huge deaths that the models predicted.

I think in retrospect we are seeing mistakes. But that's my personal opinion only. It's destroyed jobs and lives on a global basis. Pitted neighbors against neighbors, 1 800 rat me out type of stuff. I know people have died needlessly because they didn't go to the ER. Case in point:

My husband fell yesterday. He's just accident prone. Smacked his forehead on the cement. So we find out our local doctor office (it has another satellite office 25 minutes away) is closed due to CV19. Closed, completely. Stopped by an urgent care that's on the way to the ER (I was pointing that direction just in case). Closed. For some reason, the next urgent care on the route was open. Basically empty. So i didn't wait long in the car. He was checked out and okay, just a goose egg. But, geez.

I'm rambling. And annoyed.
I'm saving a lot of money too, just by not having anywhere to spend it. I'm not particularly high-maintenance but even the little I do, I'm questioning the value of it.

It's not that I don't want to put effort into looking good (I really, really want a fresh hair cut!), but it's nice not wearing make-up all the time and I personally am enjoying seeing other women without all the fussy hair and make-up. We look real.

I like seeing the women newscasters, etc, who are now doing their own hair and make up. They look professional and presentable without the overly "glam" look which adds absolutely nothing to what they are saying.

On the rare occasion I see a woman in full makeup, on a Zoom chat for example as everyone I see in real life is wearing a mask, it looks a bit odd now. imo

I hope the more natural look, while still being well- groomed, will stick around. It's nice.


Oddly, I got ready to go out the other day, full makeup, lipstick, and then, looked at my mask. Wiped off the lipstick. May as well take that out of the beauty box!

I cut my own hair, and it looks great. Doing my own pedicure, manicure. It keeps me away from close proximity with others. That much safer. I guess that I was just lazy.
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It's okay. We'll figure it out. Hubby and I are still in love and appreciation of each other. Our bond is very strong.
I truly thank God that I met and married this 73 year old heart throb of mine 30 years ago.
It's been a wild ride.

If my husband were to die tomorrow, Covit-19 or no Covit-19, there would be so many people showing up to honour him, it would be crazy.
My plan is to keep him safe and healthy! :)

Such beautiful words, Kali. I always say that love gets people through, and it seems to be your mantra as well.

I lost my husband last year...and it was some very hard and difficult years, healthwise... But I would do anything to have him back. My purpose in life for the last few years was 'keeping him alive" and I would still love to be doing that...
You made me laugh Bravo. He complains every time I spend money on my appearance - clothes, make-up, hair, etc. In his family the women are all natural - no make-up, cut their own hair, wear the same clothes for 20 years and have 2 pairs of shoes. My parents never had money when I was a kid but my mother always dressed nicely (she made all her own clothes and my clothes), styled her hair (sleeping in curlers) and put on her make-up. I learned from my mother to care about my appearance except for the past 7 weeks -
I’m glad I decided to go gray gracefully (I use that term loosely) about 6 months ago. I cut my long hair into a short bob and used that temporary root spray to help cover. If not, I’d look like a skunk right now. I do get up each morning and put on makeup as though I have some where to go. I find this self-care just helps set the tone for the day.
I think in retrospect we are seeing mistakes. But that's my personal opinion only. It's destroyed jobs and lives on a global basis. Pitted neighbors against neighbors, 1 800 rat me out type of stuff. I know people have died needlessly because they didn't go to the ER. Case in point:

My husband fell yesterday. He's just accident prone. Smacked his forehead on the cement. So we find out our local doctor office (it has another satellite office 25 minutes away) is closed due to CV19. Closed, completely. Stopped by an urgent care that's on the way to the ER (I was pointing that direction just in case). Closed. For some reason, the next urgent care on the route was open. Basically empty. So i didn't wait long in the car. He was checked out and okay, just a goose egg. But, geez.

I'm rambling. And annoyed.
I get worried about stuff like this. Any accident (or heart attack, tooth infection, etc) is now potentially far more dangerous as medical care is not as secure as we are used to.

THAT is exactly why the drastic measures were put in place - to protect our health-care system from being overloaded. If we have a handle on that in places, and it seems like we do, I personally think we can start opening up again...with a plan.

Emphasis on plan.

I think in retrospect we are seeing mistakes. But that's my personal opinion only. It's destroyed jobs and lives on a global basis. Pitted neighbors against neighbors, 1 800 rat me out type of stuff. I know people have died needlessly because they didn't go to the ER. Case in point:

My husband fell yesterday. He's just accident prone. Smacked his forehead on the cement. So we find out our local doctor office (it has another satellite office 25 minutes away) is closed due to CV19. Closed, completely. Stopped by an urgent care that's on the way to the ER (I was pointing that direction just in case). Closed. For some reason, the next urgent care on the route was open. Basically empty. So i didn't wait long in the car. He was checked out and okay, just a goose egg. But, geez. I'm rambling. And annoyed.

Most of our health care is public clinics, although they are currently closed. Instead, it's virtual care or the ER room. That's our choices right now.
I actually miss all the appointments i had and likely won't have for a long time even after lockdown is lifted. Because even if you can do it, doesn't mean you should do it, until the virus goes away or they find a vaccine for it.
Exactly. Whilst I'm sure I was infected from a work colleague I did have a hair appointment 7 days prior to getting ill. Its just possible I actually infected colleagues through that. My hairdresser had been on a course in London and there was no distancing etc in place in the salon. (This was around 14th March). I thought it was a calculated risk as numbers in my area were v low at that point, allegedly. Until you are sitting there and chatting you have no idea what risk other people have taken. I had to ask to use their hand sanitiser when I paid.

Or who is in the salon with you. We even see here that fellow sleuthers have different opinions re risk - they could feel their own risk is low, so be out and about in quite a comparably relaxed way if guidelines permit... then sitting in the chair across the salon from you. You just have to do whats right for you, at the end of the day.

Salons are still closed across the UK anyway but not sure when I will venture back either.

I feel quite ok with slightly shaggy 80s look and home touched up roots!
At least 917 federal and state lawsuits have been filed in relation to the pandemic, according to a database run by Hunton Andrews Kurth, an international law firm.

That tally is just starting, says Torsten Kracht, a partner running the project. “I can easily foresee litigation directly related to COVID-19 continuing to be filed for the next two, three years at least. It will be litigated for the next decade, likely.”
The virus has killed more Americans than the Vietnam War, raising a host of public health issues about the workplace and reopening economies. It’s caused more than 30 million people to file for unemployment benefits and triggered a $2.2 trillion stimulus bill to help faltering businesses and households.
Here’s a breakdown of the cases already piling up in the courts: Details at link.
  • Nurses are suing about a lack of personal protective equipment
  • Retail workers are suing their employers over workplace safety
  • Employees working from home could sue over working too many hours
  • Travelers are taking airlines to court over refunds for cancelled flights
  • Sports and music fans are suing ticket vendors
  • A student says she’s getting ‘overpriced bubble-gum and duct-tape substitutes’
  • Insurance policies for business shutdowns are being put to the test
  • The CARES Act has spawned lawsuits against banks
  • A wave of bankruptcy cases is expected
  • Businesses and church pastors are suing states over social-distancing rules
  • A lawsuit says children of undocumented immigrants should get stimulus checks
‘What we are confronting now is really unprecedented.’ Coronavirus-related lawsuits are about to flood the courts

I wonder if we are going to have strong statistical comparisons among countries during the Litigious Pandemic of 2020.
As we see no social distancing in the WH, this could be very bad.
I could not believe what I was seeing yesterday when Trump and the First Lady were greeting the 90 year old veterans, and neither one was wearing a mask. They didn’t shake hands but still were way too close considering the vets were definitely in a high risk group. IMO.
My legs are killing me too but I’ve never heard that as a symptom of CoVid other than the generic label body aches. My symptoms would fill a thread so I won’t list them. Just this one question. So many people of varying experience post here so someone may have heard of this. My skin feels like it’s burning hot but I don’t have a fever (tried two thermometers.) I don’t even feel like I’m running a fever, no sweating, none of the usual malaise of a fever, just skin that is hot to my touch.

Has anyone experienced this?

I know I read that muscle aches were one of the first symptoms of many patients...

I wish I could provide a link, but that would be like finding a needle in a haystack right now.
I could not believe what I was seeing yesterday when Trump and the First Lady were greeting the 90 year old veterans, and neither one was wearing a mask. They didn’t shake hands but still were way too close considering the vets were definitely in a high risk group. IMO. /QUOTE]

I believe it.
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