Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #63

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this is freaking hilarious but what about Canada?

CANADA: (speaking moistly) You thought we Canadians were good looking before, just wait to see our tossled manes and sexy "just got outta bed" look in 3 months. (ha, and you were wondering why the pressers are being done at my front door :wink wink:)
CANADA: (speaking moistly) You thought we Canadians were good looking before, just wait to see our tossled manes and sexy "just got outta bed" look in 3 months. (ha, and you were wondering why the pressers are being done at my front door :wink wink:)

:D :D :D

Yeah ... but can you beat this guy? Dr Nick Coatsworth, the deputy chief medical officer for Australia, who always does the pressers about covid. It is no wonder we are so compliant!

Our medical experts
So so much we do not know or understand yet. Learning takes patience. Which is why for the life of me, I cannot fathom this shrugging reaction I see around me and an impatience to get back to normalcy. Sure, I’d love my 2019 life back too! 2020 is a disaster! But surely we can take a collective breath for the sake of those lost/those we are trying to save and work together? I won’t sneeze boogers on you if you won’t sneeze boogers on me (wear a bleepin mask). I’ll sacrifice my nights at the theater and wear a mask so I don’t infect your kid who will infect your grandmother. Will you wear a mask so I can go to the store more safely? Businesses are thinking outside the box to open differently. Outdoor dining, outdoor fitness classes, inflatable screens outside for movie time, etc. It’s different. Different is better than dead. That’s my opinion.
<rsbm for focus>

What a great post! Working together...what a concept. And accepting that everything we’ve known And enjoyed as normal life has had to adapt to a new normal that’s different. And “different is better than dead.” Words to live by right now.
Here in the UK at least 40,000 kids will relate it to it being when they lost a beloved family relative who died before their time.
So true. It is absolutely shocking how many people died, and are still dying over here. And once it is over and done with, we will see a surge in our medical workers being diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress.. a lot of front line workers should have spent this, their final year completing medical school. People choose this line of work to save lives so to be thrust into this pandemic, with no cure and a mountain of death cannot be good for the mind. Their lives have been affected forever. We will never know their names, but they are all a Godsend X

"Arizona hospitals on Friday asked the state Department of Health Services to formally activate crisis standards of care, rarely used guidelines that would give health care providers more freedom to decide who should be treated for the coronavirus and how they should be treated.

The 14-page crisis standards for treating COVID-19 patients are a guide for dealing with scarce resources."


"The call for crisis standards by the State Disaster Medical Advisory Committee, which represents the state's major hospitals and other health care facilities, is the clearest sign to date that the out-of-control coronavirus infection is overwhelming the state’s health care resources."

Arizona hospitals want more power to decide who gets care as COVID-19 overwhelms facilities, staff
<rsbm for focus>

What a great post! Working together...what a concept. And accepting that everything we’ve known And enjoyed as normal life has had to adapt to a new normal that’s different. And “different is better than dead.” Words to live by right now.

Herein lies the problem: the folks who are causing the problems are for the most part young and they don't want to be inconvenienced: in fact they believe they are entitled to do whatever they please-to their way of thinking (obviously by their behavior)--they don't want a new normal-- and worst of all, they don't care if others are dead because of their behavior. They simply don't care. They believe (and they are right for the most part), that they are not the ones who will be dead --- I have seen comments made by some of these people referring to "old people" who are" ready to die anyway". I have read comments to the effect of why should I sacrifice the way i live my life for those vulnerable people: they can just stay home or whatever----

"Arizona hospitals on Friday asked the state Department of Health Services to formally activate crisis standards of care, rarely used guidelines that would give health care providers more freedom to decide who should be treated for the coronavirus and how they should be treated.

The 14-page crisis standards for treating COVID-19 patients are a guide for dealing with scarce resources."


"The call for crisis standards by the State Disaster Medical Advisory Committee, which represents the state's major hospitals and other health care facilities, is the clearest sign to date that the out-of-control coronavirus infection is overwhelming the state’s health care resources."

Arizona hospitals want more power to decide who gets care as COVID-19 overwhelms facilities, staff
This is what is truly sad in all of this. The public do not get to witness this side of the pandemic. But it is left to hospital workers to decide who lives and who dies in some situations. Here in the UK, my partner's Grandfather passed away in April and without naming the hospital, what we witnessed was devastating... 2 families, each with a critically ill relative, both needing intensive care, with only 1 bed available and apparently it was a no brainer. . The 35yr old patient has a better chance of survival and so the 70yr old patient must die. The families were beside themselves with 1 lot begging, the others apologizing repeatedly. All the staff were crying and it was absolutely jaw dropping. And the staff have to go home each night knowing their decisions are not only made to save lives but to end them! How heavy on the mind that must weigh X
A high percentage of the antibody tests are faulty?

Federal officials allowed distribution of COVID-19 antibody tests after they knew many were flawed

Federal officials failed to immediately stop the distribution of many COVID-19 antibody tests they knew were flawed, leading to inaccurate data about the spread of the virus. Congress is now investigating why the FDA did not review the tests it allowed to be distributed widely throughout the U.S.

60 Minutes (CBS) has done an exposé which will be aired tonight.
The US covid problem in a nutshell:

"Perched behind the counter of his cramped memorabilia shop in downtown Placerville, co-owner Lorenzo Smith isn’t about to tell his customers they have to put on a mask.

It’s a matter of principle, he isn’t convinced it’s necessary, and he doesn’t particularly care that Gov. Gavin Newsom has ordered Californians to wear them.

“Most people up here do not like the governor,” said Smith, whose shop is called Hangtown Originals. “The deal is, you have no right to tell me I have to wear a mask. I’m an American. ... I refuse to bow to anybody.”

More idiocy at link.
These High Schoolers Organized A Graduation March Where No One Wore Masks, And Now The Community Is Divided — BuzzFeed News

“Like most other graduating classes across the country, students at Mira Costa High School in Manhattan Beach, California, weren’t allowed to hold a traditional graduation ceremony because of coronavirus restrictions. So the school held a drive-thru ceremony on June 11 in which principal Ben Dale handed out diplomas to nearly 680 students as they drove up to campus in their own cars.

But after the official celebration that promoted social distancing — graduates were given masks decorated in their school’s colors — hundreds of students took part in an unsanctioned march from Hermosa Beach to Manhattan Beach as crowds of parents gathered together to take photos, clearly violating coronavirus guidelines from the CDC and causing an uproar in the community on social media.”
“A mask doesn’t help protect us.”
“I won’t be told what to do.”
“It’s an infringement on my rights as an American.”
“This is all a conspiracy.”
“It isn’t as bad as they say.”
“The numbers are exaggerated.” probably won’t meet a drunk on the road while you are driving your car. You probably won’t need to swerve to avoid him hitting you. But do you put on your seat belt just in case you need to slam on your brakes? Do you buckle your baby in her car seat? Do you make sure your grandma is buckled up in your passenger seat? Cool. Me too. Because it’s the responsible thing to do. Even though the seat belt can be annoying on your neck. Even though it’s infringing on your rights to drive your car as you see fit. Even though your kid screams and yells and hates it and tries to escape. You know it’s the smart thing to do. Doctors and scientists say buckling up is our best defense in a car crash. So we do it. We don’t take the opinion of Joe across the street. Likewise, we listen to doctors and scientists and we work together and we put on the mask until doctors and scientists come up with something better. Why is that so hard? And no, I’m not old. It will be a decade before my kids have kids. I just respect my fellow humans and try to think responsibly.
The younger generation's infection rate is what will save the world. Once these kids get sick and recover and say "my life was <blank> for THIS???" we will be back to our regular programming.
We need to change the culture in the west (mainly USA) to make mask wearing the norm. The culture will change only when the behavior adopts an attitude of empathy. Sounds simple in theory but something many seem to be struggling with.
This is what is truly sad in all of this. The public do not get to witness this side of the pandemic. But it is left to hospital workers to decide who lives and who dies in some situations. Here in the UK, my partner's Grandfather passed away in April and without naming the hospital, what we witnessed was devastating... 2 families, each with a critically ill relative, both needing intensive care, with only 1 bed available and apparently it was a no brainer. . The 35yr old patient has a better chance of survival and so the 70yr old patient must die. The families were beside themselves with 1 lot begging, the others apologizing repeatedly. All the staff were crying and it was absolutely jaw dropping. And the staff have to go home each night knowing their decisions are not only made to save lives but to end them! How heavy on the mind that must weigh X

I just can’t *like* this post. This is beyond heartbreaking. How dreadful to live for 70 years, then to be discarded like that...
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We need to change the culture in the west (mainly USA) to make mask wearing the norm. The culture will change only when the behavior adopts an attitude of empathy. Sounds simple in theory but something many seem to be struggling with.

Who are these people??? I read about them in other areas of the US but I don’t see them. They are not in my everyday life. No one here in my hometown nor at my desk job in north Jersey or on my trips to Brooklyn or a trip to the Berkshires in MA refused to wear one. It’s the norm here in the northeast, we embraced it. Glad I am in a state that recognizes the importance of social distancing and masks and has, so far, been able to control the virus.
“A mask doesn’t help protect us.”
“I won’t be told what to do.”
“It’s an infringement on my rights as an American.”
“This is all a conspiracy.”
“It isn’t as bad as they say.”
“The numbers are exaggerated.” probably won’t meet a drunk on the road while you are driving your car. You probably won’t need to swerve to avoid him hitting you. But do you put on your seat belt just in case you need to slam on your brakes? Do you buckle your baby in her car seat? Do you make sure your grandma is buckled up in your passenger seat? Cool. Me too. Because it’s the responsible thing to do. Even though the seat belt can be annoying on your neck. Even though it’s infringing on your rights to drive your car as you see fit. Even though your kid screams and yells and hates it and tries to escape. You know it’s the smart thing to do. Doctors and scientists say buckling up is our best defense in a car crash. So we do it. We don’t take the opinion of Joe across the street. Likewise, we listen to doctors and scientists and we work together and we put on the mask until doctors and scientists come up with something better. Why is that so hard? And no, I’m not old. It will be a decade before my kids have kids. I just respect my fellow humans and try to think responsibly.

Everything you mentioned is a law where I live. If masks were a temporary law, it might help. Jmo
It's possible that we aren't going to get herd immunity, which is why keeping the spread down while vaccines are developed is so important. The peer reviewed study in Nature this week indicates that there may be too many people who don't develop antibodies, and that antibody levels decrease too quickly.

Clinical and immunological assessment of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections | Nature Medicine
If a lot of people don't develop antibodies or antibodies don't last long, how well the vaccine going to work if at all? Vaccine depends on people developing antibodies after vaccine is applied. This is one sneaky virus, I am afraid.
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