Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #63

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Who are these people??? I read about them in other areas of the US but I don’t see them. They are not in my everyday life. No one here in my hometown nor at my desk job in north Jersey or on my trips to Brooklyn or a trip to the Berkshires in MA refused to wear one. It’s the norm here in the northeast, we embraced it. Glad I am in a state that recognizes the importance of social distancing and masks and has, so far, been able to control the virus.
I'm not sure but I suspect it is because we ( NY /NJ) actually saw the devastation so up close and personal. For the most part compliance is good here in NYC (if you ignore the young bar crowds). I know too many people that have had Covid-19. My daughter in Richmond doesnt know one. It's a different perspective.
Herein lies the problem: the folks who are causing the problems are for the most part young and they don't want to be inconvenienced: in fact they believe they are entitled to do whatever they please-to their way of thinking (obviously by their behavior)--they don't want a new normal-- and worst of all, they don't care if others are dead because of their behavior. They simply don't care. They believe (and they are right for the most part), that they are not the ones who will be dead --- I have seen comments made by some of these people referring to "old people" who are" ready to die anyway". I have read comments to the effect of why should I sacrifice the way i live my life for those vulnerable people: they can just stay home or whatever----

Michigan was making excellent progress in getting the virus under control and reopening the economy on a carefully-timed schedule. Due to the careless and insensitive behaviors of young people and an irresponsible owner who allowed the place to exceed patron limits, Michigan's virus numbers have gone back up :mad: I hope we can get things under control again before we end up having a surge like AZ, FL, or TX.

85 coronavirus (COVID-19) cases now tied to outbreak at East Lansing bar

COVID-19 cases associated with outbreak in East Lansing continue to rise

EAST LANSING, Mich. – Health officials are now reporting 85 coronavirus (COVID-19) cases linked to an outbreak at an East Lansing bar as of Saturday.

A notice was issued on Tuesday that 14 people who visited the restaurant between June 12-20 contracted the virus. The confirmed cases related to the outbreak site grew to 51 on Thursday and then 65 on Friday...

East Lansing bar linked to 85 positive cases of coronavirus
To me - condoms and face masks are protective coverings that, if worn properly and used consistently, can reduce the risk of transmission of disease. With condoms, it has never been as simple as just telling people to use them, and it won’t be with masks either.
We need to change the culture in the west (mainly USA) to make mask wearing the norm. The culture will change only when the behavior adopts an attitude of empathy. Sounds simple in theory but something many seem to be struggling with.

People have been beating up on certain religions and races covering their face, for a long time. I have seen people say that they won't be like that in the US (cover their faces). There are some strange attitudes that abound at this time of crisis.
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I'm not sure but I suspect it is because we ( NY /NJ) actually saw the devastation so up close and personal. For the most part compliance is good here in NYC (if you ignore the young bar crowds). I know too many people that have had Covid-19. My daughter in Richmond doesnt know one. It's a different perspective.

I know. Maybe I should answer that question someone asked upthread:

Three people I know died from Covid. A young mother, daughter of a co-worker; another co-worker’s mother passed of Covid in a nursing home in PA; a third person, a cook at my sisters restaurant died of Covid. Many others have contracted the virus.
This virus is very bizarre. It causes severe symptoms (including death) in some people and no symptoms, or very mild ones, in others. But even those with no symptoms might have lung damage. Even many experts say they have never seen a virus like this one. In lockdown, many states were doing relatively well, but many started opening too soon. And then we have a bunch of irresponsible people, who decided the virus was over and went around if it didn't exist, resulting in rising numbers of infections. How are we going to ever get rid of the virus?
I just can’t *like* this post. This is beyond heartbreaking. How dreadful to live for 70 years, then to be discarded like that...
My thoughts exactly. I found myself thinking 'who knows what that 35yr old is going to do once he is well again'. I know, I ought to look for the good in people! But what an awful predicament for medical workers to be in X
This virus is very bizarre. It causes severe symptoms (including death) in some people and no symptoms, or very mild ones, in others. But even those with no symptoms might have lung damage. Even many experts say they have never seen a virus like this one. In lockdown, many states were doing relatively well, but many started opening too soon. And then we have a bunch of irresponsible people, who decided the virus was over and went around if it didn't exist, resulting in rising numbers of infections. How are we going to ever get rid of the virus?

Through things that seemingly no-one there wants to do. Isolate the individual states. Get it under control in each of the states. Then gradually open each state back up, as and when they are ready. Suppression is the best bet at this point in time.
People have been beating up on certain religions and races covering their face, for a long time. I have seen people say that they won't be like that in the US. There are some strange attitudes that abound at this time of crisis.

I understand. But people all over the world now, including leaders of the U.K., Canada and Australia have all worn face masks, so that excuse is just absurd.
Reading about all this people infected in a bar, I don't know if bars can actually be safe at the time of pandemic. Bar was supposedly following 50% occupancy guidelines. And still so many got infected. If we are going to get hundreds of infections from bars, why open the bars at all? Nobody is going to die if they can't go to a bar. We will never get this under control if we insist on trying to going back to normal.
Half a million in lockdown as China hit by upsurge

Health officials said Sunday that Anxin county – about 150 kilometers (90 miles) from Beijing – will be “fully enclosed and controlled”, the same strict measures imposed at the height of the pandemic in the city of Wuhan earlier this year.

Now, only one person from each family will be allowed to go out once a day to purchase necessities such as food and medicine, the county’s epidemic prevention task force said in a statement.

Earlier the county had been subject to some travel restrictions, but now individuals are only allowed to leave their homes to seek medical treatment, the notice said.

Half a million in lockdown as China hit by upsurge

Health officials said Sunday that Anxin county – about 150 kilometers (90 miles) from Beijing – will be “fully enclosed and controlled”, the same strict measures imposed at the height of the pandemic in the city of Wuhan earlier this year.

Now, only one person from each family will be allowed to go out once a day to purchase necessities such as food and medicine, the county’s epidemic prevention task force said in a statement.

Earlier the county had been subject to some travel restrictions, but now individuals are only allowed to leave their homes to seek medical treatment, the notice said.

This virus is a gift that keeps on giving.
I know. Maybe I should answer that question someone asked upthread:

Three people I know died from Covid. A young mother, daughter of a co-worker; another co-worker’s mother passed of Covid in a nursing home in PA; a third person, a cook at my sisters restaurant died of Covid. Many others have contracted the virus.
I'm in healthcare..sadly I've lost count.
Through things that seemingly no-one there wants to do. Isolate the individual states. Get it under control in each of the states. Then gradually open each state back up, as and when they are ready. Suppression is the best bet at this point in time.

We tried that initially in the NY/NJ area and it didn’t work. When NYC shut down bars and restaurants, everyone came to NJ to party.

The governors of NJ/NY/CT and eastern parts of PA then decided to coordinate openings and closings to curtail the problem.

IMO the entire country should have been locked down in unison
I wonder if this virus was mostly killing young people (like 1918 flu) would a lot of them still behave as irresponsibly? Parties, bar hopping, and so on? Infections shifted to younger age, presumably because many in the younger crowd are behaving as if this virus didn't exist.
These High Schoolers Organized A Graduation March Where No One Wore Masks, And Now The Community Is Divided — BuzzFeed News

“Like most other graduating classes across the country, students at Mira Costa High School in Manhattan Beach, California, weren’t allowed to hold a traditional graduation ceremony because of coronavirus restrictions. So the school held a drive-thru ceremony on June 11 in which principal Ben Dale handed out diplomas to nearly 680 students as they drove up to campus in their own cars.

But after the official celebration that promoted social distancing — graduates were given masks decorated in their school’s colors — hundreds of students took part in an unsanctioned march from Hermosa Beach to Manhattan Beach as crowds of parents gathered together to take photos, clearly violating coronavirus guidelines from the CDC and causing an uproar in the community on social media.”
So here was a chance for the graduation class and their parents together to be the leaders in supporting the fight against the virus. Show your peers how it’s done.

But no, they only said the right thing when they got called out on social media.

“Popular stationery and planner designer Erin Condren apologized for her role in helping her children organize the event when people started to leave comments on her company’s social media posts. In a lengthy Instagram caption, Condren condemned the fact that “the event quickly got out of control ... which is unacceptable in a pandemic.”

Yeah, ya think?
I think it depends what you do during that time.

If some countries had gone into lockdown a week or two earlier, but still spent resources ensuring hospital supplies, and working on producing tests, and contact tracing, and developing a vaccine, then the initial peak would have been lower, and you'd be in a better position earlier to move into the 'mopping up' stage.

Yes, you'd still have the risk of isolated outbreaks that would need to be 'mopped up', and you have decisions to make about incoming and outgoing international traffic and mopping up small outbreaks that crop up due to incoming traffic.

Surely it would cost less money in the long run, and lives. So I do think it would have been worthwhile. That's part of the reason why it's been so devastating: because it was new and we were unprepared. We have so many more things in place now that we didn't have back in February/March (in the UK and other countries that have been on a similar Covid-19 timetable).

When it first 'started' in the UK (meaning when we noticed it starting) we were only able to test a small number of hospital patients. Now we're in a position where we can test 100,000+ a day, and anyone with possible symptoms can request a test. So if we could have reached this position without having such a high first peak, I don't see a downside to that.
Which countries have done it like this? I can think maybe Oz, NZ and South Korea? But they are having some reinfections, although small at present.
Which countries have done it like this? I can think maybe Oz, NZ and South Korea? But they are having some reinfections, although small at present.

Nothing is going to stop reinfections, until the whole world is clear of (or controlling) this scourge. I think that is what Amonet means by mopping up. We will need to mop up the spilled milk, but at least we are not fighting a huge overwhelming viral war.
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