Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #82

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Due to a failure of our society to provide services to those who need them, like women who often stay with violent men because they cannot afford to leave.

Of course any environmental stressor is going to increase those instances. (Apparently the Superbowl is one of those stressors).

That doesn't mean we abandon efforts to save lives and reduce catastrophic illness and overwhelming our health care system.

We can work to both prevent DV and protect the victim AND save lives and the health of the nation.
Best statement today.

Dr. Leana Wen, an ER physician and CNN medical analyst, tweeted that if Trump were her patient, "in unstable condition + contagious illness, & he suddenly left the hospital to go for a car ride that endangers himself & others: I'd call security to restrain him then perform a psychiatric evaluation to examine his decision-making capacity."

Inside President Trump's Walter Reed parade - CNNPolitics
I'll rehash this post from Saturday with links, basically the tests aren't going to pick up contagious people before symptoms develop:

We also know from our large post-authorization study that ID NOW demonstrates performance of 95% sensitivity and 98% specificity in people within 7 days post symptom onset.

Abbott Statement on First Family COVID-19 Diagnosis


We know that a person with COVID-19 may be contagious 48 to 72 hours before starting to experience symptoms. Emerging research suggests that people may actually be most likely to spread the virus to others during the 48 hours before they start to experience symptoms.

If you've been exposed to the coronavirus - Harvard Health

Very true. The tests aren't perfect. All the more reason for folks to wear masks and practice social distancing.
Well that is great news. Everyone must be very happy about this. I see he has tweeted at least 20 times today so I hope his improvement continues.

I'm happy he's improved but horrified and disgusted by his irresponsible and damaging comments before leaving.

What a lost opportunity. And what a slap in the face to the rest of us who don't have access to what he does.
The DC Health Department is responsible for contact tracing and they've reported being behind.

DC has no jurisdiction over the White House. The WH is federal property.

DC is governed by a mayor and City council but under the jurisdiction of Congress. Its ONLY had a mayor and City Council since 1973. Congress funds DC.

The Government of the District of Columbia operates under Article One of the United States Constitution and the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, which devolves certain powers of the United States Congress to the Mayor and thirteen-member Council. However, Congress retains the right to review and overturn laws created by the council and intervene in local affairs.
The District of Columbia Home Rule Act of 1973 devolved certain congressional powers of the District of Columbia to local government and enacted the District Charter (also called the Home Rule Charter), furthering District of Columbia home rule.

Government of the District of Columbia - Wikipedia
You agree that mask wearing is unnecessary? You think it's okay to hang out with a bunch of people, shaking hands, whispering in each other's ears hugging, all while mask-less?

Meh. I take and have taken a similar medications and much more powerful on numerous occasions. Some for long periods.

He likely only took it to prevent inflammation from taking hold and won't take it for long.

But you're not 74.

I've known many people in their 70's who, if they stay on steroids for any length of time, have cognitive effects. Something to be aware of, IMO. We had no idea of it, until one of my aunts was put on steroids (age 76) and never fully recovered cognitively. My mom's best friend had the same thing happen - and her family didn't know until after it was over.

It's worse for the 80+ crowd. So are big courses of anti-virals and antibiotics (they can bring on dementia or exacerbate it).

I wasn't speaking of people who are under 70 (much much rarer, need to be on high doses for that effect).


Has anyone posted about the WH housekeeping staff? 2 are now positive for CoVid - probably more to come.

White House housekeepers test positive for COVID-19 after virus continues to spread

Will they get regeneron ? Remdesivir?

Will we ever know?
What do you think I meant when I said that I respect the dangers of Covid and take measures to avoid getting it?

As you like to say its really not that hard to figure out.

When you said you agreed with the president, I took that to mean you agreed with him. And his actions and statements have indicated that:

1. Masks are unnecessary.
2. You're a scaredy cat if you wear masks.
3. If you work for him, you should not wear a mask around him or in or around the White House.
4. Neither he nor almost anyone around him in his administration or family or inner circle, should wear masks when attending events or being photographed.
5. It is unnecessary to avoid being in close contact with a group of various and changing people at large events, or smaller events.
6. It is okay to shake hands with multiple people, to hug them, get close to them, even if you can't immediately wash your hands.

I apologize if I misunderstood that. But that's what his actions and statements indicate and why we have such a public health crisis, IMO.
As I thought. They were all tested. So what about the accuracy of these tests?

I've posted before about this. All of these people are using the rapid tests counter to the manufacturer's explicit instructions.

They are not accurate if the person is asymptomatic (or even paucisymptomatic). They are only 94-95% accurate to begin with. But the manufacturer explicitly states that they should only be used when there are symptoms (plural).

They are not for screening asymptomatic patients. That's why the president had to get a different test (in his case, he had the results of the PCR swab test in 2 hours).

But people can test negative on those rapid tests over and over for the first week of their infection. The tests are designed for people who show up at ER's or clinics, with symptoms of cold/flu and the staff needs to know right away if it's CoVid.

It gave all of them a false sense of security (and is still being used in the same way, for many people who wish to be at big public gatherings and think they are "screened" for CoVId).

It was just a matter of time until this happened - MMW, it will happen again.

PCR/swab tests are about 99% accurate but take more than 15 minutes and require a lab.
But you're not 74.

I've known many people in their 70's who, if they stay on steroids for any length of time, have cognitive effects. Something to be aware of, IMO. We had no idea of it, until one of my aunts was put on steroids (age 76) and never fully recovered cognitively. My mom's best friend had the same thing happen - and her family didn't know until after it was over.

It's worse for the 80+ crowd. So are big courses of anti-virals and antibiotics (they can bring on dementia or exacerbate it).

I wasn't speaking of people who are under 70 (much much rarer, need to be on high doses for that effect).


Has anyone posted about the WH housekeeping staff? 2 are now positive for CoVid - probably more to come.

White House housekeepers test positive for COVID-19 after virus continues to spread

Will they get regeneron ? Remdesivir?

Will we ever know?

Maybe look at the trial to see that info as it is not an FDA approved treatment.
But you're not 74.

I've known many people in their 70's who, if they stay on steroids for any length of time, have cognitive effects. Something to be aware of, IMO. We had no idea of it, until one of my aunts was put on steroids (age 76) and never fully recovered cognitively. My mom's best friend had the same thing happen - and her family didn't know until after it was over.

It's worse for the 80+ crowd. So are big courses of anti-virals and antibiotics (they can bring on dementia or exacerbate it).

I wasn't speaking of people who are under 70 (much much rarer, need to be on high doses for that effect).


Has anyone posted about the WH housekeeping staff? 2 are now positive for CoVid - probably more to come.

White House housekeepers test positive for COVID-19 after virus continues to spread

Will they get regeneron ? Remdesivir?

Will we ever know?

Yes, I'm not older. But I think the risks of a few days on the drug are far outweighed by how it could ravage a man like him.

He's leaving the hospital. He has top notch care. I think he will be fine. Many others in his position (age and health) would likely be in the ICU right now, as health care workers struggle to allow oxygen to get to their brains.
When you said you agreed with the president, I took that to mean you agreed with him. And his actions and statements have indicated that:

1. Masks are unnecessary.
2. You're a scaredy cat if you wear masks.
3. If you work for him, you should not wear a mask around him or in or around the White House.
4. Neither he nor almost anyone around him in his administration or family or inner circle, should wear masks when attending events or being photographed.
5. It is unnecessary to avoid being in close contact with a group of various and changing people at large events, or smaller events.
6. It is okay to shake hands with multiple people, to hug them, get close to them, even if you can't immediately wash your hands.

I apologize if I misunderstood that. But that's what his actions and statements indicate and why we have such a public health crisis, IMO.

You can 7. If you are a reporter and you wear a mask to a presidential presser, you have to take your mask off to speak to him.

and 8. It's okay to use a test that's designed only for symptomatic people, in order to screen asymptomatic people (where it doesn't work).
And it mocks the work of so many public health nurses, contact tracers, who work hours to contact people, tirelessly working overtime without pay, taking Covid very seriously. Explaining the importance of isolation, testing, quarantine.

It is outrageous and very disappointing. Minimizing Covid is not going to help this message.

Trump irresponsibly continues downplaying Covid-19 as he tweets he will leave the hospital - CNNPolitics

No. I mean just be calm, sincere and sober about the risks and what to do to lower those risks. The faster we have leadership that can do that, the faster we can get our economy back on track and prevent more death and catastrophic illness.
Trump did what? "Don't tell anyone."

President Trump didn’t disclose a positive result from a rapid test for Covid-19 on Thursday while awaiting the findings from a more thorough coronavirus screening, according to people familiar with the matter.

Mr. Trump received a positive result on Thursday evening before making an appearance on Fox News in which he didn’t reveal those results. Instead, he confirmed earlier reports that one of his top aides had tested positive for coronavirus and mentioned the second test he had taken that night for which he was awaiting results.

“I’ll get my test back either tonight or tomorrow morning,” Mr. Trump said during the interview. At 1 a.m. on Friday, the president tweeted that he indeed had tested positive.

Mr. Trump also asked one adviser not to disclose results of their own positive test. “Don’t tell anyone,” Mr. Trump said, according to a person familiar with the conversation.

Mr. Trump and his top advisers also aimed to keep such a close hold on the early positive results that his campaign manager, Bill Stepien, didn’t know that Hope Hicks, one of the president’s closest White House aides, had tested positive on Thursday morning until news reports later that evening, according to a person familiar with the matter. The Trump campaign said Friday evening that Mr. Stepien had tested positive.

Trump Didn’t Disclose First Positive Covid-19 Test While Awaiting a Second Test on Thursday
Trump did what? "Don't tell anyone."

President Trump didn’t disclose a positive result from a rapid test for Covid-19 on Thursday while awaiting the findings from a more thorough coronavirus screening, according to people familiar with the matter.

Mr. Trump received a positive result on Thursday evening before making an appearance on Fox News in which he didn’t reveal those results. Instead, he confirmed earlier reports that one of his top aides had tested positive for coronavirus and mentioned the second test he had taken that night for which he was awaiting results.

“I’ll get my test back either tonight or tomorrow morning,” Mr. Trump said during the interview. At 1 a.m. on Friday, the president tweeted that he indeed had tested positive.

Mr. Trump also asked one adviser not to disclose results of their own positive test. “Don’t tell anyone,” Mr. Trump said, according to a person familiar with the conversation.

Mr. Trump and his top advisers also aimed to keep such a close hold on the early positive results that his campaign manager, Bill Stepien, didn’t know that Hope Hicks, one of the president’s closest White House aides, had tested positive on Thursday morning until news reports later that evening, according to a person familiar with the matter. The Trump campaign said Friday evening that Mr. Stepien had tested positive.

Trump Didn’t Disclose First Positive Covid-19 Test While Awaiting a Second Test on Thursday

This story is much ado about nothing. Rapid test results give false positives and false negatives all the time, so one would not expect the President of the United States to mention that the results of the rapid test that was immediately followed by a PRC test - which the President was transparent about during his interview with Hannity on Thursday night while he was waiting for the test results. As soon as he received the results, he let everyone know at 1 a.m. His telephone interview with Hannity was completely transparent, I listened to it/watched it live on Thursday night. So we all knew then that there was a good possibility that his PCR test would be positive, which was confirmed at 1 a.m. by the President, himself.
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