Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #83

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I don't see it being about blame. I see it as being about the facts of what happens when there is no/little protection from the virus.

All measures need to be used, in the current situation there. IMO
Until we get a vaccine we have no protection against this virus.

Wearing masks and social distancing are mitigation. JMO
A third of U.S. states are reporting higher coronavirus case counts than they've ever had before.

A USA TODAY analysis of Johns Hopkins data shows 16 states set records for new cases in a week. But nearly all states are surging: 41 states had worse weeks than they did a week earlier. And an analysis of COVID Tracking Project data shows that in 36 states, a higher rate of people were testing positive than in the week before.

While the data continues to show the virus' reach is not letting up, the head of the World Health Organization said achieving herd immunity by allowing the virus to spread is "scientifically and ethically problematic."

"Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it," WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus said Monday, adding that the strategy relies on vaccination.

COVID news: Dustin Johnson; Johnson & Johnson vaccine trial
A third of U.S. states are reporting higher coronavirus case counts than they've ever had before.

A USA TODAY analysis of Johns Hopkins data shows 16 states set records for new cases in a week. But nearly all states are surging: 41 states had worse weeks than they did a week earlier. And an analysis of COVID Tracking Project data shows that in 36 states, a higher rate of people were testing positive than in the week before.

While the data continues to show the virus' reach is not letting up, the head of the World Health Organization said achieving herd immunity by allowing the virus to spread is "scientifically and ethically problematic."

"Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it," WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus said Monday, adding that the strategy relies on vaccination.

COVID news: Dustin Johnson; Johnson & Johnson vaccine trial

Montana adds 615 COVID-19 cases, 28 more hospitalizations; active cases near 6,000

There are six cases now at the Veterans home in Columbia Falls. They have canceled all events at the Metra Park in Billings until after November 7th. (Interesting that is after the election).

They may as well, since hospitals are at capacity in many places. They will probably have to put up a field hospital soon, at the arena.
Montana adds 615 COVID-19 cases, 28 more hospitalizations; active cases near 6,000

Through Oct. 2, Montana had COVID-19 cases at a combined 104 assisted living or long term care facilities in the state, according to an epidemiological analysis and report published by DPHHS earlier this week.

Those outbreaks through Oct. 2 had been associated with 690 cases and 93% of the 58 deaths in the state associated with congregate settings.

For the week of Sept. 26 through Oct. 2, the state had a test positivity rate of 10%, compared to 4% in July and about 5% in August. The test positivity rate for September was 8%, according to a DPHHS interim epidemiological analysis published Thursday.

Montana adds 615 COVID-19 cases, 28 more hospitalizations; active cases near 6,000
21 days? I think that the 17
days makes an usually long time. JMO

We don’t know when she got her results. She likely didn’t announce to the media immediately. Erhaps she used regular healthcare so waited 2 days for results. Perhaps she waited until she had a fever, as many do. That’s usually about 10 days post exposure.

14 days. But those are just averages and guesses. Was her husband tested? 17 days is not impossible, or perhaps from asymptomatic husband.

if not then DC has an even wider problem.
Leslyn Hall says she and her husband plan to stock up on groceries later this month. At the back of her mind are concerns about disruptions in supplies if there’s another COVID-19 surge, as well as potential unrest surrounding the Nov. 3 presidential election.

Hall isn’t alone in her plans to stock up her pantry this fall. Slightly more than half of Americans in a recent poll from Sports and Leisure Research Group, Engagious and ROKK Solutions, say they already have or plan to stockpile food and other essentials. The chief reason: fears of a resurgent pandemic, which could lead to disruptions such as new restrictions on businesses.

Grocery chains are stocking up on supplies ahead of the winter months to ensure they can meet demand as COVID-19 cases increase, as well as the holidays, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Toilet paper: COVID second wave fears spur grocery stockpiling
She was sitting right next to positive Kellyanne Conway also. Here's everyone at the White House Rose Garden SCOTUS event now called a likely 'superspreader.' Help us ID them all. has photo/list.

Jeez, looking at those folks and who was where, it's surprising the Rose Garden nominee for supreme court isn't on quarantine. Also, her kids are sitting right next to all those positive folks and were in private meetings with these folks.

ETA: Nevermind, the quarantine timeframe would have been over before the hearings started yesterday.
She has reportedly had it previously.
I went to Aldi yesterday, regional NSW and sometimes I look around for the possibly tell tale signs of a shortage, or not.

The nappies and baby wipes shelves were stripped bare, with only one narrow shelf of nappies there.
The Nescafe coffee was gone the fortnight before that but that's back in. Hmmm maybe I should have bought two jars, maybe five.

I guess that's how a shortage could begin!

Leslyn Hall says she and her husband plan to stock up on groceries later this month. At the back of her mind are concerns about disruptions in supplies if there’s another COVID-19 surge, as well as potential unrest surrounding the Nov. 3 presidential election.
For those planning to get the vaccine when it's available, will you feel comfortable going without a mask afterwards? I don't like wearing my masks but I'm afraid they've become my 'security blanket'. I may have to wean off them slowly.
I will be guided by the regulations. If we still have to wear masks in shops and on public transport, then even with a vaccine, we will still have to do it unless government declare those vaccinated can go without. That would be strange to see if masks would then indicate non vaccinated persons. We got our flu jabs last week and I will get the Covid one as soon as it is available.
I like my mask. Really, it is so much more hygienic, especially in the winter, cold and flu season. I am glad I can wear one every day to work. My boss would have never let me wear a mask before. And some of the places I have worked, (prisons, homeless shelters) I used to put on extra perfume before entering.

Also, now, with the ongoing craziness I have to deal with every day in our new "normal", I can say, "WTF" all day long in my mask. I can't even begin to tell you the weird, bizarre stuff that happens now, on a routine basis, in what used to be a boring job.

This so made me laugh, because it sounds just like me, LOL !
No matter where she was exposed. Someone wasn't doing something right to protect her. And probably she was not protecting herself either.

There was a lapse in mask wearing/hand hygiene/social distancing/isolating by someone somewhere for this to happen.


Not necessarily. As we know it can be spread by persons who do not know they even have it, like a member of one's own family or workplace.
Found this site that monitors UK flu and Covid numbers

Weekly national flu reports: 2019 to 2020 season

Outbreak Reporting 817 acute respiratory outbreaks have been reported in week 39 in the UK. 153 outbreaks were from care homes where 96 tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. 306 outbreaks were from educational settings where 210 tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. 30 outbreaks were from hospitals where 28 tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. 4 outbreak was from prisons where 3 tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. 207 outbreaks were from workplace settings where 144 tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. 34 outbreaks were from food outlet/restaurants where 25 tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. 83 outbreaks were from the Other Settings category where 45 tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.

My summary Flu/CV
Care homes 153/96
Educational settings 306/210
Hospitals 30/28
Prisons 4/3
Workplace 207/144
Food outlets/restaurants 34/25
Other 83/45
Total 817/551

Sort of gives us an idea where to avoid. Prison looks like one of the safest places.
Article from the BBC that explains why London is on Tier 1.

Coronavirus: Latest figures for London

Below is a table of local authority areas in London showing how many people have tested positive for coronavirus in the week leading up to 8 October and whether the number is on the rise.


The chart below shows the changing rate of confirmed Coronavirus cases across London since the start of March.

A technical glitch meant 15,841 cases between 25 September and 2 October were originally left out of the UK daily case figures.

Over that same week the number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in London jumped by 1,461 confirmed cases to more than 4,800.

The week before cases had increased by 1,488 confirmed cases.


Deaths of patients with Coronavirus in London have dropped drastically from a peak in early April


For a more detailed look at coronavirus where you live, use the BBC's postcode checker: (see link above)

Also found this link that tracks hospitalizations and ventilator numbers.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK

Last updated on Tuesday 13 October 2020 at 4:01pm

Healthcare in

Latest available data
Patients admitted
655Value: 655 — Abstract information: Daily number of COVID-19 patients admitted to hospital, reported on Friday, 9 October 2020.
Click for additional details.

148,839Value: 148839 — Abstract information: Cumulative total number of COVID-19 patients admitted to hospital, reported on Friday, 9 October 2020.
Click for additional details.

Patients in hospital
4,367Value: 4367 — Abstract information: Number of COVID-19 patients currently in hospital, reported on Sunday, 11 October 2020.
Click for additional details.

Patients on ventilation
Last edited:
I'm not sure why Denver news isn't covering it. Here's Aspen.

Colorado’s coronavirus test positivity rate rises above 5%, hospitalizations surge

As of Tuesday, Colorado’s three-day average positivity rate — the percentage of total tests coming in positive — was 5.4%, and the state recorded 1,000 newly confirmed cases both Saturday and Monday, the highest daily numbers recorded during the pandemic, Polis said.

Colorado’s coronavirus test positivity rate rises above 5%, hospitalizations surge
Two news stations finally covered it tonight. One actually made it sound like a concern. I guess if it gets bad enough they’ll have to. :(
Drugmaker Pfizer says it's planning to start testing its COVID-19 vaccine on children as young as 12.

This will be the first coronavirus vaccine trial to include children in the United States.

The vaccine research center at Cincinnati children's hospital says teens aged 16 and 17 will get the vaccine this week.

Kids between the ages of 12 and 15 will be enrolled in the trial later.

Coronavirus Updates: Pfizer to begin testing vaccine on children
She was sitting right next to positive Kellyanne Conway also. Here's everyone at the White House Rose Garden SCOTUS event now called a likely 'superspreader.' Help us ID them all. has photo/list.

Jeez, looking at those folks and who was where, it's surprising the Rose Garden nominee for supreme court isn't on quarantine. Also, her kids are sitting right next to all those positive folks and were in private meetings with these folks.

ETA: Nevermind, the quarantine timeframe would have been over before the hearings started yesterday.

Nominee and husband have had covid in the past. But pretty sure kids have not.
Montana adds 615 COVID-19 cases, 28 more hospitalizations; active cases near 6,000

There are six cases now at the Veterans home in Columbia Falls. They have canceled all events at the Metra Park in Billings until after November 7th. (Interesting that is after the election).

They may as well, since hospitals are at capacity in many places. They will probably have to put up a field hospital soon, at the arena.

Are hospitals in your more heavily populated cities at capacity? Or smaller rural hospitals?
Outdoor Covid-19 transmission rare, but mask up anyway, experts say

"Almost all documented coronavirus transmissions of Covid-19 coronavirus have occurred indoors, but experts say that wearing a mask outside is justified because there is still a risk of infection.

The likelihood of catching the virus increases at events where people stand near each other and talk for long periods of time, such as parties or sports events."

I think the safety of being outside is probably overemphasized without explaining it's not impossible and if you spend long periods outside with someone infected it's still not risk free. I think too often it's presented as almost magically safe, like the virus just disappears if you are outside. And since we do almost no tracking or tracing in the US we can't really say where things are originating anyway.

I have friends that went camping recently and were outside with 5 families. 3 families (not just 3 individuals) got covid. 1 family had already had it this spring and didn't get reinfected that time.
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