Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #85

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@anneg my husband had that flu too, it turned into bronchitis and walking pneumonia. Both of us were barely functioning. I don't remember that the kids were sick. But honestly, I don't remember much. It was a blur of three very miserable months. December, January, February. 1995.
@anneg my husband had that flu too, it turned into bronchitis and walking pneumonia. Both of us were barely functioning. I don't remember that the kids were sick. But honestly, I don't remember much. It was a blur of three very miserable months. December, January, February. 1995.

It sounds awful to be so sick for such a long time and having to take care of your children when you were so miserable. Perhaps you had the same new strain of flu that caused such severe illness in NY during that period due to people having no immunity to it.

I'm really hoping we can avoid such infections (and of course, Covid) this winter by staying home, masking, distancing, and hand washing.
More than 83,000 COVID-19 cases were confirmed Friday, which beat the previous daily record set during the summer surge.

"If 95% of the country wore masks, by the end of February it could save about 130,000 lives."

4 minutes

Agree completely, but you're speaking to the choir. No national plan. Fifty states doing fifty different things. And even cities doing different things. Various LE not willing to enforce masks. Not giving honest statistics in some areas. Those who believe in rights and freedom and/or are disbelievers are not wearing masks . State courts ruling in favor of no mandates. Businesses posting masks required but unwilling to enforce. Absolutely no answer to this. All we can say is the maskless either do not care if they infect others or they do not believe facts.
Iowa numbers today: As of 10:00-11:00 a.m., we had 1,908 new confirmed cases for a total of 114,463 confirmed cases of which 87,449 had recovered (+922). IMO of the new confirmed cases today, 753 are adults (18-40 yrs.) and 182 are children (0-17 yrs.).
I honestly have not been paying attention to the other age groups, but time permitting will do so. I know the IDPH has 41-60 as middle age, 61-80 as older, and 81+ as elderly. As of today, there are more adults and middle aged individually than children, older, and elderly combined who have had the virus. 101 were hospitalized in the last 24 hrs. for a total of 545 (new daily record).
There are 27,014 active confirmed cases. Oct. 24: Nearly 2,000 new cases in Iowa, hospitalizations continue to rise I am getting my info. about age groups from here: Iowa COVID-19 Information
And, in Wisconsin, expect another court challenge, despite numbers soaring. What's wrong with these people?

“It’s always hard to predict political behavior, but if it’s consistent with the past, then I guess we would expect to have a challenge in the court,” Evers said. “

Gov. Tony Evers on Tuesday directed the state Department of Health Services to issue a new statewide order limiting the size of crowds at bars, restaurants and other public spaces in an effort to address surging COVID-19 cases across Wisconsin.

The order, which goes into effect at 8 a.m. Thursday and remains in place until Nov. 6...

Evers’ chief legal counsel, Ryan Nilsestuen, said the order will be enforced by local officials and violating the order could result in a $500 civil forfeiture.

New statewide order limits crowds at bars and restaurants as COVID-19 surges in Wisconsin
All United House of Prayer buildings ordered closed over ‘grave’ COVID-19 concerns — The Charlotte Observer

“All United House of Prayer for All People buildings in Mecklenburg County were ordered closed Saturday over “grave concerns” about the ongoing spread of COVID-19 linked to the church.

Health Director Gibbie Harris said she ordered the buildings closed beginning at 10 a.m. Saturday after 121 confirmed cases of the virus and at least three deaths were linked to the church. A fourth death is under investigation, Harris said at a morning news conference.

The “abatement of an imminent hazard” order announced Saturday will remain in effect until midnight Nov. 5. It appears to be the first time the county has used such an order from the health director to force compliance during the coronavirus pandemic.”

“The church “failed or refused” to ensure social distancing and other COVID-19 preventive measures, it said.

Church leaders won’t provide a list of attendees so health officials can conduct contact tracing and notify people that they may have been exposed, Harris said. Cases may have spread to five states, according to the order, which doesn’t name the states.”


They should lose their Registered Charity status too.
Mass. Tops 1,000 New Coronavirus Cases for First Time Since May
Massachusetts confirmed eight new deaths and 1,128 more coronavirus cases Saturday, as the numbers from the Department of Public Health show a continued increase in the number of cases being reported in the state this fall.
The cases reported Saturday mark the first time the state has crossed the 1,000 mark since May 24, and the most in a single day in the commonwealth since May 16, when 1,152 new cases were confirmed.
There have now been 9,616 confirmed deaths and 146,023 cases, according to the Department of Public Health. The percentage of coronavirus tests coming back positive, on average, ticked up slightly to 1.5%, according to Saturday's report.
The number of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 decreased slightly to 551. Of that number, 114 were listed as being in intensive care units and 45 are intubated, health officials said.

Here in Massachusetts, Winthrop residents are being urged to get tested after the town identified two COVID-19 clusters, the health director said Saturday.
Twenty-two new cases of the virus have been tied to social events, as of Saturday, town officials confirmed. Anyone who visited either the Winthrop Elks or the Pleasant Park Yacht Club between Oct. 15-18 is asked to quarantine and get tested for COVID-19.
“It’s vital that anyone who visited either establishment during that time period to get tested as soon as possible and stay home until you receive your results,” Public Health Director Meredith Hurley said in a statement. “We take matters like this seriously, and will continue to work diligently with state public health officials to complete the contact tracing process."
There is discussion today on our morning TV about this ...... radicalisation that is happening due to the extreme right taking advantage of the pandemic. Very scary stuff.

"Some of the circumstances of COVID have contributed to an increase in radicalisation, in particular because of the amount of time individuals are spending in isolation or working from home or not in school I suppose, working remotely, the amount of time individuals are spending online.

Ms Cook said anti-government sentiment being expressed around the world in response to lockdowns and other public health measures was "amplifying some of the extreme views", while speculation about the origins of COVID-19 was fuelling racist views.

She said the way in which extreme right-wing extremists were using the internet to recruit the "young and vulnerable" was similar to the methods deployed by Islamic State at its peak, adding the strategy was being used "to good effect".

The concern is being heightened by extreme right-wing groups increasingly attracting people from a military background who know how to use weapons, as well as a younger membership who aren't displaying obvious signs of their extremism.

ASIO's case load jumps as pandemic fuels far-right extremism
"We are at a critical juncture in the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in the northern hemisphere. "

"The next few months are going to be very tough, and some countries are on a dangerous track.
Too many countries are seeing an exponential increase in cases and that's now leading to hospitals and ICUs running close or above capacity, and we're still only in October."

"We urge leaders to take immediate action, to prevent further unnecessary deaths, essential health services from collapsing, and schools shutting again."

"We have seen many times from around the world that it is never too late for leaders to act and turn the outbreak around."


.... data provided to Guardian Australia by three states – New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia – offers some important insights into Covid-positive returning travellers.

The state of NSW - 873 Covid-positive travellers who arrived in the state were returning Australian nationals.
110 (12.6%) began their journey in Pakistan, 94 (10.8%) in the US, 93 (10.7%) in India and 75 (8.6%) in the UK. A further 125, or 14.3%, of overseas-acquired cases in NSW had been on a cruise ship.

The state of WA - 51 were infected in the UK, 13 in Afghanistan, nine in Canada, nine in Indonesia and nine in the US.

The state of Victoria - 236 cases among returning travellers had been diagnosed.

In WA - Eight of those cases were considered “flight-associated” while a further three were possibly flight-associated, the study found.
The analysis of travellers on the flight “builds a strong case for flight-associated transmission,” the paper concluded.
...most of the secondary infections were in persons seated at the window, two of whom denied ever leaving their seat during the flight. This finding was unanticipated given the widely held view that persons in window seats are at lower risk for exposure to an infectious pathogen during flight.”

Planes, ships and hotel quarantine: how Australia is tracking where Covid cases come from
Please, please, please let this be true.....Daily Mail is reporting information from an NHS trust that the NHS has been told to prepare for a mass staff vaccination plan within weeks. Presumably this is the Astrazeneca/Oxford Uni vaccine which I believe is due to release data about its large scale trial very soon in November. Does the UK government already know that the data is positive? I so want this so we can at least protect the staff and get the health service functioning again so it can start to reach all the people suffering with cancer, strokes and heart problems whose treatment has been so disrupted.
'Coronavirus vaccine in weeks' for NHS workers | Daily Mail Online
I feel like we are really heading into a crisis situation and our government is missing in action. Sorry to be in panic mode, but I would at least like to hear some kind of admission about what is happening in the U.S. Wishful thinking is nice and all, but at some point we have to face a serious reality. I hope I'm overstating things, but it does not feel good. MOO

I don’t think you are overstating things at all. We are on our own. Dr Fauci is one of the few (or only ones) keeping it real on MSM.

From your link, I’ve been saying this for months about post-election civil unrest:

“It doesn’t matter who gets elected,” founder Roman Zrazhevskiy said of his new customers. “They think that no matter who wins, Biden or Trump, there are going to be people who are upset about the result.”

Americans Are Frantically Buying Military Gear Before the Election

“Stay home, Stay safe“ takes on new meaning.
HHS Secretary Azar: Why Operation Warp Speed is a Made-in-America story
When we launched Operation Warp Speed (OWS), the unprecedented effort to produce and deliver safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines to Americans in record time, skeptics questioned the viability of such an undertaking.

The goals we set were optimistic and unprecedented. But it is now highly credible that OWS will have produced up to 100 million doses of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine doses, made in America, by the end of 2020—twelve months from the publishing of the viral sequence.

Advances in science are the foundation for this progress. But the broader set of requirements for ultimate success—unwavering leadership, ingenuity, determination, the commitment of enormous resources, exceptional logistical infrastructure, and public-private collaboration—can be assembled only in America.

For instance, one key way we’re accelerating the vaccine timeline without skipping any of the critical safety and efficacy steps is by investing in industrial-scale manufacturing of vaccine candidates while clinical trials continue to gather data.

This is almost never done in drug development because it would make so little business sense to invest in making a product that there’s a chance you can never use. But in a unique public-private partnership, this step has the chance to save huge numbers of lives.

Not only has manufacturing work begun; it’s begun on an industrial scale for all six OWS-supported vaccines. More than 23 manufacturing facilities across the U.S. have already been augmented and scaled up with support from OWS.
I need some guidance--my husband feels sick--says he feels chills, temp 99.6
runny nose---we wear masks always when we go to the grocery store or doctor's
office-- i make him wash his hands alot, but sometimes i am not around to
make sure he does it--- it could be a cold--should he get tested? i am concerned
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