Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #88

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That makes a lot of sense and you're probably right -- it's probably a combination of a number of things. Maybe the contact tracers could stand to brush up on their approach a bit--to put the people they contact at ease.

I'm guessing a contact tracer contacts an infected person and requests information about the people they've been in contact with. If there are any sorts of fines or punishments, I could see the infected person not complying because he/she didn't want to get a friend in trouble. That's a virtue instilled in most of us from childhood--not to tattle--not to get someone in trouble.

But, I'm only guessing that people are getting in trouble--I may be way off. I get where a small percentage of people might be undermining the contact tracers, but 74% seems huge. I do hope, however, that those who have been contacted take it upon themselves to notify their friends personally so those friends can be on the watch for symptoms and take extra precautions.

I believe that information given to contact tracers is covered by confidentiality laws.
No reason for a person to think they or others will get in trouble.

All aspects of case investigation and contact tracing must be voluntary, confidential, and culturally appropriate.
Minimum professional standards for any agency handling confidential information should include providing employees with appropriate information and/or training regarding confidential guidelines and legal regulations.
Health Departments

Principles for interactions with a person exposed to COVID-19:
  • Ensure and protect confidentiality.
  • Demonstrate ethical and professional conduct.
  • Create a judgement-free zone.
  • ....... (more)
Health Departments
I believe that information given to contact tracers is covered by confidentiality laws.
No reason for a person to think they or others will get in trouble.

All aspects of case investigation and contact tracing must be voluntary, confidential, and culturally appropriate.
Minimum professional standards for any agency handling confidential information should include providing employees with appropriate information and/or training regarding confidential guidelines and legal regulations.
Health Departments

Principles for interactions with a person exposed to COVID-19:
  • Ensure and protect confidentiality.
  • Demonstrate ethical and professional conduct.
  • Create a judgement-free zone.
  • ....... (more)
Health Departments

Thanks for sharing that. That's really good to know, but now I'm wondering even more why such a high percentage of those contacted in NJ are not cooperating.
Welp I'm out

UK regulators say people who have a “significant history’’ of allergic reactions shouldn’t receive the new Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine while they investigate two adverse reactions that occurred on the first day of the country’s mass vaccination program.
UK investigates possible allergic reactions to COVID-19 shot |
The United States has recorded its most coronavirus-related deaths over a weeklong period, as a brutal surge gathers speed across the country.

The United States is approaching 300,000 total deaths, with nearly 283,000 recorded .....

The coronavirus is no longer concentrated in big urban areas like New York City and now envelops much of the country, including rural areas that had avoided it for several months.

Each day since Dec. 2, more than 100,000 Covid-19 patients were in hospitals.

Dr. Al Akhrass said people seemed more willing to accept the severity of the virus than they were in April, but that “everybody learned the hard way.”

U.S. Breaks Record for Most Deaths in a Week
:) Started taking a Vit D supplement a month of so ago
Also wearing eye protection at work
And this week I broke out my one “good” N95 (brand new and an easier to wear style) for work usage. I’m hoping it lasts thru December anyway.;)

At this time, with so much COVID raging everywhere, it's certainly possible you'd at least feel safer if you wore a mask at home. Anyway, I figure everyone's risk is higher from now until mid-January. We've started wearing masks anytime we go in the yard, even though people don't come that close to us and it is outdoors.

Maybe bump up your Vitamin D as well?
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Dr. Anthony Fauci wants people who still believe Covid-19 is a hoax to know it's real and that the US needs everyone to get behind public health measures.

.... you go to different parts of the country, and even when the outbreak is clear and hospitals are on the verge of being overrun, there are a substantial proportion of the people who still think that this is not real, that it's fake news or that it's a hoax," Fauci said.

Fauci has advised six presidents. He said he's never seen anything like this.

Vice President Mike Pence, speaking at a White House vaccine summit, also told Americans to wear their face coverings and follow other guidelines.

US Coronavirus: US has to overcome Covid-19 denial and pull together, Fauci says - CNN
Covid-19 vaccine: Allergy warning over new jab - BBC News

People who have had significant allergies are told not to get the Covid vaccine

Covid vaccine should not be taken by people who suffer from ‘significant’ allergic reactions | The Independent

NHS told not to give Pfizer vaccine to extreme allergy sufferers after two people have reaction | Coronavirus | The Guardian

Well this is a new wrinkle: I have allergies to lots of things--- that is one reason I never get vaccines- including the flu vaccine. So now i don't know what I will do. People with allergies were not recruited when this vaccine was being tested.
it’s a wonder Dr Fauci hasn’t just thrown his hands up in frustration with us (US) I mean what more will it take for people to get on board

Dr. Anthony Fauci wants people who still believe Covid-19 is a hoax to know it's real and that the US needs everyone to get behind public health measures.

.... you go to different parts of the country, and even when the outbreak is clear and hospitals are on the verge of being overrun, there are a substantial proportion of the people who still think that this is not real, that it's fake news or that it's a hoax," Fauci said.

Fauci has advised six presidents. He said he's never seen anything like this.

Vice President Mike Pence, speaking at a White House vaccine summit, also told Americans to wear their face coverings and follow other guidelines.

US Coronavirus: US has to overcome Covid-19 denial and pull together, Fauci says - CNN
Welp I'm out

UK regulators say people who have a “significant history’’ of allergic reactions shouldn’t receive the new Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine while they investigate two adverse reactions that occurred on the first day of the country’s mass vaccination program.
UK investigates possible allergic reactions to COVID-19 shot |

They say the two people are recovering well. I guess we need to see what kind of allergic reactions they had.
I’d be curious to know what they were allergic to - medicine versus food, etc.
Something to ask my allergist and PCP.

I posted an article upthread which states the following:

"People with a history of SIGNIFICANT allergic reactions should not have the Phizer Covid jab." It came after two NHS workers had allergic reaction on Tuesday. The advice applies to those who have had reactions to medicines, food or vaccines.

The people who had the reactions are said to have had an anaphylactoid reaction, which tends to involve a skin rash, breathlessness, and sometimes a drop in blood pressure.

Both workers had a history of serious allergies and carry an Epi pen with them.
My brother in law was possibly exposed to Covid at work and has symptoms. Waiting for test results and he was told to come in if his shortness of breath worsens. My sister said she had stayed awake to keep checking on him. My other other younger sister that I posted awhile back had lost 2 Covid patients over the weekend had left a message that crushed my heart and I could not sleep well. "I can't understand people...wish they could see them in the hospital struggling...I can't stand much more."
I lost my Mother in law a few days ago from cancer. Friday we are having a small gathering requiring masks. There will only be 6 people total showing. Out of her 7 children will be my husband, a brother and me with her 3 grandchildren. We will have more at a later date and are using the internet for now.
I lost my Mother in law a few days ago from cancer. Friday we are having a small gathering requiring masks. There will only be 6 people total showing. Out of her 7 children will be my husband, a brother and me with her 3 grandchildren. We will have more at a later date and are using the internet for now.

I am so sorry for your loss---these are such difficult times
Welp I'm out

UK regulators say people who have a “significant history’’ of allergic reactions shouldn’t receive the new Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine while they investigate two adverse reactions that occurred on the first day of the country’s mass vaccination program.
UK investigates possible allergic reactions to COVID-19 shot |

That's interesting, I wonder what they are allergic to. This specific vaccine does not have any preservatives. It also doesn't have any egg by products. I guess we will have to wait until the FDA approves to see in the United States what the allergen was.
That makes a lot of sense and you're probably right -- it's probably a combination of a number of things. Maybe the contact tracers could stand to brush up on their approach a bit--to put the people they contact at ease.

I'm guessing a contact tracer contacts an infected person and requests information about the people they've been in contact with. If there are any sorts of fines or punishments, I could see the infected person not complying because he/she didn't want to get a friend in trouble. That's a virtue instilled in most of us from childhood--not to tattle--not to get someone in trouble.

But, I'm only guessing that people are getting in trouble--I may be way off. I get where a small percentage of people might be undermining the contact tracers, but 74% seems huge. I do hope, however, that those who have been contacted take it upon themselves to notify their friends personally so those friends can be on the watch for symptoms and take extra precautions.

All contact tracers are bound by strict confidentiality requirements, and can not even reveal via whom the contact got exposed. There are no fines, etc. that I’m aware of.

Re: putting people at ease, CTs are required to be nonjudgmental, empathetic, helpful, culturally sensitive. In fact, in one CT training course, there was a whole chapter on “cultural humility”. The role of a CT is not just to inform the contact about exposure, but also check in on them regularly wrt their symptoms, provide them with support, provide them with guidance. These guidances range from helping provide caregiver services for those whom a contact may be taking care of, to laundry services, etc., whatever help this person needs to remain quarantined.

I saw they were doing this in Wisconsin as well, lobby and parking garage.
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I lost my Mother in law a few days ago from cancer. Friday we are having a small gathering requiring masks. There will only be 6 people total showing. Out of her 7 children will be my husband, a brother and me with her 3 grandchildren. We will have more at a later date and are using the internet for now.

I'm sorry for your family's loss and the restrictions on gathering that make such losses even harder.
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