Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #90

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Good morning.

Several points to get to today after watching two long PCs last night. More coffee required.

First, Cuomo addresses the Parcare vaccine scandal. The investigation has been handed over to NY Attorney General Letitia James. There will be strong penalities, including criminal charges and fines, for anyone who attempts to defraud the vaccine prioritization and distribution process.

Cuomo announces stricter penalties for COVID-19 vaccine fraud as ParCare Community Health Network denies wrongdoing

“Gov. Andrew Cuomo says anyone who engages in coronavirus vaccine fraud could face up to a $1 million fine and lose their license.
The governor's announcement came after ParCare Community Health Network reportedly obtained coronavirus vaccine doses fraudulently.
Investigators say some of the doses, meant for health care workers and the elderly, may have went to the general public.“


“The majority of the vaccines have been given back to the state as a criminal investigation is underway.“

“On Saturday, New York State’s health commissioner, Dr. Howard Zucker, announced an investigation into the clinics, which he said “may have fraudulently obtained Covid-19 vaccine, transferred it to facilities in other parts of the state in violation of state guidelines and diverted it to members of the public.”

“We take this very seriously, and D.O.H. will be assisting state police in a criminal investigation into this matter,” he said.”

Did These New York Clinics Ignore Rules on Who Gets Vaccinated First?

“New York Attorney General Letitia James said her office is opening an investigation into ParCare over the allegations.

"My office is launching an investigation into ParCare over allegations that it wrongfully distributed and administered COVID-19 vaccines," James said. "In order for the vaccine to be most effective in protecting our communities, we must all follow the same distribution plan. We will not tolerate any attempts to circumvent that process."“

Coronavirus NY: State will fine $1M for coronavirus vaccine fraud
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WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 28 December 2020

28 December 2020 | transcript source | full conference

Good morning, good afternoon and good evening.

This week marks the one-year anniversary since WHO learned of cases of ‘pneumonia with unknown cause’ via a bulletin issued by the health authorities in Wuhan and ProMed.

We immediately set up an incident management structure to follow this development.

This is a moment for all of us to reflect on the toll the pandemic has taken, the progress we have made, the lessons we have learned, and what we need to do in the year ahead to end this pandemic.

For the past year, WHO and our partners have worked relentlessly to support all countries as they respond to the virus.

Staff have worked around the clock to accelerate science, provide solutions on the ground and build solidarity.

Science is at the core of everything we do and it has advanced at a blistering speed this year.

If we rewind to the start of 2020, it was on 10 January that WHO published its first comprehensive package of guidance documents for countries, covering topics related to the management of an outbreak of a new disease.

The next day, WHO received the full genetic sequences for the novel coronavirus from China.

By 13 January, WHO published its first protocol for a diagnostic test by a WHO partner lab in Germany to detect the virus.

By mid-January, our international technical expert networks were engaged and meeting by teleconference to share first hand knowledge with the new novel coronavirus and similar respiratory viruses, such as MERS and SARS.

And WHO convened the Strategic Technical Advisory Group for Infectious Hazards and the Global Alert and Response Network.

By the end of the month, 30 January, I declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, WHO’s highest level of alert under global health law.

And by the start of February, WHO was shipping diagnostic tests around the world so that countries could detect and respond effectively.

On 4 February, WHO released the first global preparedness and response plan for COVID-19 based on the latest scientific evidence.

At the same time, WHO was connecting scientists, funders and manufacturers from across the globe together to accelerate research on tests, therapeutics and vaccines.

In mid-February, WHO’s longstanding research and development blueprint group brought hundreds of experts from more than 40 countries together to plot out a COVID-19 research roadmap.

This was based on years of work on other infectious diseases including SARS, MERS and Ebola.

The roadmap subsequently developed, covered all technical areas from the animal human interface through to the development of vaccines and was set up to ensure maximum coordination and collaboration as the world tested, trialed and rolled out new health tools.

This included the Solidarity Trial, an international clinical trial that generated robust data quickly to determine the most effective treatments.

And by March, WHO was planning the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator, which was launched with partners in April.

The ACT-Accelerator is a historic collaboration to further hasten the development, production and equitable access to vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics for COVID-19 as part of an overarching endgame strategy.

And it has worked.

Good news came in June as initial clinical trial results from the UK showed dexamethasone, a corticosteroid, could be lifesaving for patients severely ill with COVID-19.

By September, new antigen based rapid tests had been validated and the diagnostic pillar of the ACT-Accelerator had secured millions of them for low- and middle-income countries.

And then the shot that rang out around the world was the release of positive vaccine news from multiple candidates, which are now being rolled out to vulnerable groups.

New ground has been broken not least with the extraordinary cooperation between the private and public sector in this pandemic and in recent weeks, safe and effective vaccine rollout has started in a number countries, which is an incredible scientific achievement.

This is fantastic but WHO will not rest until those in need everywhere have access to the new vaccines and are protected.

Throughout the pandemic, we have released and updated technical guidance and trainings based on the latest science and best practice from countries.

We’ve then disseminated it through all our channels, including more than 130 press briefings like this one.

And our regional and country offices have kept local populations up to date.

We’ve worked with thousands of brilliant scientists from around the world to build global solidarity; engaging with our critics and calling repeatedly for all stakeholders to quarantine any politicization of the pandemic and focus on what really matters: accelerating science to save lives and end this pandemic.

We learn something new every single day.

Sometimes good, sometimes challenging, sometimes down right surprising, but all helpful.

There will be set backs and new challenges in the year ahead. For example, new variants of COVID-19 and helping people who are tired of the pandemic continue to combat it.

At present, we are working closely with scientists all over the world to better understand any and all changes to the virus and how these changes affect its ability to spread or make people sick, or any potential impact on available tests, treatments and vaccines.

Specifically we are working with scientists in the UK and South Africa who are carrying out epidemiologic and laboratory studies, which will guide next steps.

Science drives our actions.

I would like to thank both those countries for testing and tracking new variants and underscore the importance of increasing genomic sequencing capacity worldwide.

This means the prompt sharing of epidemiological, virological, and full genome sequence information with WHO and other countries and research teams, including through open-source platforms such as GISAID and others.

Only if countries are looking and testing effectively will you be able to pick up variants and adjust strategies to cope.

We must ensure that countries are not punished for transparently sharing new scientific findings.


I’m so humbled to work with scientists, epidemiologists and public health experts in WHO and around the world.

And today I’m joined by four of the best to look back and look forward.

First, Professor Quarraisha Abdool Karim from the Centre for AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa.

The floor is yours professor.


Thank you so Professor Abdool Karim for those reflections.

And now to Dr. Dan Barouch from the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, in Boston, US.

Dr. Barouch the floor is yours.


Thank you, Dr. Barouch for sharing those thoughts.

And now my friend Professor David Heymann from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and chair of the WHO STAG-IH. My friend, Professor Heymann, the floor is yours.


Thank you, Professor Heymann for your insights.

And now Professor Marion Koopmans who is Head of the Department of Viroscience at Erasmus in the Netherlands.

Professor the floor is yours.


Thank you, Professor Koopmans for such a wonderful wrap up.

I would once again like to thank Professor Abdool Karim, Dr Barouch, Professor Heymann and Professor Koopmans.

Thank you all so much for your amazing presentations.

Amazing to think of what has been achieved in the last year and to consider what we can achieve in the year ahead.


As the year closes and people around the world raise a toast to mark both the passing of the year and the dawn of a new one, let me raise a toast to science; may we share its results – especially the vaccines - fairly and equitably in the year ahead and together end this pandemic!

Happy New Year and I thank you.

Before I hand over for questions, I also want to thank the ACT-Accelerator partners, GOARN partners, the Emegency Medical Team members, member states, collaborating centers, advisory groups and expert networks for working with us.

None of us can end a pandemic by ourselves but together we will end this pandemic.

And thanks to each and every journalist tuning into our briefings and relaying science to people around the world.

With that, thank you again, Tarik you have the floor.

Rational use of personal protective equipment for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and considerations during severe shortages
Interim guidance
23 December 2020
| COVID-19: Infection prevention and control / WASH

Evidence to recommendations: Methods used for assessing health equity and human rights considerations in COVID-19 and aviation
23 December 2020
| COVID-19: Travel, Points of Entry and Border Health

COVID-19 Global Risk Communication and Community Engagement Strategy
December 2020 — May 2021
23 December 2020
| COVID-19: Risk communication and community engagement
WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 28 December 2020

28 December 2020 | transcript source | full conference

Good morning, good afternoon and good evening.

This week marks the one-year anniversary since WHO learned of cases of ‘pneumonia with unknown cause’ via a bulletin issued by the health authorities in Wuhan and ProMed.

We immediately set up an incident management structure to follow this development.

This is a moment for all of us to reflect on the toll the pandemic has taken, the progress we have made, the lessons we have learned, and what we need to do in the year ahead to end this pandemic.

For the past year, WHO and our partners have worked relentlessly to support all countries as they respond to the virus.

Staff have worked around the clock to accelerate science, provide solutions on the ground and build solidarity.

Science is at the core of everything we do and it has advanced at a blistering speed this year.

If we rewind to the start of 2020, it was on 10 January that WHO published its first comprehensive package of guidance documents for countries, covering topics related to the management of an outbreak of a new disease.

The next day, WHO received the full genetic sequences for the novel coronavirus from China.

By 13 January, WHO published its first protocol for a diagnostic test by a WHO partner lab in Germany to detect the virus.

By mid-January, our international technical expert networks were engaged and meeting by teleconference to share first hand knowledge with the new novel coronavirus and similar respiratory viruses, such as MERS and SARS.

And WHO convened the Strategic Technical Advisory Group for Infectious Hazards and the Global Alert and Response Network.

By the end of the month, 30 January, I declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, WHO’s highest level of alert under global health law.

And by the start of February, WHO was shipping diagnostic tests around the world so that countries could detect and respond effectively.

On 4 February, WHO released the first global preparedness and response plan for COVID-19 based on the latest scientific evidence.

At the same time, WHO was connecting scientists, funders and manufacturers from across the globe together to accelerate research on tests, therapeutics and vaccines.

In mid-February, WHO’s longstanding research and development blueprint group brought hundreds of experts from more than 40 countries together to plot out a COVID-19 research roadmap.

This was based on years of work on other infectious diseases including SARS, MERS and Ebola.

The roadmap subsequently developed, covered all technical areas from the animal human interface through to the development of vaccines and was set up to ensure maximum coordination and collaboration as the world tested, trialed and rolled out new health tools.

This included the Solidarity Trial, an international clinical trial that generated robust data quickly to determine the most effective treatments.

And by March, WHO was planning the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator, which was launched with partners in April.

The ACT-Accelerator is a historic collaboration to further hasten the development, production and equitable access to vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics for COVID-19 as part of an overarching endgame strategy.

And it has worked.

Good news came in June as initial clinical trial results from the UK showed dexamethasone, a corticosteroid, could be lifesaving for patients severely ill with COVID-19.

By September, new antigen based rapid tests had been validated and the diagnostic pillar of the ACT-Accelerator had secured millions of them for low- and middle-income countries.

And then the shot that rang out around the world was the release of positive vaccine news from multiple candidates, which are now being rolled out to vulnerable groups.

New ground has been broken not least with the extraordinary cooperation between the private and public sector in this pandemic and in recent weeks, safe and effective vaccine rollout has started in a number countries, which is an incredible scientific achievement.

This is fantastic but WHO will not rest until those in need everywhere have access to the new vaccines and are protected.

Throughout the pandemic, we have released and updated technical guidance and trainings based on the latest science and best practice from countries.

We’ve then disseminated it through all our channels, including more than 130 press briefings like this one.

And our regional and country offices have kept local populations up to date.

We’ve worked with thousands of brilliant scientists from around the world to build global solidarity; engaging with our critics and calling repeatedly for all stakeholders to quarantine any politicization of the pandemic and focus on what really matters: accelerating science to save lives and end this pandemic.

We learn something new every single day.

Sometimes good, sometimes challenging, sometimes down right surprising, but all helpful.

There will be set backs and new challenges in the year ahead. For example, new variants of COVID-19 and helping people who are tired of the pandemic continue to combat it.

At present, we are working closely with scientists all over the world to better understand any and all changes to the virus and how these changes affect its ability to spread or make people sick, or any potential impact on available tests, treatments and vaccines.

Specifically we are working with scientists in the UK and South Africa who are carrying out epidemiologic and laboratory studies, which will guide next steps.

Science drives our actions.

I would like to thank both those countries for testing and tracking new variants and underscore the importance of increasing genomic sequencing capacity worldwide.

This means the prompt sharing of epidemiological, virological, and full genome sequence information with WHO and other countries and research teams, including through open-source platforms such as GISAID and others.

Only if countries are looking and testing effectively will you be able to pick up variants and adjust strategies to cope.

We must ensure that countries are not punished for transparently sharing new scientific findings.


I’m so humbled to work with scientists, epidemiologists and public health experts in WHO and around the world.

And today I’m joined by four of the best to look back and look forward.

First, Professor Quarraisha Abdool Karim from the Centre for AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa.

The floor is yours professor.


Thank you so Professor Abdool Karim for those reflections.

And now to Dr. Dan Barouch from the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, in Boston, US.

Dr. Barouch the floor is yours.


Thank you, Dr. Barouch for sharing those thoughts.

And now my friend Professor David Heymann from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and chair of the WHO STAG-IH. My friend, Professor Heymann, the floor is yours.


Thank you, Professor Heymann for your insights.

And now Professor Marion Koopmans who is Head of the Department of Viroscience at Erasmus in the Netherlands.

Professor the floor is yours.


Thank you, Professor Koopmans for such a wonderful wrap up.

I would once again like to thank Professor Abdool Karim, Dr Barouch, Professor Heymann and Professor Koopmans.

Thank you all so much for your amazing presentations.

Amazing to think of what has been achieved in the last year and to consider what we can achieve in the year ahead.


As the year closes and people around the world raise a toast to mark both the passing of the year and the dawn of a new one, let me raise a toast to science; may we share its results – especially the vaccines - fairly and equitably in the year ahead and together end this pandemic!

Happy New Year and I thank you.

Before I hand over for questions, I also want to thank the ACT-Accelerator partners, GOARN partners, the Emegency Medical Team members, member states, collaborating centers, advisory groups and expert networks for working with us.

None of us can end a pandemic by ourselves but together we will end this pandemic.

And thanks to each and every journalist tuning into our briefings and relaying science to people around the world.

With that, thank you again, Tarik you have the floor.

Rational use of personal protective equipment for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and considerations during severe shortages
Interim guidance
23 December 2020
| COVID-19: Infection prevention and control / WASH

Evidence to recommendations: Methods used for assessing health equity and human rights considerations in COVID-19 and aviation
23 December 2020
| COVID-19: Travel, Points of Entry and Border Health

COVID-19 Global Risk Communication and Community Engagement Strategy
December 2020 — May 2021
23 December 2020
| COVID-19: Risk communication and community engagement

Everytime I read the WHO reports, I am amazed at some of the smooth working relationships with soooo many countries, and how important scientists in so many countries are transparent and sharing their data.

And I just get so angry.

Today, we in the States are facing problem after problem with the vaccine rollouts. Our Feds just had no PLANS for the rollout. A doctor today compared it to waiting for a "shipment of 1,000,000 pieces of Ikea furniture--only to find out that it had to be put together." Frustrations in the medical profession are mounting so high, as seen in this article below:

Brown expert Jha 'incredibly frustrated' by slow COVID vaccine rollout

And I do know that you, like I, am really worried about the lack of knowledge that we have about the new strains and lack of genome sequencing information we have available in the US. We are in a disgustingly vulnerable position regarding this new strain, as we enter the deeper winter months, and it should be making us all so angry--and maybe even very very scared.

"So why is America behind?

Part of the answer lies in a systemic lack of pandemic preparedness. A new report by an independent task force at the Council on Foreign Relations concludes that the United States government’s response to COVID-19 was “deeply flawed.” Across the board, we failed as a nation to respond in a coordinated fashion."

This article just appeared a couple of hours ago, and combined with the stellar WHO information, the US is just looking so bad.
Why we are losing the COVID-19 detection game

Per WHO today: This means the prompt sharing of epidemiological, virological, and full genome sequence information with WHO and other countries and research teams, including through open-source platforms such as GISAID and others.

Reading the summary from WHO just really got me so ---beyond angry... I've turned daily news off, maybe I have to stop reading as well.....

goin outside to de-fume.

Multiple countries report UK SARS-CoV-2 variant cases

Good news from Dr. Maria, so far, knock on wood/ BBM in red (adding to variant notes):

“Scientists rush to see how variants behave
At a World Health Organization (WHO) briefing today, Maria Van Kerkhove, PhD, the group's technical lead for COVID-19, said the WHO is in touch with UK officials daily and that researchers were working over the holidays on lab studies to learn more about the variant viruses, including antibody response. She said a new case control study from the UK suggests that there are no differences in hospitalizations, case-fatality rates over 28 days, or reinfections.

Van Kerkhove also said South African researchers are currently growing the virus to enable neutralization and other studies and that officials are also examining the epidemiology of illnesses involving the new variant.

"Lab studies take time, and we expect more info on both in the coming days and weeks," she said.

In a Dec 23 preprint study, researchers from the UK estimated that the variant is 56% more transmissible, which is likely to lead to a large increase in incidence, with hospitalizations and deaths likely to reach even higher levels. However, they didn't find clear evidence that the variant's severity is any different than those of existing viruses.

In wake of variants, cases soar in UK and South Africa
Meanwhile, the UK today reported a new record single-day high of 41,385 cases. In a statement, Yvonne Doyle, MD, MPH, Public Health England's (PHE's) medical director, said, "This very high level of infection is of growing concern at a time when our hospitals are at their most vulnerable, with new admissions rising in many regions." A few days ago PHE said lateral flow tests can detect the new UK variant.

In South Africa, where cases area also soaring, President Cyril Ramaphosa today announced new restrictions on gatherings, a new curfew, and a ban on alcohol sales," according to the BBC. He said the country is at a dangerous point in the pandemic and that hospitals and medical centers are reporting large rises in admissions.

WHO officials today emphasized that reducing transmission gives the virus fewer opportunities to change and that making the best use of current measures such as physical distancing, face masks, and now vaccination can help reduce the spread of the variant viruses. Van Kerkhove said the variant developments are another wake-up call that the world needs even more resolve to battle COVID-19. "I know we are all fed up, but we can't lose this battle now," she said. "We need to put in the work to reduce risk everywhere we can."”

Estimated transmissibility and severity of novel SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern 202012/01 in England

A novel SARS-CoV-2 variant, VOC 202012/01, emerged in southeast England in November 2020 and appears to be rapidly spreading towards fixation. We fitted a two-strain mathematical model of SARS-CoV-2 transmission to observed COVID-19 hospital admissions, hospital and ICU bed occupancy, and deaths; SARS-CoV-2 PCR prevalence and seroprevalence; and the relative frequency of VOC 202012/01 in the three most heavily affected NHS England regions (South East, East of England, and London). We estimate that VOC 202012/01 is 56% more transmissible (95% credible interval across three regions 50-74%) than preexisting variants of SARS-CoV-2. We were unable to find clear evidence that VOC 202012/01 results in greater or lesser severity of disease than preexisting variants. Nevertheless, the increase in transmissibility is likely to lead to a large increase in incidence, with COVID-19 hospitalisations and deaths projected to reach higher levels in 2021 than were observed in 2020, even if regional tiered restrictions implemented before 19 December are maintained. Our estimates suggest that control measures of a similar stringency to the national lockdown implemented in England in November 2020 are unlikely to reduce the effective reproduction number Rt to less than 1, unless primary schools, secondary schools, and universities are also closed. We project that large resurgences of the virus are likely to occur following easing of control measures. It may be necessary to greatly accelerate vaccine roll-out to have an appreciable impact in suppressing the resulting disease burden.

Read the full preprint here.


CDC | New Variant of Virus that Causes COVID-19 Detected
Updated Dec. 28, 2020

“Variant detected in multiple countries
Following the recent detection of the more-transmissible UK variant, several more countries spanning multiple continents reported their first detections over the weekend, triggering more travel bans and other related measures to slow the spread.

In North America, the Public Health Agency of Canada on Dec 26 reported two cases in Ontario, both in people who did not travel outside of Canada. The country extended its ban on flights from the UK until Jan 6.

At least 14 other countries over the past few days reported similar cases, according to official sources and media reports, including France, Japan, Denmark, South Korea, Finland, Sweden, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Lebanon, Singapore, and Australia.

Some countries also reported their first detections of a similar South African variant, including the UK and Finland.

In other variant developments, another new variant has been reported from Nigeria, according CBS News. John Nkengasong, PhD, of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said further investigation is under way by Nigerian scientists and those at the African Center of Excellence for Genomics of Infectious Diseases.”
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Everytime I read the WHO reports, I am amazed at some of the smooth working relationships with soooo many countries, and how important scientists in so many countries are transparent and sharing their data.

And I just get so angry.

Today, we in the States are facing problem after problem with the vaccine rollouts. Our Feds just had no PLANS for the rollout. A doctor today compared it to waiting for a "shipment of 1,000,000 pieces of Ikea furniture--only to find out that it had to be put together." Frustrations in the medical profession are mounting so high, as seen in this article below:

Brown expert Jha 'incredibly frustrated' by slow COVID vaccine rollout

And I do know that you, like I, am really worried about the lack of knowledge that we have about the new strains and lack of genome sequencing information we have available in the US. We are in a disgustingly vulnerable position regarding this new strain, as we enter the deeper winter months, and it should be making us all so angry--and maybe even very very scared.

"So why is America behind?

Part of the answer lies in a systemic lack of pandemic preparedness. A new report by an independent task force at the Council on Foreign Relations concludes that the United States government’s response to COVID-19 was “deeply flawed.” Across the board, we failed as a nation to respond in a coordinated fashion."

This article just appeared a couple of hours ago, and combined with the stellar WHO information, the US is just looking so bad.
Why we are losing the COVID-19 detection game

Per WHO today: This means the prompt sharing of epidemiological, virological, and full genome sequence information with WHO and other countries and research teams, including through open-source platforms such as GISAID and others.

Reading the summary from WHO just really got me so ---beyond angry... I've turned daily news off, maybe I have to stop reading as well.....

goin outside to de-fume.

I hear ya. See my above post with segment from CIDRAP. It seems numerous other countries have officially identified the new strains via their genetic sequencing/surveillance, however not a peep about new variant identification in the US yet, although I’m expecting it to break any minute with confirmation, jmo, since they are now doing the testing in LA County.

This reminds me:
In the above WHO conference, I think it is, jmo, it is also mentioned how new variants are likely to occur when/where there is increased transmission. Looking for quote, jmo.

So many reasons to do everything we can possibly do to stop the spread, and treat it as “Public Enemy #1“ as Doc T calls it, yet so many still refuse to comply and alter their behavior.

Playing with freaking fire here.
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Everytime I read the WHO reports, I am amazed at some of the smooth working relationships with soooo many countries, and how important scientists in so many countries are transparent and sharing their data.

And I just get so angry.

Today, we in the States are facing problem after problem with the vaccine rollouts. Our Feds just had no PLANS for the rollout. A doctor today compared it to waiting for a "shipment of 1,000,000 pieces of Ikea furniture--only to find out that it had to be put together." Frustrations in the medical profession are mounting so high, as seen in this article below:

Brown expert Jha 'incredibly frustrated' by slow COVID vaccine rollout

And I do know that you, like I, am really worried about the lack of knowledge that we have about the new strains and lack of genome sequencing information we have available in the US. We are in a disgustingly vulnerable position regarding this new strain, as we enter the deeper winter months, and it should be making us all so angry--and maybe even very very scared.

"So why is America behind?

Part of the answer lies in a systemic lack of pandemic preparedness. A new report by an independent task force at the Council on Foreign Relations concludes that the United States government’s response to COVID-19 was “deeply flawed.” Across the board, we failed as a nation to respond in a coordinated fashion."

This article just appeared a couple of hours ago, and combined with the stellar WHO information, the US is just looking so bad.
Why we are losing the COVID-19 detection game

Per WHO today: This means the prompt sharing of epidemiological, virological, and full genome sequence information with WHO and other countries and research teams, including through open-source platforms such as GISAID and others.

Reading the summary from WHO just really got me so ---beyond angry... I've turned daily news off, maybe I have to stop reading as well.....

goin outside to de-fume.
Just IMO only but I think one of the main issues with the USA’s lack of COVID control is the lack of a public healthcare system - a centralized system. I’m sorry to say it but that’s what I believe.
Significant excerpts from Dr. Mike / worth a listen imo / not exactly what I was wanting to hear wrt “eradication” (part 2), but I appreciate his comments as always:

Part 1 / see video for full reference/context:

“This is not necessarily the big one.”
“These threats will continue.”
“The planet is fragile, we live in an increasingly complex global society...”
“This is a wake up call.”
“We need to get ready for something which could be even more severe in the future.”

Part 2:


See full comments for reference/context.

Vaccines are to minimize the impact and severity of the disease.

“The existence of a vaccine, even at high efficacy, is no guarantee of eliminating or eradicating an infectious disease. That is a very high bar for us to be able to get over. “
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‘Bring in the bells at home as coronavirus cases are rising’

Nicola Sturgeon is urging Scots to stay at home this Hogmanay as she warned coronavirus cases are rising.
The First Minister issued a reminder that level four restrictions are now in place across mainland Scotland to suppress a variant strain of the deadly virus.

“It is especially vital that we do not mix indoors with other households, including at Hogmanay.
“Please plan to bring in 2021 at home with your own household.”
Now, I’ve been hearing varying figures on what percentage of the population actually needs to be vaccinated in order to achieve herd immunity. First I heard 60%, then 70%, then even more than that.

I was relieved to hear someone else (Cuomo) noticed the same thing | source

“The Bills and the New York State Department of Health continue to work together to develop a pilot plan that would allow the Bills to operate. Now this is not just about attending a football game. I want people to understand we are trying to find a way to reopen businesses and use our technology to reopen businesses. It is not going to be an option for us to keep the economy closed until the vaccine hits critical mass. The experts are talking about hitting critical mass on the vaccine, herd immunity, maybe June. Some say September. Some are now saying the end of the year by the way and the percentage of the population that has to be vaccinated keeps changing also. It started at about 60 percent and I want to talk about 70 percent, now it's about 80 percent. Some people are saying as high as 90 percent. That is going to take many months. If you wait to hit critical mass for the vaccine, you are talking about closing the economy for six, nine, 12 months going forward. If it goes to 12 months, that means a longer period than since this began. That is not possible. It's not possible economically, psychologically. It's just not possible.”
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Just IMO only but I think one of the main issues with the USA’s lack of COVID control is the lack of a public healthcare system - a centralized system. I’m sorry to say it but that’s what I believe.

I actually think that the problem is uncontrolled travel. Places that have the virus under control, New Zealand, Australia, do not have uncontrolled travel.

Canada has socialized medical, as do many EU countries, and they have Covid spread.
Do we assume she is Australian? Where did she come FROM?

Yes, we can assume she is Australian ... I'd like to know where the flight came from, as well. I have scoured every article I can find, and listened closely to the TV news about it, and no-one is saying.

The best I can find is this, from Chief Health Officer Jeannette Young .. "Genome sequencing has come back to show that she has this new variant that has been picked up in South Africa, that is thought to be more contagious," she said.
Australia records first case of 'more contagious' South African coronavirus strain in Queensland quarantine

They never tell us where the flights originate, and even if they did we all know that some Aussies are travelling many miles to get to the repatriation flights, as the flights leave from fairly central locations around the world.

One thing is for sure, we are getting MANY more infected people among the incoming repatriated Aussies. And it is scary for us. Which might be why they don't tell us where the flights originate, as there might be a public call to stop the flights.
Courtesy via @dspdenver

COVID-19 IN COLORADO: COVID-19 variant from U.K. discovered in Colorado

DENVER (KDVR) — A variant of COVID-19 first discovered in the United Kingdom has now been discovered in Colorado.

The Colorado State Laboratory said the person is a man in his 20s who is currently in isolation in Elbert County and has no travel history.

“The fact that Colorado has detected this virant first in the nation is a testament to the sophistication of Colorado’s response and the talent of CDPHE’s scientist and lab operations,” said Jill Hunsaker Ryan, executive director, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

(No surprise here, as I mentioned in an earlier post, I expected to hear this news of US confirmation at any minute.)
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Just IMO only but I think one of the main issues with the USA’s lack of COVID control is the lack of a public healthcare system - a centralized system. I’m sorry to say it but that’s what I believe.

I don't disagree on one level.... Countries with universal healthcare have managed programs, distribution and EXPECTATIONS better. However, we have grown up with the knowledge that the US is highly capable of major programs and very complex infrastructures.

The lack of assimilating of tracking, tracing and researching the ongoing disease changes are not because we don't have universal healthcare, but because we have not built the consolidated infrastructure to follow through and be accountable....with anything.

My image of the IKEA furniture being dumped into the States still stands....

Dr Ashith Jha, from Brown University:
"The federal government created Operation Warp Speed to deliver vaccines to states. The amount of vaccine doses shipped to states has been lower than initially expected - dropping from estimates this fall of 100 million in December to recent updates of 20 million by early January - Jha noted, "But this is really not the worst part.

"The worst part is no real planning on what happens when vaccines arrive in states. No plan, no money, just hope that states will figure this out," he wrote.

Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, says he's 'incredibly frustrated' with the slow rollout of the coronavirus vaccines. He blames the federal government for not planning better and working more closely with the states on the "last mile" of getting vaccines into arms.
State health departments, typically underfunded, have been left to administer the vaccines, Jha wrote. There was "no effort" from the federal government to help states "launch a real vaccination infrastructure," he wrote. He suggested that the federal government should have started planning vaccination sites in October or November.

"The real issue is there was never a last mile plan," Jha said in the podcast. "There was never a plan to figure out how do we get vaccines from the states into people's arms."
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