Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #97

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Gather round the campfire for some
Delta instead of s’mores?

Sounds like an outdoor event and people falsely thinking it was safe?

I haven’t seen much about Moderna and breakthrough.

Right on. I made a post a number of days ago about NOT seeing more comparisons of the breakthroughs of Pfizer vs. Moderna.
I think we really need to see this.
Thankfully the horse is uninjured. Too bad the horse didn't retaliate with his hooves. My late horse would have head-butted him.

The horses are so brave, and really protective of their personal police people.
The horses stand shoulder to shoulder and form a barrier, then move forward and force the crowded (mostly unmasked) fools to retreat and disperse.
Such an integral part of police operations like this. When we look at all of the comments under the Mounted Police FB post, we see how much the horses are loved and admired by everyone.

The two people involved in hurting the police horse have been arrested and have been refused bail.
NSW Police Force
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I’m not seeing much difference in breakthrough cases with regard to the brand of vaccine. I don’t know what the ratios are for UK jabs but of the dozen or so adults that I know with Covid recently it’s about 50/50 Pfizer /AZ*. One friend was dead cocky about getting double jabbed with Pfizer, but she’s the one that’s been most ill with it. She’s less cocky now.

* not much date for Moderna or J&J here, they’ve not been used anywhere near as much as the main two.
Right on. I made a post a number of days ago about NOT seeing more comparisons of the breakthroughs of Pfizer vs. Moderna.
I think we really need to see this.

This. I had a dreadful summer "cold" that wiped me out for two weeks. Pfizer vaccine. My husband, who sleeps right next to me, every night, Moderna, didn't even get a sniffle. I am not around that many other people...but it seemed odd to me that he didn't catch my "cold", which sounds more and more like a Covid variant.
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Hot Vax Summer :eek:

Fully vaccinated mom catches COVID-19 after kids summer camp — Business Insider

“After more than a year of careful masking, distancing, and worrying about getting COVID-19, Hilary Young was fully vaccinated with mRNA shots, and ready to have some fun this summer with her family.

"We were having a hot vax summer, and it got derailed," Young told Insider, after both she and her six-year-old daughter tested positive for COVID-19.

The illnesses began after Young's daughters attended a summer camp the week before the July 4th weekend.

One of the girls' counselors went home sick early on in the week. It wasn't until Friday that campers and their parents learned she'd tested positive for COVID-19.

By then, it had already been three days, and Young's daughters weren't showing any symptoms, so they went ahead to join extended family at the beach for the holiday.

"We figured, 'OK, even if the kids are sick, we'll all be fine, it'll be fine, we're all vaccinated,'" she said.

All weekend, her three-year-old was "crazy cranky."

"Lots of meltdowns, lots of tantrums, very tired, but no discernible symptoms," she added.

By Monday evening, her six-year-old felt fatigued. She later developed a low-grade fever, headache, runny nose, and some nausea.

Some older adults in the beach house started feeling unwell too, with fatigue, and sore throats.

"There were six [fully] vaccinated adults in the house," Young said. "Four of us felt symptoms."

My symptoms seemed exactly like a cold," Young said. "If we hadn't known about my daughter's counselor testing positive, we never would have assumed it was COVID. We never would've gotten tested. And we would have gone out into the world."

Geez, like you wouldn’t suspect Covid? After sending unvaccinated kids to a summer camp that suddenly have symptoms that resemble Covid? And then think it’s ok to expose them to other people in a vacation house? Plus all the people you encounter?

It’s no wonder cases are on the rise.
Is one vaccine dose enough if you’ve had COVID? What the science says

Studies show that people with previous exposure to SARS-CoV-2 tend to mount powerful immune responses to single shots, and gain little added benefit from another injection.

What’s more, for people with immunity gained through infection, one dose typically boosts antibody numbers to levels that are equal to, or often greater than, those found in individuals who have not been infected and have received double doses.

France, Germany and Italy, among other countries, now advise only one dose of vaccine for people with a healthy immune system and a confirmed previous diagnosis.
Is one vaccine dose enough if you’ve had COVID? What the science says

Studies show that people with previous exposure to SARS-CoV-2 tend to mount powerful immune responses to single shots, and gain little added benefit from another injection.

What’s more, for people with immunity gained through infection, one dose typically boosts antibody numbers to levels that are equal to, or often greater than, those found in individuals who have not been infected and have received double doses.

France, Germany and Italy, among other countries, now advise only one dose of vaccine for people with a healthy immune system and a confirmed previous diagnosis.

Very interesting! I wonder if people having breakthrough covid infections are getting a boost in their antibodies. I'd think so. But I don't think I'll try to get a breakthrough infection in any case. ;)
French rush to get vaccinated after president’s warning

PARIS (AP) — More than 1 million people in France made vaccine appointments in less than a day, according to figures released Tuesday, after the president cranked up pressure on everyone to get vaccinated to save the summer vacation season and the French economy.

Some bristled at President Emmanuel Macron’s admonition to “get vaccinated!” immediately, but many people signed up for shots, accepting that getting injected was the only way to return to some semblance of pre-pandemic life.
French rush to get vaccinated after president's warning
@MimosaMornings I had the same thing a month ago. But, no one really was saying anything...except..."If you are vaccinated you don't have to wear a mask.". Okay.

There was an article about Summer Colds, and that more people would get, shrug, dang, I got a summer cold. I thought about Covid, but I don't even think that they are testing here any longer. ?

I wonder...but I don't know. But it has only been in the last two weeks or so that the media has been saying vaccinated cases of covid are happening. I can totally see how this family thought that they all had bad colds...just like me.

Here is the article I read...note the date, about 6 weeks ago. The news now is completely different information.

Is It a Summer Cold or COVID-19? Doctors Explain the Difference
@MimosaMornings I had the same thing a month ago. But, no one really was saying anything...except..."If you are vaccinated you don't have to wear a mask.". Okay.

There was an article about Summer Colds, and that more people would get, shrug, dang, I got a summer cold. I thought about Covid, but I don't even think that they are testing here any longer. ?

I wonder...but I don't know. But it has only been in the last two weeks or so that the media has been saying vaccinated cases of covid are happening. I can totally see how this family thought that they all had bad colds...just like me.

Here is the article I read...note the date, about 6 weeks ago. The news now is completely different information.

Is It a Summer Cold or COVID-19? Doctors Explain the Difference
Good article! Thank you
Hope you’re feeling much better!
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Interesting article about breakthrough infections:
What Vaccinated People Should Really Know About the Delta Variant’s Threat to Them

The New COVID Panic
What vaccinated people should really know about their risk from the delta variant.
Susan Matthews July 21, 20212:58 PM

Couple of excerpts:

The most important thing to realize is that breakthrough cases are going to continue to surface in our lives. “The goal was never to eradicate COVID from being annoying—it was to eradicate it from being a killer,” said Dara Kass, an emergency medicine physician in New York. (She emphasized, again, that the vaccines are very good at doing the latter.) And so even while you have likely heard that breakthrough cases are “rare,” that’s a subjective assessment that is probably worth adjusting upward. There hasn’t been a firm percentage available beyond these vague characterizations—and the CDC is only tracking breakthrough cases that result in hospitalization or death, a decision a Harvard doctor called “disappointing” on the medical school’s blog. But medical professionals are starting to think about this more and more, and the suspicion is that they will happen with increasing frequency—and we shouldn’t be surprised when we do.


Kass’ perspective felt novel to me: She said she suspects that in the end, a lot of people are going to end up boosting their immunity by suffering through a mild case of COVID. So no one should feel that bad about getting sick after they’re vaxxed. What matters is getting the order right: “If everyone who gets vaccinated still gets COVID but doesn’t die, that’s a success,” she said. The issue is that it doesn’t feel like a success for vaccinated people. Plus, “if you get infected after you’re vaxxed, it’s all you talk about,” she said. And right now, that’s understandably freaking out a lot of vaccinated people who thought they were in the clear.
With all respect to your post GRT, I have not seen a "majority of Scientists stating that covid-19 likely, jumped from animals to humans."
If you've got a link stating that, I honestly would like to see it.
It is very difficult for me to believe that Covid-19 came from a lab in the USA. If it did, common sense would show America being hit first with this illness. It was not. It is well documented that the Chinese were infected well before America. therefore, I rule the USA out of this disaster.

We don't yet know if it was caused by "idiots playing around with a virus," but there's a chance that happened.

According to a majority of scientists, however, it likely jumped from an animal to humans. Investigations are underway, but it may be years until we find out--unless they pinpoint the animal before then.

China's behavior leaves a lot to be desired--just two days ago they again refused to comply with a WHO request. Even if the Chinese lab is innocent, they're making themselves look bad, so that's naturally going to gin-up suspicions.
My original post discussed how very angry I am about this virus, and the fact that I do not believe ANY country should be playing around with viruses that can wipe out the innocents of the human race.
In my opinion, this virus is a curse. Not only has it killed over 4 million people, but it is like and octopus with far reaching tentacles that have destroyed people's livelihoods. As I personally am trying to navigate through this disaster as a small business owner, yeah, I get angry.
I don't let my anger at this situation consume me. There's not much I can do about Covid-19 except vaccinate myself, family and inspire my staff to do the same.
I am not a complacent kind of girl. Never have been. Yeah, this virus is an enemy, in my book.

But, this didn't have to come from a Chinese lab--if it turns out to be chimeric--it could have come from a US lab.

Whether it's zoonotic or chimeric, I'd like to see an international ban at this point on GoF research.
All I see, is that the goal posts keep moving on Covid. First, we were told "everything is fine, no one needs to wear a mask". Then, it was, "everyone needs to wear a mask all of the time". Next, it was, "get a vaccine, you will be fine, and can throw away your mask.".

Now, it is yet another narrative..."Well, we never expected the vaccines to work 100%.".

It is a new story about Covid and variants every day...which to me, means that they don't know Jack about Covid.
Rep. Chris Johansen, a Republican legislator from the Aroostook County town of Monticello who has been an outspoken opponent of coronavirus restrictions, has reportedly contracted COVID-19.

“Listen up, I’ve got COVID and I’m really, really sick and I just don’t have time to talk to you today.”

The lawmaker’s wife, Cindy Johansen, who is the corresponding secretary-officer for the Aroostook County Republicans, shared on social media that she is sick with COVID-19.

Neither Chris Johansen nor his wife have received a coronavirus vaccination.

Maine Lawmaker Who Opposed Coronavirus Restrictions Reportedly Has COVID-19
Hearing more and more talk about boosters from around the world ....

Australia has signed a deal with Pfizer to acquire 85 million COVID-19 booster shots in 2022 and 2023.
The booster doses will be made available to people who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as an additional shot to protect against new strains.
Here's your wrap of today's COVID news from around Australia

The growing consensus that at least some Americans will need a booster is partly tied to research suggesting that Pfizer’s vaccine is less effective after about six months.

Israel began offering a third Pfizer dose to citizens with severely weakened immune systems on July 12.
Biden Officials Now Expect Vulnerable Americans to Need Booster Shots

The UK meanwhile are on track to roll out their booster shots for those over 50 as early as September.
Australia secures another 85 million doses of the Pfizer Covid vaccine to be used as booster jabs | Daily Mail Online
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