Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #97

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CDC poo-poohed Pfizers emergency request for boosters... I think we are beginning to see that Pfizer may be ahead on the significance of the Delta variant.

My question is "are the new boosters going to have new targets and an adjusted formula" iykwim. Like flu shots... new targets each year due to what is circulating. I am interested in such, but haven't seen MSM or reports on such.
I am not looking forward to a booster- it took all my courage to get two shots--- I will do it, but I won't like it.

You go girlfriend! Love your attitude and honesty. You have my support and thanks for overcoming your hesitation and dislike... That quote reminds me of so many things day to day I have to do as an adult........... I absolutely LOVE IT!

I will do it, but I won't like it.

In your honor, I'm going to change my message on my Avatar (if I can figure out how the heck to do it) in your (and folks like you) honor.

Others on WS may wonder WTH does that mean, but us here on this thread will know and glow!

Best wishes for good health @ilovewings

ETA: It is DONE! Message under Avatar (ha, I don't have one) is completed. I was going to give you credit within the message, but didn't know if you would appreciate if I gave attribute of the quote to you... ha!
You go girlfriend! Love your attitude and honesty. You have my support and thanks for overcoming your hesitation and dislike... That quote reminds me of so many things day to day I have to do as an adult........... I absolutely LOVE IT!

I will do it, but I won't like it.

In your honor, I'm going to change my message on my Avatar (if I can figure out how the heck to do it) in your (and folks like you) honor.

Others on WS may wonder WTH does that mean, but us here on this thread will know and glow!

Best wishes for good health @ilovewings

ETA: It is DONE! Message under Avatar (ha, I don't have one) is completed. I was going to give you credit within the message, but didn't know if you would appreciate if I gave attribute of the quote to you... ha!

awww- you are sweet- glad you like what I said----

I bumped into a friend (who I knew wasn’t vaccinated) the other day. Quick hug. I took a couple more steps back though when she told me she’d been at a festival last weekend with 2000 other people. Single mum of one child, no contact with the dad at all, very elderly parents and a very disabled brother. Despite having literally nobody who could care for her child if the worst happened, she still won’t protect herself. Crazy.
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I feel ya. I really do. Personally I’m biting my tongue now in real world scenarios.

Yeah, we must be nice, and try reasoning in a pleasant manner with those who are endangering everyone’s lives, and couldn’t care less about it. Let’s all be kind and sweet and kiss their a%ses for a few more months, while more people get sick and die.
I bumped into a friend (who I knew wasn’t vaccinated) the other day. Quick hug. I took a couple more steps back though when she told me she’d been at a festival last weekend with 2000 other people. Single mum of one child, no contact with the dad at all, very elderly parents and a very disabled brother. Despite having literally nobody who could care for her child if the worst happened, she still won’t protect herself. Crazy.
Don't hug them! It takes just seconds for delta to infect.
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Here's the thing: Since most of us here on this site are reasonably intelligent, I think we can use our own intelligence and common sense regardless of what the WHO or CDC says which is: super transmissible variant surging across the United States with more breakthrough infections than we thought we would see equals masking for vaccinated people when we go to public places (indoors) and continuing to avoid crowded places.
3 weeks ago I went to the Starbucks in my grocery store, right in the front and to the right of the entrance.
First time out without a mask, Pasadena, CA. We were permitted to do so.
On return to my car, I was verbally assaulted by a man putting his groceries in his car. He cussed me out for not wearing a mask in the store. I did not wander into the grocery, and the Starbucks employee said it was fine.
He had his mask on, as well as gloves, but I could tell he was spitting the words at me with vehemence, as my father has rage issues and I know out of control when I see and hear it. So taken aback was I that I could only think to sputter that I have been double vaxxed since February 10. He responded that he didn't give a ****, that "no one needs to see your *%$*^@* ugly face." I highly doubt he would have accosted a man in the parking lot in this manner.
Thank goodness my arsenal of cuss words was greased up and ready to go in my response. Not my finest hour, but he really rattled me. Verbal ping pong in a parking lot at 7:45am on a Friday morning.
I have been wearing my mask at work 9-6 even before the newest mandate went into effect. You cannot be too careful.

A patron came in yesterday that is on the board at Huntington Hospital. There is a special meeting tomorrow night to decide if they are going to put tents up in the parking lot for the overload of new Covid/Delta patients that are to be expected with the summer surge.
3 weeks ago I went to the Starbucks in my grocery store, right in the front and to the right of the entrance.
First time out without a mask, Pasadena, CA. We were permitted to do so.
On return to my car, I was verbally assaulted by a man putting his groceries in his car. He cussed me out for not wearing a mask in the store. I did not wander into the grocery, and the Starbucks employee said it was fine.
He had his mask on, as well as gloves, but I could tell he was spitting the words at me with vehemence, as my father has rage issues and I know out of control when I see and hear it. So taken aback was I that I could only think to sputter that I have been double vaxxed since February 10. He responded that he didn't give a ****, that "no one needs to see your *%$*^@* ugly face." I highly doubt he would have accosted a man in the parking lot in this manner.
Thank goodness my arsenal of cuss words was greased up and ready to go in my response. Not my finest hour, but he really rattled me. Verbal ping pong in a parking lot at 7:45am on a Friday morning.
I have been wearing my mask at work 9-6 even before the newest mandate went into effect. You cannot be too careful.

A patron came in yesterday that is on the board at Huntington Hospital. There is a special meeting tomorrow night to decide if they are going to put tents up in the parking lot for the overload of new Covid/Delta patients that are to be expected with the summer surge.

Sorry you went through that. Sadly there's a lot of rude people everywhere and most of them think they know everything.
3 weeks ago I went to the Starbucks in my grocery store, right in the front and to the right of the entrance.
First time out without a mask, Pasadena, CA. We were permitted to do so.
On return to my car, I was verbally assaulted by a man putting his groceries in his car. He cussed me out for not wearing a mask in the store. I did not wander into the grocery, and the Starbucks employee said it was fine.
He had his mask on, as well as gloves, but I could tell he was spitting the words at me with vehemence, as my father has rage issues and I know out of control when I see and hear it. So taken aback was I that I could only think to sputter that I have been double vaxxed since February 10. He responded that he didn't give a ****, that "no one needs to see your *%$*^@* ugly face." I highly doubt he would have accosted a man in the parking lot in this manner.
Thank goodness my arsenal of cuss words was greased up and ready to go in my response. Not my finest hour, but he really rattled me. Verbal ping pong in a parking lot at 7:45am on a Friday morning.
I have been wearing my mask at work 9-6 even before the newest mandate went into effect. You cannot be too careful.

A patron came in yesterday that is on the board at Huntington Hospital. There is a special meeting tomorrow night to decide if they are going to put tents up in the parking lot for the overload of new Covid/Delta patients that are to be expected with the summer surge.

Wow, what an unpleasant experience! I'm glad you were able to respond. I would have been shaking with anger from his attack and unable to form a sentence.

I am back to masking up in public even though supposedly I don't need to. I had thought it would be OK to continue going to our local outdoor Farmers Market without wearing a mask, but now I'm thinking, nope. I've been double vaxxed since February 3, but with the highly transmissible Delta variant surging, it's time for extra caution.

Also as an older person (70s), I'm concerned that my immunity is fading. Like @jjenny I'd prefer a booster shot rather than a "mild" case of Covid to create more antibodies.

I rather boost my immunity through a booster shot of either Moderna or Pfizer, not the "mild case of covid."
Considering almost half a country is refusing to vaccinate, give those of us who want a booster their doses as a third dose. For booster, you could use the same vaccine you already got as a third shot. You will only need one shot the third time.
Wow, what an unpleasant experience! I'm glad you were able to respond. I would have been shaking with anger from his attack and unable to form a sentence.

I am back to masking up in public even though supposedly I don't need to. I had thought it would be OK to continue going to our local outdoor Farmers Market without wearing a mask, but now I'm thinking, nope. I've been double vaxxed since February 3, but with the highly transmissible Delta variant surging, it's time for extra caution.

Also as an older person (70s), I'm concerned that my immunity is fading. Like @jjenny I'd prefer a booster shot rather than a "mild" case of Covid to create more antibodies.

I agree, I would get a booster if it would help.
Having been reading here since before the beginning of the pandemic with Margarita's excellent postings and warnings of what was to come, I was so prepared and have been leading the safety team at work implementing protocols through this. Also protecting my elderly parents.
For that man to call me out on how carefully I have played this out in my own life really shook me.
Back to square one in being proactive.
Coronavirus infections continue to fall in UK

Lots of info in this report which is making me feel a bit o_O but the big takeaway for me is that National Stats say 92% of us now have antibodies over here.

Also, for the first time during the pandemic our cases are decreasing without a lockdown coming in to play. This may change when the data since "freedom day" is gathered in but for now I'm takimg the positives.
Coronavirus infections continue to fall in UK

Lots of info in this report which is making me feel a bit o_O but the big takeaway for me is that National Stats say 92% of us now have antibodies over here.

Also, for the first time during the pandemic our cases are decreasing without a lockdown coming in to play. This may change when the data since "freedom day" is gathered in but for now I'm takimg the positives.
Maybe you guys finally reached that elusive herd immunity (vaccination+natural infection=herd immunity!)
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