Corrections Dept on BAEZ's comments!!!

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I think if I had been there when JB was complaining about not being the one who got to tell Casey about the remains belonging to her only child I would have had to scream...NEVER MIND...SHE ALREADY KNEW THAT!

I have been trying to figure out what it is that he keeps dangling like a carrot.

YES! you would think that there was nothing else to lose, Casey would start spouting everything she "knows."

If someone had kidnapped my child and then threatened to kill her if I talked ..and then they found her body...there would be NOTHING that would stop me. Nothing to lose at that point...Right?

I mean, she, herself, is guarded (LOL), tons of people at her parents house...they won't get to her parents or brother...

Totally ridiculous. :rolleyes:
I agree with you...but JB will make the motion just for "show" just like all his other motions...knowing that he will be denied. then go on his presser and insult the system. if this was poker, I'd win because I know all his cards.

I hope the People contest that motion and bring one of their own. For a gag order.
For the officals with LE to step forward to comment on Baez statement is not so much for them to discredit or bash him, but to state the correct policy LE follows.
Unless you've been in the jail system, few of us know the procedures and rules LE uses in treatment of inmates. They can't afford for the public to be misinformed about its rule and regulations.
I say expect this to become a familiar ritual with the Casey Anthony defense in the months before trial begins: blame every one and everything else for the crime and find fault in how the prosecution handles the case. Spin, Spin, Spin.
He requested to be the first notified and he was denied. Baez needs to quit stomping his feet and realize you don't always get what you want. There are procedures in place and he nor his client are above them. He through a hissy fit over getting into the crime scene, now he dosen't want to. He acts like a 2 year old :furious:.
I feel if Baez had anything, he could use for pity,or insanity he would have been pleading her case in the media. Poor damaged Casey, bla bla bla.
Did you notice(don't have the links to show it) when he was talking before the baby being found he stated "My Client , is innocent. When he gave the latest interview he said "my client says she is innocent," I believe the veil may be starting to fall for him,also the hiring of a second attorney. I believe, we will see a difference in him, after he is allowed to see the pictures of the tape on her little head. I just pray justice is served. Baez, keeps acting like after she tells her story we will all say , oh that explains it all. "We have no problem with someone not reporting her child missing for 31 days." We can understand, that after all, the child was missing , why not go out and party to keep your spirits up.
Yes Casey, your reasons make so much sense to us , you can just go now. Crazy stuff.
I understand where the Corrections Dept is coming from, but I'm thinking that maybe Baez requested LE to be the one to notify Casey and maybe someone promised they would extend this courtesy to him. Or maybe he thought he had a connection at the jail.

I wonder what particular aspect of this ticked him off? Maybe he was afraid that her reaction would be broadcast? Did he want to see for himself what her reaction would be? Does he feel he missed a "juicy part" in the book he is writing?

you mean the one's she bought at target with Amy's money? together with the shirt she was arrested in?
You know what I've been thinking about lately, the conversation with her parents when she said she would lie, steal, yada, yada...whatever it took to get her daughter back. I guess it was her way of explaining buying the clothes at Target.
Jose really should have scripted that better.
I'm glad the DOC made this statement. Not everyone is aware of their standard procedure.

As far as KC going to the funeral? I'm torn. Part of me wants her to face Cindy. I mean, if the rumors are true that Cindy had her hands around KC's throat for stealing from her grandparents; can you imagine what Cindy might do to KC now? Another part of me thinks it would be beyond disrespectful to Caylee to have KC at the funeral.

I could really care less what JB does as far as filing Motions regarding this. It seems to me he is just wasting time and taxpayer $ to create his smoke and mirrors routine. JMO
He's free? (as in pro bono)

He pretends to believe her and she knows there aren't too many people out there who do?

She's in love with him?

Let's face it, if it's Jose who is keeping her family away from visiting her in jail, it's almost like an abusive relationship. She has NO ONE but him. NO ONE.

All speculation, but it is very odd that only HE is allowed to visit her and he takes this sort of weird ownership of her, saying he didn't get the courtesy of hearing about Caylee's remains being identified first. It's creepy.

Bolding by me. I have to wonder if Casey really knows that people are not buying her story since she is pretty much kept to herself, only sees the minister and her lawyer. I don't know if she even gets to see the news, etc because she can't be in the common room with others.

Has he convinced her that everyone on the outside believes her story and that she will be found innocent? Has he bothered to go to her and say "look Casey, we are screwed if you don't come up with a better story. Give me something to work with....anything that makes sense.....anything that I can prove."

I don't have any love loss for Casey at all, but it is him or her that has decided to stay quiet and keep to the Nanny did it story?
I'm glad the DOC made this statement. Not everyone is aware of their standard procedure.

As far as KC going to the funeral? I'm torn. Part of me wants her to face Cindy. I mean, if the rumors are true that Cindy had her hands around KC's throat for stealing from her grandparents; can you imagine what Cindy might do to KC now? Another part of me thinks it would be beyond disrespectful to Caylee to have KC at the funeral.

I could really care less what JB does as far as filing Motions regarding this. It seems to me he is just wasting time and taxpayer $ to create his smoke and mirrors routine. JMO

I don't think that Casey facing Cindy would be a problem. Cindy still doesn't believe that Casey did it or if she does (I think she does), she has already reconciled this in her heart and mind and would grab her up and hug her and whisper that "everything will be alright" in her ear.

JB......don't even get me started on him.
Will it be KC or her parents? If her parents are responsible, I believe KC has to agree to assign that responsibility to them.

If KC is not allowed to attend the funeral, will the spiteful one be inclined to assign the arrangements over to her parents? Will KC want to prevent a public memorial? Or even a private family burial?

I am predicting that the fight over funeral arrangements will be the next heart-wrenching twist in this saga.
The corrections department are the people looking after his clients well being.

They can make life easy or hard for his client

Why would Jose want to insult them...?

Someday he may need an extra 5 minutes with his client or some kind of favor from them & now he'll never get it.

Not a good move on Jose's part..........What ever his thoughts were he should have kept them to himself because they may ultimately hurt him & his client
I feel if Baez had anything, he could use for pity,or insanity he would have been pleading her case in the media. Poor damaged Casey, bla bla bla.
Did you notice(don't have the links to show it) when he was talking before the baby being found he stated "My Client , is innocent. When he gave the latest interview he said "my client says she is innocent," I believe the veil may be starting to fall for him,also the hiring of a second attorney. I believe, we will see a difference in him, after he is allowed to see the pictures of the tape on her little head. I just pray justice is served. Baez, keeps acting like after she tells her story we will all say , oh that explains it all. "We have no problem with someone not reporting her child missing for 31 days." We can understand, that after all, the child was missing , why not go out and party to keep your spirits up.
Yes Casey, your reasons make so much sense to us , you can just go now. Crazy stuff.

Bolded by me.
Actually he said "My client says she is not guilty". Then he corrected himself to "innocent". There's a distinction here - "not guilty" means the accused can't be held accountable. Perhaps they really didn't commit the crime. OR perhaps they did commit it, but there is not enough evidence to prove they are guilty. OR perhaps they did commit it, but were insane, etc. Innocent means they they have done nothing wrong. Interesting slip up on Baez' part. (My first post - be kind, please.)

um baez, kc already knew they were Caylee's remains. seriously, who cares how she was told, she is accused of murdering her, hello??????? :boohoo:
I have no sound on my pc, can someone tell me what this dispute is about? What was Baez complaining about and what was DOC's response?

Hello to beautiful NOLA, *waves* My Aunt and two cousins lived in Metairie until Katrina. Only 2 made it out.*tear* I moved here to the Land of Port about 5 years ago from Nacogdoches, about 45 mins from Shreveport. Which is only sorta Louisiana. ;) Haha. I haven't been back since before the Hurricane. Maybe you could let me know privately sometime how things are there now? :(

To recap the video for you and everyone else that doesn't have sound:

Baez started squawking yesterday about the fact that the Jail Chaplain was the one to inform poor Casey of Dr. G's findings instead of himself. He accused the jail of being unprofessional, blah blah blahty blah..

Today Allen Moore the Jail Spokesman responded that it is P R O C E D U R E to have the Chaplain inform the "next of kin" in the event of a death. They also stated that they had expected Baez to be a little irritated, but that considering all of the dealings prior to now had been cordial, they were very offended that he choose to attack them in this manner.

Allen Moore also said that this wasn't going to "win any favors" for Baez with the Jail*.(Read: We can make your life and your clients life MORE miserable!!) He also went on to say that the jail had always followed procedure in dealing with Casey prior to this episode, and would continue to do so regarding her case. Baez had requested that he be the one to inform Casey in the event the remains were Caylee, and obviously that request was denied.

The report also went on to say when asked about possible attendance by Casey to the funeral that it was unlikely that she would be allowed to attend because she is the responsibility of the jail, and with high profile cases such as this one, inmates are rarely allowed to attend memorial services for safety reasons. She is far too much of a liability issue! The Jail is going to recommend that this request be denied.
Jose B is an idiot, plain and simple. I don't understand why Casey let's him continue being her lawyer, she has to see what a moron dude is.

A bit harsh, Onelost, given the larger context of the "game" at foot.

Agreed that Jose seems to be a somewhat ineffective counsel, given Judge Strickland's (sp) latest rulings. I don't know why JB does these things that seem not only to waste his time, but also to piddle away the time of the court and resources of LE. Hmm. Makes one think.

But I think that for a while--a long while--he bought KC's stories. I think he is used to a lower denominator offender (marijuana, car wreck whiplash, lead poisoning, etc). So please don't say that JB is stupid or a moron or an idiot or buffoon or other terribly hurtful words when he is just trying his best as a defense attorney. When I read accounts of the motions or see tapes, it is painful at times. MOOO.

Plus side: he is just, perhaps, "ept" enough to not to have the case overturned on appeal regarding sufficiency of counsel.

PS: me 3, u 1
:waitasec:The state has to keep her from harm until the gavil smacks guilty as charged. Too bad for us that we won't be able to watch KC squirm when she is confronted by all her friends showing a united front for Caylee. All of her hip swishing ways will not keep her from the lions who want to put her to the task of truth. I firmly believe that if LE could use KC's past friends, boyfriends, ect... as, "Scared Straight," type of confrontation she might cave. As a immature sociopath she would try and think up more excuses in the form of lies to explain to friends the why & how of Caylees demise & why she fells she is not responsible. I feel (because sociopaths become elated when they think they have connected with someone,) that she may have given us more verbal clues had she been able to make a written or verbal connection to TL. The act of connecting to Tony was her first and formost thought, before Caylees demise, after Caylees demise, & her first incarceration. I don't feel TL was any more important than other males in her life but he has the distinction of being the last male invloved with KC. Had KC not have given birth to Caylee, was out on her own as a sociopath trying to blend into society by working or going to school Tl's placement would validate her as someone who is loved & appreciated. She has been looking for not love in all the wrong places but a place that looks and feels like love. I can't say enough how the presence of all the young adults involved in this case, surrounding KC at a funeral, without JB silencing, restraining her in some way, could make her brake. She doesn't appear to be a skilled long term sociopath.

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