Could you sit on this jury?

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This is actually one case I don't know much about. I know what I have heard on TV (which is little) and I really haven't formed an opinion.

All I have to pay is my car insurance so as long as that was paid in advance, I could definitely sit on this jury. The cool thing is, I have a friend in Orlando so I'm sure my boyfriend could stay with him, or at least a couple of times throughout the 2 months.
I think I could be fair, even though I am fairly familiar with the case. I am still very interested in hearing the facts as presented by the prosecution and the defense. I want to hear the case through their perceptions. However, I doubt I would be chosen. I was a foster parent to medically fragile/abused infants for 15 years and have adopted 4 of those babies. I have sat in MANY courtrooms for many long hours. It is extremely exhausting and emotionally trying. DP would not bother me. After you have physically cared for a baby that has been slammed against a wall and weighs 6 lbs and has 20 fractures, a lacerated liver, and bleeding in their eyes, the death penalty doesn't really bother you too much. My youngest son was 4 mo old and weighed 7 lbs when I picked him up at the hospital. He looked like a skeleton. Turned out his mother really liked all the attention she got from having a 'sick' baby. So she didn't feed him. In a month he weighed 10 lbs. There are all kinds of people out there.
Nope, I don't think they would choose me.
I could do it. I'm self-employed and while the loss of income would pinch, I don't live hand to mouth and have a modest mortgage, no car payment, etc. so savings and the $600/month jury pay would cover bills. I'm single, no kids, no pets so the isolation would not be jarring.

I would miss an important annual event that I've attended without fail since childhood (30-plus years) but the trade-off would be worth it, to see the inner workings of the trial. However, as a journalist I'm always immediately bounced from juries so the chances of making it through voir dire in this case would be slim to zero. Also I do have reservations about the death penalty.
I couldn't, I need too many potty breaks! How do they sit there all day with only 3 breaks!!!!

Otherwise, same as everyone else, I have read too much about it here there and everywhere, kept up with this case the entire time, and could not put that knowledge aside. I would blurt out something like "But what about xxxxx" if some piece of evidence was not presented, but I am aware of. It would be unfair to the defendant, the other jurors, the attorneys, Judge, and their staffs, the public.

2 months away from work I would not have a job to return to. I would be evicted from my apartment then garnished for the remaining lease. I would lose everything.

Just couldn't do it.
I'm afraid my tourette syndrome would keep me from serving. I'd probably be listening intently to defense testimony and all of a sudden jump up and blurt out B#!!S*!^

Nope, I'd have to scuse myself.

I understand how that would affect you on the jury. I have asperger syndrome myself and it could keep me from serving as well.
I could do it, but I wouldnt want to. Nor would I get chosen due to the opinion I have formed. Whilst extremely intersting, I think it would be mentally draining.
I would love to serve on the jury! Too bad I cannot volunteer from New York! I doubt if they would take me though because I've pretty much made my mind.
LOL about needing potty breaks.....that and wanting to sip iced tea all day would do me in.

Seriously, I couldn't do it. I was convinced from the minute I heard Casey speak that she did away with her daughter.
Easy for me to answer - because they would not want me - I think she is "Guilty" and would say so upfront.
No Way would I allow the defense team to have my private and personal information or
that of my family . These people are realy scary to me
Does anyone know if we are getting the pool of homeless jurors?

Also (and perhaps more importantly) does anyone have a link to the feed of ICA's reaction to HHJP's suggestion of going to the homeless centre? You can see JB (partially), CM and AF s******ing like crazy, it would be interesting to see what ICA did upon learning of this "novel" jury selection method.
I'm afraid my tourette syndrome would keep me from serving. I'd probably be listening intently to defense testimony and all of a sudden jump up and blurt out B#!!S*!^

Nope, I'd have to scuse myself.

The funniest thing I have heard all day!:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

I agree! They would need to put duct tape around my mouth many, many times to keep me from jumping up in the air screaming how stupid it all sounds...

Frankly,:crazy: I have a bad attitude about people who harm their children and for that reason, the court would want no part of me ....
I could but would I want I can't imagine being locked into a controlled enviroment for 6-8 weeks, to me that would be torture. Hubby, teenage son and dog wouldn't like it much either.

That said if I was called upon I would do it and wouldn't try to lie my way out of it.
We've talked about what we would do if we were on the jury and much more. But I couldn't find where we've discussed if we could actually sit on this jury. After reading fellow posters yesterday about the difficulties people are having and not being able to serve, could you do it? I feel like I know all of you by reading your daily posts and opinions. I'm interested if you could or could not, and why.

My husband and I are both public employees. We do not have any children. The house and car is paid off. Realistically, I know I could be gone for 2 months.

And I get about not leaving your pets for 2 months. We have someone who already helps out with ours whenever we're gone.

I could, LOL but I live in Canada. Maybe I'd be the perfect juror...we don't get all that media coverage up here unless we watch the US stations. I don't think I could be partial at all though. I believe her guilty as hell and if I were a juror I be hard pressed to keep my hands off her.
I think I could be fair, even though I am fairly familiar with the case. I am still very interested in hearing the facts as presented by the prosecution and the defense. I want to hear the case through their perceptions. However, I doubt I would be chosen. I was a foster parent to medically fragile/abused infants for 15 years and have adopted 4 of those babies. I have sat in MANY courtrooms for many long hours. It is extremely exhausting and emotionally trying. DP would not bother me. After you have physically cared for a baby that has been slammed against a wall and weighs 6 lbs and has 20 fractures, a lacerated liver, and bleeding in their eyes, the death penalty doesn't really bother you too much. My youngest son was 4 mo old and weighed 7 lbs when I picked him up at the hospital. He looked like a skeleton. Turned out his mother really liked all the attention she got from having a 'sick' baby. So she didn't feed him. In a month he weighed 10 lbs. There are all kinds of people out there.
Nope, I don't think they would choose me.

God Bless You!
Not on this jury. I'm beyond prejudiced with a preformed opinion of GUILTY.
I think I could but I would not want to. A lot of jurors in high profile trials say that their lives are profoundly changed negatively due to being a juror in the case. Seeing autopsy photos of this little baby would be something I don't think I could ever get over.

Plus, I'm not a good decision maker-I would go along with the crowd and I always 2nd guess myself. I'm too wishy washy.
Bumping for wicket who asked during the proceedings today (Thursday).

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