Crime-scene investigation vans arrive at taped-off Anthony house

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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LE already has a sample of Caylee's DNA. They took a sample DNA from the remains. A comparison shows the DNA is identical. Therefore the remains are Caylee.

They do not test the father or the mother. This test for DNA identification has nothing to do with the parents.
I'll trade with fun shoveling that 10 inches. Trust me on this one.
Oh but we have 2 young sons that just love to do stuff like that for their allowances!:biggrin:
My mother in law got alot of snow today, up in Hartford, NY.
okay this is my opinion....keep in mind I've been snowed/iced in all week---(PNW has more than rain apparently....:razz:)-----anyways--I think it would be awful nice if LE would just give up the info to us....we've been good--really good....we need something besides speculation..we've worked hard--heck there are even people here who have listened to all of the tapes!!! (that alone is worthy)----, we've watched, paid attention.....I sure some of us would even help out at the jail--(should they need help :p)---we just want something and want it NOW...I want to know what they are looking at....I'm tired of the bs from defense (yes I know its there job...)

something....anything.....Please.... :angel::angel::angel::slap:
So sweet...if only they'd listen! LOL
If LE believes that the A house is potentially the original crime scene or if they believe that it still could contain critical evidence, couldn't they request that it be declared a crime scene for an extended period of time (eg. days)??? Isn't this what happened with the Laci Peterson case? LE kept the house under search warrant for several days. Why would they not have done that now??? Anyone know???
Soon after the crime scene was cleared, detectives served another search warrant at the Anthony home. Technicians spent about two hours retrieving items inside the home before leaving. Captain Nieves said that the search was a result of additional clues that had been found at the crime scene.
Nothing against you but I am realistic in my appraisal of people's motives and actions. I think a lot of people would agree that the A family have been up to no good this whole time.

Most people think they`re realistic. I don`t think the motives are obvious at all, for ex. it seems they loved Caylee and it`s quite possible that Casey has stuck with the kidnapping story with her parents also and that she feels or knows in her gut that Caylee is alright. Add to that that they must have wanted to believe her. I just hope we`ll know the truth about their motives one day.
Uh oh... I'm sorry Chilly.
Make yourself some hot totties.

LOL...I'm also out of 'tottie'. And canned cat food. I'll be lucky if the cats don't kill me in my sleep.

I think we're going to get our hands slapped by JBean if we don't get back on topic :angel:
Nor did they ever "plead" to the so called "kidnappers" to bring Caylee back. They basically bad-mouthed everyone and anyone who didn't believe that KC was innocent.

Their behavior is bizarre and dysfunctional. I have heard Mark Klass, Mark Lunsford, among others talk about it. These people have been victims. Both of them stated that all they wanted was to find their daughters, they both did anything they could to aid the searches. Compare that to the A's behavior and it's obvious, to me, why LE might think they are involved in some way.

I agree with everything you said..but in those cases it was outsiders who committed the you think because the suspect here has been their daughter from the beginning and the A's weren't willing to cooperate freely or any for that matter because they could not fathom Casey doing this..just wondering
I'd be more than happy to send it to you if I could. My cars been stuck in the driveway for 2 days, and I'm out of beer! ;)

I'll send you some to....we are expecting a Nor' eastah up here in Maine tomorrow sometime...I hope I remember to go to the beer store before it starts..:rolleyes:
Not for anyone in particular but those who feel the A's should be left to grieve, just want to ask yo'll a question ........

Would you prefer that LE, having a search warrant, simply give the A's time to grieve while the evidence on the search warrant is possibly compromised then complain at a later date that LE DIDN'T do their job because some felt the A's deserved time to grieve and the evidence WAS compromised?

IF LE felt there was evidence needed to further convict an individual or individuals, then time is of the essence, regardless of the day or where that evidence is.

Obviously, since a judge signed the search warrant on a Saturday afternoon, it carries enormous weight.
There's no difference at all, especially in light of their own attorney talking about seeking immunity. And Cindy certainly did a lot more than laundry.
Ya see, I wonder what his purpose was for announcing this. There has to be more to this story.
Hi, It looks like that older sepia-tint photo had been in the book and slid out. And I remember in that crime scene photo it looked like other squarish/rectangular items also lay nearby the book on the ground.

It only makes sense to me that whoever dumped Caylee there :rolleyes: put at least the sepia photo in that book before putting the book in the bag. Maybe those other items had been in that book too!

I'm thinking maybe they discovered a photo snapshot like the ones on the coulage board we have a photo of. That family took a lot of photos. Something that this person wanted to dispose of or even something like a photo of Caylee's real dad.

The investigators would want to locate the other photos from that roll of film, right, to tie it to the house. Especially as if someone like Casey {airhead} tucked photos in a book she probably wouldn't think to wear gloves. But of all the prints on that supposed photo, the last one to handle it would be on top.

So evidence like this could tie the remains scene to the house and also directly to whoever prepared the bag for disposal. That would logicaly be the killer IMO.

If not a photo it could be a letter, receipt, etc.

Any ideas?
I'm addicted to this because every day some thing seems to happen..........more bizzarre than any thing I have ever read about.
I got the nuclear dna part, but then don't understand why they used mitochondrial dna to identify the hair in the trunk. BTW- a mother gets to choose whether or not she wants the father to be on the bc. I wonder if Casey ever told "him".

Because hair, unless a root (bit of tissue) is attached, does not have nuclear DNA.
Not for anyone in particular but those who feel the A's should be left to grieve, just want to ask yo'll a question ........

Would you prefer that LE, having a search warrant, simply give the A's time to grieve while the evidence on the search warrant is possibly compromised then complain at a later date that LE DIDN'T do their job because some felt the A's deserved time to grieve and the evidence WAS compromised?

IF LE felt there was evidence needed to further convict an individual or individuals, then time is of the essence, regardless of the day or where that evidence is.

Obviously, since a judge signed the search warrant on a Saturday afternoon, it carries enormous weight.
Oh, I agree it must definitely be worthy, but I can still say I "hoped" they'd be able to have some time alone. This is a tremendous loss. I can empathisize with how it must be to have real life intrude on this difficult time.
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