Crystal and Marie to be on Nancy Grace to night 8Est

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Very informative, thanks.

I would say that LE hardly ever uses the term "cleared" either before an arrest is made. Usually they are terms *suspect and cleared* used in the media BY the media, not by LE.
Are you sure PDM has thumb scans?

I am googling every which way til Sunday and nothing yet....interesting if the do turn out to use this it at every entrance etc...I would think that to use this tech a thorough Criminal history would have been culled...but...truly no clue...
I would say that LE hardly ever uses the term "cleared" either before an arrest is made. Usually they are terms *suspect and cleared* used in the media BY the media, not by LE.
O/ are so right. In the case of Robert Manwill, LE said that the mother and her sicko boyfriend weren't suspects and arrested them a few days later for his murder. :furious:
I just do NOT understand why Nancy is so rough on Crystal.. yet NOT on Ron?? It hurt me to watch CS on her show tonight.. True enough, Crystal may not have been the most involved mother in the world.. but she wasnt allowed to be... IIRC, Ron wouldnt even allow CS to come to the mobile home to pick up the kids.. so Im sure he wasnt going to give her any specifics about anything she asked.. NG was so appalled that CS hadnt interogated Misty.. yet Ron who LIVES with the girl and doesnt have any answers gets a pass with Nancy.. wtf??!!
on an aside... if Ron did have to thumb scan or punch clock, didnt he still work OUTSIDE on sites...? meaning how hard would it have been to slip away from a construction site for a short while and his absence not really be noticed..
I think there is a mix up like there has been a million times on this case with information. Everything from LE indicates RC worked his shift. I am gonna have to wait for more info before going with the 8:30 timeline. I listened to NG and I didnt hear any reference to the 8:30 time so I am wondering how I missed it. Will wait for transcripts.

I'm only half-way through the thread but wanted to say I was thinking along the same lines, re: a mix-up, miscommunication about this call.
My guess is that MC and RC were arguing on the phone WHILE he was AT work at 8.30pm. Not on his way to work.
ETA: More importantly, what was the argument about?
I hate to see a child dragged into this case, but it would be good for LE to identify her and have a professional determine what she means by "talks to Haleigh". Invisible friend, prayer, or fabrication by someone else.

right, but since there isn't any little girl....
called Ron's bluff? Ron never said that to Tim. That came from the pill popper Hank C.. I seriously doubt Ron told him anything, especially after Hank accused Ron of trying to kill him. The last interview I saw Hank on he was high as a kite along with Tommy. Why would Hank think Tim was his friend? Why did Hank wait until the last couple of days to tell Tim this? Funny it's the same amount as the reward fund is.

Why do you think Tim Miller asked a friend to write the $35K check - the one made out to Ronald Cummings ?

BTW: You seem to know a lot about Hank C. Do you have anything to support your allegations about him ?
Yeah, Bad....the biggest bombshell was the 8:30 work time and that Ron and Misty got into a big fight about that time and she turned her phone off..........but, that's being overlooked.

Of course it is....Imagine that..
"Shoemaker: I would deny that Ronald ever told misty’s father that. The story is complicated but Ronald has a friend who has this little four year old girl and this came up in our fdle conversation yesterday. Ronald was talking to the girl and the girl said she talks to Haleigh and he asked her what Haleigh tells her. She responded saying that she told her is that she is being kept by a guy named Larry. What Ronald said to Misty’s dad is that if we knew who Larry was and 35 thousand dollars then we could get her back. Ronald doesn’t have any idea who has Haleigh and if he had a million dollars wouldn’t know what to do with it to get her back."

Seriously, was Ron making a joke?

I know this came from Terry Shoemaker, Ronald's lawyer.

Right now I'm thinking Ron C's attorney should have chosen to follow the trade associated with his last name...JMO..
So does that mean married parents have to go to court and get legal docs stating they are both custodial parents? Otherwise, how would the school know? Where I live, you have to have legal papers proving a parent shouldn't be allowed around the child, which is the way it should be.
No, if the parents are married the child would be living with both parents so both would be custodial parents. When a child is registered, a form is filled out that asks if the child lives with both parents. If the answer is yes, then there is no reason for papers.
At least we are getting info...we now know there was a fight (we all suspected). Somebody verified it to be true. Misty hung up on Ron. Now we get to throw a fight into everything else that was going on at the MH.
<<How do we know whether or not PDM uses thumb scanning ? >>

Someone must have called, hey Shay?
<<How do we know whether or not PDM uses thumb scanning ? >>

Someone must have called, hey Shay?

Yep - maybe "someone" on "another board". Ended up that was the "source" for the PDM shift hours that we worked with for months and some posters are still quoting....:rolleyes:

ETA: That'd be a fun call - wouldn't it ?

CALLER: Uh, hello, I read and post on an internet crime forum. Would you please explain the details of security at your faciltiy in Paleka, Florida ?

PDM: Sure, we have ....... and we use .........
I believe employees of PDM would know that there is a thumb scan.
Now we know why AS was bring clean clothes over. Ron said there was no soap so granny cleaned them. That fills in that statement for me why she dropped by
I believe employees of PDM would know that there is a thumb scan.

I believe you are correct. Have you spoken with any?

eta - When did PDM start using thumb scans in Palatka?!
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