Crystal S., Haleigh's mother #4

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TX39 - thanks for sharing that. Wish I could give ya real hug. I understand that we all view these things most often thru personal filters of some sorts. Some sort. I understand why you do. (((hugs)))

Hon, thank you.
I am sure you can't understand what it is to loose a child but are kind to say.
As far as me being judgemental has nothing to do with Crystal being a women or a man. Women and men are alot more judgemental on a man then a women. Thats why you see women get less and easier punishment then a man. Just because I personally have a hard time believe Crystal isnt because she a women and lost custody its because she has been caught before in her lies. Like I said you cant cry wolf and lie and get caught and expect me or anyone else to take anything she says as truth.

I disagree. Most women are MUCH harder on other women. IDk whether Crystal is the person who should have custody of her children. I don't have the file or the backround info, homestudy, drug tests, etc. IDK if either Grandmother is the best place for the children. I will leave that to the professionals on site. I just know that LE doesn't find her to be of major concern regarding Haleigh's abduction(If that's what it was). I also believe that her admission of a problem is much further down the road to recovery than those denying one. JMO
Hon, thank you.
I am sure you can't understand what it is to loose a child but are kind to say.

No I can't and wouldn't dare to say I did. But I am sorry for you and I do care. :heart: Bless your heart!
IMO Crystal did not admit anything. It is kinda like the scenario of we saw you on videotape robbing that store, well I know but John made me do it so it is not my fault. Big difference between taking responsibility and blaming others. When asked specifically about her cocaine use before the mudslinging started she responded the past is the past. Only after mudslinging started she admitted being forced to take cocaine.

She blames someone else for almost all her actions, the judge did not listen to me so I lost custody, jobs are too hard to find so I did not pay support, RC abused me so I did not fight for custody of my children, I moved far away from my children because of RC, I know nothing that is going on in my childrens lives because RC doesn't tell me, RC made me do cocaine and the list goes on and on.

I do not accept excuses from my children of blaming others for their actions, and I do not accept the excuse from strangers. If that makes me a bully or old biddy so be it. It is called personal responsibility.

We went around this mountain yesterday busy! LOL :blowkiss: I agree about the wording that RC "made or forced" her to do the drugs. I have been in the position where I was pressured to use by a partner. When I was 18 if asked about it I may have said, he made me do it. At that age my ability to process and resist that type of manipulation was little to none. Now I would say that regardless of the pressure, I made a choice and it was the wrong one. I have 29 years of experience after the fact to help me reason that out. Crystal does not yet have that. She may not be the best Mother right confusion is the need to declare RC is a paragon of virtue in the face of felonious acts against children. If we are using our Mommy thinking caps what does standing up for Rc in every situation say about that?
I disagree. Most women are MUCH harder on other women. IDk whether Crystal is the person who should have custody of her children. I don't have the file or the backround info, homestudy, drug tests, etc. IDK if either Grandmother is the best place for the children. I will leave that to the professionals on site. I just know that LE doesn't find her to be of major concern regarding Haleigh's abduction(If that's what it was). I also believe that her admission of a problem is much further down the road to recovery than those denying one. JMO
We will have to agree to disagree:) We have no idea what LE feels about Crystal or anyone in this case. All we have heard about is Misty. Where exactly did Ronald deny having done drugs? If your talking about the Geraldo show then I wouldnt say that was denying by saying I dont do drugs. Now if he said I never did drugs that would be diffent. And honestly we have no way of knowing what he hasn't or has admitted to LE.Just like we dont know what Crystal has or hasnt admitted to LE. LE is being tight lipped about everyone.
We went around this mountain yesterday busy! LOL :blowkiss: I agree about the wording that RC "made or forced" her to do the drugs. I have been in the position where I was pressured to use by a partner. When I was 18 if asked about it I may have said, he made me do it. At that age my ability to process and resist that type of manipulation was little to none. Now I would say that regardless of the pressure, I made a choice and it was the wrong one. I have 29 years of experience after the fact to help me reason that out. Crystal does not yet have that. She may not be the best Mother right confusion is the need to declare RC is a paragon of virtue in the face of felonious acts against children. If we are using our Mommy thinking caps what does standing up for Rc in every situation say about that?
I would be more incline to believe it if it wasnt a fact that Crystal mom also has a drug record which was back in 1998. It could be just as easy to assume Crystal drug use started from the example of her mother and her home.
As far as me being judgemental has nothing to do with Crystal being a women or a man. Women and men are alot more judgemental on a man then a women. Thats why you see women get less and easier punishment then a man. Just because I personally have a hard time believe Crystal isnt because she a women and lost custody its because she has been caught before in her lies. Like I said you cant cry wolf and lie and get caught and expect me or anyone else to take anything she says as truth.

:waitasec: I wasn't responding to a post of yours.
I would be more incline to believe it if it wasnt a fact that Crystal mom also has a drug record which was back in 1998. It could be just as easy to assume Crystal drug use started from the example of her mother and her home.

And you could be correct about that. We just do not know. i posted it as hypothetical. We do know however that RC has a current propensity to break the law, as a fact. That concerns me relating to this case, to custody and to the safety of society. We are a country under the rule of laws. If some are allowed to break them without recourse, we may eventually slide into anarchy. I would rather not see that happen in my neck of the woods, so to speak.
I dare say it could be both. Problems frequently start at home and then people who already have problems choose significant others who contribute to, maintain and increase those problems.
Which current propensity do you mean? From what I see, Crystal has a more recent charge than Ron does, or is this related to when he was dating Misty?
And you could be correct about that. We just do not know. i posted it as hypothetical. We do know however that RC has a current propensity to break the law, as a fact. That concerns me relating to this case, to custody and to the safety of society. We are a country under the rule of laws. If some are allowed to break them without recourse, we may eventually slide into anarchy. I would rather not see that happen in my neck of the woods, so to speak.
I am having trouble following you again. What do you mean?

(bolded by me)
We went around this mountain yesterday busy! LOL :blowkiss: I agree about the wording that RC "made or forced" her to do the drugs. I have been in the position where I was pressured to use by a partner. When I was 18 if asked about it I may have said, he made me do it. At that age my ability to process and resist that type of manipulation was little to none. Now I would say that regardless of the pressure, I made a choice and it was the wrong one. I have 29 years of experience after the fact to help me reason that out. Crystal does not yet have that. She may not be the best Mother right confusion is the need to declare RC is a paragon of virtue in the face of felonious acts against children. If we are using our Mommy thinking caps what does standing up for Rc in every situation say about that?
I dare say it could be both. Problems frequently start at home and then people who already have problems choose significant others who contribute to, maintain and increase those problems.

I agree. IMO, both RC and CS need some serious assistance with breaking destructive behaviors and immature dependence on their mothers.
Which current propensity do you mean? From what I see, Crystal has a more recent charge than Ron does, or is this related to when he was dating Misty?

First of all, a felony is a felony is a felony. No matter how you put lipstick on a pig it's still a pig. He had knowingly continued to break the laws of the state he resides in regarding sexual contact with minors. That in itself is propensity to break the law. Leaving the scene of an accident (with your children present) is breaking the law in the state of FL. There are rumors from MANY people about more illegalities, those are just the one's on the record that we can speak of here.
First of all, a felony is a felony is a felony. No matter how you put lipstick on a pig it's still a pig. He had knowingly continued to break the laws of the state he resides in regarding sexual contact with minors. That in itself is propensity to break the law. Leaving the scene of an accident (with your children present) is breaking the law in the state of FL. There are rumors from MANY people about more illegalities, those are just the one's on the record that we can speak of here.

Ok I see what you are saying, they both have a propensity to break the law
Ok I see what you are saying, they both have a propensity to break the law

I see on paper Crystal's past. Can we get info on illegal activity in the present? Has Crystal ever committed a felony in regards to sexual contact with a minor?
Is it still illegal in FL to have sexual contact with a minor? Whether married or not? IDK if the law specifies? In GA it is.

The age of consent in Florida is 18 -- but they do have a "close in age exemptions" to the law. What that means is by law, the exception permits an someone younger than 24 to engage in legal sexual activity with a minor aged 16 or 17.

I know that Ron is now 25, IIRC. However, with him and Misty now married, she is considered an emancipated minor, I believe -- so I'm not sure if the "statutory rape" laws would apply. I can't imagine why LE would waste their time on a married couple when Misty's own parents have given consent.

(ETA - I know that it isn't applicable in FL, but just a note, in some states, the age of consent is as low as 16. In my state it is. Not that it makes it right, or moral. But, it varies from state to state. The ages vary from 16-18 in all states. Just an FYI if anyone is interested).
The age of consent in Florida is 18 -- but they do have a "close in age exemptions" to the law. What that means is by law, the exception permits an someone younger than 24 to engage in legal sexual activity with a minor aged 16 or 17.

I know that Ron is now 25, IIRC. However, with him and Misty now married, she is considered an emancipated minor, I believe -- so I'm not sure if the "statutory rape" laws would apply. I can't imagine why LE would waste their time on a married couple when Misty's own parents have given consent.

(ETA - I know that it isn't applicable in FL, but just a note, in some states, the age of consent is as low as 16. In my state it is. Not that it makes it right, or moral. But, it varies from state to state. The ages vary from 16-18 in all states. Just an FYI if anyone is interested).

There are documented Court cases in the media where statutory rape was prosecuted after the marriage against the wishes of the minor and her family. IDK if that will be the case here, I am just glad that I am not raising daughters there.
There are documented Court cases in the media where statutory rape was prosecuted after the marriage against the wishes of the minor and her family. IDK if that will be the case here, I am just glad that I am not raising daughters there.

(Bolding by me)

OMG... me too! To be honest, the whole area sounds scary right for teens. Drugs, young girls with older guys, etc. Of course, this is obviously an unfair generalization. We aren't hearing about the "good kids" in the area - why would we? On that same note, I'm still glad. :angel:
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