Crystal S., Haleigh's mother #4

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Moved post to rumor thread.
It appears that some of the inconsistencies we've heard in the media are the same inconsistencies that trouble LE. Here's a bit on that subject from Maj. Gary Bowling:

Maj. Gary Bowling also said Misty Croslin's inability on national television Friday to clear up inconsistent answers was what detectives have faced for weeks."Our interviews with her have been pretty much like what you saw on the "Today Show," Bowling said. "We've confronted her with her inconsistencies and America got a sample of our interviews with her."Bowling also disputed Croslin's assertion on TV that she wasn't a suspect."We have not ruled her out as a suspect," he said
I have to respectfully disagree. He used these as a "reference" and not an exact. Nowhere does he say these are the inconsistencies they were concerned with clearing up only they were a "sample" of the type of inconsistencies.
Well, I wouldn't call Y a sample of X if Y is in fact something completely different from X. So I'd suppose that LE has puzzled over some of the same questions we do. Why does her story keep changing? No doubt they have some new ones we haven't even thought about as well.
I have to respectfully disagree. He used these as a "reference" and not an exact. Nowhere does he say these are the inconsistencies they were concerned with clearing up only they were a "sample" of the type of inconsistencies.

Either way,he did not have good things to say about MC.
She never had supervised visits and Ron didn't provide any evidence in court to show that she was using drugs. Her test was negative.

I would like to know who told you that I didnt hear and see these things with my own eyes respectfully?

I didnt say Ron showed it or it was brought up in court.

She voluntarily checked in to a drug rehab and stayed for a week. She had to leave as she didnt have money to stay.
Her own lawyer stated these facts also.

What test was negative? They both had to go to parenting classes and get drug tested. Also Ron said that he let Crystal have the kids by herself as he thought at the time she was okay to be with them for a weekend without superrvised visitation.

I would like to know who told you that I didnt hear and see these things with my own eyes respectfully?

I didnt say Ron showed it or it was brought up in court.

She voluntarily checked in to a drug rehab and stayed for a week. She had to leave as she didnt have money to stay.
Her own lawyer stated these facts also.

What test was negative? They both had to go to parenting classes and get drug tested. Also Ron said that he let Crystal have the kids by herself as he thought at the time she was okay to be with them for a weekend without superrvised visitation.


(Sorry to jump in the convo - I just happened to know the answer since I came across it today)

Crystal's mother testified to that that Crystal passed a drug test as requested by DCF for a home study (I believe it was). This was in the custody paperwork (the 50 something page transcript). It was towards the end after Crystal's mother had to get sworn in because she kept interrupting. There was no paperwork or anything to back it up, so it was hearsay (which the judge said -- not me -- and he said that about both Crystal and Ron's tests, although Ron provided the name and phone number of the worker that told him he passed his test. I think Marie gave the name of the worker who asked Crystal to take the test also.)
I'm not in charge of what people can or cannot discuss. My question is why are people so ready to tear her down again and again, even with the statement by herself and her lawyer that she has been clean for a long time. Makes no sense to me.

Because this is not the rumor thread.
I would like to know who told you that I didnt hear and see these things with my own eyes respectfully?

I didnt say Ron showed it or it was brought up in court.

She voluntarily checked in to a drug rehab and stayed for a week. She had to leave as she didnt have money to stay.
Her own lawyer stated these facts also.

What test was negative? They both had to go to parenting classes and get drug tested. Also Ron said that he let Crystal have the kids by herself as he thought at the time she was okay to be with them for a weekend without superrvised visitation.


Bathbuddys, I believe you when you say you have seen this with your own eyes. I am more encouraged by the fact that Crystal has reached out for help. It means she has acknowledged a problem and is trying to get past it. That is not the case for others involved. If you never acknowledge you have a problem, how can you get better?
Is this really helpful? I was asking a serious question.

I will answer your question debs. I think it's a personal bias against Moms who do not have custody of their children. I see progress on Crystal's behalf regardng the drug issue. She has admitted it, the first step to health. She sought help by checking herself in voluntarily to rehab, good move. She does not deny or obfuscate the issue, taking responsibility for her behavior. LE doesn't appear interested in her. When they do, I will be on her too. So far the lies, obfuscation and inability to accept responsibilty for their actions lies elsewhere. Thanks for the question.:blowkiss:
Is this really helpful? I was asking a serious question.

I will follow Stilettos....

Reminds me of my mum and her old biddy friends who were apparently partial to boys ... no matter what any boy did - it was "Oh that poor boy"!

Also,like Stilettos said ... against the mother for whatever reason. Other women can whip up a hate paste that will fry you in a second over so much as a better pair of shoes on her. The custody thing is huge too. Probably prominent.

Who knows....??
I will answer your question debs. I think it's a personal bias against Moms who do not have custody of their children. I see progress on Crystal's behalf regardng the drug issue. She has admitted it, the first step to health. She sought help by checking herself in voluntarily to rehab, good move. She does not deny or obfuscate the issue, taking responsibility for her behavior. LE doesn't appear interested in her. When they do, I will be on her too. So far the lies, obfuscation and inability to accept responsibilty for their actions lies elsewhere. Thanks for the question.:blowkiss:

Crystals downfall is her honesty. People in our society do not value honesty as much as you think. Bullys seem to crucify people who are honest & forthcoming and will use these admissions to further abuse the situation. The thing is, if Crystal has just denied half the stuff Ronald pointed out (meaning acted like him and deny it) she more than likely would be in a better position. IMO.
Crystal honesty is not her down fall. Her down fall is being caught for making false reports and accusations. You cant cry wolve get caught in lieing about it expect people to take any thing said as truth. Admitting you do drugs and at the same time blaming someone else for you using isnt admitting you have a problem.
IMO Crystal did not admit anything. It is kinda like the scenario of we saw you on videotape robbing that store, well I know but John made me do it so it is not my fault. Big difference between taking responsibility and blaming others. When asked specifically about her cocaine use before the mudslinging started she responded the past is the past. Only after mudslinging started she admitted being forced to take cocaine.

She blames someone else for almost all her actions, the judge did not listen to me so I lost custody, jobs are too hard to find so I did not pay support, RC abused me so I did not fight for custody of my children, I moved far away from my children because of RC, I know nothing that is going on in my childrens lives because RC doesn't tell me, RC made me do cocaine and the list goes on and on.

I do not accept excuses from my children of blaming others for their actions, and I do not accept the excuse from strangers. If that makes me a bully or old biddy so be it. It is called personal responsibility.
I will follow Stilettos....

Reminds me of my mum and her old biddy friends who were apparently partial to boys ... no matter what any boy did - it was "Oh that poor boy"!

Also,like Stilettos said ... against the mother for whatever reason. Other women can whip up a hate paste that will fry you in a second over so much as a better pair of shoes on her. The custody thing is huge too. Probably prominent.

Who knows....??
I can answer that.
IMOO I don't understand how any mother of my age and loss (MY10 yr old in 2000) can relate to this Mother and not have the opinion she is not the mother some are trying to betray her to be.
The media coverage of Crystal speaks so loud of guilt and lies. No real fear. No expression of concern for Haleigh or her return in a majority of her National media interviews. Yes, we all react differently but you can agree that as a mother no matter how old you are and have not lost a child before your fear would be so apparent and your actions and responses would definitely be of a crazy mad women and ferociously on the hunt for Haleigh. Instead we see a mother concerned with slander, setting up foundations and accounts for everyday living. Has Ron returned to work? We see a mother that needs help and I am referring a phyciatrist, because this victim has now created victims. Some handcuffs and charges would also be helpful.
I think there is something to women being more judgemental about other women then they are about other men. In the other FL case, there was loads of sympathy (way before his suicide scare) for GA. In reality, he was a weak man, living off his wife, and apparently burning thru her earnings as quick as he could. He also never stood up for anyone until he was forced to do so by a GJ. Yet, posters, still sigh over "poor George".
I think there is something to women being more judgemental about other women then they are about other men. In the other FL case, there was loads of sympathy (way before his suicide scare) for GA. In reality, he was a weak man, living off his wife, and apparently burning thru her earnings as quick as he could. He also never stood up for anyone until he was forced to do so by a GJ. Yet, posters, still sigh over "poor George".
As far as me being judgemental has nothing to do with Crystal being a women or a man. Women and men are alot more judgemental on a man then a women. Thats why you see women get less and easier punishment then a man. Just because I personally have a hard time believe Crystal isnt because she a women and lost custody its because she has been caught before in her lies. Like I said you cant cry wolf and lie and get caught and expect me or anyone else to take anything she says as truth.
I can answer that.
IMOO I don't understand how any mother of my age and loss (MY10 yr old in 2000) can relate to this Mother and not have the opinion she is not the mother some are trying to betray her to be.
The media coverage of Crystal speaks so loud of guilt and lies. No real fear. No expression of concern for Haleigh or her return in a majority of her National media interviews. Yes, we all react differently but you can agree that as a mother no matter how old you are and have not lost a child before your fear would be so apparent and your actions and responses would definitely be of a crazy mad women and ferociously on the hunt for Haleigh. Instead we see a mother concerned with slander, setting up foundations and accounts for everyday living. Has Ron returned to work? We see a mother that needs help and I am referring a phyciatrist, because this victim has now created victims. Some handcuffs and charges would also be helpful.

TX39 - thanks for sharing that. Wish I could give ya real hug. I understand that we all view these things most often thru personal filters of some sorts. Some sort. I understand why you do. (((hugs)))
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