Crystal S., Haleigh's mother #4

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I was reading the Exclusive that AH did on CS and he states in his Exclusive that CS has a family history of seizure disorders. I pray they can find out what the cause is. I know that stress will trigger a seizure as well.

CS, was raced to a Putnam County Hospital for an apparent seizure disorder she says runs in the family.
I am not trying to seem like I am taking sides, just observing the behavior from all parties. :truce:
The more I read and learn about CS the more confident I can say. I really think she is being honest for the most part. I feel really bad that not only has she lost her daughter, she is suffering physically and mentally. Haleigh is still missing and there is nothing she can do. A horrible helpless feeling that must be and I don't wish that on anyone.
She has an accident and some feel it was due to her having with-drawls from drugs. It is said that there is a history of seizures in her family and that could very well be true. It was said she had one two days before Haleigh went missing, I am sure there is documentation of that as well. It is said the hospital tested her for drugs and alcohol yesterday and she tested "Negative". If she was having with-drawls, then the test would of been positive. Overall, I believe Crystal. I think she is being honest with us, and sharing her true and genuine feeling. She is clearly not as educated as most and her statements may be taken the wrong way by the way she expresses herself. One thing about her that to me proves her honesty is the fact that when in court she admitted to drug use even though Ron had no proof to show the judge, (If so, I didn't see it in the doc's I read. Please share if there was documentation of her drug use.) She admitted to using drugs as Ron introduced her to the drugs, it was his word over hers. She could of lied and didn't, just like he did and still is "IMO". He has a rap sheet for drugs. Whether convicted or not...he was charged many times. I have not seen any drug charges on CS as of yet. If so please share. JMO
I am not trying to seem like I am taking sides, just observing the behavior from all parties. :truce:
The more I read and learn about CS the more confident I can say. I really think she is being honest for the most part. I feel really bad that not only has she lost her daughter, she is suffering physically and mentally. Haleigh is still missing and there is nothing she can do. A horrible helpless feeling that must be and I don't wish that on anyone.
She has an accident and some feel it was due to her having with-drawls from drugs. It is said that there is a history of seizures in her family and that could very well be true. It was said she had one two days before Haleigh went missing, I am sure there is documentation of that as well. It is said the hospital tested her for drugs and alcohol yesterday and she tested "Negative". If she was having with-drawls, then the test would of been positive. Overall, I believe Crystal. I think she is being honest with us, and sharing her true and genuine feeling. She is clearly not as educated as most and her statements may be taken the wrong way by the way she expresses herself. One thing about her that to me proves her honesty is the fact that when in court she admitted to drug use even though Ron had no proof to show the judge, (If so, I didn't see it in the doc's I read. Please share if there was documentation of her drug use.) She admitted to using drugs as Ron introduced her to the drugs, it was his word over hers. She could of lied and didn't, just like he did and still is "IMO". He has a rap sheet for drugs. Whether convicted or not...he was charged many times. I have not seen any drug charges on CS as of yet. If so please share. JMO

I agree though I admit to have some 2nd thoughts as time as gone on. But from almost the beginning, I was thinking that of all the stories we hear, she seemed to be most consistent.

As far as not jumping in her car when she first heard that her daughter was missing, I do understand. What could she have done? I've had to drive myself under extreme stress, but nothing like a missing child, and it's not the best idea. She was probably hoping that it was a mistake and Haleigh would be home by morning.
Then please explain this to me. Why was she unable to give LE her DNA? She claims that it was because of a DOCTOR's appt. Sounds like she made it to the doctor's just fine when she WANTED to.

This is why I do not trust this woman one bit. I believe LE had to go to her doctor's to get DNA from her. So explain, again, pelase, how she has not been able to go to the Dr. The TRUTH this time.

She gave DNA to LE. If she didn't want to give DNA she could have made them get a warrant. My understanding is that she told LE where she was, so they could take her DNA there if they didn't want to wait til she was finished.

We don't know why she went to the doctor, my hunch is that she needed something to calm her nerves. Maybe xanax or Valium or something to help her sleep. I know I'd need something if I were in that situation. I don't know if I'd even remember the seizure if my baby was missing. And if it were only one, I might brush it off as a one time thing. Maybe I didn't eat or sleep enough, got too hot, or whatever.I definitely wouldn't be thinking about making an appointment for the kinda testing required to diagnose a seizure disorder, just as I wouldn't be patient enough to drive for hours then sit still long enough to get a tattoo. MOO
With all the mothers on this board I am always amazed how we tend to blame the mothers first in the missing child cases. I so seriously hope none of our children run off while we are on the net!

CS and Ron both have seemed to have natural reactions to me in this case.
With all the mothers on this board I am always amazed how we tend to blame the mothers first in the missing child cases. I so seriously hope none of our children run off while we are on the net!

CS and Ron both have seemed to have natural reactions to me in this case.
excellent post how many of us on here are not paying attention to our families and doing our duties as mother and wife ? it very well could wind up being one of us .. that is why im not on here much anymore i stay logged in but my daughter and hubby and son come first .. she is the getintoeverything girl atm lol .. and time passes so fast when on the net .. your kid is outside playing then gone .. ya never ever know .. though kika of course doesnt go outside unless mommy or daddy is with her and hanging on to her hand
Except Ron has the arrests. They're documented. Crystal admitted to past drug use and has stated she has been drug free for a long time. Those aren't rumors. Those are facts. I again have not mentioned a thing about Misty or alleged drug abuse/use.
I just wanted to bring up a point.
I have a niece who is a recovering heroin user.
She held a gun to a guy's head to get drugs.
She stole from stores all the time.
Drove high.
Sold heroin to feed her addiction.
Lived on the street.
I could go on... but she has NEVER been arrested!
Not one time!
No ticket... nothing!
I'm not saying what my niece did was right... but you see my point!
Also wanted to add that just because Crystal said her drug use is in the past
IMO that does not make it a "fact".
well hopefully crystal has stopped .. mabey these seizures are because she has stopped if so good .. that means she is cleaning her life up .. just sad that it may have taken haliegh being gone for her to wake up and smell the coffee ...fact is we dont know if or if not she is or isnt using .. and really i just feel badly for both parents they arnt perfect at all none of us .. but yeah people can use and use and just not get caught ive seen it here as its a good point wondering if they are
I don't see any of them having enough nerve to do drugs with LE all over them and people surrounding them lately. They would have to be crazy to try it and risk getting caught right now, imo. LE could certainly tell they were high so it wouldn't make any sense.
I want to know why the media can not get a simple story about these seizures straight. Why three different versions on what happened?
Probably because they are getting it from 3 different sources and being it involves a medical issue...they aren't getting a straight story from any of them?
I want to know why the media can not get a simple story about these seizures straight. Why three different versions on what happened?

In the first days of this case, the news reports gave different versions then, also. They said MC was the babysitter and the cousin.
Could be it just throws me that J.S. is quoted as being there during the first seizure and right after the accident. Which was reported before the 2nd seizure even occured. So why would J.S. say he was there if he was not? Then Crystal tells it and J.S. was not at the first seizure but he was at the second one driving her.

ETA: After reading the Art Harris article again, Crystal does not say J.S. was not there, she just says people were looking down at her, so maybe he was there she just did not specifically mention him.

It isnt a big deal, just would be helpful if media could things right the first time around, makes me wonder how many other things we have read have been incorrect and we have taken them as inconsistencies instead of poor reporting.

Probably because they are getting it from 3 different sources and being it involves a medical issue...they aren't getting a straight story from any of them?
I was just mulling all that over a few minutes ago. The "inconsistencies" we have heard in the media from Misty or anyone else may not be even close to what LE is talking about when referencing "inconsistencies". They probably don't give those a second thought because they don't matter. It would be the things they have asked people not to discuss publically, imo.
I am not trying to seem like I am taking sides, just observing the behavior from all parties. :truce:
The more I read and learn about CS the more confident I can say. I really think she is being honest for the most part. I feel really bad that not only has she lost her daughter, she is suffering physically and mentally. Haleigh is still missing and there is nothing she can do. A horrible helpless feeling that must be and I don't wish that on anyone.
She has an accident and some feel it was due to her having with-drawls from drugs. It is said that there is a history of seizures in her family and that could very well be true. It was said she had one two days before Haleigh went missing, I am sure there is documentation of that as well. It is said the hospital tested her for drugs and alcohol yesterday and she tested "Negative". If she was having with-drawls, then the test would of been positive. Overall, I believe Crystal. I think she is being honest with us, and sharing her true and genuine feeling. She is clearly not as educated as most and her statements may be taken the wrong way by the way she expresses herself. One thing about her that to me proves her honesty is the fact that when in court she admitted to drug use even though Ron had no proof to show the judge, (If so, I didn't see it in the doc's I read. Please share if there was documentation of her drug use.) She admitted to using drugs as Ron introduced her to the drugs, it was his word over hers. She could of lied and didn't, just like he did and still is "IMO". He has a rap sheet for drugs. Whether convicted or not...he was charged many times. I have not seen any drug charges on CS as of yet. If so please share. JMO

I recall her attorney saying and I think I read in the documents that Crystal did go to drug rehabilitation one or more times and that she had supervised visitation at first with the kids as Ron was concerned about the cocaine use.
I remember hearing and it kind of explained to me how a father could get custody of such young children,
With all the mothers on this board I am always amazed how we tend to blame the mothers first in the missing child cases. I so seriously hope none of our children run off while we are on the net!

CS and Ron both have seemed to have natural reactions to me in this case.
I have to respectively disagree. Even the mothers on this board not to count society in general are alot more likely to blame a man then a women in a missing child case or any other case.
I recall her attorney saying and I think I read in the documents that Crystal did go to drug rehabilitation one or more times and that she had supervised visitation at first with the kids as Ron was concerned about the cocaine use.
I remember hearing and it kind of explained to me how a father could get custody of such young children,

She never had supervised visits and Ron didn't provide any evidence in court to show that she was using drugs. Her test was negative.
I was just mulling all that over a few minutes ago. The "inconsistencies" we have heard in the media from Misty or anyone else may not be even close to what LE is talking about when referencing "inconsistencies". They probably don't give those a second thought because they don't matter. It would be the things they have asked people not to discuss publically, imo.

It appears that some of the inconsistencies we've heard in the media are the same inconsistencies that trouble LE. Here's a bit on that subject from Maj. Gary Bowling:

Maj. Gary Bowling also said Misty Croslin's inability on national television Friday to clear up inconsistent answers was what detectives have faced for weeks."Our interviews with her have been pretty much like what you saw on the "Today Show," Bowling said. "We've confronted her with her inconsistencies and America got a sample of our interviews with her."Bowling also disputed Croslin's assertion on TV that she wasn't a suspect."We have not ruled her out as a suspect," he said
I think it is wonderful that CS and the Haleigh Bug Foundation is working so hard to keep Haleigh's picture and name out there. I know this must be difficult for the family. But glad to see that they are being productive in Haleigh's search even though they are not allowed to do ground searches.
Haleigh Bug Foundation is being proactive in there efforts thats for sure. I hope this flier finds itself in the hands of at least one person who may know one tiny little thing that can break this case wide open and to help bring Haleigh home.
Bolded by me.
Well I live in Florida, I have lived here since 1974 and I can tell you that although the laws are on the books, unfortunately it doesn't always work out that way.
Just because the laws are on the books, well that doesn't mean they are always enforced.
I could say more about this subject, but that would take us totally OT.
My ex owes me $75,166.80 to date in past due, court ordered child support and although I have tried repeatedly to get his drivers license suspended, get him back in court, go after his assets and/or have him charged with persistent non support, I have not been successful and believe me, I have been extremely aggressive in trying to collect.

Is he supposed to send his child support through Support Enforcement? That is the way to go. My daughter's ex has lived in Washington state, Oregon and now California. Support Enforcement has been right on his tail no matter where he has gone. I remember at one point he owed around $8,000 and if it didn't get paid by such and such a time he was going to sit in jail. His momma didn't want him to go to jail so she paid it. But Support Enforcement is the only way to go.
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