Crystal S., Haleigh's mother #5

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Your estimate is 16 minutes drive time, ok.

1. 911 call at long did that last?
2. TN gets called after 911
3. has to have some type of conversation with RC..shock must take a min or two.
4. gets dressed, find her sweater, comb hair, get pic, etc. grabs keys.
5. drive to Satsuma.
6. assess situation...look for Haleigh, talk to LE..maybe call her mom first.
7. calls Crystal at 3:49

According to your math Atherella, 3:45 minus 16 minutes for driving = when exactly did RC call her?
Your estimate is 16 minutes drive time, ok.

1. 911 call at long did that last?
2. TN gets called after 911
3. has to have some type of conversation with RC..shock must take a min or two.
4. gets dressed, find her sweater, comb hair, get pic, etc. grabs keys.
5. drive to Satsuma.
6. assess situation...look for Haleigh, talk to LE..maybe call her mom first.
7. calls Crystal at 3:49

According to your math Atherella, 3:45 minus 16 minutes for driving = when exactly did RC call her?

Mapquest says 16 minutes - NOT me! If you have ever used mapquest, you'll realize they overestimate time. Also, if you read my post, you'll see that I said I don't think she drove the speed limit. I don't think it took her anywhere near 16 minutes to get to Ron's house that evening.

As for the rest of your post, IIRC, I read somewhere (I'm not sure where), that the 911 call(s) lasted 6 minutes total. That would finish them at 3:33 am. Ron could call Teresa at 3:33. I doubt they stayed on the phone long - she would head right over like I imagine most people would do after receiving a phone call about a missing loved one.. Do you REALLY think she stopped to brush her hair - GMAB! She probably threw on the first thing she laid her hands on and headed out the door. As for grabbing a picture, most grandparents have framed pictures either on the wall or sitting on a table top. Takes half a second to grab one on the way out the door. No time at all. I doubt it took Teresa more than 2 minutes to get ready and be out the door - IMO.
Yep, the first thing she thought of was her sweater with the sheriff emblem.

If you think about it, Ron was able to call his mom (teresa) and let her know what is going on but not able to talk to dispatch or LE when they arrive. Now, if he didn't talk to his mom about what happened, LE certainly did. How much time do you think that took?

Still don't buy the speeding momma and inaccuracy of mapquest, nice try though.

Most people under the circumstance of minutes or seconds of their childl missing would be outside knocking on doors and screaming her name....not calling mama or anyone at such a critical time.

Let's move it up to 3:33. There is no time allowed for assessment before she called Crystal. She had to inform LE about the custody issue, etc. They questioned her. Yet she still had time to call and ask Crystal if she took the child all by 3:49....nope, not enough time.

3:33 to 3:49....includes notification, getting out of be, dressed, driving time, assessment of situation, talking to LE and calling way.
RC called TN while Misty was on 911 call it sounds like


VAN SUSTEREN: About what time did he call you?

NEVES: He called me 3:27, 3:28.

VAN SUSTEREN: So right after the 911 call? Right before?

NEVES: I believe that she was on with 911 when he called me.


NEVES: He was in a panic.

911 CALL - RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH CUMMINGS’ FATHER: I just got home from work. My five-year-old daughter is gone. I need somebody to be here now.

NEVES: And I thought, I am in my nightgown, and I am throwing me jeans on and going out of the door, and I thought that she is probably hiding under the bed or something.

VAN SUSTEREN: How far do you live from here?

NEVES: I live about somewhere between 12 and 15 miles.

VAN SUSTEREN: So did you hightail it over here?

NEVES: It took me about five minutes.

VAN SUSTEREN: So you did move fast.

NEVES: I was well over the speed limit, that's for sure. But I just thought if they got behind me, there would be more people here when we got here.,2933,502766,00.html
Timeline works perfect IMO

called at 3:30 roughly - RC tells her Haleigh is gone she throws on clothes, drives about 12-15 miles and arrives there between 3:40 and 3:49. I would think LE would mention where is the mom and has she been contacted pretty quickly - TN contacts here confirms she doesnt have Haleigh. This is one of the things IMO that is pretty clear cut and makes perfect sense with regards to the timeline.
After reading the police report again, it does not mention Crystal arriving during the six hour Investigative Time listed. It doesn't give a time for Teresa's arrival, but it is noted it was some time after he arrived and had talked to Ronald then Misty. The report mentions Teresa's conversation with the officer turned to Crystal.

She evidently told the officer her phone number, address, and some information which turned out was incorrect (age, birthdate, work status). Things Teresa would not know off the top of her head, imo. The officer didn't mention Teresa saying she had already called Crystal, but it probably is an omission on his part. (There were several mistakes in the police report.)
Crystal, if you are reading here, please stay on the LE in Putnam county daily. We all want Haleigh found....she has touched the hearts of many.

Do you have link stating that Crystal is in "daily" contact with LE? Thanks.

I agree, no matter how many differing opinions we all have, HaLeigh has touched everyone's hearts and we all want her found.

Atherella, it clearly says in Robbie's post to "stay on the LE in Putnam county daily" It doesn't say "continue" which would imply there is a pattern of daily contact. I read it as an imperative from Robbie to Crystal to make daily contact. If you want to read it as maintain and then question that, so be it. I wonder why you'd parse it down so short, though. I think making daily contact would be a good idea. Crystal, please make daily contact.

After reading the police report again, it does not mention Crystal arriving during the six hour Investigative Time listed. It doesn't give a time for Teresa's arrival, but it is noted it was some time after he arrived and had talked to Ronald then Misty. The report mentions Teresa's conversation with the officer turned to Crystal.

She evidently told the officer her phone number, address, and some information which turned out was incorrect (age, birthdate, work status). Things Teresa would not know off the top of her head, imo. The officer didn't mention Teresa saying she had already called Crystal, but it probably is an omission on his part. (There were several mistakes in the police report.)

THIS officer's report makes no statement of time of arrival for Crystal. I have seen no other police reports, have you? It would seem logical that, when she arrives, she is questioned by the first officer she encounters, which would have been out there on Buffalo Bluff Road, since they'd blocked off the entrance to the Park. Since it is mentioned on THIS officer's sheet that Crystal is a respondent, I feel comfortable making a logical conclusion that within the time THIS officer arrived on scene and the 6 hour period people use to focus on with regard to this report, Crystal was there and recognized has having added her name to the complaint as parent of a missing child, but not specifically to this particular officer.

Since THIS report is the only one we have all seen and oft discussed, basing Crystal's arrival time on it is erroneous. Awaiting other reports from officers involved in this early part of the investigation which will clear up matters for all.
Please take a stroll thru some of the old threads here and the parking lot threads they will help you out in getting some of the tid bits of facts that have been revealed and the debunked lies and rumors.

Yes, and I think the rumor that Crystal didn't arrive until 11:00 has been debunked a number of times as well. Too bad some still cling to that as fact and use it to "prove" Crystal was somehow responsible for Haleigh's kidnapping. Unbelievable!
Well...all I can say is if she did indeed arrive within that six hours and her name was added to the report as you suggest then it would mean she lied about her age, her birthdate, and her employment status to the officer she encountered. Frankly, this is more disturbing to me than her not being there.
Yes, and I think the rumor that Crystal didn't arrive until 11:00 has been debunked a number of times as well. Too bad some still cling to that as fact and use it to "prove" Crystal was somehow responsible for Haleigh's kidnapping. Unbelievable!
The reporter's statement of "midmorning" as the time of her arrival has not been debunked.
IMO it is very obvious the info on the police report about Crystal did not come from Crystal. Media states she arrived mid morning as well as several locals.

Well...all I can say is if she did indeed arrive within that six hours and her name was added to the report as you suggest then it would mean she lied about her age, her birthdate, and her employment status to the officer she encountered. Frankly, this is more disturbing to me than her not being there.
Atherella, it clearly says in Robbie's post to "stay on the LE in Putnam county daily" It doesn't say "continue" which would imply there is a pattern of daily contact. I read it as an imperative from Robbie to Crystal to make daily contact. If you want to read it as maintain and then question that, so be it. I wonder why you'd parse it down so short, though. I think making daily contact would be a good idea. Crystal, please make daily contact.

THIS officer's report makes no statement of time of arrival for Crystal. I have seen no other police reports, have you? It would seem logical that, when she arrives, she is questioned by the first officer she encounters, which would have been out there on Buffalo Bluff Road, since they'd blocked off the entrance to the Park. Since it is mentioned on THIS officer's sheet that Crystal is a respondent, I feel comfortable making a logical conclusion that within the time THIS officer arrived on scene and the 6 hour period people use to focus on with regard to this report, Crystal was there and recognized has having added her name to the complaint as parent of a missing child, but not specifically to this particular officer.

Since THIS report is the only one we have all seen and oft discussed, basing Crystal's arrival time on it is erroneous. Awaiting other reports from officers involved in this early part of the investigation which will clear up matters for all.
If that was the case she gave them a wrong birth date and told them she didn't know she had a job? IMO Crystal and her action, reactions and nonactions will be revealed when the time is right along with this families timeline of all their activities before, during and after HaLeighs abduction.

The chance a vagrant stranger (that did not know HaLeigh?) broke in with no forced entry, knew to block that screen door and was unconcerned with being caught in the act or the crime being discovered before they got a chance to get away, by leaving the kitchen light on, door open and screen propped. The fact that the Cummings family had only been living in that MH on that semi secluded road for a month and Ron had only been on the night shift for two weeks makes it hard to believe that some stranger commited this crime.
It makes more sence to me that someone thought to take advantage of these paticular facts. But how would someone be aware of all those changes and the circumstances in the home that would allow them this oppertunity? That 3 day bender or the week before parting with two faced friends maybe?
It was brought to our attention that Crystal lived in this area before and had family and friends in Satsuma.
i have been giving this CS arrival time some thought.... i just have one question. In the state of Fl there is a "process" when it comes to child support, and i believe that she was served with papers to go to court on that issue, just prior to HC missing. In terms of enforcement, the last step on enforcement actions would be to serve a writ of bodily attachment. they have to go through D/L suspensions, irs intercept, wage garnishment (if applies, i know it doesn't in this case)etc.

If i am to believe that the papers she received that day, were about her being held in contempt of court, then i am going to assume that her D/L was already suspended. (at the time that HC went missing) Could this be why she couldn't just get up and go to Satsuma, she may have had to wait for someone to be available to take her.

Here is a link to Florida and how the child support system works down here. (or doesn't work down here, however you want to see it)
Per Baker County records, here license had been suspended but nothing to do with not paying child support. Her license was reinstated in 11/08

In addition, we know Crystal was driving once she was in Satsuma because there were media reports with regards to the accident she had.

i have been giving this CS arrival time some thought.... i just have one question. In the state of Fl there is a "process" when it comes to child support, and i believe that she was served with papers to go to court on that issue, just prior to HC missing. In terms of enforcement, the last step on enforcement actions would be to serve a writ of bodily attachment. they have to go through D/L suspensions, irs intercept, wage garnishment (if applies, i know it doesn't in this case)etc.

If i am to believe that the papers she received that day, were about her being held in contempt of court, then i am going to assume that her D/L was already suspended. (at the time that HC went missing) Could this be why she couldn't just get up and go to Satsuma, she may have had to wait for someone to be available to take her.

Here is a link to Florida and how the child support system works down here. (or doesn't work down here, however you want to see it)
lil moma it still does not explain why she did not call her father till 5am and then she states she asked him if it was a prank. IMO I can not see a valid excuse for her delay. The fact it took her OVER 7hr with only a 2hr drive leaves 5 hrs.

Maybe this will help clarify my understanding of Crystals response time to Satsuma.
3:45 am Marie or Crystal recieve call from TN

During this 1hr and 15 min she did nothing?
She did not believe TN and still waits 1hr.15 min to act and call her father Jonny Sheffield who lives near Ron to ask him if it was a prank?These reeks to high heaven.
5:00 am Crystal calls JS
10:30-11:00 am Crystal and Marie arrive in Satsuma.
First I have to ask what mother gives an excuse to not of been on her way by 3:50? New baby and no drivers license or not I would of been out that door on my way to Satsuma. I have not forgoten the unmentioned seizure that Crystal suffered before HaLeighs abduction ,but, there is no documented hospital visit so who can say it is the truth or not at this point. I know there has been 2 seizures since HaLeigh was abducted.. In my opinion there was at least 4 adults to work out the details and enable Crystal to get to Satsuma. The drive time at 3:50 am would of been ideal and would of confirmed the circumstances for Marie to return and help with children and find a replacement that morning. Where was Marie's husband and Crystals stepbrother boyfriend? Do they not help when there is a crisis within this family? My understanding is this step grandparent and stepbrother/boyfriend have known HaLeigh all her little life.

Second of all, does one show up to work on a morning such as this or do you just call a supervisor and tell them your grandchild/stepchild is missing from her bed since 3:eek:o am and police are still looking for her and you are on your way to Satsuma or are needed to stay with your children so that the mother can be on her way to Satsuma.
Per Baker County records, here license had been suspended but nothing to do with not paying child support. Her license was reinstated in 11/08

In addition, we know Crystal was driving once she was in Satsuma because there were media reports with regards to the accident she had.

Thanks Busy! So, the courts must have been in the beginning stages of enforcement with child support. (i am just double checking some things, so i can cross out some of my theories.

Thanks again :)
Where do you get your info that Crystal got there after the police report? What is mid-morning. I thought mid-morning is about 9:30 am.

An incident report is based on what is happening at the scene of the crime.

Why this subject of CS and her arrival time keeps eating away at some is perplexing.

Would you be able to drive yourself and an infant, under the pressure that your other child could be dead? Very high expectations. Didn't she have other children in the home also? Getting an infant and arranging child care for the other children is not done in a minute. The report says she was there and apparently interviewed. At the time, they didn't care about where she worked.

Place some of your questions on how in the world TN got into the crime scene and arrived in minutes dressed, interviewed and orgainized with pic in hand because SHE knew her grandchild was gone. Here is where suspicion lies.....good grief!

Crystal got there later than you like. TN got there much earlier than possible if she wasn't called till after the 911 call. It is highly likely and very suspicious that she was there by 3:49 and had already been interviewed and is now calling CS.

You might considering analyzing TN's time line least we have actual time to compare notes.
Sarah lived there also and I believe she took care of Chloe for a couple of days before Sarah came to Satsuma. Chad was home so he could have watched his kids also,we know he was home the day of the 10th because he was on myspace during the day. So childcare would be not a problem.

Teresa lived like 15 miles down the road. I could have been dressed and out of the door and there within 15 minutes, no problem. She arrived AFTER the police, so no problem there either. Ron probably called his mom while Misty was on the phone with 911. I would have done the same thing because I would need my family to be with me at this horrific time in my life.
Time does not compute...sorry. TN may be fast but she doesn't sport any wings!

Wanting mom there is one thing. This man had just heard his child is missing. LE is the first you call, then you start screaming out her name and going to neighbors...

Reaching out for love and hugs at the moment you hear Daughter is gone is not the normal reaction. Getting up off the ground and searching is. The LE are there to assist but till they arrive you are looking for your child. Tearing the house apart is what he said he was doing when the call was being made. Let's say this was happening during the call because we can hear him banging doors. At some point he hit the door with his fist and he then went outside and stood or sat in the driveway, crying....This had to be after 9:33. TN arrived and was interviewed and placed a call by 3:49...
"Reaching out for love and hugs at the moment you hear Daughter is gone is not the normal reaction"

Who are you to say what is normal and what's not. I would have been on the phone to my family and I'd say that is very normal, you can walk around with cell phones you know. I wouldn't have waited over an hour to call the grandparents of my child, either.
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