Crystal S., Haleigh's mother #5

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Crystal could have been paying her child support for a few years at least as she had no children in her home. The two kids lived with Ron and she didn't have the baby for a few years. She didn't make an attempt to work and be finanically responsible for Haleigh or RJ then and I doubt if anything will change. She is caught up now but will she keep up with it? That will probably depend on her boyfriend/stepbrother, if he works, and if he is willing to start paying the support. He didn't before and that probably won't change.

Wouldn't it be nice if someone with a big heart would step in and pay the back child support for some of these single mothers who have little kids that they are actually raising and who work two or three jobs just to try and keep the rent paid, daycare provided and food on the table for their children? There are a lot of them out there who are struggling because they are getting no help and are not living with a boyfriend who works. Those young mothers who are trying so hard are the ones who deserve the help. Not someone who sat around on her rear end doing nothing for years without any children in the home and someone providing her rent and food. Just because she has a missing daughter doesn't make her a special case in my eyes. She wasn't even raising that daughter.

What a very truthful post.
I don't think any of this has anything to do with finding Haleigh.It's over.Lets please move on.What are people doing now to find this sweet little girl?
This statement from Crystal has bothered me - as a parent wouldnt you be praying and hoping everyday your child was coming home. Why would she make a statement April 10th about an event 5 days away unless she knew Haleigh was not coming home.

SATSUMA, Fla. - - While acknowledging on Thursday her daughter has been gone for exactly two months hasn’t been easy for Crystal Sheffield, Friday might be a tougher day. It would have been the start of Haleigh’s spring break. “It’s going to be hard without her. Her little sister’s birthday is April 15th and [Haleigh’s] not going to be here
This statement from Crystal has bothered me - as a parent wouldnt you be praying and hoping everyday your child was coming home. Why would she make a statement April 10th about an event 5 days away unless she knew Haleigh was not coming home.

SATSUMA, Fla. - - While acknowledging on Thursday her daughter has been gone for exactly two months hasn’t been easy for Crystal Sheffield, Friday might be a tougher day. It would have been the start of Haleigh’s spring break. “It’s going to be hard without her. Her little sister’s birthday is April 15th and [Haleigh’s] not going to be here

Good question. I remember noting that back when it happened thinking it was odd.

I'd like to point something out now that I am in Crystal's thread.

Everyone is SO QUICK to point out that Ron is not in front of the cameras begging for HaLeigh's return.

Where is Crystal begging for HaLeigh?

I'd like to be clear - no one is in front of the cameras begging for HaLeigh. It is NOT only Ron. And, from early in the case, once Picazio came on board, Crystal stopped begging for HaLeigh's return and only made media appearances to speak about other issues. I realize that Kim is no longer on the case - to that, I say I'm glad. I am not going to harp on that either. I just want to be perfectly clear that neither one of HaLeigh's parents are speaking to the media about the case, and that is because LE has asked them to lay low. Do I agree with that? Absolutely not. I would love to see them yelling from rooftops. I would like to see HaLeigh's case picked up by the mainstream media again. Now that there are no more attorneys involved & the custody case is resolved, my HOPE is that Crystal and Ron can WORK TOGETHER for their daughter's sake and BEG FOR HER RETURN! Get her name and face into the public - EVERYWHERE! I do not care how these two adults feel about each other. Fact is, they created this beautiful child together, and she is both of their responsibility. I hope they can come together for HaLeigh's sake to find her.
Beautifully said!!!!!

Good question. I remember noting that back when it happened thinking it was odd.

I'd like to point something out now that I am in Crystal's thread.

Everyone is SO QUICK to point out that Ron is not in front of the cameras begging for HaLeigh's return.

Where is Crystal begging for HaLeigh?

I'd like to be clear - no one is in front of the cameras begging for HaLeigh. It is NOT only Ron. And, from early in the case, once Picazio came on board, Crystal stopped begging for HaLeigh's return and only made media appearances to speak about other issues. I realize that Kim is no longer on the case - to that, I say I'm glad. I am not going to harp on that either. I just want to be perfectly clear that neither one of HaLeigh's parents are speaking to the media about the case, and that is because LE has asked them to lay low. Do I agree with that? Absolutely not. I would love to see them yelling from rooftops. I would like to see HaLeigh's case picked up by the mainstream media again. Now that there are no more attorneys involved & the custody case is resolved, my HOPE is that Crystal and Ron can WORK TOGETHER for their daughter's sake and BEG FOR HER RETURN! Get her name and face into the public - EVERYWHERE! I do not care how these two adults feel about each other. Fact is, they created this beautiful child together, and she is both of their responsibility. I hope they can come together for HaLeigh's sake to find her.
This statement from Crystal has bothered me - as a parent wouldnt you be praying and hoping everyday your child was coming home. Why would she make a statement April 10th about an event 5 days away unless she knew Haleigh was not coming home.

SATSUMA, Fla. - - While acknowledging on Thursday her daughter has been gone for exactly two months hasn’t been easy for Crystal Sheffield, Friday might be a tougher day. It would have been the start of Haleigh’s spring break. “It’s going to be hard without her. Her little sister’s birthday is April 15th and [Haleigh’s] not going to be here

Bolded by me, I believe she knew. Jmo
I know that some where at a later time they may not feel she is coming back because no one is bringing her back.I think reality sets in.But you always have hope.I feel really bad for Ron and Crystal and my heart really goes out to them.I pray they find out what happened to thier daughter soon and don't have to wait never knowing what happened to thier daughter and so they do not have to hurt any more not knowing where she is.
Bolded by me, I believe she knew. Jmo

JMO It is apparent that the Sheffields/Griffis family know a whole lot. Why would this mother and Grandmother not show up till late morning on the 10th?

If I where called at 3:45 in the morning and told my 5 year old was missing from her bed and they could not find her, I would be on my way at 3:50 am not 10:30 am (almost 7 hrs later).
Crystal took 7hrs to do what?
Find a babysiter for Chads children and C?
Do the children go to school? Didn't she bring C with her?
So Marie can finish her bus route?
Wasn't it said that Marie found someone else to run her bus route?
So..... what took her/them so long?
The Sheffield and Griffis family members timeline of activities before, during and after the abduction has yet to be outlined and discussed here.
IMO this is where the truth lies (their timeline) that will lead to HaLeigh.
Does that mean they were in separate rooms, because that would be very significant? Have you ever been inside the house? Do you know whether the bed near the TV is near the main bed that Misty would sleep in?

GRIFFIS: I don`t know anything about the TV. My daughter, Crystal, has been in that house, and she said Haleigh and Junior have beds set up in one room and then there`s a big bed in the room that, I guess, Ronald and Misty would sleep in, and that`s the one that we understand that they were all three in.

Yet Crystal did not know where RC lived?
From the time Misty states she went to sleep at 10:30 pm and when she woke and called 911 at 3:27 am is 4 hrs and 57 min., you add that time on to the Sheffield/Griffis response time of almost 7 hrs and there is some questions that arise in my mind.
JMO It is apparent that the Sheffields/Griffis family know a whole lot. Why would this mother and Grandmother not show up till late morning on the 10th?

If I where called at 3:45 in the morning and told my 5 year old was missing from her bed and they could not find her, I would be on my way at 3:50 am not 10:30 am (almost 7 hrs later).
Crystal took 7hrs to do what?
Find a babysiter for Chads children and C?
Do the children go to school? Didn't she bring C with her?
So Marie can finish her bus route?
Wasn't it said that Marie found someone else to run her bus route?
So..... what took her/them so long?
The Sheffield and Griffis family members timeline of activities before, during and after the abduction has yet to be outlined and discussed here.
IMO this is where the truth lies (their timeline) that will lead to HaLeigh.

Hey TexasMommy, I found this post about Crystal taking so long to get there, which concerns me. How do we know that it took her so long though?
Hey TexasMommy, I found this post about Crystal taking so long to get there, which concerns me. How do we know that it took her so long though?

That's the problem with this case. There has been very little determined as certain or fact. Mostly my instinct has led me to suspect Ron of harming Haleigh then hiding her but, hopefully LE has something in the form of evidence to go on. So far it appears they don't.
Hey TexasMommy, I found this post about Crystal taking so long to get there, which concerns me. How do we know that it took her so long though?

It has been greatly debated over here in previous threads. The fact that Crystal did not arrive in Satsuma till after 11 am is no secret.
The topic brings out the ugly and bias in this forum. I still can not understand the side taking in a child abduction case, but, have my opinion of who is not a suspect and who I want more information on to rule out their involvement. The fact that Crystal didn't respond to that phone call at 3:45 they way a concerned and loving parent who was just told their 5 year old daughter is missing from her bed at 3 am in the morning and the police are there and they can not find her is being overlooked and justified.
That's the problem with this case. There has been very little determined as certain or fact. Mostly my instinct has led me to suspect Ron of harming Haleigh then hiding her but, hopefully LE has something in the form of evidence to go on. So far it appears they don't.

Please take a stroll thru some of the old threads here and the parking lot threads they will help you out in getting some of the tid bits of facts that have been revealed and the debunked lies and rumors.
Are you saying because Crystal with an infant at home didn't get there fast enough for you? Are you saying that is where the problem is? It is a 2 hr drive, at least, for people who aren't upset and hear their child is missing. Furthermore, I think you may be saying because of this delay, Crystal is suspect in the disappearance of Haleigh.

Well, here is something to contemplate....TN arrived way too early. How did she get there, dressed and PIC in hand by 340/349 when the 911 call was placed at 3:27? Please entertain the fact that the call had to take some time, add at least 7 minutes. with all the hangups with dispatch. how in the world did TN get there so fast? When do you think RC placed that call to mommy? TN and where she lived is another subject.

Has anyone thought that maybe calls to people were placed prior to calling 911?
Please take a stroll thru some of the old threads here and the parking lot threads they will help you out in getting some of the tid bits of facts that have been revealed and the debunked lies and rumors.

Run a search on TexasLady2's posts. She has the most succinct and accurate response to this issue, IMO.
It has been greatly debated over here in previous threads. The fact that Crystal did not arrive in Satsuma till after 11 am is no secret.
The topic brings out the ugly and bias in this forum. I still can not understand the side taking in a child abduction case, but, have my opinion of who is not a suspect and who I want more information on to rule out their involvement. The fact that Crystal didn't respond to that phone call at 3:45 they way a concerned and loving parent who was just told their 5 year old daughter is missing from her bed at 3 am in the morning and the police are there and they can not find her is being overlooked and justified.

What?? Cannot find who?? Are you saying they couldn't find Crystal? Where did this come from? Link, please. And remember... this is not the rumor thread. Be prepared to back up what you say with PROOF.
Well, here is something to contemplate....TN arrived way too early. How did she get there, dressed and PIC in hand by 340/349 when the 911 call was placed at 3:27? Please entertain the fact that the call had to take some time, add at least 7 minutes. with all the hangups with dispatch. how in the world did TN get there so fast? When do you think RC placed that call to mommy? TN and where she lived is another subject.

Has anyone thought that maybe calls to people were placed prior to calling 911?

Snipped & BBM

Teresa did NOT get to the house by 3:40. I can prove that with facts.
I'm looking at the police report.

Officer R. Nelson didn't arrive on the scene until 3:40 a.m.. Arriving at the same time as Officer R. Nelson was D/S Bridges. When R. Nelson arrived, the report states he spoke to Ron. Ron was very emotional during said interview. Officer Nelson next interviewed Misty. He collected information from Misty which is listed in the report. It wasn't until he spoke to both Ron & Misty that Teresa arrived.

From the report:

"At this time, Teresa Neves, arrived on the scene."

Do the math yourself:

~Officer R. Nelson arrives at the scene at 3:40 a.m. Teresa was not there.

~Officer R. Nelson interviews Ron.

~Officer R. Nelson then interviews Misty.

~He collects information from both of them during the interviews.

~The police report notes that after the initial interview of Misty, Teresa arrives.

We know Teresa was there at 3:49 am because this is the time that she called Crystal. Teresa probably arrived on the scene around 3:45.

Teresa was located, according to mapquest:

Estimated Time: 16 minutes Estimated Distance: 10.58 miles.

Doubt she drove the speed limit that night. I don't think it took her very long to drive slightly over 10 miles around 3:30 in the morning after learning her granddaughter was missing. I imagine most people would break every speed law in existence.
TN had to be there before 3:49 because she would have assessed the situation, gathered facts and then placed a call.

It still presents a time problem. Ron must have called her beforehand. You have to subtract the 911 call also, the conversation with RC, getting out of bed, getting dressed, driving and gathering facts....sorry, does not compute!
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