Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #10 *ARRESTS*

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I could be wrong but I don't think the court barred MT and FD from communicating. She was apparently living in his Farmington home. She probably moved out. IMHO.

I agree. MT's parents traveled to CT for her hearing, and bailed her out without delay. I'm sure they also told her to move out of his house and worry about her own defense!

We know NP loves to talk -- how better to save his face and nip any questions about the couple than to say they broke up.

From my own experience, I would ALWAYS pull my car into the garage and close the garage door as fast as possible. Any car I didn’t recognize or wasn’t expecting, coming up the driveway, would rattle me to the core. So I think he must have acted very quickly.
Don’t forget he can easily open her garage from the outside as well with a clothes hanger. That only takes 6 seconds as proven on YouTube AND he has. A bunch of homes to practice it on.
I agree. MT's parents traveled to CT for her hearing, and bailed her out without delay. I'm sure they also told her to move out of his house and worry about her own defense!

We know NP loves to talk -- how better to save his face and nip any questions about the couple than to say they broke up.

Agree about the parents. MT's father and mother more than likely
set the parameters for bailing her out.

1) Halt all contact w/ FD and his attorney.
2) Remove possessions from his home immediately
3) Stay in place away from Farmington
4) Concentrate on your own freedom and future
5) Learn from this major screwup

Her parents are educated professionals and are likely still
exercising 'tough love' out of necessity.
Two interesting take aways on intimate partner violence (domestic violence):

- CT happens to be home of one of the landmark cases for IPV legislation in marriage. We have come a long way since 1985 in shifting cultural beliefs and increasing safety for victims but there is SO so much more work to do (MOO):

- Here is an (old school) assessment & screening tool for victims/ survivors of intimate partner violence. It “scores” escalation leading to potential lethality in relationship. Far from perfect but a useful metric for advocates, LE, criminal justice field, victims/ survivors of IPV. The scale scores incidents of dangerousness (eg partner has access to gun, history of strangling, cyberstalking / stalking):

(I am a New England based licensed mental health clinician and volunteer as a hospital advocate for victims of IPV, sexual assault & hate crimes.

MOO-glimpses of what we are learning of FD sync too well with known patterns of escalation and perpetrators exerting power and control. As we know anecdotally from our own life experiences and media’s portrayal, these perps are often charmers. They are able to shake the self identity of the sturdiest most secure humans- slowly chipping away at self esteem, self-love and deteriorating mental health (gas lighting, isolation, doubt). JD moving to new home with children and story to FD about visiting fathers grave with children is all too familiar to me. We call this “safety planning” in the field. These kind of plans are often suggested by IPV/DV advocates, lawyers and mental health clinicians and often set up in place MONTHS before it’s time to “go.” It is conjecture but the armed guards and quick trip to NYC with the kiddos that fateful night also feels like a “safety plan” to me. These are the steps and hypervigilance victims of domestic violence have daily to protect their lives. JDs access to resources and support system were instrumental in this plan. I would imagine there is likely much more JD and her children witnessed and endured that we will never know. Court and LE require such high levels of documentation that is often impossible to capture the day to day intricacies of living with a perp- tone of voice, scowl, “he said she said” threats, small things around house to make feel crazy.

My heart breaks for JD and those sweet children. I know victims like her so well, so intimately, and I cannot stop refreshing this forum. I wish I had her ease with words to describe the level of grace, strength and bravery she had. My heart goes out to the friends and family of JD as they desperately tried to protect her and navigate a complicated criminal justice process for the past two (probably many more) years. For the unimaginable trauma they have experienced this last month, well there are no words for that, either.

Thank you for sharing. Since the beginning of this case I've thought about Katie Holmes (Tom Cruises). She had a complete apartment set up with armed guards when she was able to leave him. Yes, I believe moving to NC was a safety plan, just not sure why she lacked security for her own safety.

JMOO... I don't think JD would have time to change clothes, after dropping the kids off and catch a train or drive to an appointment in NYC. I think the appointments were local, mainly due to LE timeline.

MMO, I think when the nanny was unable to reach JD she took the kids to NY as a prearranged plan. The "visit to Grandma's" was just part of the prearranged "story". I'm sure everyone lived on pins and needles.
Regarding eNORMous ponytail’s latest remarks about Jennifer and drugs:

wouldn’t it be difficult to argue an intricate Gone Girl scheme played out by someone jacked on heroine, a very debilitating drug?

Maybe it is NP grasping at the straw.

And why, if truly concerned about a fair trial would such ideas be floated? Five children have lost their parents. One is in big trouble and defaming the other isn’t going to work.
Hit the paywall for Hartford Courant several weeks ago!

Can you please summarize here or in media thread. Big thanks. :)
Perhaps this is helpful: To avoid the paywall -- Do a search using google's incognito window. Here, an incognito search such as "hartford courant loneliness turbulence dulos" should work.
Don’t forget he can easily open her garage from the outside as well with a clothes hanger. That only takes 6 seconds as proven on YouTube AND he has. A bunch of homes to practice it on.
A local TV station in my area did a special blurb on warning people to re-set the code on their garage door openers, once installed.
Seems many still have the factory installed code and the reporter
proved this by driving down a subdivision street and pressed the
remote control he had and dozens of garage doors opened from the
Perhaps this is helpful: To avoid the paywall -- Do a search using google's incognito window. Here, an incognito search such as "hartford courant loneliness turbulence dulos" should work.

I'm able to open the articles, after being locked out by the paywall by going thru Twitter. Also, using incognito.
A local TV station in my area did a special blurb on warning people to re-set the code on their garage door openers, once installed.
Seems many still have the factory installed code and the reporter
proved this by driving down a subdivision street and pressed the
remote control he had and dozens of garage doors opened from the

My garage was broken into years ago and I believe this is how they did it. I also learned there is a way to do it with cell phones. There are a # of ways to do it, unfortunately. Take precautions, folks, it happens!
Even divorcing his first wife, weeks before the wedding to JD. I do not know the time line of the separation from wife number one, but the ink was not yet dry on the final divorce papers, before he and JD were married in NYC. I wonder what the first wife is thinking about all this.

It was a big, lavish wedding, too, which would require quite a bit of advance planning. I keep finding myself wondering if FD hadn’t told JD that he was already divorced, when, in fact, the divorce wasn’t final yet?
She may have let her guard down. She may have been chatting on her phone with her friend at that time and also thinking about getting to New York appointments on time. She may have been thinking about the upcoming weekend that he would have the kids. It would be extremely difficult to keep a level of vigilance that high constantly.

Even though she feared him, she probably wouldn't have considered that he would coldly plan her murder, she may have feared sudden loss of control and being hit etc.

I doubt her vigilance ever lowered very much. For me, I am 4 years out and I am still vigilant. The sight of a vehicle that looks like his is a huge trigger. I feel I have to keep tabs on places he might be and am constantly evaluating any information I may have to guess when he may pop up. To prepare myself. She was out of the house long enough to get a clear perspective of who he really is. When mine left, I was able to add things up pretty quick. I was married for my money though on a very small scale in comparison to JD. I was also not the first one he married for money. The lies were stunning. He took my financial security but was unable to get the house. The only way he could have gotten it was if I died before the divorce was final. And he did not want the divorce even though he wanted nothing to do with me. I'm pretty sure I was supposed to die a couple times. Once on a trip that we never took to a remote location and another time involving a gun. I also am still dealing with the smear campaign similar to the stuff his lawyer is saying about her. I know his type well. It is so scary.

That being said, JD had so much money. I don't think it was wise asking for him to pay a $14000 medical bill. In her shoes, I just would have gotten my own insurance. Yes, he should have kept the insurance but these people like him have no sense of fairness. It doesn't matter what you have done for them or how good of a spouse, when you are standing in the way of their good time, they are done with you in every way and hate you because they are not getting away Scot-free. I feel like her divorce lawyer was not very smart letting things drag out. With these sociopathic people, do not try to win or get them to pay. Cutting your losses is actually a win. Just to be clear, JD is most definitely a victim and it is all on FD for what happened and I know she deserved none of what happened.
Exactly. If she didn't recognize the vehicle would she be concerned about said vehicle? Perhaps if concern did enter her mind it was already too late.
I'm thinking he was already hiding in the garage when she returned to the house. He would have known what time she had to drop the kids off and when she would return. Imo
I doubt her vigilance ever lowered very much. For me, I am 4 years out and I am still vigilant. The sight of a vehicle that looks like his is a huge trigger. I feel I have to keep tabs on places he might be and am constantly evaluating any information I may have to guess when he may pop up. To prepare myself. She was out of the house long enough to get a clear perspective of who he really is. When mine left, I was able to add things up pretty quick. I was married for my money though on a very small scale in comparison to JD. I was also not the first one he married for money. The lies were stunning. He took my financial security but was unable to get the house. The only way he could have gotten it was if I died before the divorce was final. And he did not want the divorce even though he wanted nothing to do with me. I'm pretty sure I was supposed to die a couple times. Once on a trip that we never took to a remote location and another time involving a gun. I also am still dealing with the smear campaign similar to the stuff his lawyer is saying about her. I know his type well. It is so scary.

That being said, JD had so much money. I don't think it was wise asking for him to pay a $14000 medical bill. In her shoes, I just would have gotten my own insurance. Yes, he should have kept the insurance but these people like him have no sense of fairness. It doesn't matter what you have done for them or how good of a spouse, when you are standing in the way of their good time, they are done with you in every way and hate you because they are not getting away Scot-free. I feel like her divorce lawyer was not very smart letting things drag out. With these sociopathic people, do not try to win or get them to pay. Cutting your losses is actually a win. Just to be clear, JD is most definitely a victim and it is all on FD for what happened and I know she deserved none of what happened.
He dropped the medical insurance/didn’t pay - proof that all that mattered was the money. Not the kids.
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