Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #11 *ARRESTS*

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Just got finished listening to a roughly 8 minute radio interview of NP on the Vinnie Penn show.
NP's new word is 'crestfallen'. Saying JD was crestfallen over the evaluation and disappointed in her legal representation. Of course, this is information comes from FD...
NP affirmed that JD lived under her pen name for a period of time before she married FD.
NP explained that after FD crossed state lines that 'it was reported to the court' and that he wasn't aware of it until reporters started asking about it. This tells me we have some journalists out there with good embedded sources.
NP still plugging the over 550 page manuscript. Stating there will be more on that soon.
NP states that JD was becoming increasingly disappointed with her legal team and then went on to disparage the team and some custody case that they badly botched.
SHOCKER...Did Vinnie Penn ask about the bloody bags of evidence?
Attorney Norm Pattis Answers Specific Dulos Questions | The Vinnie Penn Project | 960 WELI
Great info! Would love to see the document that NP has these on air show sign in advance of his appearances!
Has anyone ever seen a case where satellite imaging has been used
in seeing if perps vehicle was at victim's property? Like overhead
photos of victim's driveway.

Good question; and though the CIA and 17 intelligence agencies have a lot of data at their disposal I have never seen that used to solve crimes as greatly useful as that would be, not sure why not.
Good question; and though the CIA and 17 intelligence agencies have a lot of data at their disposal I have never seen that used to solve crimes as greatly useful as that would be, not sure why not.
Also another thought, I wonder if LE has checked to see if any
aerial survey companies were doing any gridwork on 5/24 in that area.
Family member used to do this work and it's done at fairly low altitude so vehicles would defintely be identifiable. Areas of
new large construction projects such as new highway construction, bridges, govt. construction etc. hire these jobs out. Might be worth looking into.
If JD gone girled herself, how do NP and FD explain Fd and MT disposing of evidence in trash bins? NP can say license plate of dumper is unclear, but I’d imagine LE charged FD because the video is clear enough and/or FD and MT phone records place them along the dump trail. How in the world do you get around that?

Also, FD has not been charged with murder. The more NP keeps bringing the subject up, the more guilty FD seems.

I don't know if the clothing found would have all been JD's. It could also include clothing linked to FD through DNA.

FD probably wouldn't want anything obviously linked to him with the body...??
I don't know if the clothing found would have all been JD's. It could also include clothing linked to FD through DNA.

FD probably wouldn't want anything obviously linked to him with the body...??

Pattis is just throwing out more confusing scenarios as a smokescreen to sway the unstable who might buy this nonsense.

Evidence is overwhelming, even Pattis said it would be disturbing if there were CCTV imaging of Fotis dropping off the bags at dumpsters in Hartford, and lawyers don't usually contribute to their client's prosecutor. I just don't understand why Pattis wants to undermine his credibility like this, something no one with a brain buys, or other criminals.

It seems pretty clear cut that Fotis and/or a hitman killed the ex-wife that Friday morning but botched the job with too much damning evidence. Then Fotis disposed of the crime scene evidence that night, and we only have a couple bags of DNA blood evidence. I don't know why image evidence has not been released, but I assume that is for the trial.
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not much new in this article except for this quote.

Lawyer: ‘Michelle knows’ where Fotis was when Jennifer Dulos disappeared
“We know where he was. Michelle knows where he was,” Pattis said. “Hopefully, they’ll release her, or hopefully, she’ll decide to testify.”
Unless she was right there with him, I doubt MT knows where he was. That statement proves how desperate FD's team is for an
alibi. No wonder she wants to get outta town. She probably has
notes and messages left on her door at night.
What will he try next? Sky Writing?
I don't believe it's possible that MT was with FD from 9-1 on 5/24.
Remember how NP said oh, she's cleared. Passed her poly, doesn't know where JD is. Then, wasn't it him, that said she was having lunch and dropping off a purse to a friend? Obviously she isn't cleared of her charges as she will be appearing in court tomorrow! Is NP going to try to get her to say that FD was with her during those errands?? I know FD needs her (probably to lie). ALL JMO
Hi, this is my first post.
I live in Farmington and drove home via Mountain Springs Rd/Jefferson Crossing area recently and looked at all of the properties that the Fore group have in that area and houses for sale. There are some huge and beautiful houses. It seemed like half of Mountain Springs Road had one of their signs on it. The whole area leading up to Jefferson Crossing on either side was plastered with chains and no trespassing signs.
I was surprised to see the large amount of land and construction with my own eyes, I took a bunch of pics too.
Just wanted to introduce myself, make my first post and say hi and I’m in the area should anyone need anything from a willing Farmington local.
Don't you think that MT wants to get out of CT because she's afraid FD will come after her? If she's in another state, he can't get to her physically, well at least until he "accidentally" goes across state lines again. I think I would be concerned if I were her.
We have no info on LE results of forensic work on any of the vehicles.

the reason im trying to get the info on the phones and truck was IF FD didnt actual commit the murder and had someone else involved, then he would have made sure his phone records, meetings etc would have been very public that am. IF his phone was turned off all am, then we need to take the next step and assume he did it. THEN it brings us to that red truck. him walking back to leave the red truck at the other house is just weird. someone building million dollar homes isnt walking 45 minutes home for fresh air.
Hi, this is my first post.
I live in Farmington and drove home via Mountain Springs Rd/Jefferson Crossing area recently and looked at all of the properties that the Fore group have in that area and houses for sale. There are some huge and beautiful houses. It seemed like half of Mountain Springs Road had one of their signs on it. The whole area leading up to Jefferson Crossing on either side was plastered with chains and no trespassing signs.
I was surprised to see the large amount of land and construction with my own eyes, I took a bunch of pics too.
Just wanted to introduce myself, make my first post and say hi and I’m in the area should anyone need anything from a willing Farmington local.
Hi and welcome!
Thank you for your descriptive first post.
Hi, this is my first post.
I live in Farmington and drove home via Mountain Springs Rd/Jefferson Crossing area recently and looked at all of the properties that the Fore group have in that area and houses for sale. There are some huge and beautiful houses. It seemed like half of Mountain Springs Road had one of their signs on it. The whole area leading up to Jefferson Crossing on either side was plastered with chains and no trespassing signs.
I was surprised to see the large amount of land and construction with my own eyes, I took a bunch of pics too.
Just wanted to introduce myself, make my first post and say hi and I’m in the area should anyone need anything from a willing Farmington local.

interesting. whats the route look like between FD home and the home where the red truck was. Are there a lot of vacant lots or homes that are lived in?
Hi, this is my first post.
I live in Farmington and drove home via Mountain Springs Rd/Jefferson Crossing area recently and looked at all of the properties that the Fore group have in that area and houses for sale. There are some huge and beautiful houses. It seemed like half of Mountain Springs Road had one of their signs on it. The whole area leading up to Jefferson Crossing on either side was plastered with chains and no trespassing signs.
I was surprised to see the large amount of land and construction with my own eyes, I took a bunch of pics too.
Just wanted to introduce myself, make my first post and say hi and I’m in the area should anyone need anything from a willing Farmington local.
Welcome!! The locals have added so much to this discussion and I am looking forward to hearing more from you.:)
not much new in this article except for this quote.

Lawyer: ‘Michelle knows’ where Fotis was when Jennifer Dulos disappeared
“We know where he was. Michelle knows where he was,” Pattis said. “Hopefully, they’ll release her, or hopefully, she’ll decide to testify.”

Thanks for article...interesting....Maybe these quotes aren't new, but they are certainly new to me. These are from the article you linked above...
Lawyer: ‘Michelle knows’ where Fotis was when Jennifer Dulos disappeared

If reported correctly it's claimed FD stole the copy of the incomplete evaluation from his attorney. So, NP uses a stolen report that is confidential, which he "glances at," and gives information from the unverified report to a newsperson? You couldn't make this stuff up if you writing a script for a murder mystery. Here's the excerpt:

Midler said he was “appalled by what has gone on with respect to this report, and the fact that no one can account for how a report winds up in Mr. Dulos’ home that was not supposed to be given to the parties is just beyond fathomable.”

According to Pattis, Fotis Dulos’ prior lawyer in the divorce, Michael Rose, says Fotis Dulos stole the document from him. Pattis says Rose left the document at Fotis Dulos’ house. (BBM)

Then, NP claims that the prosecutors are anxious and ready to talk with FD....BUT, if they do, FD gets to talk about the "report" all he want. And, I can't imagine how many discussions FD and JD were happening in the recent past.

He said prosecutors are “ready, willing and able” to talk to his client — but that Fotis Dulos can’t be gagged from talking with them about the report while relating discussions he had with Jennifer Dulos before she disappeared, which “are drenched and draped in the recommendations of the family study,” Pattis said.

Can we assume that Pattis doesn't know what MT's story will be? I would imagine his lawyers were trying to contact her to get their stories straight. She is an interesting wild card.

If she knew what was in those bags, you'd think they would have to corroborate to get their facts straight.

If she didn't know, I suppose the truth shall set her free and she can rest easy.

Or she did know what was in the bags but didn't know anything about the murder until after the fact. Maybe she admits that, gets a plea deal, and her lawyers say she was frightened and went along with what FD wanted because she was afraid.

In my opinion, if she were in this thing really deep, her and FD lawyers would have to collaborate.
JMO, but she would be wise to:
A) stay away from him, realizing the relationship with him will never be advantageous to her in any way
B) talk turkey with her attorney on whatever it takes to get her out of this no matter what that means. Then get out of the US and stay out.
As for FD, he should be counting his blessings he doesn’t live in the south. His goose would be cooked down here. No one likes a smart mouthed lawyer spouting off and no matter how any lawyer spins it, FD is linked to the crime scene...and there was indeed a crime scene. FD’s past behaviors are facts that tell the story of his innate character, and that will not benefit him. Can’t change history of his past actions. They speak volumes. And surely financials will come into play. He will not get away with it even if her body isn’t recovered. That’s MOO
Don't you think that MT wants to get out of CT because she's afraid FD will come after her? If she's in another state, he can't get to her physically, well at least until he "accidentally" goes across state lines again. I think I would be concerned if I were her.
That and the fact that her picture has been plastered all over MSM. She's done a good job of laying low. I'm surprised we haven't seen pic's of her going in and out of her attorney's office.

Question for no one in particular - just those reading. IF charges are dropped against MT does anyone think she will testify for FD?
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