Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #12 *ARRESTS*

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“The kids are staying offline,” said a family source. “We are not watching TV at all."

I would think FD would be infuriated to learn the kids did not get his message from the presser the other day.
That statement was for his audience of potential jurors, to show what a great guy he is. He couldn't care less whether his kids got the message or not. If he cared anything at all about them, he would not have murdered their mother. (allegedly. BIG eyeroll) JMO
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While this sequence of events seems likely, I don't think we have phone ping information for the employee and we only have approximate time for the truck switch (between 4pm and 5:30).

According to the LE Arrest Warrant for FD, the following is FD’s phone’s timeline.

Bold type is taken Directly from the Arrest Warrant in Question.

On 05/24/19 (date of incident) Dulos’ cellphone left his 4 Jefferson Crossing residence and traveled to the area of 80 Mountain Spring Road in Farmington, CT.

At 1337 hours (1:30 pm), Dulos’ device entered the property of 80 Mountain Spring Road which Property Records indicate is owned by the Fore Group Inc., the business owned and operated by Dulos.

Dulos’ device remained on the property until 1538 hours (3:38 pm) - a period of more than two hours - at which time the phone traveled back to his residence at 4 Jefferson Crossing, arriving 1617 hours (4:17 pm).

Exactly 39 minutes to travel 2.3 miles that could be driven in 5 minutes? Consensus is that FD Walked and google.maps shows the time of 43 minutes. FD could very easily Walk that distance in 39 minutes. If employee made the truck switch at 4JC, why did FD walk home from 80 MS?

At 1721 hours (5:21 pm), Dulos’ cellphone had returned to the area of 80 Mountain Spring Road.

This time is Within the 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm that has been reported for the vehicle exchange with the ex- employee, although not in the arrest warrant.

At 1734 hours (5:34 pm), Dulos’ cellphone arrived back at his residence at 4 Jefferson Crossing.

This is a 13 minute round trip of FD’s phone and according to google.maps, it is a 10 minute round trip drive. FD could have used the extra 3 minutes to load up the 30 trash bags into his Ford Raptor.

Ooooh, I just realized that FD may have had the ex-employee ‘help’ load the 30 bags into the Ford Raptor? This thought would make sense on why FD had not already disposed of the bags? Perhaps FD ‘needed’ the ex-employee’s finger prints on the bags? Maybe the ex-employee lives near Albany Avenue where the ‘Trash Bin Odyssey of Stupidity’ was played out? I wonder if FD cut his hair short to look like the ex-employee and of course, FD had the ex-employee’s finger prints all over and inside the Ford Raptor, having driven it all day and possibly all week?

At 1910 hours (7:10 pm), Dulos’ device traveled to the area of Albany Avenue in the north end of Hartford. Troconis’ cellular device traveled along with that of Dulos throughout the Hartford area.

I make note of this part of the timeline in the Arrest Warrant because someone on an earlier thread disputed the Locality of Albany Avenue. Yes, the Warrant does say in the ‘north end of Hartford’ but the very next sentence in that same bullet point, notes that FD’s and MT’s cellular devices traveled Throughout the ‘Hartford Area’. There is nothing that says Hartford Proper. The Hartford Area does and would include the more than 4 mile stretch of Albany Avenue that includes West Hartford.

Most of this review is Fact and some is deduction based on the timeline Facts, IMO.

It also looks as if I failed to add the IMO to my two previous posts.
People seeing perpetrators or the victim; people calling in with ideas or theories; could be well before the critical day. It all comes down to useful evidence from a law enforcement perspective, which means, video or images or real eye witness evidence. The state and local police know they have to be very careful in assembling a case before a press conference. In some jurisdictions and precincts you would expect press conferences periodically. Why not in this one? The chief of police is currently enrolled in getting his MBA at UMass, so he would probably not be the one to do that. Attorney Profile | New Canaan Attorney | Lawyer in Connecticut If they hold a press conference on this case, would that be the state police's role?
It been a coordinated effort between NCPD and State Police and we have seen statements from both groups. The longer update type press releases have come from NCPD and that date that the media was all set up waiting for a press conference (it was cancelled) the setup was at NCPD headquarters.

When MT was interviewed for 3 hrs though it was the States Atty and what the press IDd at 3 State Police that were there. The articles I saw on the MT interview didn't indicate anyone from NCPD. My sense is that NCPD doesn't have the resources or personnel for a complex missing/murder case so the State Police are running the case with assistance from FBI and NCPD as needed.

If you go to the JD missing webpage and look under Press there is a press release that explains all the various parties involved with the case.
I was wondering if JD owned any empty lots. Could there be any old, abandoned wells on those acres? Surely a builder would know.
We have been trying to figure this out which is why the great photos (think by @MrsM of FORE signs on lots in Farmington were so useful IMO. I'm trying to figure out the addresses of those lots to see if they are owned by FORE/FD or somebody else as I don't recall any land being on the tax record that we had seen last week.
I truly feel like the red truck plays a huge role to all this. He used old license plates that friday am, altered them, and drove to NC. I think he left that truck in the waverly park area, walked/jogged through train tracks and woods to get to JDs home. (thus the poison ivy). Then takes JDs suburban with all the bags and JD, and i think FD dumps her somewhere between JDs house and Wav park. Then switches car at Wav park, throws the balance of the bags in the red truck and takes it back home. there is cell ping activity that afternoon back and forth between his home and the other property a few miles away. He was still in clean up mode. Then finally takes altered plates off red truck, and throws all the garbage in the garage of the other home. Walks back to his house with a sense of "cleanup complete". When report of JD missing is public, first thing he can think of is getting rid of those bags to finish it off. I think we was planning on having a normal night with MT and then sat am say "he needed to take care of a few things" early sat am and got rid of the bags. I dont think he would still have the body at this point.
You know some of what you write has a ring of truth to it! I definitely agree that FD didn't factor in that JD disappearance would be reported so quickly. Like your thoughts on FD using the train tracks and poison Ivy being there. I do not know this area in CT at all, so I'm wondering would going the route of the train tracks have been faster for FD to take?
Here is the latest round-up if not posted yet:

Jennifer Dulos case: 5 latest developments

I don't know why Norm P keeps saying MT has not motive. Really? And now he wants to stop the divorce proceedings. Well of course. Obvious motives aside from his psychotic rage and need to control and "win": being a widow is going to go a lot better for him financially and custody-0wise (or so he thought/thinks) than being a divorcee. But Norm P is the guy who thinks his tale of woe being bullied as a kid justifies his defending psychotic bullies -- how about empathy fo the VICTIMS of bullies, Norm? He claims he was a victim, and he continues the cycle by going on to victimize others. Norm Pattis is nothing but an over-sized BULLY who wields the law in questionable ways to defend the grotesque and bash the true victims. What a pack of sinister losers, including MT, that shining beacon of womanhood - move in on a married mom of five, show no mercy, steal her life - literally. She was not weeping for poor JD, she was weeping for herself getting caught with blood on her hands. She and FD are the worst. I don't for a second believe MT was abused as well. She shows no honor, no remorse, no sympathy except for the devil. How about a statement of kindness and concern for lovely Jennifer? How about an apology for hooking up with another woman's husband (how many times has she done that now??), having no idea it would lead to this? She is a cold-hearted woman and was in deep, and I will believe that unless and until she uses everything she knows to help bury FD. Alibi my *ss. All MOO.
Pattis has no soul and a lot of chutzpah. Jmo
Here is the latest round-up if not posted yet:

Jennifer Dulos case: 5 latest developments

I don't know why Norm P keeps saying MT has not motive. Really? And now he wants to stop the divorce proceedings. Well of course. Obvious motives aside from his psychotic rage and need to control and "win": being a widow is going to go a lot better for him financially and custody-0wise (or so he thought/thinks) than being a divorcee. But Norm P is the guy who thinks his tale of woe being bullied as a kid justifies his defending psychotic bullies -- how about empathy fo the VICTIMS of bullies, Norm? He claims he was a victim, and he continues the cycle by going on to victimize others. Norm Pattis is nothing but an over-sized BULLY who wields the law in questionable ways to defend the grotesque and bash the true victims. What a pack of sinister losers, including MT, that shining beacon of womanhood - move in on a married mom of five, show no mercy, steal her life - literally. She was not weeping for poor JD, she was weeping for herself getting caught with blood on her hands. She and FD are the worst. I don't for a second believe MT was abused as well. She shows no honor, no remorse, no sympathy except for the devil. How about a statement of kindness and concern for lovely Jennifer? How about an apology for hooking up with another woman's husband (how many times has she done that now??), having no idea it would lead to this? She is a cold-hearted woman and was in deep, and I will believe that unless and until she uses everything she knows to help bury FD. Alibi my *ss. All MOO.
Pattis has no soul and a lot of chutzpah. Jmo
I am confused by the current lack of searches for JD. If large scale searches were going on, wouldn't we know about it? I think yes.

So, why aren't LE asking for the public's help searching? Or, why isn't LE conducting them on their own? What does LE know that would preclude them from doing large scale coordinated searches? I feel like the only answer I can come up with is that they know where she is? But then if they know where she is why no murder charges? I keep getting stuck in this loop.

LE Knowing where she is and proving that FD committed the crime are two different points.

LE is getting All their 'ducks in row' first. IMO

LE does not want NP to know what LE has and going public and/or upping the charge would definitely change that and give NP opportunity to 'try' and refute the evidence in the media.
We have been trying to figure this out which is why the great photos (think by @MrsM of FORE signs on lots in Farmington were so useful IMO. I'm trying to figure out the addresses of those lots to see if they are owned by FORE/FD or somebody else as I don't recall any land being on the tax record that we had seen last week.
according to my property records search on or about June 3rd, 19- Fore Group owned the following on Mountain Spring:
80 Mtn Spg.- Home- on 5.06 ac. paid $775K 8/23/16
84 Mtn Spg- vacant lot- 2.41 ac
88 Mtn Spg- vacant lot 2.25 ac.
Total acreage owned on Mt. Spg. 9.72 ac.

Sometimes builders will put their signs on other lots not owned
by them if they've got a handshake agreement from owner.
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According to the LE Arrest Warrant for FD, the following is FD’s phone’s timeline.

Bold type is taken Directly from the Arrest Warrant in Question.

On 05/24/19 (date of incident) Dulos’ cellphone left his 4 Jefferson Crossing residence and traveled to the area of 80 Mountain Spring Road in Farmington, CT.

At 1337 hours (1:30 pm), Dulos’ device entered the property of 80 Mountain Spring Road which Property Records indicate is owned by the Fore Group Inc., the business owned and operated by Dulos.

Dulos’ device remained on the property until 1538 hours (3:38 pm) - a period of more than two hours - at which time the phone traveled back to his residence at 4 Jefferson Crossing, arriving 1617 hours (4:17 pm).

Exactly 39 minutes to travel 2.3 miles that could be driven in 5 minutes? Consensus is that FD Walked and google.maps shows the time of 43 minutes. FD could very easily Walk that distance in 39 minutes. If employee made the truck switch at 4JC, why did FD walk home from 80 MS?

At 1721 hours (5:21 pm), Dulos’ cellphone had returned to the area of 80 Mountain Spring Road.

This time is Within the 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm that has been reported for the vehicle exchange with the ex- employee, although not in the arrest warrant.

At 1734 hours (5:34 pm), Dulos’ cellphone arrived back at his residence at 4 Jefferson Crossing.

This is a 13 minute round trip of FD’s phone and according to google.maps, it is a 10 minute round trip drive. FD could have used the extra 3 minutes to load up the 30 trash bags into his Ford Raptor.

Ooooh, I just realized that FD may have had the ex-employee ‘help’ load the 30 bags into the Ford Raptor? This thought would make sense on why FD had not already disposed of the bags? Perhaps FD ‘needed’ the ex-employee’s finger prints on the bags? Maybe the ex-employee lives near Albany Avenue where the ‘Trash Bin Odyssey of Stupidity’ was played out? I wonder if FD cut his hair short to look like the ex-employee and of course, FD had the ex-employee’s finger prints all over and inside the Ford Raptor, having driven it all day and possibly all week?

At 1910 hours (7:10 pm), Dulos’ device traveled to the area of Albany Avenue in the north end of Hartford. Troconis’ cellular device traveled along with that of Dulos throughout the Hartford area.

I make note of this part of the timeline in the Arrest Warrant because someone on an earlier thread disputed the Locality of Albany Avenue. Yes, the Warrant does say in the ‘north end of Hartford’ but the very next sentence in that same bullet point, notes that FD’s and MT’s cellular devices traveled Throughout the ‘Hartford Area’. There is nothing that says Hartford Proper. The Hartford Area does and would include the more than 4 mile stretch of Albany Avenue that includes West Hartford.

Most of this review is Fact and some is deduction based on the timeline Facts, IMO.

It also looks as if I failed to add the IMO to my two previous posts.
I took a video on Saturday driving along Mountain Spring, does anyone know of a website I can upload it to? I have a YouTube channel but it’s for family videos...
I have often thought that JD"s mom did try to contact him (or one of the kids) after she missed the last appointment in NYC. I believe that potential contact may be the catalyst for the garbage bag dump in Hartford that evening. She may have said she was going to contact LE and he wanted to get the stuff out of his truck - we know they managed to retrieve a couple of the bags intact - but we have heard nothing of the analysis of the Raptor. and nothing about a potential car wash of it- I've wondered if there was trace evidence in that truck? just not enough for the murder warrant yet? all JMO
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