Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #13 *ARRESTS*

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Do we know if the disposal of the plates in the sewer was the last stop in the bag disposal odyssey? Could they have been used to disguise the truck until the last stop, removed and deposited at the last moment?

Unfortunately I don’t think we know this yet. Maybe someone else can chime in. I feel like it was primarily for the red truck, but I could be wrong.
I made a cursory look.
On May 29 there is a renewed order for compliance or default in producing all of the Fore/FD financial records by GF in her financial lawsuit. Not new to the discussion about finances being a reason for the attack on JD but it shows additional pressure here to deliver ALL financial information from all sources.
The LAMIKANRA, OLADEJO v. DULOS, FOTIS Et Al lawsuit is interesting in that it details how FD manipulated on a real estate deal. Confirms how manipulative he is.
I could not access the divorce documents.
Agree, it also shows how FD was so out of his league in negotiating
a relatively simple transaction. It show the overriding clues to
his sneaky ways to trick or cheat the buyer and then to stall, stall
in doing things as per contract. He was what we call in the
business a "Difficult Seller" and learn quickly in our community
to avoid doing business with.

I pity the RE agents handling his listings because you can work
for months and months and never get paid for all your work.
His type will go along with a sale of his properties right up til closing and then 'suddenly' there's no money available to
pay RE agent's fees. He was an ogre to deal with, no doubt.

I'll bet around Farmington, Avon and New Canaan his reputation
preceded him and business people were leery of dealing with him. Another reason his homes don't sell. RE Agents, who really
control the high end buyers would steer buyers away from a
shady builder/seller. they probably wouldn't even show his
properties due to his reported dishonesty and difficult behavior.
He was his own worst enemy.
Thanks for all of your awesome pictures/photos! Great work. I could totally see you zipping by 4 Jefferson Crossing and asking to use the

I forgot to link the article for the trash bin pickup date of May 28th. Sorry about that. This is a great article. It had some timeline items that I hadn’t seen before.

[URL='']Timeline of New Canaan Mother's Disappearance

Okay so this is my understanding of the timeline relating to the trash bin odyssey of stupidity:
1. 7:10 pm on May 24th in Hartford, CT. MT and FoDu’s phones are pinging on Albany Avenue between Baltimore and Edwards Streets. C4 video captures male depositing the trash bags into multiple trash cans.

2. May 28–garage truck makes a collection on Albany Avenue. This is just when the trash bags were collected and taken to MIRA. Those items were shredded and likely burned before LE gets there. This next bit I cut and paste from the article I linked above is why I think LE didn’t find any part of JD at MIRA. This is disappointing:

“On Saturday, June 8, troopers continued to search for evidence related to Jennifer's disappearance at MIRA in Hartford. A source tells NBC Connecticut that troopers are specifically looking for evidence that might have been picked up by a garbage truck and shredded inside the facility days after Jennifer disappeared.

Also on Saturday, an employee at MIRA told NBC Connecticut that some of the clues related to Jennifer's disappearance may have been burned before police had the chance to search the facility.

3. On May 31st, LE learns that MT and FoDu’s phones were pinging along Albany Avenue on May 24th at 7:10 pm. They go to command center in Hartford and view C4 video and see the trash bin odyssey of stupidity. They race to Albany Avenue and fortunately were able to collect some of the bags.

4. LE submits the items contained in the bags to DESPP LAB on June 1st. DESPP Lab notifies police the same day that the items tested positive for Jennifer’s blood.

5. Most MSM articles start mentioning that police are searching MIRA on June 4th as the official first day of search although it is possible that LE was there earlier between May 31st and June 4th.

Yeah the articles are very confusing and they did segregate the trash at MIRA for police to search but I unfortunately think that the trash bags they were looking for had already been shredded and those shredded piles incinerated/burned before LE got to MIRA.

That is not the news I wanted to hear. Now it’s possible they found stuff in the shredded piles they were pretty much searching for weeks at MIRA but I am really starting to have my doubts they found anything significant. If LE did it’s bone or skull fragments and they will take longer to test to link to JD.

If JD was dismembered and in those bags the State, when they charge for murder, is going to have to try this case without her body/remains. JMO. And her family will have nothing to bury. So sad. Just MOO!

Here’s to hoping they did find some evidence of remains at MIRA and it’s just taking a long time to test or they will have enough without a body to successfully prosecute or that her body is somewhere else and will be Found

Some additional details in this article
I also think about JD giving up her faith. Not raising her children to practice their faith which is the Jewish faith. Why would she agree to that? This FD has been telling JD from the beginning, that she's not good enough. Maybe his abuse was subtle at first.
I pray for an arrest this week of FD and MT, cause MT was FD helper.
The female agreeing to raise children in the husband's religion
is common among some nationalities and religions.
I've known Protestant women who married Italian, Irish and Polish men
who were all Catholics and the wives were required to join the husband's church and raise the children in HIS faith. I'm
talking American born men of those descents like 2nd generation
Many women bend over backwards trying to accommodate their
prospective husbands wishes and forego their own wishes.
Having grown up in the North with a large Jewish population, I have never met a woman who was of Jewish faith whose has agreed to practice the Christian faith of her husband. That was my world. So to me, this is a huge sacrifice that JD made for FD. Also knowing what I know, I also know this went over like a lead balloon for JD parents.
Having grown up in the North with a large Jewish population, I have never met a woman who was of Jewish faith whose has agreed to practice the Christian faith of her husband. That was my world. So to me, this is a huge sacrifice that JD made for FD. Also knowing what I know, I also know this went over like a lead balloon for JD parents.

IMO I have never met a Greek person ( from Greece or 1st gen) who has marrried a non Greek and or non Christian person. I think he was all in for the $ from the very beginning starting with their “chance” meeting at the Colorado airport.

First post! I’ve been binge reading the threads related to this case. My heart goes out to the kids and JD’s family.
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IMO I have never met a Greek person ( from Greece or 1st gen) who has marrried a non Greek and or non Christian person. I think he was all in for the $ from the very beginning starting with their “chance” meeting at the Colorado airport.

First post! I’ve been binge reading the threads related to this case. My heart goes out to the kids and JD’s family.
Welcome to Websleuths, @Curious-A! Thanks for joining and for your comments!
IMO I have never met a Greek person ( from Greece or 1st gen) who has married a non Greek and or non Christian person. I think he was all in for the $ from the very beginning starting with their “chance” meeting at the Colorado airport.

First post! I’ve been binge reading the threads related to this case. My heart goes out to the kids and JD’s family.
BBM. I've met only one, and the area I live in has a large Greek community. That family ended up raising their kids Jewish with a few Greek traditions thrown in here and there, and the two kids from what I've seen (I babysat their neighbor's kids for a few years and taught them at religious school) are decently well adjusted and get along with extended family fine. I'm not saying it's unheard of, but FD is far from the only one who has done this.
Also, welcome to WebSleuths!
Did not save my source, but I found references to at least 5
other AKA's reportedly used by JD.
Jennifer B. Shariff
Jennifer Reynolds Shariff-Bey
Jennifer R. Farber
Jennifer R. Bey
Jennifer Reynolds Shariff

Shariff. That’ll be related to Team FD’s insinuations about her being involved with some Moroccan (?) drug baron. imo.
BBM. I've met only one, and the area I live in has a large Greek community. That family ended up raising their kids Jewish with a few Greek traditions thrown in here and there, and the two kids from what I've seen (I babysat their neighbor's kids for a few years and taught them at religious school) are decently well adjusted and get along with extended family fine. I'm not saying it's unheard of, but FD is far from the only one who has done this.
Also, welcome to WebSleuths!

I know several greeks who have married non-greek women; I don’t see them forcing their greek traditions on the wives or the children. What this says to me is that FD is singular in his demand that his family live in a certain way-his way. So, less about a particular ethnic group and more about a coercive individual who demanded that everything go his way.
BBM. I've met only one, and the area I live in has a large Greek community. That family ended up raising their kids Jewish with a few Greek traditions thrown in here and there, and the two kids from what I've seen (I babysat their neighbor's kids for a few years and taught them at religious school) are decently well adjusted and get along with extended family fine. I'm not saying it's unheard of, but FD is far from the only one who has done this.
Also, welcome to WebSleuths!

Thank you @doyoulovemepfg!

I agree it’s not unheard of and FD is certainly far from the only Greek person who has done this. This is just my own unscientific observation and experience.
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