Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #4 *ARRESTS*

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Plenty of people live in one state and are residents of another. But in terms of the house, she lived there two years, which is far longer than required to be considered a legal tenant. No lease / rental agreement is required according to the stuff I read this AM on CT tenancy laws. It doesn’t matter who owns half of it. It would be best for her to move out willingly, but she can only be forced to by legal eviction.

Except while it's locked down by LE for investigative purposes. Who knows how long that will be.
EXACTLY! A lot of times people like this just say the most horrible things to get the satisfaction of a reaction. He wanted to see her pain at his words. He threatened to take the kids, he threatened all sorts of things. But I think that was just another horrible thing he said that had no legs.

This guy doesn’t strike me as the sort that thinks logically about the things he blurts out to consider if it would actually happen. JD probably knew full well he wouldn’t actually do that, but it makes another thing to list in the court record to demonstrate his abusive behavior, so she reported it (rightly so).

I don't know. I mean he threatened to kill her. And he did.

I think he was very capable of less than murder.
Well, right. But regardless of what she may or may not have done, that is separate from the fact that there are eviction laws and if she isn’t arrested for good, she can still be there. She could draw out an eviction process for months or longer if she was that motivated! Not saying I think she should be there, just that she may be legally entitled to be there as a tenant.

I think you're right.
OMG, JD's mother has to get this seized in a foreclosure/ estate. MT cannot be allowed to live in the home. Especially as JD owns half of it

Wait. It just came to me. In thinking about this I'm betting any plea deals involve her not being able to come anywhere near the kids or any property owned by JD.

Yeah, there's an eviction process but a restraining order or the equivalent is a quick way to circumvent that.

My guess is as someone else said - she will be given her things or allowed to send someone to get them, but with lawyers or police as an escort.

But now I don't think she will be allowed to set foot back on that property.

The grandmother can probably get a restraining order keeping that horror of a woman away from the property!
This might be a stupid question, but how does this usually work with attorneys and what they share with defendants at this point? Would FD attorney tell him that MT was with her attorney and the state police for hours and ‘do you have anything more you can tell us FD’? Or would they not tell FD that type of stuff, or much of what is reported in the media?

His attorneys would DEFINITELY tell him she's talking. They'd likely go visit him especially to tell him. And maybe ask him, "Do you know what she might say, hypothetically?" They'd want to prepare him for what's coming and also prepare themselves.

Money is also an issue. There will undoubtedly be murder charges tomorrow. Or soon after that. I'm sure they've discussed with him their fees for a murder case.

It's probably why he hasn't bailed out yet. He doesn't have money for both bail and a murder defense.

He's a snake and so is she. He anticipated, probably, that she would turn.

They may ask him if he has any info that can help him. Was she the one who did it. Does he have anything to show that. That kind of thing.

But I don't think they'll probe that too far. They know he did it.
No we do not but its been a main assumption by many.

Another early theory that hasn't been discussed much since was that JD was taken at Waveny and brought back to her own house by FD. I always questioned the SUV at Waveny as it made perfect sense to park there if she were a runner. And I didn't quite get the need to assume that MT or FD drove the JD SUV to Waveny as some kind of red herring for Police? Theories on the thread now seem to be focused on the garage as the point of attack and FD possibly sneaking in quickly to attack JD in the garage.

Until we have a press conference and a tighter timeline we won't know anything for sure.

I think we will at least get murder charges tomorrow.
Your theory is entirely possible based on what I have read about so far. I just wonder why the atty's in the divorce case and the civil suit by Mrs. Farber couldn't put together the financial puzzle. Real estate developent isn't particularly complicated to understand.

Financial data is. Especially when self-employed people hide income.

We encounter this all the time and have to hire experts to conduct cash flow analyses and business valuations.

The shadier the opposing party the harder it is to decipher.
I wonder if LE can keep the house part of the investigation (thus no one living there) until the trial. I'm assuming its statutory but it is an 'ongoing investigation' and a crime scene (esp if FD remains in custody). @gitana1 do you have any idea?

I think they can for awhile. But I also think grandma can probably get a restraining order and any plea deal probably involves staying away from that house.

I'm pretty sure she wouldn't want the added scrutiny of moving back in there, even without the above. But even if she is that ballsy, I don't formone moment think her mother or lawyer would put up with that.
The reports have said they made 30 stops discarding “evidence” including bloody clothes and sponges. Uunless they cut the clothes into tiny pieces, 30 garbage bins is too many for just clothes. Body parts seems more likely. That would still fall under “discarding evidence”. The word “evidence” would include body part. Maybe there are tactical reasons not to mention what happened.
I have clients who file a request for permanent and/or temporary restraining orders and then they drop it after a while and/or tell me they don't think the ex will actually hurt them, even if the ex has threatened to.

When you know someone, even if they've been violent, it can be hard to believe they will actually kill you

She may have gradually let her guard down.
Exactly. IMHO, it would be very difficult for your mind to accept that somebody once very close to you was intent on killing you. Nobody wants to live life constantly looking over one shoulder. That would be like starring in your own horror movie, except that it's not Hollywood, and it's terrifying! If JD had it to do over again, I'm sure she would have chosen to ensure that she was never alone. But IMHO, JD's mind went into self-preservation mode
A friend of hers said they spoke briefly between 9-9:30 am. We don’t know where Jennifer was when she & the friend spoke. In her house? In her car? It hasn’t been said afaik.

But like @afitzy said, she may have gone for a run at Waveny Park after dropping kids off.

Maybe FD followed her to the park and..... hmmm could be any number of options after that.

I’m just wondering where she was when she spoke to her friend. I wonder if JD even told her friend where she was at the time.

i can't really see JD going for a run after dropping the kids at school when she had a doctor appt at 11:00 AM. You get all sweaty running, then you need to shower and change before leaving for a dr appt in (as I understsnd it) NYC? That would cause JD a time crunch, I would think, so it doesn't make sense to me. I think her car was driven to Waverly Park to throw off LE and give the impression that she may have been attacked/taken by a stranger while jogging.
Thanks for the photo instructions, the first photo is the house in New Canaan that Jennifer and her children lived in. Second, third, and fourth are as you turn to the right. The security cameras are circled.
Thank you - I’ve added this to the media thread - if those cameras recorded one would think they have information not released if anyone snuck up behind the house IMO
I think they can for awhile. But I also think grandma can probably get a restraining order and any plea deal probably involves staying away from that house.

I'm pretty sure she wouldn't want the added scrutiny of moving back in there, even without the above. But even if she is that ballsy, I don't formone moment think her mother or lawyer would put up with that.
An emergency search warrant was obtained for a property owned by the victim’s estranged husband,” a law enforcement source said. “The FBI Evidence Response Team responded to search for potential evidence.
Woman Charged In Mom Murder Case Gives Cops 'Crucial Information'

It seems that her 3 hours included discussion about what went on in the Farmington house- I don’t believe she will go back for anything other than her personal items IMO - could be a secondary crime scene? She sent them looking for something MOO
Before Fotis Dulos married Jennifer Farber, whose disappearance has led to felony charges against Dulos and his girlfriend, he had wed a woman named Hilary Vanessa Aldama.Like Dulos, she was a graduate of Brown University.
There were no children. The marriage had broken down irretrievably, but it was a no-fault divorce, with no finger-pointing or blame in the record.
Fotis Dulos’ first marriage to Hilary Aldama ended quickly, amicably

I’d be interested to hear what wisdom Mrs Dulos no1 would impart but she’s not returning calls atm.
i can't really see JD going for a run after dropping the kids at school when she had a doctor appt at 11:00 AM. You get all sweaty running, then you need to shower and change before leaving for a dr appt in (as I understsnd it) NYC? That would cause JD a time crunch, I would think, so it doesn't make sense to me. I think her car was driven to Waverly Park to throw off LE and give the impression that she may have been attacked/taken by a stranger while jogging.
I agree it was an attempt at diversion, but they must have known they left blood stains in the garage behind that would not go unnoticed for long.
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