Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #4 *ARRESTS*

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That's exactly the theory I had arrived at--he killed her in the throes of wild anger.

But that wouldn't explain the license plate, unless he did that later?

To me it seems the license plate + Hartford drive were planned. He probably thought no one would connect him to an area bellow his socio-economic status.

I think he planned this. I think whoever said he chose Memorial day weekend was right, thinking he'd get to keep the kids later on. He probably thought he'd get instant access to the money too.

He may be educated, but he seems dumb. In the sense that he's so in love with himself, so narcissistic, he has a different kind of logic. He might've thought "well they'll have to give me access to money, I have 5 kids to feed!" while completely ignoring the procedures that go into it - giving someone access to a trust fund, etc.

I think his attack was wild and full of anger, but it was a build up of anger, he has probably been thinking about it for a while. Guys like him use people and drop them when they are no longer needed... but in this case he locked her in with 5 kids, so she wasn't going anywhere and I'm sure he tried to constantly control her through them.

I hope grandma gets full custody. Their father does not care about them or anyone. I'm sure he'll try to blame MT for some stuff too.


Also, this is my first post, hello to everyone. I've been reading WS on and off for years, but this story really pulled me in so I decided to make an account.
Interesting that you mention falling down stairs . . . this article mentions FD claimed his mom sustained grave injuries from such a fall, yet COD a bit later a bit shadier. Perhaps NCPD should reinterview the nanny.

Mother of husband arrested in connection with his wife's disappearance died after she was ran over | Daily Mail Online

According to the nanny KD died of internal bleeding. Reading more about the incident, I still don't find anything suspicious about it. Seniors are prone to falling and sometimes the consequences don't manifest until later.
But that wouldn't explain the license plate, unless he did that later?

To me it seems the license plate + Hartford drive were planned. He probably thought no one would connect him to an area bellow his socio-economic status.

I think he planned this. I think whoever said he chose Memorial day weekend was right, thinking he'd get to keep the kids later on. He probably thought he'd get instant access to the money too.

He may be educated, but he seems dumb. In the sense that he's so in love with himself, so narcissistic, he has a different kind of logic. He might've thought "well they'll have to give me access to money, I have 5 kids to feed!" while completely ignoring the procedures that go into it - giving someone access to a trust fund, etc.

I think his attack was wild and full of anger, but it was a build up of anger, he has probably been thinking about it for a while. Guys like him use people and drop them when they are no longer needed... but in this case he locked her in with 5 kids, so she wasn't going anywhere and I'm sure he tried to constantly control her through them.

I hope grandma gets full custody. Their father does not care about them or anyone. I'm sure he'll try to blame MT for some stuff too.


Also, this is my first post, hello to everyone. I've been reading WS on and off for years, but this story really pulled me in so I decided to make an account.
Welcome to WS - I also believe it was planned for that Friday but I don’t think the method went quite as planned IMO the physical attack had too much blood - I don’t think they anticipated that- I want to know what they were after at the Farmington house after MT talked
The first time I ever saw mention of the garage door being left open was on the JD Facebook group. This was a few days ago. The person posted claimed to be a former local prosecutor. People started giving said prosecutor grief for leaking info, and she deleted the post. There are screenshots, however.
There were financial matters coming up on the divorce action that many think he wanted to avoid.

Also, he had zero reason to be at her house that morning. Except to kill her.

I think this was cold blooded and very planned.

Nobody says no to Foti.
ITA. But, I think his plan went very wrong at some early point and I think he had not clearly planned out all the "what ifs, then" scenarios. His hot headed, impulsive personna (as reported) wouldn't allow him to choose the alternative path with a clear head and think of all the necessary details. His original plan may not have even needed to include MT, but the original mistake pulled her in.
IMO, if they both traveled to NC (in a car using faked number plates), she was in on it from the start.
Has it been reported as to which car the altered plates were assigned? They probably weren't the truck they went to Htfd. in because they were discarded in Htfd. and if so, they would have to have driven back to Farmington with no plates. So, he was discarding plates that he had brought up there in a UPS box.

Actually, which vehicle is sitting without plates at the moment since LE has the plates? That should tell LE something.

It can't be the black pick up truck or the black SUV that was found at Waveny Park. So what vehicle was it and where did he take it and not want anyone to know?
Has it been reported as to which car the altered plates were assigned? They probably weren't the truck they went to Htfd. in because they were discarded in Htfd. and if so, they would have to have driven back to Farmington with no plates. So, he was discarding plates that he had brought up there in a UPS box.

Actually, which vehicle is sitting without plates at the moment since LE has the plates? That should tell LE something.

It can't be the black pick up truck or the black SUV that was found at Waveny Park. So what vehicle was it and where did he take it and not want anyone to know?
The plates were from a prior vehicle & expired in 2007.
I went to newington high school with the nanny we were pretty close friends at one point.If I have one point to make I guarentee you FD picked both nannies knowing his controlling behavior. Both were very young females. The nanny I know is extremely attractive. If you have all that money why would you hire a inexperienced 20 year old at that time.
Welcome to WS - I also believe it was planned for that Friday but I don’t think the method went quite as planned IMO the physical attack had too much blood - I don’t think they anticipated that- I want to know what they were after at the Farmington house after MT talked
On the other hand, if the original plan was to hit her with a blunt object in her garage, they should have anticipated blood. Blood stains from the garage floor might also prove difficult to remove.
What was the original plan?
She would be month to month, yes. Technically maybe she would be a squatter now that FD is in the slammer. She wouldn’t get sole possession, no way, at least not forever. But GF can’t make things difficult for her because that is illegal. I’m sure GF isn’t stupid enough to cause trouble about this. She will be patient and stay on the right side of the law.

As to whether MT is ballsy enough to move back in: we’re talking about MT here. If she was ballsy enough to participate in whatever happened, and ballsy enough to hang out of the window of a truck loaded up with bloody evidence and maybe even worse, going back to the house would be no biggie to her IMO.

Well, she is currently staying in a hotel in Avon, which is near Farmington, and nowhere near where she goes to court and to her attorney’s office, so I suppose she does plan to just sashay on back to that house. I don’t doubt that GF will find some way to legally get rid of her, even if it does take months.
Wait. It just came to me. In thinking about this I'm betting any plea deals involve her not being able to come anywhere near the kids or any property owned by JD.

Yeah, there's an eviction process but a restraining order or the equivalent is a quick way to circumvent that.

My guess is as someone else said - she will be given her things or allowed to send someone to get them, but with lawyers or police as an escort.

But now I don't think she will be allowed to set foot back on that property.

The grandmother can probably get a restraining order keeping that horror of a woman away from the property!

See-this is what I mean by “trouble”!
I went to newington high school with the nanny we were pretty close friends at one point.If I have one point to make I guarentee you FD picked both nannies knowing his controlling behavior. Both were very young females. The nanny I know is extremely attractive. If you have all that money why would you hire a inexperienced 20 year old at that time.
Welcome to WS @Sal16cal i have lived in Newington for 45 years. Small world.
Welcome to WS - I also believe it was planned for that Friday but I don’t think the method went quite as planned IMO the physical attack had too much blood - I don’t think they anticipated that- I want to know what they were after at the Farmington house after MT talked
Thank you!
ITA about the blood, I think he underestimated how much blood a body can and will produce...
Maybe the murder weapon is at Farmington?
ITA. But, I think his plan went very wrong at some early point and I think he had not clearly planned out all the "what ifs, then" scenarios. His hot headed, impulsive personna (as reported) wouldn't allow him to choose the alternative path with a clear head and think of all the necessary details. His original plan may not have even needed to include MT, but the original mistake pulled her in.

ITA He maybe didn’t even think about alternatives because he’s so brilliant he doesn’t need them (in his mind!). I only know what I’ve read about him on WS and MSM and it kind of seems like up to this point his life has been pretty smooth, like he gets everything he wants and if he screws up or something isn’t quite right, others fix things for him. Given his personality I am sure JD was the fixer in the marriage. Anything he needed done or paid she did it, she fixed it. It’s why he was caught of guard when she suddenly left, stopped giving him cash.

Her leaving him the way that she did, making a fake story of where they were going, says A LOT about they type of man he is. He was left on his own suddenly with bills to pay, etc and he did not like it.

So when he murdered her and things didn’t happen just as he planned and there was no one there to fix it... besides MT... I’m sure he went into a tizzy, made some weird decisions (e.g. 30 trash bags instead of the number he originally had in mind, as I still think Hartford was chosen in advance as a drop spot)

Please excuse any grammatical errors or similar, I am not a native speaker.
Financial data is. Especially when self-employed people hide income.

We encounter this all the time and have to hire experts to conduct cash flow analyses and business valuations.

The shadier the opposing party the harder it is to decipher.

Absolutely right-I have a friend who is trying to untangle a family owned company in which she has an interest after her mother’s death-her brothers have been using the company as a piggy bank for years. It is extremely difficult to figure out. You can’t even imagine what a mess it can be when people do what they aren’t allowed to do.
The plates were from a prior vehicle & expired in 2007.
So, no vehicle is sitting without plates. But when did he alter them and where did he go with them, on what vehicle? Still isn't the black pick up truck or JD's SUV. Did he pick them up in JD's garage and alter them and put them on what vehicle, MT's ? But where was he going that he felt he needed to mislead?
I went to newington high school with the nanny we were pretty close friends at one point.If I have one point to make I guarentee you FD picked both nannies knowing his controlling behavior. Both were very young females. The nanny I know is extremely attractive. If you have all that money why would you hire a inexperienced 20 year old at that time.
Welcome to Websleuths, sal16cal!
It’s great to have you here!

When you say “both nannies”... do you mean both nannies to the 5 Dulos Children?

Or do you mean the nanny that is their nanny now (in NYC with them) AND the one that is nanny to MT’s daughter?

I’m assuming you mean both nannies to the Dulos children, but just want to be sure.

So, no vehicle is sitting without plates. But when did he alter them and where did he go with them, on what vehicle? Still isn't the black pick up truck or JD's SUV. Did he pick them up in JD's garage and alter them and put them on what vehicle, MT's ? But where was he going that he felt he needed to mislead?

And how do you even just have old plates lying around? Don’t you have to return them to take insurance off of that vehicle in CT?
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