Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #4 *ARRESTS*

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"Unlike JD, she could've easily left him at any moment. She had no ties to him.
If facts emerge that show that she was stuck and scared, I'll change my mind.
In the meantime, I don't think she was afraid at all."

I don't think I quoted this correctly, but I totally agree with the above. I've been thinking a lot about MT and her motivation. Looking at her pictures, starting with the arraignment, I felt pretty strongly she would turn against FD quickly. In arraignment photos it seemed to me that she had just fully and completely realized that all of her horrible, selfish decisions - starting with the year long affair, then flaunting her position and moving herself and her daughter in with FD, culminating with helping him (how much I'm not sure, but certainly at the very least knowingly disposing of JD's bloody clothes) - were out in the open and would be reckoned with publicly. Looking at the photos from the time she was together with FD, I think she giddily (maybe I'm reading into this) went along with torturing JD as a way of cementing her relationship with FD.

FD on the other hand, looked sociopathically calm at the arraignment.

First time post.
If MT's gotten full immunity here, that will indeed qualify as being one real sweetie beauty of a deal.

If she has immunity, it will be a bitter pill to swallow.

I have a feeling we're all going to have to swallow hard.

I do think when we find out the full horror of what FD did to JD, it will help us to accept her deal, though.

FD is the worst of the worst. He's a dangerous predator and an absolute menace to society.

He needs to be locked away in a cell forever, no matter what it takes.


When I first read your post and saw “worst of the worst”, I thought “no way is he the worst of the worst”. But then I thought about it...he presented himself as a much different kind of man; he really snuck up on her figuratively as well as literally. Before she married him, she could have never seen this coming. This really was bad.
The AM banging. I wonder if this could be from FD putting the body into a box or other type of container. Maybe she’s not buried or dumped, but rather in a container of some sort (wood, metal, who knows). And where could that be discarded or stored.
I doubt it. She struck a deal. It wouldn't behoove her to lie about anything; she'll only be hurting herself more in the long run.

Prior to the deal, I'm sure she would have tried her best to lie her way out of trouble.
With a deal in place now, she has nothing to gain and everything to lose by lying.

There's no way that MT is going to lie to LE about anything at this point.
She'll give them the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
No half-truths, no omissions, no embellishments.

MT's deal is contingent upon her being completely forthcoming about both what she did and what he did.
She loves herself too much to put her own future at risk.

FD might as well strap on a helmet and protective gear, because he's about to get a swift chuck under the bus.

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Reading these great posts this am and one think really struck me: FD had worked with his father, PD, who was a tanner

Tanners know how to handle animal carcasses. They know how to "butcher" them as well as dismember them and make them presentable to a rendering plant. In some smaller areas, they may do the rendering themselves.

I now feel very strongly that JD was indeed dismembered and FD did very significant things to destroy her body. Probably fairly extreme. And very likely had her remains distributed into numberous very small parts that were, indeed, likely dumped in the fashion the clothing and bloody towels were. But maybe at a different time of day such as very early morning darkness. Maybe even in a differnt part of town, but all intended to be ultimately destroyed in the town incinerator.

LE really needs to be looking everywhere for very small bits of tissue. They are likely spending so much time at the Fore Group properties because this is where FD spent hours working to destroy her earthly body.

His goal is revenge and destruction. And as a control freak, he wants her untraceable in this world. But as the foolish man he is, he has also made some big mistakes and very poor choices. I believe LE will find something... but it won't be an intact body and FD's ultimate incarceration sentence will be dependent on horrifyingly small amounts of her tissue and DNA
Reading these great posts this am and one think really struck me: FD had worked with his father, PD, who was a tanner

Tanners know how to handle animal carcasses. They know how to "butcher" them as well as dismember them and make them presentable to a rendering plant. In some smaller areas, they may do the rendering themselves.

I now feel very strongly that JD was indeed dismembered and FD did very significant things to destroy her body. Probably fairly extreme. And very likely had her remains distributed into numberous very small parts that were, indeed, likely dumped in the fashion the clothing and bloody towels were. But maybe at a different time of day such as very early morning darkness. Maybe even in a differnt part of town, but all intended to be ultimately destroyed in the town incinerator.

LE really needs to be looking everywhere for very small bits of tissue. They are likely spending so much time at the Fore Group properties because this is where FD spent hours working to destroy her earthly body.

His goal is revenge and destruction. And as a control freak, he wants her untraceable in this world. But as the foolish man he is, he has also made some big mistakes and very poor choices. I believe LE will find something... but it won't be an intact body and FD's ultimate incarceration sentence will be dependent on horrifyingly small amounts of her tissue and DNA
and I have to wonder how much MT knew about this since we know she was with him Friday evening in Hartford.... link in media thread - arrest warrant
One thing that is important in all this, to me, is where exactly were MT and her daughter in the days before and the week after Friday, May 24?

Was she specifically staying away from one of the properties? Did she go back and forth to others, like he did?
If FD killed, maybe dismembered, and dumped the body and other items in various places ... How many total hours did he have/take to accomplish all of this? Could he really have done all of that within X number of hours?
@Nccs_local thanks so much for your post. Your insight is invaluable to those of us reading up on this.

In response to someone who asked if the teacher's perspective of what the kids thought of their dad (adored him), verses what JD stated the kids felt about their dad (scared of him)....I see that all the time in school. Kids learn to adapt to contentious divorces. They might tell one parent what they want to hear (e.g. dad is a jerk) but in turn display affection for the same parent when mom isn't around to see. It is a basic survival skill for kids caught in the middle of a messy divorce. While WE all may think FD is a sociopathic jerk, those 5 kids may not see that side of him at all.

Also, just a side note, for those wondering how FD might have known JD's schedules for the day (and I hope this comes out correctly and not accusatory) the kids could have innocently let something slip via text. I've had multiple students over the years who have said "when I am at my dad's house I am not allowed to call my mom." But once kids get access to cell phones, it gets a lot harder to control/manage information. If the kids really did adore their dad, I can easily see FD texting one of the kids asking "hey, you guys on your way to school? What time are you leaving town today?" followed with a "can't wait to see you this weekend" and one of the kids innocently texting back the info, never thinking in a million years what would happen later that day.

I am not saying any of the Dulos kids have cell phones, but as a middle school teacher, it is a safe bet the 13 year olds do.

I hope its clear I am not accusing anyone nor laying blame on the children. If it comes off that way, please let me know and I will delete the post immediately. All I am trying to say is that I can see how it could happen, if indeed the kids could text.
Reading these great posts this am and one think really struck me: FD had worked with his father, PD, who was a tanner

Tanners know how to handle animal carcasses. They know how to "butcher" them as well as dismember them and make them presentable to a rendering plant. In some smaller areas, they may do the rendering themselves.

I now feel very strongly that JD was indeed dismembered and FD did very significant things to destroy her body. Probably fairly extreme. And very likely had her remains distributed into numberous very small parts that were, indeed, likely dumped in the fashion the clothing and bloody towels were. But maybe at a different time of day such as very early morning darkness. Maybe even in a differnt part of town, but all intended to be ultimately destroyed in the town incinerator.

LE really needs to be looking everywhere for very small bits of tissue. They are likely spending so much time at the Fore Group properties because this is where FD spent hours working to destroy her earthly body.

His goal is revenge and destruction. And as a control freak, he wants her untraceable in this world. But as the foolish man he is, he has also made some big mistakes and very poor choices. I believe LE will find something... but it won't be an intact body and FD's ultimate incarceration sentence will be dependent on horrifyingly small amounts of her tissue and DNA
The tanning of hides process also utilizes strong chemicals to remove tissue and fat etc. from the hide and to soften it. I wonder if LE has looked into whether those chemicals have been sold locally recently. In an0ther case on this forum, recently in California, a child was killed and essentially disposed of using chemicals etc.
JMO, but he is a monster for killing JD. The way the crime was committed, the disposal of evidence, the doctoring of the plates, having his cell phone on, pretty much everything related to this case shows that his behavior was DUMB. Sure, he may be an intelligent person, but he was an idiot in the way he went about this.

Or my personal favorite - thinking if you dispose of the evidence in poor, higher-crime areas you will get away with it - not realizing that these areas have CCTV cameras all over the place! Unlike Waveny Park which had no cameras.
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