Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #4 *ARRESTS*

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@Nccs_local thanks so much for your post. Your insight is invaluable to those of us reading up on this.

In response to someone who asked if the teacher's perspective of what the kids thought of their dad (adored him), verses what JD stated the kids felt about their dad (scared of him)....I see that all the time in school. Kids learn to adapt to contentious divorces. They might tell one parent what they want to hear (e.g. dad is a jerk) but in turn display affection for the same parent when mom isn't around to see. It is a basic survival skill for kids caught in the middle of a messy divorce. While WE all may think FD is a sociopathic jerk, those 5 kids may not see that side of him at all.

Also, just a side note, for those wondering how FD might have known JD's schedules for the day (and I hope this comes out correctly and not accusatory) the kids could have innocently let something slip via text. I've had multiple students over the years who have said "when I am at my dad's house I am not allowed to call my mom." But once kids get access to cell phones, it gets a lot harder to control/manage information. If the kids really did adore their dad, I can easily see FD texting one of the kids asking "hey, you guys on your way to school? What time are you leaving town today?" followed with a "can't wait to see you this weekend" and one of the kids innocently texting back the info, never thinking in a million years what would happen later that day.

I am not saying any of the Dulos kids have cell phones, but as a middle school teacher, it is a safe bet the 13 year olds do.

I hope its clear I am not accusing anyone nor laying blame on the children. If it comes off that way, please let me know and I will delete the post immediately. All I am trying to say is that I can see how it could happen, if indeed the kids could text.

THIS. I've seen it multiple times in my own family with kids around the same ages. I've even seen it where the nanny accidentally let things slip in terms of kids' activities, like "(kids' mom) is taking (kid) to volleyball practice, I won't be dropping (kid) off with you today" or something of that nature. I'm not implicating JD's nanny at all, just stating that this could have been something that happened with a third, not related to the couple party who has contact with the kids. Like I think someone mentioned that one of the sons played ice hockey... that coach could've accidentally let something slip if they weren't aware of how messy the divorce was/kid had said they liked FD as a dad.
The tanning of hides process also utilizes strong chemicals to remove tissue and fat etc. from the hide and to soften it. I wonder if LE has looked into whether those chemicals have been sold locally recently. In an0ther case on this forum, recently in California, a child was killed and essentially disposed of using chemicals etc.

Yes, Tanners use large vats of chemicals to remove hair and fat.

This was the sort of stuff I was alluding to in my post. Both chemical and physical means.

LE may be having to do a crash course in tanning practices in Greece, both modern and traditional....
If FD killed, maybe dismembered, and dumped the body and other items in various places ... How many total hours did he have/take to accomplish all of this? Could he really have done all of that within X number of hours?
IMO, yes, he could have accomplished all of that on Friday, but the metal banging at Sturbridge on Saturday morning makes me wonder.

Thanks for posting your insights. I appreciate the information regarding the road to JDs rented home. I’ve posted on other cases but have been lurking on this case. I wondered if MT and FD were waiting for JD to leave to take the children to school and once her car passed their location MT dropped FD at JD’s home and either the garage door was left open accidentally by JD or he was waiting at her house for her to enter the garage and attacked her once she exited her vehicle. But your description of the windy hazardous road makes me believe firmly that MT likely dropped him off at the home and therefore had to have known precisely for what FDs intentions were. Whether she participated in the harming of JD she is equally as culpable.

Thanks for sharing!

Also to everyone, keep up the good work. You guys rock.
I just hope that LE can be 100% sure of the limits of her involvement before she gets any sort of deal.

If MT only helped with the clean up and the dumping of evidence, I’m ok with her getting a lighter sentence if she gives info that returns this mama to her children and mother. But what is to stop her from saying she only did X, Y, and Z, after she was dead, when she really was also in the garage beating JD? How can LE be sure that she is telling the truth about her part? If I were in her spot right now and participated I promise that I would be doing everything I could to make it seem like I wasn’t there for the killing.
The good thing is her deal doesn’t cover civil remuneration. Hoping grandma and children sue and make MT’s life not so pleasant. Say goodbye to the seal shoe money! ;)
When I first read your post and saw “worst of the worst”, I thought “no way is he the worst of the worst”. But then I thought about it...he presented himself as a much different kind of man; he really snuck up on her figuratively as well as literally. Before she married him, she could have never seen this coming. This really was bad.


So true...especially the insidious way he crept up on her.

Just thinking about FD calls forth images of a certain serpent in a certain garden.

That serpent was smooth-talking and deceptive,too.....with nothing but malicious, evil intent in his heart.

He IS the worst of the worst. To call FD a human being is an insult to the rest of us human beings.

He's actually a snake disguised in human form.

He gives me the willies.

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Has there been anything reported in MSM today indicating where they are looking or if they are looking? I haven't found anything.
Everything sure is quiet - no leaks by LE, no new warrants that we are aware of. By now, they would have MT's cell phone data I would think and IMO they can use that to help verify her 3 hour statement? MOO
I'm wondering if it's quiet because something is about to break. It's odd that MSM isn't commenting on LE's movement much since MT's statement.
The tanning of hides process also utilizes strong chemicals to remove tissue and fat etc. from the hide and to soften it. I wonder if LE has looked into whether those chemicals have been sold locally recently. In an0ther case on this forum, recently in California, a child was killed and essentially disposed of using chemicals etc.
I've wondered this from the beginning. Re: chemicals
FD was abnormal in so many ways, he was ocd about many things.
He didn't do things half way, he was over the top.
IMO he wouldn't discard JD's body if there were any, any chance at all it would be found and identified. He would have come up with a plan to totally extinguish any clue to her tissue, bones, etc.
Other than complete cremation, what else would accomplish this? Chemicals. Something that would break down bone and tissue that he could then bury or scatter the residue. Or bury
the body in a steel drum in concrete, with the chemicals inside
the drum/barrel. Also these chemicals might deter identification
by K9 dogs sniffing for remains.
Think over the top. Think OCD hiding of body. Think the unthinkable. That's FD.
Everything sure is quiet - no leaks by LE, no new warrants that we are aware of. By now, they would have MT's cell phone data I would think and IMO they can use that to help verify her 3 hour statement? MOO
Yeah, really quiet.

They're probably really busy with all that stuff, but keeping quiet about it until Tuesday...we should find a lot out then. Hope that doesn't get postponed!
I wonder why they return to the Hartford incinerator plant when they have found nothing so far and they have MT's statement.
We don't know that they're found nothing so far, but yes, something in her statement must've indicated that it's worth spending the money on resources there. They wouldn't have returned if there was nothing more incriminating than what they already recovered from Hartford.
I've wondered this from the beginning. Re: chemicals
FD was abnormal in so many ways, he was ocd about many things.
He didn't do things half way, he was over the top.
IMO he wouldn't discard JD's body if there were any, any chance at all it would be found and identified. He would have come up with a plan to totally extinguish any clue to her tissue, bones, etc.
Other than complete cremation, what else would accomplish this? Chemicals. Something that would break down bone and tissue that he could then bury or scatter the residue. Or bury
the body in a steel drum in concrete, with the chemicals inside
the drum/barrel. Also these chemicals might deter identification
by K9 dogs sniffing for remains.
Think over the top. Think OCD hiding of body. Think the unthinkable. That's FD.
Ugh, barrels full of chemicals make me think of Dahmer (and not in the cannibalism way). :confused:

Based on what the insider who knows the family said, I think you're right about FD's meticulousness. The spreadsheets for the kids and such. He probably put a lot of thought into how we was going to dispose of the body. :(
but someone like FD doesn’t see himself as a problem, so he’d never realize that his kids fear him. He’d mistake it for love and admiration.

I'd even say if the children were to say anything to him, like "we hate you, we don't want this..." he'd blame JD for "poisoning them" with her opinions, etc.

guys like FD are never wrong and are always above everyone, so I'm sure he'll never respect his children enough to value their opinion (MOO)

those poor kids
I just keep refreshing the thread in hopes of news that they found her
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