Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #5*ARRESTS*

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I still think it is shameful of this lawyer to take this case. Yes the accused is entitled but this lawyer is entitled to take or not take this case. He seems to have actually gone after it. He can do whatever he wants and choose to help bring good into the world, but he pro bono represents this just to get his mug on TV a few more times? He's disgusting. Total publicity hound, bit too in love with himself from the looks of his website. So maybe it is a good match.
Jose Baez must have been a bit slow to dial.
On the poison ivy, if he’s super allergic to it, it might not have even been him touching it that would have triggered it. My husband has had to have steroids when people have burned poison ivy because he’s so allergic. He broke out all over and couldn’t get it to stop even with benedryl. It’s a delayed reaction too.
One of my sons is the same way. Highly allergic to poison ivy. Especially when he was very young, it got in his eyes, on his genitals, and everywhere else!
I have been following cases here for about ten years now, and one thing I have seen, over and over again...murderers are very seldom as clever as we often assume they are. More often than not, they are just lucky. It is extremely difficult to find a body unless you have specific information on its location. We all have lost our keys or such at home, and turned the house upside down trying to find them. Now imagine trying to find a human body, that may or may not be concealed or intact, when you may not even know the general area to search. I frankly think it is a miracle that anyone is ever found without being led to the location. I think I am probably in the minority here, but I don't really believe that JD was meticulously dismembered and scattered. I think she more likely was taken somewhere and covered or buried, perhaps with use of construction equipment. I really felt like MT was involved enough that she would know the location of the remains, but now I am rethinking that. Finally, I agree with gitana and a few others in stating that, if LE had recovered any human tissue, there would be murder charges by now. I do believe they are searching for other evidence at MIRA...a murder weapon perhaps, other physical evidence that may strengthen the case. I do believe that they will find JD eventually, with or without help from MT or FD, and I believe FD will be successfully prosecuted. JMO
I agree with you. I’m not sold on dismemberment and I’m struggling with the idea JD was killed in her home. From the beginning I suspected FD gained entry through her garage and attacked her with an object enough to subdue her and load her into his truck before anyone noticed him at her residence.... But that wouldn’t make sense to add an additional crime scene. JMO.
I’m thinking there could be two causes of action to look into - The death of FD mother and the death of the horses / what else can they be connected with ?
I was going to ask the same. What else besides his mom and horses. (Bad enough) Has it been discussed that if FD mother lived and was in hospital, could she have been “finished off” or does everyone think that she died of being hit?
Perfectly plausible, as is what happened to his mother, but in a certain context one must review the plausible, imo, and dig a little deeper.
Yes, AbbyG!

When the first wife of Drew Peterson "drowned" in a dry bathtub, that seemed plausible....until the second wife disappeared!

It's time to take a hard look at every hinky thing that's occurred in this family.
It just occurred to me, what if none of the clothing items that were found in the Hartford dumpsters (that tested positive for JD’s blood) belonged to JD? Maybe they don’t belong to FD or MT either? I keep thinking about the license plates that were found and to me that screams premeditated. What if items of clothing, cleaning supplies and even trash bags were thought ahead as well? Does anyone know how long the oils from a poison ivy plant would stay on clothing? Is that something they might be able to test for?
The sticky fluid from poison ivy is what causes the itchy rash in about 24 hours. It has to be washed in hot water to remove it from clothing or it can keep re-infecting (spoken from experience). I've only found one thing that removes it from the skin - scrubbing with Zanfel.
The only situation in which I can picture needing to dispose of 30 bags of bloody clothing is if you killed someone over a mountain of laundry. Blood splatter over an enormous pile and no way to deal with it but get rid of it all. Picture a hoarders laundry room. But I can't imagine a situation in which wealthy people with nannies etc would have that level of clothing around. Unless the room she was killed in contained the kid's clothing change for the season. When I change out clothing for a season for my kids it is a ton of clothing bins. I pull it all out at once and have to go through and pull out the right stuff and pack up the past season. They probably have closets big enough that they don't need to pack up off season clothes. Anyway...that's all I can come up with for 30 bags of bloody clothes!
I speculated a couple of threads ago that it might be clothes for The thrift shop. I often have clothes in boxes until I have enough stuff to have the thrift store come pick it up. JMO

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All the attorneys I have worked with avoid withdrawal until the bitter end. They move the case through to the point where they feel they can withdraw without a bar complaint even if they work on their dime - I suspect these attorneys feel its now or never IMO

In family law attorneys withdraw routinely before conclusion of the case. At least here in CA.
I'm doubting that Jennifer's body is in MIRA. Dismembering a body is time consuming and messy. The body would also have an odor. While it could be done, it seems like a lot to do and risky, creating a lot of forensic evidence that would be hard to fully get rid of in such a short period of time. I could be wrong, but I think a grave was probably dug in a remote area before the crime. JMO.
Ha-now that’s cute! I hope he cries like a baby every day while he’s there! It cannot be pleasant!

Oh I’m sure he is hating life! My ex got arrested for violating a NCO his newest ex wife has. He was so upset after because his cellmates made him sleep on the floor, complaining that he was bullied. I laughed at the irony. I suppose jerks like this are only tough when they are abusing women, children, and animals. I’m sure FD really hates jail.
Enough of Kelsey's blood has been found to have Frazee held in jail for murder without bond. That's not too shabby. Lots of video. Lots of cell phone records. Evidence of the burn site. Cadaver dogs hitting on the hay where the tote was hidden. Kelsey's destroyed phone near KK's home. And what might Mama have to say?!
I disagree because KK cleaned up the blood to the point LE missed finding it until the Berreth's pointed it out. She tossed a tooth she claimed she found. She tossed all the bloody evidence she claimed she found. LE found the blood evidence on their own in JD's case. And they also began to work it the same day JD disappeared. That is a real advantage.

Holding someone without bond based on what a mistress told LE which was then repeated to the Judge ....and convicting them of first degree murder are two completely separate things. PF's mom will have plenty to say about KK and it won't be positive, imo. I don't have anything positive to say about KK and I've never met her. She had her own motive for wanting KB dead and so does JT. Both of these women were involved up to their fake eyelashes.

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