Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #5*ARRESTS*

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Absolutely agree. I go back and forth as to how much info MT actually has though on JD disappearance and the violent act mentioned by LE. Was FD so controlling that he shared nothing with MT but yet expected her to accompany him on the ride down Albany Avenue with the bags? I ask myself why MT would take the trip down Albany Avenue with all the bags if she suspected what might be in them? Also, if MT weren't involved with the violent act then why tie herself further to the situation and risk a murder charge for helping with the black bags? I keep trying to imagine the convos between the 2 over the missing date and day after and wonder how specific the convos were? IDK.

We also don't know if she had much info about the Fore Group and its finances etc. in her role as Manager? MT could have just been a glorified PA or bimbo GF IMO and FD with a great need to control everything in his orbit kept her out of all details. At the other extreme though is a true "Bonnie and Clyde" team operation in all aspects of life and business. Learning what we have about FD I really wonder if he has the capacity to be part of team as he appears to be a 'Long Ranger'.

Can't make up my mind about the nature of the MT/FD relationship. MT could have just been another FD patsy in a long line of female patsys to stroke his ego and give him cash and then again maybe she was smarter than that? Not sure we have enough info at this point do decide.
Like you, I'm trying to get a better picture of MT. If LE or FBI
were to do a background check on her and talk to previous employers, former neighbors, do a credit check, look at her real
finances, her real education (not LinkedIn), former friends,
ex-husband(s), ex BF's, etc. What is the picture we would see?
What would her character look like?
I go back and forth on this: sometimes husbands pick the next
gf/wife who is very similar to first wife, or do they stoop down
a rung or three and take what's available?
I also wonder if MT is a drug addict who was hooked to her
procurer (FD)? Was he keeping her on the dole by supplying her?
I think her position at ForeGroup was simply on paper. Maybe
she answered phones, did clerical stuff, ran errands, etc.
I can't imagine FD giving her all the info on the whereabouts of
JD. MT doesn't seem bright enough to be an equal partner.
She doesn't bring much to the table, imo.
If he drove to the house, wouldn't JD notice the car when she returned from the school run? How did he move two cars (his and JD's)? I think he had help. Someone dropped him off.
I think he waited in the school parking lot, saw her drop off the kids, followed her home came up the driveway behind her, blocked her car in the garage, got out and attacked her. If it had worked as he had planned, he would have put her in his vehicle and left. But, it didn't and he had to call MT to help move the car and clean up. Then they both drove back up to JC. He went on with the body to Mt. Spring Road and the rest is history.
I've been spending alot of time thinking about Mrs. Farber and the options her legal team are no doubt putting on the table for her to consider. I don't think anyone expected to go this long and not have JD back or her body. It might be early days yet on the legal front but I wonder at what point Mrs. Faber would pursue a separate civil action for wrongful death against both FD and MT? Would she wait a while longer to see if a body is found or does she file now in order to keep FD in jail if she is concerned he would bail out? What happens if the State can't put together a strong enough case for murder charge against MT and FD? Such tough calls but she has to be concerned about the grandchildren.

On a separate note I also wonder if the State might be forced to file the murder charge/s to coincide with the Tuesday court date? There were lots of POV on this topic the other day but I'm curious where people are leaning now? If FD weren't a dead man walking before then he really is now with his 2 main civil atty's jumping ship this past week. Desperate people tend to do stupid desperate things and Mrs Farber might be extremely concerned about what FD might do and not think a simple ankle bracelet would stop him from harming her or the grandchildren. Hate to think about things like this but I truly wonder if FD were to bail out how the people he might seek revenge against could be kept safe? If you recall the testimony of JD about FD revenge fantasies and how he wanted to fly a plane and drop a brick on a person that wronged him in business, you have to wonder what he might do if he were really angry???? Scary to think about actually.
I expected it to go this long or longer. Actually, FD was arrested far sooner than many of these monsters due to JD's friends reporting her missing so quickly. As for recovering her body, this can take quite a bit of time, and it may never happen.
I hope LE brings murder charges on Tuesday and holds him without bail going forward. Fingers crossed. MOO
Interesting about the Patch being SM, was not aware. I've posted links to Patch that contain references to MSM and local papers. The New Canaan Patch has been doing some compilation articles to summarize local media and they actually have been doing a good job on some of them so I don't think they should be completely excluded. I will send a PM to the moderator to clarify.
I think the issue was that the quote on the Patch was from her blog, which has since been taken down. I haven't checked to see if other blog quotes on here have disappeared.
I've been spending alot of time thinking about Mrs. Farber and the options her legal team are no doubt putting on the table for her to consider. I don't think anyone expected to go this long and not have JD back or her body. It might be early days yet on the legal front but I wonder at what point Mrs. Faber would pursue a separate civil action for wrongful death against both FD and MT? Would she wait a while longer to see if a body is found or does she file now in order to keep FD in jail if she is concerned he would bail out? What happens if the State can't put together a strong enough case for murder charge against MT and FD? Such tough calls but she has to be concerned about the grandchildren.

On a separate note I also wonder if the State might be forced to file the murder charge/s to coincide with the Tuesday court date? There were lots of POV on this topic the other day but I'm curious where people are leaning now? If FD weren't a dead man walking before then he really is now with his 2 main civil atty's jumping ship this past week. Desperate people tend to do stupid desperate things and Mrs Farber might be extremely concerned about what FD might do and not think a simple ankle bracelet would stop him from harming her or the grandchildren. Hate to think about things like this but I truly wonder if FD were to bail out how the people he might seek revenge against could be kept safe? If you recall the testimony of JD about FD revenge fantasies and how he wanted to fly a plane and drop a brick on a person that wronged him in business, you have to wonder what he might do if he were really angry???? Scary to think about actually.
My understanding is that a Civil Suit for Wrongful Death would
not be connected to keeping him in jail It's a Civil suit, not criminal. Wasn't OJ out of jail and free when the Browns filed the
civil suit against him?
I definitely agree with you about the dangers to those in Fd's
mind of having wronged him. Hell hath no fury to those who
did him in (in his mind). He is a dangerous man and should be kept locked up forever. I just hope they can legally do so.
Everything you say makes perfect sense.
I have hoped from the beginning they have the goods on him and need nothing from her.
I hold her equally accountable.
I have no tolerance for a woman, a mother, with no feeling towards her peer, a woman of 5.
Driving around on Albany Ave. sealed the deal for me.
She will likely be charged with murder in CT if she doesn't cooperate. We don't have accessory charges here from what we've researched.
She will likely be charged with murder in CT if she doesn't cooperate. We don't have accessory charges here from what we've researched.
Will LE take MT back into jail on Tues. because her info is all BS?
Will they take back any agreement they made with her if things don't pan out?
Maybe this is her last weekend of freedom for awhile?
I've been spending alot of time thinking about Mrs. Farber and the options her legal team are no doubt putting on the table for her to consider. I don't think anyone expected to go this long and not have JD back or her body. It might be early days yet on the legal front but I wonder at what point Mrs. Faber would pursue a separate civil action for wrongful death against both FD and MT? Would she wait a while longer to see if a body is found or does she file now in order to keep FD in jail if she is concerned he would bail out? What happens if the State can't put together a strong enough case for murder charge against MT and FD? Such tough calls but she has to be concerned about the grandchildren.

On a separate note I also wonder if the State might be forced to file the murder charge/s to coincide with the Tuesday court date? There were lots of POV on this topic the other day but I'm curious where people are leaning now? If FD weren't a dead man walking before then he really is now with his 2 main civil atty's jumping ship this past week. Desperate people tend to do stupid desperate things and Mrs Farber might be extremely concerned about what FD might do and not think a simple ankle bracelet would stop him from harming her or the grandchildren. Hate to think about things like this but I truly wonder if FD were to bail out how the people he might seek revenge against could be kept safe? If you recall the testimony of JD about FD revenge fantasies and how he wanted to fly a plane and drop a brick on a person that wronged him in business, you have to wonder what he might do if he were really angry???? Scary to think about actually.

Would a civil suit filed by Mrs. Farber for wrongful death be able to keep FD in jail? I don’t think it would. However, I feel sure that whatever her lawyers can do to foul up his s**t, is being considered right now. There is no way she isn’t furious about the current state of the investigation. My money is definitely on GF at the moment, but criminals involved in well publicized crimes sometimes get the jump on everybody else when it comes to court. I hope GF is as motivated to hurt him as I think she is.
MOO disturbing content theory
Trigger warning

JD’s destruction, defilement, torture, and incineration were clearly premeditated, intentional, sadistic, personal and extremely overdetermined.

FD’s motivations included anger at and resentment of JD for escaping his control, facilitating the escape of the children he held fearful of him and hostage, and the protective assistance of Grandma Farber, which FD would view as an inferior woman daring to challenge him.

To defy Fotis would be unconscionable independently, but then to expose in public court filings the extent to which this successful playboy was a serial parasite, philanderer, deadbeat, and narcissist, and to dare demand repayment of scam business loans rather than ignore their mischaractizations; rather than willingly cough up the kids and her family assets all things FD basically abused and stole with impunity and to which he felt completely deserving and entitled, would be indignity and challenge to his default chokehold of the family and an emasculation by strong women that must not stand.

One way or another, he would make them pay. And dearly.

FD’s control needs were heartless, sadistic, and absolute. Totally MOO, but I get the sense this guy was a raging antisemite. Setting into motion a chain of events that would erase Jennifer and deprive her and her family of traditional religious and cultural privileges, rituals, and rites was his intent. Divide and conquer. From the beginning to the end. No Jewish names for the kids, no Jewish schools for the kids, no sitting shiva for her or traditional anointing, mourning, and rapid burial. Instead, the abhorrent and forbidden: cremation.

FD threw away Jennifer to be hauled off in pieces by truck with the garbage, to have every last bit of her shredded and incinerated. He figured he got the first and last word. He one upped her. He literally burned her.

Foris always loved a good fire. The side chick is his patsy. She’s not young or rich enough to be the next one off the bench. He’s been using MT to torture and punish FD. MT could have been anyone. MT was more function than person to FD. To the extent FD could cash in on MT and humiliate JD and unsettle her kids, all the better. But MT’s served her purpose.

And soon, MT will see, that Fotis doesn’t plan to lose. FD set MT up through this all. He does not intend to fall. The house always wins. And the tie goes to the runner. If that doesn’t beat all.

MT might get a watery grave, a gunshot, rope, or OD, but FD never planned one for Jennifer.

FD likely has already drafted MT’s confession and suicide note. When they find MT, if they do once she disappears while out on bail awaiting trial or sentencing, we will learn how much guilt MT felt, how it was all MT’s idea, about how FD knew nothing of her plan, and about how sorry she is for the pain she has caused him. It’s all about FD.

For sure FD will have an insurance policy on MT and her daughter as well. Perhaps in another country. Perhaps through a series of shell corps. Expect it to be not easily discovered. Expect nanny one from 2010 to disappear as well, if she hasn’t already returned home to Greece, or just disappeared. Perhaps while waterskiing.

*Theory* MOO *FD since 2015 appears to have controlled his family’s ancestry/family tree page information btw. Betting much of that information is totally not right.

Three card Monte folks. He’s made it so you won’t find your card.

And he wins. He always wins.

If he bonds out, he’s gone.
Will LE take MT back into jail on Tues. because her info is all BS?
Will they take back any agreement they made with her if things don't pan out?
Maybe this is her last weekend of freedom for awhile?

According to lawyers that I know, depending on how the agreement is written, if it proven that she lied she would face additional charges. My friends say that you can bet that her attorney and his team know what she was going to say and made sure what she admitted to was consistent, noted what could be verified and hammered home that she should not lie or go beyond what she saw, participated in or heard. They would also let her know that her deal could go poof if there were major inconsistencies or lies uncovered. Then, the true parts of her statements could be used against her.

Her lawyer/team probably spoke with the DA about the kinds of information she would need to disclose to get x or y deal. It is pretty standard, according to my friend, that the meetings/agreements are figured out and filming of a confession is the last step. There is probably a written document that she signed that is the basis for the evidence collection that is going on now. All wrapped up tight with charging agreements and sentencing recommendations for charges she will plead to.
Interview with former prosecutor was powerful.

Key points:
MT's meeting with DA. They would say you can be charged as a co-conspirator and get 60 years or as an accessory to the crime- 15 years.

Appears she was dismembered based on blood at the scene, curious banging heard at a house, disposal of 30 bags.

He states he didn't bring his phone from Farmington to New Canaan. Does he know this for sure?

How did he drop her car off at Waveny park? Who picked him up?

He thinks this was planned but not well planned.

FD's phone at Albany Ave. was a fortuitous mistake.
I think he waited in the school parking lot, saw her drop off the kids, followed her home came up the driveway behind her, blocked her car in the garage, got out and attacked her. If it had worked as he had planned, he would have put her in his vehicle and left. But, it didn't and he had to call MT to help move the car and clean up. Then they both drove back up to JC. He went on with the body to Mt. Spring Road and the rest is history.
IMO JD would have noticed if a car was following her. If he kept a safe distance, she would have been in the house by the time he arrived or could have locked herself in her car and call for help. I don't see it working.
If MT was then called to help with cleaning up and moving JD's car, that means that she came there on foot. It would have been much easier to drop him off at the house and return later for cleanup.
Of course there are probably other possible scenarios.
MOO disturbing content theory
Trigger warning

JD’s destruction, defilement, torture, and incineration were clearly premeditated, intentional, sadistic, personal and extremely overdetermined.

FD’s motivations included anger at and resentment of JD for escaping his control, facilitating the escape of the children he held fearful of him and hostage, and the protective assistance of Grandma Farber, which FD would view as an inferior woman daring to challenge him.

To defy Fotis would be unconscionable independently, but then to expose in public court filings the extent to which this successful playboy was a serial parasite, philanderer, deadbeat, and narcissist, and to dare demand repayment of scam business loans rather than ignore their mischaractizations; rather than willingly cough up the kids and her family assets all things FD basically abused and stole with impunity and to which he felt completely deserving and entitled, would be indignity and challenge to his default chokehold of the family and an emasculation by strong women that must not stand.

One way or another, he would make them pay. And dearly.

FD’s control needs were heartless, sadistic, and absolute. Totally MOO, but I get the sense this guy was a raging antisemite. Setting into motion a chain of events that would erase Jennifer and deprive her and her family of traditional religious and cultural privileges, rituals, and rites was his intent. Divide and conquer. From the beginning to the end. No Jewish names for the kids, no Jewish schools for the kids, no sitting shiva for her or traditional anointing, mourning, and rapid burial. Instead, the abhorrent and forbidden: cremation.

FD threw away Jennifer to be hauled off in pieces by truck with the garbage, to have every last bit of her shredded and incinerated. He figured he got the first and last word. He one upped her. He literally burned her.

Foris always loved a good fire. The side chick is his patsy. She’s not young or rich enough to be the next one off the bench. He’s been using MT to torture and punish FD. MT could have been anyone. MT was more function than person to FD. To the extent FD could cash in on MT and humiliate JD and unsettle her kids, all the better. But MT’s served her purpose.

And soon, MT will see, that Fotis doesn’t plan to lose. FD set MT up through this all. He does not intend to fall. The house always wins. And the tie goes to the runner. If that doesn’t beat all.

MT might get a watery grave, a gunshot, rope, or OD, but FD never planned one for Jennifer.

FD likely has already drafted MT’s confession and suicide note. When they find MT, if they do once she disappears while out on bail awaiting trial or sentencing, we will learn how much guilt MT felt, how it was all MT’s idea, about how FD knew nothing of her plan, and about how sorry she is for the pain she has caused him. It’s all about FD.

For sure FD will have an insurance policy on MT and her daughter as well. Perhaps in another country. Perhaps through a series of shell corps. Expect it to be not easily discovered. Expect nanny one from 2010 to disappear as well, if she hasn’t already returned home to Greece, or just disappeared. Perhaps while waterskiing.

*Theory* MOO *FD since 2015 appears to have controlled his family’s ancestry/family tree page information btw. Betting much of that information is totally not right.

Three card Monte folks. He’s made it so you won’t find your card.

And he wins. He always wins.

If he bonds out, he’s gone.

His winning streak has ended. He hasn't been winning for some time now. He knew that, even if he wouldn't admit it. He most likely will not bond out, because he will probably be charged with murder and given no bond before anyone springs him free. If, by some chance, he bonds out before more charges are brought against him, he won't go to a bathroom without LE knowing. I would bet money on it. MOO
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I've been spending alot of time thinking about Mrs. Farber and the options her legal team are no doubt putting on the table for her to consider. I don't think anyone expected to go this long and not have JD back or her body. It might be early days yet on the legal front but I wonder at what point Mrs. Faber would pursue a separate civil action for wrongful death against both FD and MT? Would she wait a while longer to see if a body is found or does she file now in order to keep FD in jail if she is concerned he would bail out? What happens if the State can't put together a strong enough case for murder charge against MT and FD? Such tough calls but she has to be concerned about the grandchildren.

On a separate note I also wonder if the State might be forced to file the murder charge/s to coincide with the Tuesday court date? There were lots of POV on this topic the other day but I'm curious where people are leaning now? If FD weren't a dead man walking before then he really is now with his 2 main civil atty's jumping ship this past week. Desperate people tend to do stupid desperate things and Mrs Farber might be extremely concerned about what FD might do and not think a simple ankle bracelet would stop him from harming her or the grandchildren. Hate to think about things like this but I truly wonder if FD were to bail out how the people he might seek revenge against could be kept safe? If you recall the testimony of JD about FD revenge fantasies and how he wanted to fly a plane and drop a brick on a person that wronged him in business, you have to wonder what he might do if he were really angry???? Scary to think about actually.

With regard to revenge fantasies-it seems to me that he has already done to the Farber family the worst thing he could do, by killing JD (I know, he hasn’t been charged, and it’s allegedly, anyway). And for at least some of his potential options, he’d likely need help or at least cooperation from others, which he is unlikely to get now (no friends left). In the unlikely event that he bonds out of jail, I’d continue to employ the armed guard, and hire somebody to follow him everywhere (thank god she is a woman of means). It will be scary, though, every time those children are outside of their current home in NYC if he ever does get out. I don’t doubt for a minute that he will try to at least see and interact with the kids-because rules are for losers.
Would a civil suit filed by Mrs. Farber for wrongful death be able to keep FD in jail? I don’t think it would. However, I feel sure that whatever her lawyers can do to foul up his s**t, is being considered right now. There is no way she isn’t furious about the current state of the investigation. My money is definitely on GF at the moment, but criminals involved in well publicized crimes sometimes get the jump on everybody else when it comes to court. I hope GF is as motivated to hurt him as I think she is.

JD's mother may be very angry but her lawyers will play each aspect of a civil suit in ways that will be the most benefit to JD's family. If they filed a civil suit, what would they want? Most civil cases follow the criminal case because the evidence is laid out and the level of doubt can be higher in a civil case. Why not file a civil case? It would allow FD to use more of the monies he can access to defend himself, leaving less for the children. Also, filing a civil case would mean that FD's family would spend lots to get him to talk but he still would not have to with little penalty as he has little left to lose. Testimony in civil cases won't bring her daughter back but could allow FD to drag JD through the mud in any way he wants. Why do that?

I think her lawyers don't want her to be seen as going after him. Right now, her silence and filings are so many class levels above her SIL. Yes, she might dream of getting him back but her legal team will ensure that it remains a dream. Her grandchildren may hate this man but they may be conflicted. Grandma doesn't want to do anything that might cause these kids more stress and heartbreak--- the best reason to step back that I can think of.

If he bonds out, he won't be able to get near any of the family. Not only will it be stipulated in the bond agreement but he will have a monitor on that won't allow him free range or to go out of the state. AND, grandma has an armed security force that I am sure will remain in place wherever they go. The kid's school is out on Tuesday or Wednesday. I am sure the school will be highly secured if the kids go. JD's house is a crime scene so they would be going to Pound Ridge or NYC (likely NYC) and those properties will be secure. I think that FD wouldn't want to run afoul of any bond restrictions because then his arse will be back in jail, money lost, and he will probably remain in jail until the trial.
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