Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #5*ARRESTS*

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Yes, I too believe that the murder, how it occurred and what resulted from that act were not as he had planned. I would never murder anyone but the last thing I would do is drive around with a body in my car. But, because LE states that there were signs of a clean up it's apparent to me that he wanted to disappear JD. Praying LE is able to find useful evidence at the MIRA and the other searched locations.
Murderers don't think like we do, and they don't seem to have a problem with driving around with bodies in their cars.
We don't know that they haven't.
True, I was just pointing out that if there was evidence of late night movement as suggested above that I would expect or assume to see more outside searches and instead it seems the focus is on the MIRA plant. My speculation is that he wanted to get rid of her as quickly as possible and then went to Hartford as the completion of this act.
I am familiar with a certain fact pattern not completely alien to many of the criminal and personality profiles present here.

Do we know FD’s U.S. citizenship status and the time/basis of it being issued, obtained, or finalized?

For sociopsths, other people are typically just inconvenient roadblocks, invoked or employed to support his narrative, self-aggrandizement, status, access, or simple means to an end. Sociopaths are opportunistic, unconcerned with compliance, rules, laws, procedures, loyalty, fair dealing; and most of all, increasingly impatient with delays or impediments between what the possess and what more or better they desire. Most desired tend to be power, status, control, domination, retaliation, freedom, money, pleasure, appearance, etc.

Re FD’s first post college marriage, I suspect it’s possible (if not likely) JD was told by FD some sob story that seemed credible and sincere, that painted FD as the betrayed but still not bitter and totally respectful victim as concerned the first wife. JD may have had no idea FD was still married at the time she ran into him at the airport twice in 2003 in Colorado. He may have at some point mentioned the amicable split because that was just the kind of stand-up guy FD was not to bash an ex, no matter how cruel or horrible the ex was to him. Yes his heart was broken, but he was not bitter and right now just focused on working hard to build or rebuild the business and his career he somewhat put on hold in order to support his first ex in her dream of pursuing law school.

The ex may have been his ticket to U.S. citizenship; she might have caught on to him; or he might have squeezed about all the cash from her he could her and was ready to move on.

Either that, or the narrative would have had to be how crushed FD was when he returned early from a business trip or visit home to help his elderly/ailing [insert some unknown relative] or for dramatic effect a family funeral, only to discover — he hates to even mention it — that wife one was not the person he had thought she was. The salacious details of her betrayal at this point just water under the bridge; it broke his heart; but he’s over it and just hoping to move on and heal from it. Maybe FD drops in that the first wife or his parents had threatened him or were dragging out legal proceedings or insisted on NDA’s or tried to strip him of separate sizable family assets in Greece that dragged proceedings out, but he was just tired of fighting.

JD may have had no idea FD was still a married man or signature papers on the Texas divorce still wet when he popped back up serendipitously a year later in her life just a couple blocks down the street. It was all just serendipity. Their friendship rekindled immediately and then the love bombing grew from there. The rest is history.

I am soooo hoping wife one is, at minimum, interviewed by police and the records from the earlier divorce subpoenaed.

I know of a local divorce with a similar personality type as this husband, and the outrageousness of the $h*t he pulled to hide assets, forge signatures, swiped a notary stamp, and misrepresent everything and hide assets everywhere and hide himself claiming zero assets or income while globetrotting and living the high life on his next victim was just so totally off the charts it remains to me unbelievable, yet So obviously it did.

It was cruel, immoral, illegal, outrageous, and pure evil. Completely understandably, wife one wanted the zero held accountable by the court and wanted their children not to be destitute and victimized. Wife’s family were/are a tight one, but they were without the financial means of some others who sometimes find themselves in this position as well. While the zero and scam artist philandering sociopath globe trotted, inflated his resume, and traded up to a huge cash cow with wife two, wife two may have fully believed that it was husband one who’d been the innocent. Wife one and their many young children were homeless for years, on school lunch programs and crappy medikid health care had all his properties and companies buried deep within Russian Dolls hidden everywhere, leaching and globetrotting continually, seldom paying ever a cent of support to the wife and children he found so disposable and a golden family so good and close who for so many years treated him so well and believed him to be the person he portrayed himself to be.

Wife one wanted to fight for her kids and fight for herself. What he did to them was evil almost beyond measure and certainly without regret. But there was no way to protect them and I sensed and feared what he was capable of — likely the same sort of thing that has happened here. Only my friend remains for now alive as do all her children and her family members. It’s better to have them all poor and betrayed and alive than dead. No court can really fix this; no security can every really protect you when you’re dealing with someone like my friend’s X or like FD. The more they do not pose a threat, the more they do not challenge or pursue him or seek to expose him or make him worry they could blow his cover, the better the chance they have to remain to stay alive. The court system is so often a joke as concerns these kinds of issues and sociopaths. So much of our society assumes and is premised on voluntary compliance. The expired registration broken taillight people get cuffed and dragged in. White collar criminals and truly skilled homicidial sociopaths are seldom quickly caught, if caught at all, and seldom do much serious time, if any. Even if they eventually do, they often continue to threaten and cause harm from behind bars, they seldom stop seeking the spotlight, flirting with the gallery, vilifying their victims, and denying that they ever did anything wrong.

I hope this guy FD is the exception as concerns folks like this going down for his crimes. I wonder if he has another wife in Cyprus, Greece, or Italy. Perhaps he’s got cash stashed everywhere.

FD had more than anyone could want. Like my friend’s former spouse, FD was blessed with such a good family, innocent children, and a beautiful brilliant loving wife.

But that’s not what people like FD really want. What they always want is more. And more for sure is their right. They will destroy anyone and anything they choose just to get more of what they want and to which they feel entitled; which is to say, everyone and everything.

Guys like FD do not like to be challenged and they do not like to share. No one is safe around them, because despite their many outward charms, when they are done with you, you may also be done.

MT should be very afraid, not blowing kisses or tossing hair. She’s a serpent too, but this Foris guy is a nest of snakes; she’ll have no idea yet of just how completely she’s been set up. It’ll come out eventually, or not, depend who remains undead at the time of trial. My guess is she’ll go missing soon, ankle bling notwithstanding.
True, I was just pointing out that if there was evidence of late night movement as suggested above that I would expect or assume to see more outside searches and instead it seems the focus is on the MIRA plant. My speculation is that he wanted to get rid of her as quickly as possible and then went to Hartford as the completion of this act.
I was convinced JD would be found at MIRA, but that West Hartford reservoir is starting to seem likely in my mind (or at least nearby). They aren't spending as much time there, unless all of the trips to JC are to comb the woods for a burial site.
Also I wanted to add....Someone posted suggesting MT could have driven JD’s car to the park dressed in exercise gear, ponytail and hat. She would look like JD from a distance. She could have jogged a bit and was picked up by FD at another point of the park. I agree with this. I agree MT could be made to appear to be JD in lots of scenarios. MOO!
I really like this impersonation theory. Perhaps Fulos took a note from the Robert Durst manual for murder.
I was convinced JD would be found at MIRA, but that West Hartford reservoir is starting to seem likely in my mind (or at least nearby). They aren't spending as much time there, unless all of the trips to JC are to comb the woods for a burial site.
Maybe taking some soil samples. If he took JD to the woods and dismembered her on a tarp and then cut up that tarp it could have soil on the other side. Total speculation on my part.
I was alluding to his construction in New Canaan
“On Friday, investigators were joined at one point by Troconis, who spent about an hour with investigators on the property. It was not immediately known what Troconis and her attorney, Andrew Bowman were doing on the property, but drone footage from the scene showed investigators focusing on the wooded area behind the home that leads to the West Hartford Reservoir.”
I doubt he would use Jr's blood in the trash bags as part of a diversion. IMO that may be enough to find him guilty of murder even if they don't find her body.
I agree, this may turn into a circumstantial evidence case and I’d certainly convict him with what we know so far.
The more I think about it, and I'm all over the place with where JD's remains are, the more I'm bothered by how complicated FD made this. This could have been much easier for him. Yet he chose to do it the hard way. He could have killed her in the garage and left, leaving him hours to deal with his own clean up. During that time he could have had MT use his credit card to place some online orders making it look like he was at his residence. Instead he decides to leave with her body, and well you know the rest...bloody evidence left all over the place. all JMO
Do we know if her cell phone was located?
Yeah, like most of y’all I haven’t murdered anyone either. But I would imagine that after the act (things didn’t go as planned) there was so much adrenaline, paranoia and fear that the aftermath became sloppy. I highly doubt FD/MT intended for there to be sizable blood evidence in JD’s garage that even a cleanup couldn’t cover up. Hence the sloppy 30 trashbin trip. Things didn’t go as planned. I think the plan was to kill her quickly and quietly and bury the body somewhere on one of his properties or incinerate the body. (So sad)
They probably hoped that it would show she abandoned the kids and left. He’d file for custody and likely try to take the children to Greece. He was desperate for money and control neither of which he had.

I just keep thinking of the divorce and the court papers and in particular this paper that JD filed:

“My husband informed me that he decided to move [Michelle Troconis] and her daughter into the marital home and enroll [Troconis’] daughter in the private school that our children had attended for the last two years. He informed me that our children and I will continue to reside in the marital home every weekend during the summer, so that we all — his paramour and her daughter included — would be together. He also informed me that he will come and go from my mother’s residence whenever he wants during the week. Essentially, he expects to exhibit complete control over me and the children.”

He is controlling and had to exert that control: he ended her life and he is in control of the knowledge of wherever her remains whether intact or not are. Ultimate control. It makes me wonder if he had intended to bury her on one of his properties/ or pour concrete on top of her initially so he could walk on her grave. Always would know where she was. Control. But the initial crime scene was a mess. They didn’t have hours to stay there and clean as the housekeeper arrived at noon. They couldn’t hide the blood even with a clean up. And that effected everything MT/FD did after the murder.

Sorry I ramble.
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