Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #5*ARRESTS*

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The new attorney strikes me as as much a narcissist as his new client is a sociopath.

Giving him attention, good or bad, just puffs up his ego even more and gives him more nacissistic fuel.

The best way to deal with him is to ignore him. Narcissists detest being ignored.
Yes, I should have. I didn't quite realize the level of narcissism and frankly very juvenile sensibility.
Strategy theory: MOO:

Police suspect FD set this up to unbundle and obscure critical facts and activities performed re JD
pre and post mortem, so that MT could not provide key information to PD if she flipped, and her credibility with them (or later, a jury) would be undermined, as her proffer would prove incomplete at best and perjurous or inculpatory at worst. A plan devised by FD that required MT ‘s body double jogging at Waveny as JD would be a great way to insure MT’s cluelessness as to what actually happened during this time back at the first or subsequent crime scenes.
MT would have trusted FD, though, as she fancies herself a catch and MT/FD a team.

PD went live on the find JD site as deflection on a dice roll in anticipation of FD bailing out tomorrow.

MT may or may not wear a wire, but someone will have tap warrants already on file by the time FD’s out.
FD’s not a complete idiot though. Boats as background noise would be a good place and a comfort zone for FD, should MT try to loveydove him as a means to capture him on tape.

See, she will say, I’ve told them nothing baby. They have nothing. They searched everywhere for days, but they’re giving up. They just posted that new troll for leads on their pathetic homepage. These cops are dopes.

They’ll have his boats bugged, but he’ll anticipate that. If he takes one, the talk from FD will be all about I can’t believe you would do this to my family! What were you thinking? My divorce was moving forward fine? Now I might never see my kids again! You’ve left my kids without a mother! You destroyed her family! She did nothing to deserve this! Why did you do this to her? Why did you lie to me.

The cops will get nothing.

FD’s not broke. Not by a long shot. He’s just greedy. And he’s hiding all the money.

And he’s got so much mud built into this mess and will think that the website is what it is — an attempted trap — and he’s not going to give up anything.

All the talk they’re going to get from him is gaslighting. He’ll have an innocent explanation for everything.
If anything, he was just the clean up guy, and wasn’t even sure what it was he was cleaning up, if he even places himself there. MT is going to be blindsided.

And the muddy water so thick that still, no one will ever prove anything, except that it’s all stirred up and dirty. That’s not enough for murder. They still need FD to slip up badly, to do something really stupid for a while, which he won’t.

He’ll just get out of town for a while. Likely by boat.
As far as we've been able to tell, he doesn't own any boats.
They're both definitely a couple of cons and lack loyalty. But I wouldn't be too sure that she doesn't have a strong thing for him.

I recall a case, I think it was a doctor in Utah with several kids, who killed his wife. He had been forcing her to do all these plastic surgeries and take medications. I can't recall how she died but he tried to pretend it was an overdoes or something.

He had a mistress. Moved her in pretty quickly with his kids after the death. IIRC at his trial she testified for the state. And they hadn't been together for awhile.

But the brazen and smoldering look she gave him right there in open court, as she walked by him. Ugh. She exuded sex. It was clear she was still totally into him.

Maybe they're turned on by the evil they recognize in the other person.
I remember that gitana. Martin MacNeil and Gypsy the girlfriend who walked into court to testify with the murdered wife's jacket on.

He was convicted & ended up committing suicide in prison iirc...couldn't live without Gypsy.
As far as we've been able to tell, he doesn't own any boats.
Very early on I had a dream about a boat key and searching a marina. Probably went to sleep right after lurking here. It jogged my mind about the picture of FD proudly holding up a boat key. It's possible it was a selfie picture. I think it came from his facebook but I never saw his fb before it was made private and or taken down so I have no idea how old the picture actually is. Anyway I tried googling information about the type of boat that the pictured key might belong to but I got nowhere.
See the pic at link
Fotis Dulos: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
You are probably right, but I don't think I saw that crazy castle village setup before.

Yes it was there before. It was in a series showing what looked like another basement kid's playroom. Neither of them was more than just a space, without any enhancements. There were also too many shots of what seemed to be several spare office-type spaces with cheap-looking office chairs and large tables, that looked very much like what he might be using as his offices. Were very unimpressive
Could it be that they know he is guilty? What happens when your lawyer knows for a fact based on something you said?

They're not his criminal attorneys. And of course they know he's guilty. But because of logic. Not something he said, I'm betting.

They are trying to withdraw because he has been arrested for something associated with the homicide of the opposing party. They don't have to continue to represent someone in a divorce who is suspected of murdering his wife.

Also, they were apparently only hired for the limited scope of discovery* issues (which tells me he may have been running out of money) and now that he's been arrested in connection with killing his wife (even thought it's hindering and tampering), they probably don't feel he's going to be that accessible or that forthcoming with getting information to them necessary to resolving those issue.

*Discovery in a civil court case is the exchange of evidence/information like answers to questions, admissions and denials, production of documents.
Very early on I had a dream about a boat key and searching a marina. Probably went to sleep right after lurking here. It jogged my mind about the picture of FD proudly holding up a boat key. It's possible it was a selfie picture. I think it came from his facebook but I never saw his fb before it was made private and or taken down so I have no idea how old the picture actually is. Anyway I tried googling information about the type of boat that the pictured key might belong to but I got nowhere.
See the pic at link
Fotis Dulos: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
I think it's a Mastercraft key.


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Someone like FD I can totally see representing himself at trial, if it ever gets to that point.

He’d do it for the sheer pleasure of torturing/intimidating/controlling his accusers, charming and showboating before the jury, the gallery, and preening before the cameras.

A guy like FD thinks he’s smarter than anyone. And the attention and power of getting to question JD’s grieving mom, frightened sister, and traumatized children on the stand would to him be for sure an irresistibly thrilling rush of attention, control, and power completely worth the risk to which he seldom has any aversion anyway.

After following this for a couple weeks, I have my uninformed opinion ;-). I believe he probably just shot her. Nice and easy. But shooting someone, particularly if it's in the head, can be messier than you'd expect. See Pulp Fiction if you don't know what I mean. Or he used a knife. That will leave a lot of blood too. So he's got a few things to do: clean up, get rid of the body, get rid of the gun, create a diversion. Clean up he did, the best he could. Had rags, sponges, etc. Put them in bags. 30 sounds like a lot, but nothing says they were all related to JD. He may have 30 bags of construction debris. He put the few pieces of evidence in one or two of them and then needed to dispose of them. He may have told MT that the trash company no longer is picking up trash from the construction sites so instead, let's just throw them away in Hartford. (I don't know about you, but I've done stuff like this. Had lots of extra wood from a floor I put in but it's more than my trash company will pick up. I've driven to a dumpster than wasn't mine, oh my, and dumped it). So MT may have seen it as pretty innocent. So what about the body. And the gun. Well, that's the big question. The poison ivy angle is interesting but I guess I didn't see that anywhere but in this forum. How much of a rash and when did it show up? That could be a huge clue and would point to burying the body. but not on his property. Could be anywhere. And for this, he probably left his phone home. He probably did this alone and MT doesn't have any information. It can take years to find the body. Not sure about the gun. Is he resourceful enough to get an untraceable gun? Maybe. Or maybe he used the knife. I'd try to dump the weapon with the body who cares about the weapon. There's a Wilton Town Forest and a Centerville Watershed State Forest within a half hour. I'd be looking for dirt roads in those places and places with poison ivy. I know, it's everywhere. Moving the SUV to the local park was just a diversion. MT may have helped with that but who knows what FD told her. Oh, my wife asked me to drop off her car. She's taking a run with a friend but needs to get herself back.
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They're not his criminal attorneys. And of course they know he's guilty. But because of logic. Not something he said, I'm betting.

They are trying to withdraw because he has been arrested for something associated with the homicide of the opposing party. They don't have to continue to represent someone in a divorce who is suspected of murdering his wife.

Also, they were apparently only hired for the limited scope of discovery* issues (which tells me he may have been running out of money) and now that he's been arrested in connection with killing his wife (even thought it's hindering and tampering), they probably don't feel he's going to be that accessible or that forthcoming with getting information to them necessary to resolving those issue.

*Discovery in a civil court case is the exchange of evidence/information like answers to questions, admissions and denials, production of documents.

Oooh, I hope they can put a lien against him for non-payment of their services
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