Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #5*ARRESTS*

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1) Did JD have more than one vehicle? Some of the articles I read mentioning the blood evidence in the garage say blood splatter on a vehicle (which we know can’t be the the Black Chevy Tahoe) and multiple stains on the floor. I think also blood in the home as well.

Multiple blood stains on the garage floor would suggest (MOO) that she was ambushed in the garage. FD/MT probably hit her in the head thinking it would knock her out. Without seeing pictures or a full description of the garage i would guess the blow didn’t knock her out and she was trying to fight/flee so multiple blows were needed. I know he had the gun mentioned in court papers that was licensed but I read he had turned that over a while before her murder to Farmington police.


Yes. From what I remember reading, she also had at least a Porsche and possibly a Land Rover in addition to the Suburban. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I may be the only person who thinks this, but I don't see her as waiting for him in any way. I don't think she wanted to marry him; I think she knew she had much more power as his mistress (girlfriend? I'm not sure what term to use) than she would ever have as his wife, and of course she witnessed (and participated in) his abuse of JD, so she knew what kind of "husband" he was. I think they (FD and MT) are two cons running each other as long as it serves either of them, and I think either of them would turn on the other like a cobra if they thought it would halfway serve them. I don't see her wavering because of her daughter, or him, or certainly his children. I think she's as much like FD as she can be, and she's playing him just as he's been playing her. Every man for himself and all that. MOO of course.

They're both definitely a couple of cons and lack loyalty. But I wouldn't be too sure that she doesn't have a strong thing for him.

I recall a case, I think it was a doctor in Utah with several kids, who killed his wife. He had been forcing her to do all these plastic surgeries and take medications. I can't recall how she died but he tried to pretend it was an overdoes or something.

He had a mistress. Moved her in pretty quickly with his kids after the death. IIRC at his trial she testified for the state. And they hadn't been together for awhile.

But the brazen and smoldering look she gave him right there in open court, as she walked by him. Ugh. She exuded sex. It was clear she was still totally into him.

Maybe they're turned on by the evil they recognize in the other person.
In this case he made the choice to do it, why would you interject yourself into this other than for the press and exposure? IMO
Perhaps because he/she feels they can provide the best defense. That is their profession, after all. Also, we (everyone here, plus me) follow the progress in this case, and may have suspicions on what happened, but he is not deemed to be guilty until a jury finds him so. An attorney doesn't first hold some kind of hearing to determine if their client is guilty or not before taking on a case. You could say it is not their freakin' business and should be disbarred if they did. Their job is to provide the best defense possible. It is up to the jury to decide if a defendant is guilty, not the defense attorney.
Yes, I too believe that the murder, how it occurred and what resulted from that act were not as he had planned. I would never murder anyone but the last thing I would do is drive around with a body in my car. But, because LE states that there were signs of a clean up it's apparent to me that he wanted to disappear JD. Praying LE is able to find useful evidence at the MIRA and the other searched locations.
Were the Authorities able to determine if FD or MT had at one time transported a dead body in their cars?
A real class act, eh? Makes me want to email him my thoughts about it too.

The new attorney strikes me as as much a narcissist as his new client is a sociopath.

Giving him attention, good or bad, just puffs up his ego even more and gives him more nacissistic fuel.

The best way to deal with him is to ignore him. Narcissists detest being ignored.
Today I had this revelation. Why did we all think dismemberment? Why? Many garbage bags. Ok.......... Different locations, yes. But WHY did we all go there? I feel now that murder warrants would have been issued by now if that were true. (I know about the sorting, burning, etc..) I just feel differently today. I have been on and off of WS since 2013.
Amnt of blood, pattern of movements, bags, their searching MIRA
Go for it hehe. I went to his site and just clicked on "contact norm pattis." I could not believe how fast he got back to me with his lovely reply. you'd think he would 1) have better things to do and have a thicker skin and/or 2) be more elegant and eloquent. the snide cursing was really tacky.

He just adores the attention, good or bad. This just gives him narcissistic fuel. I'd ignore him.
Perhaps his choice of words could have been more pleasant, but his point, frankly, is valid. Sorry, but our entire legal system is dependent on lawyers representing both guilty and innocent defendants. It is really not up to us to decide whether a lawyer should represent a defendant or not.
I do understand it is not up to me to decide, and I also understand our legal system, but I also can still have an opinion about how and why a particular lawyer chooses to spend his or her time, energy, and expertise. I see this lawyer as a morally bankrupt, egomaniacal lowlife ambulance chaser in search of TV attention, disguised as a high end intellect -- I think he's tacky and gross. MOO.
I'm pretty sure MSM showed these interiors before?

It looks very bland and predictable. Now that Wow house at 385 Deercliff in Avon. That's a GORGEOUS place. (Not designed / constructed by Fore Group)

All of his stuff looks bland, cookie-cutter, and overpriced when you see a fabulous house and grounds like this one

Avon Wow House: Absolutely Stunning
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Amnt of blood, pattern of movements, bags, their searching MIRA
I don't remember anyone saying anything about the amount of blood. Just that there was some on the garage flow and on the side of a car. If there was something from LE mentioning the quantity, please remind me.
In this case he made the choice to do it, why would you interject yourself into this other than for the press and exposure? IMO
This is why I am disgusted. He has a choice. He has the education and reputation to defend whom he pleases. The decision to go after this case to defend this man is a morally bankrupt decision, however much he may rationalize top himself that he is somehow preserving our justice system. I call B.S. MOO. Edited to add that I have utmost respect for public defenders. But zero respect for this lawyer and his choices. And the ego is unbelievable. Just look at his website. I won't quite exactly what he wrote but the ego is incredible. He thinks very highly of himself and is quite sophomoric. Perhaps it's a match made in heaven - make that, hell.
Strategy theory: MOO:

Police suspect FD set this up to unbundle and obscure critical facts and activities performed re JD
pre and post mortem, so that MT could not provide key information to PD if she flipped, and her credibility with them (or later, a jury) would be undermined, as her proffer would prove incomplete at best and perjurous or inculpatory at worst. A plan devised by FD that required MT ‘s body double jogging at Waveny as JD would be a great way to insure MT’s cluelessness as to what actually happened during this time back at the first or subsequent crime scenes.
MT would have trusted FD, though, as she fancies herself a catch and MT/FD a team.

PD went live on the find JD site as deflection on a dice roll in anticipation of FD bailing out tomorrow.

MT may or may not wear a wire, but someone will have tap warrants already on file by the time FD’s out.
FD’s not a complete idiot though. Boats as background noise would be a good place and a comfort zone for FD, should MT try to loveydove him as a means to capture him on tape.

See, she will say, I’ve told them nothing baby. They have nothing. They searched everywhere for days, but they’re giving up. They just posted that new troll for leads on their pathetic homepage. These cops are dopes.

They’ll have his boats bugged, but he’ll anticipate that. If he takes one, the talk from FD will be all about I can’t believe you would do this to my family! What were you thinking? My divorce was moving forward fine? Now I might never see my kids again! You’ve left my kids without a mother! You destroyed her family! She did nothing to deserve this! Why did you do this to her? Why did you lie to me.

The cops will get nothing.

FD’s not broke. Not by a long shot. He’s just greedy. And he’s hiding all the money.

And he’s got so much mud built into this mess and will think that the website is what it is — an attempted trap — and he’s not going to give up anything.

All the talk they’re going to get from him is gaslighting. He’ll have an innocent explanation for everything.
If anything, he was just the clean up guy, and wasn’t even sure what it was he was cleaning up, if he even places himself there. MT is going to be blindsided.

And the muddy water so thick that still, no one will ever prove anything, except that it’s all stirred up and dirty. That’s not enough for murder. They still need FD to slip up badly, to do something really stupid for a while, which he won’t.

He’ll just get out of town for a while. Likely by boat.
I don't remember anyone saying anything about the amount of blood. Just that there was some on the garage flow and on the side of a car. If there was something from LE mentioning the quantity, please remind me.
I believe they made a comment to the effect of their being enough blood that a "serious physical assault" occurred in the garage.
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