Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #5*ARRESTS*

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In reference to the Fore Group website posted on HOUZZ that lists the 20 properties:
I am really bothered by the 10 year gap in properties listed, between Oct 2005 and 2015.

There were two homes built and sold very quickly after their marriage, one in 2004 and one in Oct 2015 by Fore Group. The first was reportedly purchased by John Corbett who writes a very glowing endorsement.
Doesn't that strike anyone as odd that $2,000,000+ home could be designed, built, and sold so quickly?

I wonder who "John Corbett" really is. My suspicion is that both of those early homes were some sort of sham sale to a fictitous person or someone who was part of the scheme to get Hilliard Faber to "loan" those $millions to Fore Group.

Then the next is the Faber family's personal guest cottage. Then a huge gap.

What was Fore Group doing then? No sales mentioned in the website. What was going on? Was Faber happily now "loaning" more money to FD?

I suspect a hustle and $$$ missing. The Filings on May 3 and May 29 were demanding verified financial records on FD and Fore Group. Sounds like the scam was about to be totally exposed
Interesting. If this turns out to be true, I wonder if JD was aware of it, thus leading to her murder rather than a divorce.
As far as the "grabbing her at the park" theory, I could totally get on board with that, as it easily explains why her vehicle was found there. What I have a hard time imagining, though, is why would he take her back to her house and injure her to the point that there was a mess of blood. If his intent was to kill her, or make her go missing, why go to the house?:confused:

Yes, this is exactly why I don't think she was really grabbed at the park. Also at that time at Waveny it would be incredibly risky to do so and get her into a car. IF only they had installed cameras after the many Waveny car break-ins a few years ago.

Surprised there is no new info still. I won't even comment on what I think of his defense attorney since it would probably get me booted from here.

It's all just sickening.
Has anyone thought about whether he drove her car to the park and then ran back? It's, what, 3 miles? That's nothing for someone in his physical condition. Plus she blogged about them running together.
And risk being seen by someone? If he wasn't in running gear, he would draw attention. No, I don't buy it.
What are the expectations from tomorrow's court appearances? Will they appear together?
Are there expected to be more charges for both? Would her cooperation agreement be explained at that time?
Would we expect to get more details about what is focusing LE on the trash to energy plant?
Or, could we just expect a continuance requested by his new attorney so that he can be brought up to speed on the case?
I think that FD ambushed JD in her garage, Either he stabbed her or he bludgeoned her to death and then moved her body to the vacant house.
I lean toward the idea of the metal banging having been FD hammering the lid of a oil drum. But, he could have been tilting over a dumpster and washing it out as another WS poster surmised in an earlier thread.
The banging was heard the next morning, not on the day of the attack.
Has anyone thought about whether he drove her car to the park and then ran back? It's, what, 3 miles? That's nothing for someone in his physical condition. Plus she blogged about them running together.

Yes, I thought that is what perhaps he did. Though a man jogging on curvy/twisty/narrow/hilly Frogtown Road, which leads to her cul-de-sac street would really stand out I would think.
You know I didn't think to much of the "accidental" meeting when originally reading. Wonder if JF was posting much online, or if JF and FD had some mutual friends that would have known her travel plans? Just imagine if this was no accident on the part of FD. MT and FD were no love match, IMO. They share many character flaws. Had FD met TM before his Florida trip?

I agree with everyone's thoughts on MT and JD. I think they are cut from the same cloth. No love only lust and using each other. I think separately they are just aggressive talkers, together they fed off of each other and became dangerous. But probably did not trust each other and will no doubt turn on each other. Of course this is all my crazy opinion. And maybe I watch too much crime TV!
I also believe 100% MT was all in from day 1. FD and MT planned this together. Not a doubt in my mind!!

Edit. Just some missing letters.
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No! Do we know if they can search that or if it's hot enough to dispose of bone?
Even at 1400 to 1800 degrees, cremated remains can still leave bone fragments. I’m not sure what temp a trash incinerator gets too. Even a piece of a tooth or bone could still contain DNA. I don’t envy those investigators having to sift through all of that trash.
Also I wanted to add....Someone posted suggesting MT could have driven JD’s car to the park dressed in exercise gear, ponytail and hat. She would look like JD from a distance. She could have jogged a bit and was picked up by FD at another point of the park. I agree with this. I agree MT could be made to appear to be JD in lots of scenarios. MOO!
Yes, I thought that is what perhaps he did. Though a man jogging on curvy/twisty/narrow/hilly Frogtown Road, which leads to her cul-de-sac street would really stand out I would think.
This likely brings MT into the picture as she either drove it and he picked her up or the opposite OR there were two cars brought up the area , one was left at the park , JD’s car was parked there and whomever dropped her car off there , got into the car left at the park.
Is it possible that JD was transported to his property via her car, attack happened in garage - load her body into her car - drive it to his property- unload - drive her car to park , get out and get into the parked getaway car?
I can't help but think they are trying desperately to find the place he dismembered her. Where did he do it? IMO, thus far, they haven't found it.

A lot of us wonder about the dismemberment question. One case from here really stuck with me.....Ingrid Lyne. She was killed and dismembered in her own home after a date to a Mariner's game. What amazed me was her mother and ex-husband were both in Ingrid's home the next morning (looking for her) before calling police. They didn't notice really anything out of the ordinary except her phone, purse, etc. were still at the home. It wasn't until the police showed up and asked them about a 15" pair of garden cutters (clean) but in the bathroom. ("Would that tool normally be in here?"). Of course it WOULDN'T....but it wasn't until then that investigators swabbed the bathtub drain and found some blood and tissue.....but nothing was visible to the naked eye.

I guess my point is, WHERE it took place may not be OBVIOUS, unlike what I would have thought. By now, whether through MT or their investigation, police may have that answer.....we just don't know yet.
I have a feeling that MT viewed FD as a "mark" and he viewed her as a "mark." They are both very much alike in that respect.

I still don't understand their utter stupidity of making 30 stops in a rich area where you know every home has a security camera.

I think that FD ambushed JD in her garage, Either he stabbed her or he bludgeoned her to death and then moved her body to the vacant house.
I lean toward the idea of the metal banging having been FD hammering the lid of a oil drum. But, he could have been tilting over a dumpster and washing it out as another WS poster surmised in an earlier thread.
They actually did the exact opposite; they made thirty stops in Hartford in a high crime, low-income area where there was CCTV.
This likely brings MT into the picture as she either drove it and he picked her up or the opposite OR there were two cars brought up the area , one was left at the park , JD’s car was parked there and whomever dropped her car off there , got into the car left at the park.
Is it possible that JD was transported to his property via her car, attack happened in garage - load her body into her car - drive it to his property- unload - drive her car to park , get out and get into the parked getaway car?
There wouldn't have been enough time. It takes one and half hours to go between JDs home in NC and his home at JC in Farmington.
They had US passports surrendered IIRC. But he could only get Greek passports for the two oldest ones without JD’s help. She would have needed to consent for the youngest three. I assume that would have had to be done in person.
If he followed the law, which he’s been known to skirt before. I believe it is just a form, not in person. JMO

ETA: for a US passport you need consent of both parents but they do not need to be present just submit a form (which could easily be forged). Iirc he was seeking Greek citizenships for the kids so their rules may be more lax. JMO
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What are the expectations from tomorrow's court appearances? Will they appear together?
Are there expected to be more charges for both? Would her cooperation agreement be explained at that time?
Would we expect to get more details about what is focusing LE on the trash to energy plant?
Or, could we just expect a continuance requested by his new attorney so that he can be brought up to speed on the case?
They were originally arraigned separately, so I think the same will happen tomorrow. Not sure if they'll speak of a potential deal with MT or file more charges against FD, but I've got my fingers crossed that this is the case.
You have quite a vivid imagination. I hope he didn't plan in advance to incriminate his girlfriend. After the fact? Yes. Prior to his dirty deed? No.
Just my opinion and no disrespect intended.

Just reading what we know about FD now is so frightening, one can only imagine how scared JD was of him. He’s diabolical and would have been meticulously planning, just like a good builder does, every little nook and cranny. It is so hard to believe that he wouldn’t have thought about the security cameras recording his four mile long dumping spree, let alone having both of their cell phones turned on.
Could it be all of that was planned as a diversion so the police would spend most of their time focusing on the trash plant while JD’s body decomposes elsewhere? While it’s true her blood was found on clothing and a sponge in five of those recovered trash bags, did he know that wouldn’t be enough to convict him?
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