Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #5*ARRESTS*

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I tend to agree with you. My gut says he won't bond out tomorrow, because I think Pattis' request for a substantially lower bond will get a big "hell to the no". However, if he does bond out, I suggest that he makes every attempt to enjoy his very brief freedom, because he will be going back in with a murder charge. For those who fear he will skip out and disappear if he bonds out, my question is, "do you seriously believe there is a chance that he could fart without LE knowing about it"? Pardon my grammar, because I do know better, but "he ain't goin' nowhere that he ain't being watched every step". MOO (I usually 'JMO', but feeling kinda bovine tonight)
Haha. I pray your correct, and FD won't bond out.
I tend to agree with you. My gut says he won't bond out tomorrow, because I think Pattis' request for a substantially lower bond will get a big "hell to the no". However, if he does bond out, I suggest that he makes every attempt to enjoy his very brief freedom, because he will be going back in with a murder charge. For those who fear he will skip out and disappear if he bonds out, my question is, "do you seriously believe there is a chance that he could fart without LE knowing about it"? Pardon my grammar, because I do know better, but "he ain't goin' nowhere that he ain't being watched every step". MOO (I usually 'JMO', but feeling kinda bovine tonight)
Yeah, I agree. If his posting bond is contingent upon a lower amount, then he remains behind bars.

I don’t see that happening.

His financial situation appears dire, but there remains the possibility that he can somehow scrape together the necessary cash.

There’s just no way of being definitive here.

If he does post, he can look forward to a GPS monitor, and police tailing his every move.
Norm Pattis on the phone 99.1 to answer questions about his defense role in the missing New Canaan mother case (29:30)
flattered and happy to have case. feels noble. case is not what it appears in media. compares it to playing Little League
MT was not at new canaan home and can prove it
hes looking forward to fight
its better for FD to be out instead of in jail

PODCAST - Monday, June 10: Dumb *advertiser censored* News, Court Audio, And The Latest On The Missing Mom In New Canaan
I am not surprised that he uses the word "noble" to describe his sleaze work - overcompensation much? I do wonder if the rationalization is self-delusion or manipulation. But anyway yes, saving my real wrath for the murderer, FD. Now he has himself a "high-end" self-involved lawyer, let's see what happens. Hoping for a preponderance of evidence that will put him away for life. Terrified for these poor children to have monster dad out and about. Like Josh Powell, he has to "win" at all costs, no matter whom he destroys on the way "up."
And we have heard nothing about her car except they found it.

I was wondering about that. They have not mentioned if there was blood found in her car.

In my other post I didn't mean to imply NCPD were not doing anything that first night she was missing. I was told after the first few days that they were 'on to the husband from the beginning.' They were aware of many issues in the relationship and accusations by both husband/wife over the years. I guess I was just wondering why they did not go to FD's house that night or at least watch him closely all that next Saturday morning.

I don't mean to knock the NCPD. I'm sick of ladies around here saying something as 'well what else do the police have to do'. Total disrespect. LE has been working night and day like mad to find her body. Led on a wild goose chase by his creep girlfriend. If her attorney says he can prove she was not in NC at all that day, I sure hope he has her on camera somewhere upstate being where she was supposed to be that morning. Her cell phone being on up there wouldn't prove it. People saying she was somewhere that morning wouldn't prove it. Let's see this creep defense attorney prove it.
Completely agree. We have seen defense atty's go down this path many times here on WS and paying attention in the early days to the PR/Spin of defense atty can totally derail a thread or take us down rabbit holes that are totally unproductive in my experience.

For better or worse we are probabally going to see 'aggressive advocacy' at its most creative and audacious from Pattis but that is his job on behalf of his client. Buckle up but try not to get sucked in to the drama, emotion and doubt that Pattis is trying to spin around his case as that is simply what he does based on a number of his prior cases.

You're right, afitzy, we've seen it all before and there probably are whole books written for defense attorneys on this subject.

They throw all manner of nonsense out here for mass consumption in hopes that at least some of the crap will stick in potential jurors' minds.

The news outlets get extra clicks. (Imagine how much activity the Hartford Courant is getting.)
Everybody wins....

Except us. We grieve over the prospect of someone we've learned to hate getting off, especially after O.J. and Casey but I don't see it happening this time. FD is done.
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But do you think they had a dog? Probably not important but I thought kinda curious. Pic tells a thousand words.
I think it's JD attempt to present a Homey environment. Picture your family here. IMO I don't think they have a dog. Fish, turtles, lizards, but not a dog.
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Now my mind is going crazy, so please tolerate it for a second. The houses that he built perplex me. They are so unfinished, and expensive. Is FD that much of a dufus? I mean he received the money from his father in law. He certainly had the means to succeed, yet didn't. He didn't check out the compitition? Sales skills, none? Could these houses be a shell for something else? Money Laundering, Drugs? Come on!
You bring up the issues we have been attempting to unravel. I'm with your comment 100% as when I looked at all the houses on Houzz when this story first broke I was a bit perplexed about 6 unsold houses, houses that looked expensive for the way they were finished and certainly overpriced for the markets they were in. That was a quick takeaway after a quick 5 min look at the real estate. I'm not a real estate expert by any stretch so I really wonder what an expert would tell you about his portfolio of houses!

I then thought about it and tried to understand why FD might not be too concerned about unsold houses sitting around over priced in a very soft real estate market? One of the things I thought of that I'm trying to unravel is perhaps he didn't/doesn't care if the real estate is sold because he already got the money out of the overall 'game' of development and that money is long gone and hidden?

Most people look at and evaluate businesses as a 'going concern' in that the expectation is the business has near term and long term profits as a goal. FORE Group didn't look like a going concern once the Farber investment funds dried up IMO. When you look at the landscaping at the Sturbridge property in NC you see a handful of small underscaled trees and not much and the house is not on par with its neighbors in terms of exterior finish. They typical treatment for a house in that price range would be lush foundation plants, beautiful stone work and perimeter gates and security down at the road. FD seemed to run out of money to finish Sturbridge but it was still on the market at an inflated price IMO. Why? Most real estate even in tough times will sell and clear the market at some price. But do we see FD cutting prices and trying to dump inventory? No, no evidence of this at all so far. Was there some other game at play here that we don't yet understand? Possibly so we will still have to look.
It's also an odd place to put the leash and entire hook/shelf thing. Geeze thisJD really thought he was all that,and a pack of gum.

For a $5mllion home I was expecting an indoor dog washing tub. Not a leash stuck on a piece of wood.

And I expect that is the stairway to the basement? Not very easy to get into the basement. The stairway should have been wider, like the stairway coming down into that landing. That glass-paned door is gonna get smashed when someone opens the exterior door as it blocks the other door when open.

This is pretty basic stuff.

And where is the refrigerator in that large empty kitchen space? Do you have to go into the pantry to get to the refrigerator?
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I think it's pretty clear

You're right, afitzy, we've seen it all before and there probably are whole books written for defense attorneys on this subject.

They throw all manner of nonsense out here for mass consumption in hopes that at least some of the crap will stick in potential jurors' minds.

The news outlets get extra clicks. (Imagine how much activity the Hartford Courant is getting.)
Everybody wins....

Except us. We grieve over the prospect of someone we've learned to hate getting off, especially after O.J. and Casey but I don't see it happening this time. FD is done.
LE will do their job but after Casey Anthony and OJ Simpson, you can’t always count on a jury. Some of these lawyers are only on the payroll for the PR work they do. The high powered lawyer then takes over. This is just the beginning probably.
For a $5mllion home I was expecting an indoor dog washing tub. Not a least stuck on a piece of wood.

And I expect that is the stairway to the basement? Not ver big and I think the glass paned door blocks the other door when open.
The reason I mention the dog leash is Bc if there WAS a dog - I’d be curious to know where the dog is? Where was the dog over that weekend, etc. is the dog w kids in city? Perhaps FD had someone take dog while they’re “away” for Memorial Day. I saw the leash and thought - where’s the dog. That’s all :)
You bring up the issues we have been attempting to unravel. I'm with your comment 100% as when I looked at all the houses on Houzz when this story first broke I was a bit perplexed about 6 unsold houses, houses that looked expensive for the way they were finished and certainly overpriced for the markets they were in. That was a quick takeaway after a quick 5 min look at the real estate. I'm not a real estate expert by any stretch so I really wonder what an expert would tell you about his portfolio of houses!

I then thought about it and tried to understand why FD might not be too concerned about unsold houses sitting around over priced in a very soft real estate market? One of the things I thought of that I'm trying to unravel is perhaps he didn't/doesn't care if the real estate is sold because he already got the money out of the overall 'game' of development and that money is long gone and hidden?

Most people look at and evaluate businesses as a 'going concern' in that the expectation is the business has near term and long term profits as a goal. FORE Group didn't look like a going concern once the Farber investment funds dried up IMO. When you look at the landscaping at the Sturbridge property in NC you see a handful of small underscaled trees and not much and the house is not on par with its neighbors in terms of exterior finish. They typical treatment for a house in that price range would be lush foundation plants, beautiful stone work and perimeter gates and security down at the road. FD seemed to run out of money to finish Sturbridge but it was still on the market at an inflated price IMO. Why? Most real estate even in tough times will sell and clear the market at some price. But do we see FD cutting prices and trying to dump inventory? No, no evidence of this at all so far. Was there some other game at play here that we don't yet understand? Possibly so we will still have to look.
Exactly. There is something weird about the business that many WSers are picking up on. We can't quite put our finger on it, imo, because we are honest people who understand how regular businesses function....and this isn't a regularly-run business and my suspicion is that it isn't honest either. IMO

Speculation only. Thinking aloud.

Does anyone know if Talmadge Hill train station parking lot has cameras? Guess I could ask friend who knows LE. That train station is a short run/walk from where Jennifer's car was found on Lapham.
Also, has anyone discussed here if he could have used a hitman? Then the hitman dropped the car off, took the train then to NYC or wherever? Crazy, I know. Obviously I have no idea how hits work. And so why would FD/MT go to her garage to clean up the evidence. I assume that's what he would have paid the hitman to do. Just thinking aloud here... Thanks for listening!
I was wondering about that. They have not mentioned if there was blood found in her car.

In my other post I didn't mean to imply NCPD were not doing anything that first night she was missing. I was told after the first few days that they were 'on to the husband from the beginning.' They were aware of many issues in the relationship and accusations by both husband/wife over the years. I guess I was just wondering why they did not go to FD's house that night or at least watch him closely all that next Saturday morning.

I don't mean to knock the NCPD. I'm sick of ladies around here saying something as 'well what else do the police have to do'. Total disrespect. LE has been working night and day like mad to find her body. Led on a wild goose chase by his creep girlfriend. If her attorney says he can prove she was not in NC at all that day, I sure hope he has her on camera somewhere upstate being where she was supposed to be that morning. Her cell phone being on up there wouldn't prove it. People saying she was somewhere that morning wouldn't prove it. Let's see this creep defense attorney prove it.

Yep, its been hard to listen to all the local naysaying when people in LE have been working around the clock under very difficult circumstances. NCPD has more resources than most towns its size but its a small town at the end of the day. But its clear from the arrest warrant that State Police were called in immediately and this is good to see. We don't know when State Police brought in FBI but at some point we will know this too.

Totally agree also on neither FD nor MT helping the investigation from DAY 1. Its been awhile that I've followed a missing case where the spouse or separated partner doesn't make some statement to the media about finding the missing person! JD was a mother to FD 5 children and no statement, if even to express concern about the children? If he had been the kind of person to make a statement one could have been crafted that made it seemed like there was some level of caring concern even though they were locked in a court battle IMO. But we saw no statement and we saw no emotion, empathy or caring for either the missing JD or the fact that his 5 children had a mother missing IMO. The idea that he wouldn't understand any of this is probably in my mind why I believe he was responsible for what happened to JD but I will wait for court and further evidence from LE and continue to sleuth the case.
You bring up the issues we have been attempting to unravel. I'm with your comment 100% as when I looked at all the houses on Houzz when this story first broke I was a bit perplexed about 6 unsold houses, houses that looked expensive for the way they were finished and certainly overpriced for the markets they were in. That was a quick takeaway after a quick 5 min look at the real estate. I'm not a real estate expert by any stretch so I really wonder what an expert would tell you about his portfolio of houses!

I then thought about it and tried to understand why FD might not be too concerned about unsold houses sitting around over priced in a very soft real estate market? One of the things I thought of that I'm trying to unravel is perhaps he didn't/doesn't care if the real estate is sold because he already got the money out of the overall 'game' of development and that money is long gone and hidden?

Most people look at and evaluate businesses as a 'going concern' in that the expectation is the business has near term and long term profits as a goal. FORE Group didn't look like a going concern once the Farber investment funds dried up IMO. When you look at the landscaping at the Sturbridge property in NC you see a handful of small underscaled trees and not much and the house is not on par with its neighbors in terms of exterior finish. They typical treatment for a house in that price range would be lush foundation plants, beautiful stone work and perimeter gates and security down at the road. FD seemed to run out of money to finish Sturbridge but it was still on the market at an inflated price IMO. Why? Most real estate even in tough times will sell and clear the market at some price. But do we see FD cutting prices and trying to dump inventory? No, no evidence of this at all so far. Was there some other game at play here that we don't yet understand? Possibly so we will still have to look.
I wonder who he gave the listings to... and under what instructions for price cuts and adjustments...
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