Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #6 *ARRESTS*

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Oh makes sense. Maybe isn’t part of the divorce in terms of assets if he had it prior to the marriage.
His prior companies were Cap Gemini (Ernst & Young) and another accounting firm until 2004 - I suspect that is where the 401K money was funded by. So if she had him do a pre-nup - it's his money. If not, it could be a marital asset and would need permission I would think from the divorce court - but that's JMO
NP - Paraphrasing - When something like this happens, LE immediately looks at the ex. Of course he'd be concerned about his DNA being left in the house!

Um, no. I'm fairly certain NO ONE thinks that unless they KNOW something is going to happen. MOO.
Exactly. That’s something you worry about after the fact:

“Oh *advertiser censored*, they’re going to think I did it because I may have left my DNA in the house before the murder.”

Two days before a murder? Hell no.

That’s not normal, unless you already have murder on your mind.
I think he’s worried about himself.

He wants to make sure that he gets paid for this, and his client gets bond at the same time.

Better to secure that money now, or he’ll run the risk of never seeing it.

I agree. Pattis and the bondsman also wanted the court to be assured that it would not be released unless the court agreed to releasing the monies based on wanting to let all know his client would be around. I wonder... is just about getting paid or was he be also letting his client know that absconding with the monies would not be an option if the court stepped in?Is the bondsman that nervous? If yes, the bondsman should step away.

It is theater by his lawyer, but, why?
Replying again. His lawyer really wanted to just take control of the 401K instead of having to remove money from it and made many references to that in court. Maybe the funds haven't been withdrawn.
If his lawyer took control - he would likely be able to get paid eventually - one possibility IMO. But to "take control" of a 401K is not that easy - would be curious how this lawyer thought he would do that...
I think he's trying to avoid the tax penalty for taking from a 401K prematurely. I'm not sure if the attorney controlled that 401K if it would negate the penalty.
Right, I get that.
Pattis was saying in court we are prepared to post bail today. Then later he asked the judge to allow him and his office full control of the 401K and that the bail bonds man was okay with that. To avoid the penalties, ya know. Cause all bonds men are concerned about the potential tax penalties of their clients. wink, wink
But in order for JD to front the money today he would have had to have already withdrawn the amount earlier in the week. Seems unbelievable to me. JMO IMO

ETA In other words since the judge did not grant Pattis control over the 401K like he had hoped FD may have to wait until his withdraw is completed.
The full video of this morning’s court appearances by Fotis Dulos & Michelle Troconis for their hindering/tampering charges is now posted on @NBCConnecticut website. Both entered not guilty pleas. #NBCCT

Justin Schecker on Twitter
The way FD constantly looks at his attorney in court appears as though he is hearing "these facts" for the first a little kid looking at his mommy to get him out of trouble with the principle. The are both vile.
I think he’s worried about himself.

He wants to make sure that he gets paid for this, and his client gets bond at the same time.

Better to secure that money now, or he’ll run the risk of never seeing it.

Actually, this makes the most sense. I thought I had read yesterday he was being represented pro-bono, but I could be getting my cases mixed up.
I think that’s damning, and FD’s comment was flat out bizarre.

Who the hell is concerned about DNA two days before a murder is committed? It shows exactly what was on his mind.

Also, thinking about his attorneys words, look what he has managed to do.

He’s linking his client to MT, by associating the fact that she wasn’t present in the area of Jennifer’s house on the day of the murder.

Basically, we know she wasn’t there, and if she wasn’t there, he wasn’t there.

He’ll claim the DNA isn’t conclusive proof that it was left during the time of the murder, and no evidence puts him at Jennifer’s house on the day of the murder.

Good luck explaining the recovery of sponges and clothing with Jennifer’s blood on it, during their dumping excursion.

Good luck explaining video evidence of those two dumping those things.

Good luck explaining how BOTH of their phones led them to that surveillance footage in the first place.

He’s hoping that everyone takes their eye off the ball, and focuses on him.
and one more thing - I believe they recovered 5 bags and have their respective fingerprints/DNA - they already tested and announced it had JD's. I'm thinking they are holding back this information - perhaps a strategy ? JMO
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I just watched the hearing. Thank you for those who posted the link. Although I greatly appreciate those who tweet a proceeding, you don't necessarily get the whole thing.

Those passports seem to be a big concern. Pattis really pushed for him to be the one holding them. Have they shown up yet to the court? Also interesting was that 401k that he also wanted. But the most interesting was how Pattis wanted a speedy trial...for next month??
Someone posted something earlier today about how is someone is tried for one crime then they cannot use the same evidence to convict that same person of another crime. So if they try him on tampering they in theory could not use the same evidence for a murder charge. So the prosecutors are forced to make an early choice.
and one more thing - I believe the recovered 5 bags have their respective fingerprints/DNA - they already tested and announced it had JD's. I'm thinking they are holding back this information - perhaps a strategy ? JMO
I’m sure they have way more that we are not yet aware of.

They would have to provide this evidence to the defense though, under discovery requirements.

I’m not sure how long they could sit on evidence like that. Once they release it to the defense, I am optimistic of receiving details via a leak.
I just watched the hearing. Thank you for those who posted the link. Although I greatly appreciate those who tweet a proceeding, you don't necessarily get the whole thing.

Those passports seem to be a big concern. Pattis really pushed for him to be the one holding them. Have they shown up yet to the court? Also interesting was that 401k that he also wanted. But the most interesting was how Pattis wanted a speedy trial...for next month??
The request for a trial next month was all bluff, imo. He knew it wouldn't happen, but by asking for it, it looks like they are slam-dunk ready to defend against those charges...and also sort of implies they are ready to defend the sure-to-come murder charges. It's all hot air, imo.

But, if FD is found not guilty on the tampering charges before being charged with murder, FD could then leave the USA, right? Let's hope murder charges happen before the tampering charges are brought to trial! (And I think they will be.)

and one more thing - I believe the recovered 5 bags have their respective fingerprints/DNA - they already tested and announced it had JD's. I'm thinking they are holding back this information - perhaps a strategy ? JMO
Makes sense to hold as much back as possible. Defense will have less time to prepare an explanation.
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