Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #18

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Yes, I know that. But is he assured of that?
I was just illustrating my point that he is afraid of GF and what she can do to him.
She has been his lifeline and is on the verge of forsaking him.
He is so screwed and he knows it.
She has the kids and the money.
Where does that leave poor Fotis?
At present hunkered down in his foreclosed 10,000 sq ft house wearing an ankle bracelet.
No amount of marble kitchen counters can ease his angst.

No, I don't think he could be assured that GF would not be present today and I see your point that he might have been apprehensive about her presence. But the beauty of these proceedings is that in many respects they are about GF and certainly about the benevolence her late husband, but she doesn't have to attend in person to listen to FD! So, IDK if she were there or not or perhaps watched live on video. But my guess is that GF believes her time has more value than spending the day to take a trip to go to Hartford to listen to FD.

The only 'gift' FD received in this whole sorry lending relationship with his late FIL was effectively getting charged 3%/yr. interest when if the loans were called what they really were which was investment capital deserving of 'equity type' returns at much much higher rates. 3%/yr is a GIFT for speculative home building operation and FD knew it/knows it IMO. This entire litigation is simply FD abusing the legal system to torture and torment the people that gave him everything that he has IMO.

What I would like to see argued hypothetically would be to recast the entire FIL lending relationship over the years to charge 'interest' along the lines of speculative capital of say 16-20%/yr+. Pick a number in that range or even higher, redo the FORE financials since 2004 and my guess is that most of the so called 'profits' effectively evaporates. FORE operated by virtue of the FIL loans in a world outside of financial reality. FD had the ability to run and operate FORE DUE TO HIS FIL as he most likely could not have qualified for bank financing or equity investment. We have seen delusion in FD on many fronts but its this FORE business front that in my mind simply 'takes the cake'! Sure there was work that was done sitting in the office at 4Jx by FD on FORE, but the business itself would never have existed at any level without FIL financing. To say otherwise IMO is pure delusion!

IMO FIL was effectively subsidizing his daughters husband to provide something for FD to spend his time doing and hopefully to provide a financial foundation for the children or legacy of some sort that could have been built by FD. Instead, what does FD do? We've seen what FD did with FORE, he turned it into a personal 'piggy bank' to allow him to live with MT, continue his lifestyle and continue to torture and torment JD in family court with no financial consequences.

But GF made the switch to the Substitute in this case IMO for a reason. First, the person knew more about her late husbands business affairs and Second, IMO it sent a strong signal to FD that she was done dealing with him. This is overstating it a bit but IMO GF effectively punted the issue of dealing with FD to the very expensive yet still 'hired help'. IMO this sends the clear message that GF isn't wasting one second of her precious time on earth on Fotis Dulos.

Fotis Dulos has no value to GF and IMO she also believes he has no value as a husband, father, provider to his family and by extension as a human being.

In modern vernacular GF executed a perfect legal 'ghosting' of FD!

ETA: FD was forsaken by GF long ago IMO. Good riddance to bad trash is a phrase that comes to mind! The thing though is that there was a point awhile back in 2018 where FD could have charted a different course and made different choices to in effect 'save himself', end the divorce and get on with life. IMO he did the exact opposite and instead lit himself and FORE on fire to burn it all down. Doesn't make logical sense but it seems to be what we are seeing happen live in this case. Not sure why he is doing it all but it must make sense to him on some level. But my guess is that GF doesn't care about FD or why as she has more important things on her mind and places a greater value on her time that spending it having anything to do with FD.

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No, I don't think he could be assured that GF would not be present today and I see your point that he might have been apprehensive about her presence. But the beauty of these proceedings is that in many respects they are about GF and certainly about the benevolence her late husband, but she doesn't have to attend in person to listen to FD! So, IDK if she were there or not or perhaps watched live on video. But my guess is that GF believes her time has more value than spending the day to take a trip to go to Hartford to listen to FD.

The only 'gift' FD received in this whole sorry lending relationship with his late FIL was effectively getting charged 3%/yr. interest when if the loans were called what they really were which was investment capital deserving of 'equity type' returns at much much higher rates. 3%/yr is a GIFT for speculative home building operation and FD knew it/knows it IMO. This entire litigation is simply FD abusing the legal system to torture and torment the people that gave him everything that he has IMO.

What I would like to see argued hypothetically would be to recast the entire FIL lending relationship over the years to charge 'interest' along the lines of speculative capital of say 16-20%/yr+. Pick a number in that range or even higher, redo the FORE financials since 2004 and my guess is that most of the so called 'profits' effectively evaporates. FORE operated by virtue of the FIL loans in a world outside of financial reality. FD had the ability to run and operate FORE DUE TO HIS FIL as he most likely could not have qualified for bank financing or equity investment. We have seen delusion in FD on many fronts but its this FORE business front that in my mind simply 'takes the cake'! Sure there was work that was done sitting in the office at 4Jx by FD on FORE, but the business itself would never have existed at any level without FIL financing. To say otherwise IMO is pure delusion!

IMO FIL was effectively subsidizing his daughters husband to provide something for FD to spend his time doing and hopefully to provide a financial foundation for the children or legacy of some sort that could have been built by FD. Instead, what does FD do? We've seen what FD did with FORE, he turned it into a personal 'piggy bank' to allow him to live with MT, continue his lifestyle and continue to torture and torment JD in family court with no financial consequences.

But GF made the switch to the Substitute in this case IMO for a reason. First, the person knew more about her late husbands business affairs and Second, IMO it sent a strong signal to FD that she was done dealing with him. This is overstating it a bit but IMO GF effectively punted the issue of dealing with FD to the very expensive yet still 'hired help'. IMO this sends the clear message that GF isn't wasting one second of her precious time on earth on Fotis Dulos.

Fotis Dulos has no value to GF and IMO she also believes he has no value as a husband, father, provider to his family and by extension as a human being.

In modern vernacular GF executed a perfect legal 'ghosting' of FD!

ETA: FD was forsaken by GF long ago IMO. Good riddance to bad trash is a phrase that comes to mind! The thing though is that there was a point awhile back in 2018 where FD could have charted a different course and made different choices to in effect 'save himself', end the divorce and get on with life. IMO he did the exact opposite and instead lit himself and FORE on fire to burn it all down. Doesn't make logical sense but it seems to be what we are seeing happen live in this case. Not sure why he is doing it all but it must make sense to him on some level. But my guess is that GF doesn't care about FD or why as she has more important things on her mind and places a greater value on her time that spending it having anything to do with FD.

Completely agree.
And I think her grief and pain is immeasurable.
FD MUST have an Identical Twin.

It is the Only answer that solves ALL of FD's Problems. Right?

Did the Twin Sign the Loan Documents with HF on the very Loan in Question?

Did the Twin make Payments on the Very Loan in Question?

The Signed Loan Documents even stated that FD had to make the Monthly Interest Payments In Person to HF, in Manhattan.

I guess FD did not know that, since the Twin signed the documents, right?

ALL the HF Loans to FD, had this payment stipulation spelled out specifically in ALL the LOAN Documents HF Insisted that FD SIGN.

What did FD do? FD SIGNED ALL the Documents.

FD, cannot Now claim that this Loan was a Gift, After he Already signed the Documents AND made payments on this very loan.

Just One payment on this Loan and FD Negates his claim that it is a gift, above and beyond the fact that FD Signed the LOAN Documents.

So, FD or the Twin must not have gone to any of FD's classes while at Brown and Columbia?

FD/Twin would have learned in ALL those Finance Classes, that a Loan is a Loan, is a Loan.

Especially when FD SIGNED the Loan Documents, oh, I am sorry, the Twin signed.

FD thinks he is Above the Law and No One Else Matters.

Did FD really think this was going to work? ABSOLUTELY YES.

Everyone in FD's life gave in to His wants as a child and this creates the sense of Entitlement that he thinks he has as an adult.

Unfortunately, he also demanded and received most everything in his adult life, as well.

Therefore, FD was astounded when JD 'fought' back.

FD could not understand this 'unknown' behavior, when JD filed for Divorce and Refused to live with FD/MT/MT Daughter.

FD had No Concept or Reference to understand what was happening.

No one had Ever stood up to FD and his antics and they always gave in to His wants and needs.

FD is Not capable of understanding that Other People live in this world and Not just FD.

That is why FD Blames Everyone else for HIS Actions.
FD did not pay the Loans, so that was JD/GF.
FD did not pay the Trades, so that was JD/GF.
FD did not pay the Property Taxes, so that was JD/GF.
FD did not pay the 4JC Mortgage (although FD did pay for some months after HF died), so that was JD/GF.
FD did not pay his Family Court Expenses, so that was JD/GF.
FD did not pay Anything, etc, etc, so that was JD/GF.
FD blamed the person driving the car that FD Slammed into the back of, so that was the other person too.

FD thought his Only way out, was to Kill JD, get Her trust fund, get the kid's trust funds and Abscond to Greece with the children, or a non extradition treaty country. Either way, the Children would Not be in the US and there is not a Treaty out there that would return the Children to the US.

IMO, MOO, JMO, etc.
You have nailed it exactly. This malignant narcissist was enraged that a woman, his possession, would dare stand up to put an end to his physical, emotional and financial abuse. When she did, he murdered her intentionally and with much preplanning (premeditation). He wasn't as "smart" as he thought, though, and he is going to spend the rest of his life in prison.
No, I don't think he could be assured that GF would not be present today and I see your point that he might have been apprehensive about her presence. But the beauty of these proceedings is that in many respects they are about GF and certainly about the benevolence her late husband, but she doesn't have to attend in person to listen to FD! So, IDK if she were there or not or perhaps watched live on video. But my guess is that GF believes her time has more value than spending the day to take a trip to go to Hartford to listen to FD.

The only 'gift' FD received in this whole sorry lending relationship with his late FIL was effectively getting charged 3%/yr. interest when if the loans were called what they really were which was investment capital deserving of 'equity type' returns at much much higher rates. 3%/yr is a GIFT for speculative home building operation and FD knew it/knows it IMO. This entire litigation is simply FD abusing the legal system to torture and torment the people that gave him everything that he has IMO.

What I would like to see argued hypothetically would be to recast the entire FIL lending relationship over the years to charge 'interest' along the lines of speculative capital of say 16-20%/yr+. Pick a number in that range or even higher, redo the FORE financials since 2004 and my guess is that most of the so called 'profits' effectively evaporates. FORE operated by virtue of the FIL loans in a world outside of financial reality. FD had the ability to run and operate FORE DUE TO HIS FIL as he most likely could not have qualified for bank financing or equity investment. We have seen delusion in FD on many fronts but its this FORE business front that in my mind simply 'takes the cake'! Sure there was work that was done sitting in the office at 4Jx by FD on FORE, but the business itself would never have existed at any level without FIL financing. To say otherwise IMO is pure delusion!

IMO FIL was effectively subsidizing his daughters husband to provide something for FD to spend his time doing and hopefully to provide a financial foundation for the children or legacy of some sort that could have been built by FD. Instead, what does FD do? We've seen what FD did with FORE, he turned it into a personal 'piggy bank' to allow him to live with MT, continue his lifestyle and continue to torture and torment JD in family court with no financial consequences.

But GF made the switch to the Substitute in this case IMO for a reason. First, the person knew more about her late husbands business affairs and Second, IMO it sent a strong signal to FD that she was done dealing with him. This is overstating it a bit but IMO GF effectively punted the issue of dealing with FD to the very expensive yet still 'hired help'. IMO this sends the clear message that GF isn't wasting one second of her precious time on earth on Fotis Dulos.

Fotis Dulos has no value to GF and IMO she also believes he has no value as a husband, father, provider to his family and by extension as a human being.

In modern vernacular GF executed a perfect legal 'ghosting' of FD!

ETA: FD was forsaken by GF long ago IMO. Good riddance to bad trash is a phrase that comes to mind! The thing though is that there was a point awhile back in 2018 where FD could have charted a different course and made different choices to in effect 'save himself', end the divorce and get on with life. IMO he did the exact opposite and instead lit himself and FORE on fire to burn it all down. Doesn't make logical sense but it seems to be what we are seeing happen live in this case. Not sure why he is doing it all but it must make sense to him on some level. But my guess is that GF doesn't care about FD or why as she has more important things on her mind and places a greater value on her time that spending it having anything to do with FD.

Thank you for your thoughts. GF daughter has been murdered by FD. Does this little putz FD think anything he could do, or say could touch GF. The loss for GF and Family, was Jennifer. Not the money. However, GF is going to put the screws to FD in a way that he will understand. She knows her blowhard son-in-law FD is all Ego,and hubris. All he cared about was what Jennifer and her family could give him. Now, step by step GF is going to take it all away. For this she has all the time in the world, IMO.
Thank you for your thoughts. GF daughter has been murdered by FD. Does this little putz FD think anything he could do, or say could touch GF. The loss for GF and Family, was Jennifer. Not the money. However, GF is going to put the screws to FD in a way that he will understand. She knows her blowhard son-in-law FD is all Ego,and hubris. All he cared about was what Jennifer and her family could give him. Now, step by step GF is going to take it all away. For this she has all the time in the world, IMO.

We all wish GF would take it all away. But she may not be that type of person. Jennifer did not like confrontation. Her mother may have decided on a replacement for that very same reason. She’s hired a hit squad to take care of it.
God watch over her and all of her family.
FD MUST have an Identical Twin.

It is the Only answer that solves ALL of FD's Problems. Right?

Did the Twin Sign the Loan Documents with HF on the very Loan in Question?

Did the Twin make Payments on the Very Loan in Question?

The Signed Loan Documents even stated that FD had to make the Monthly Interest Payments In Person to HF, in Manhattan.

I guess FD did not know that, since the Twin signed the documents, right?

ALL the HF Loans to FD, had this payment stipulation spelled out specifically in ALL the LOAN Documents HF Insisted that FD SIGN.

What did FD do? FD SIGNED ALL the Documents.

FD, cannot Now claim that this Loan was a Gift, After he Already signed the Documents AND made payments on this very loan.

Just One payment on this Loan and FD Negates his claim that it is a gift, above and beyond the fact that FD Signed the LOAN Documents.

So, FD or the Twin must not have gone to any of FD's classes while at Brown and Columbia?

FD/Twin would have learned in ALL those Finance Classes, that a Loan is a Loan, is a Loan.

Especially when FD SIGNED the Loan Documents, oh, I am sorry, the Twin signed.

FD thinks he is Above the Law and No One Else Matters.

Did FD really think this was going to work? ABSOLUTELY YES.

Everyone in FD's life gave in to His wants as a child and this creates the sense of Entitlement that he thinks he has as an adult.

Unfortunately, he also demanded and received most everything in his adult life, as well.

Therefore, FD was astounded when JD 'fought' back.

FD could not understand this 'unknown' behavior, when JD filed for Divorce and Refused to live with FD/MT/MT Daughter.

FD had No Concept or Reference to understand what was happening.

No one had Ever stood up to FD and his antics and they always gave in to His wants and needs.

FD is Not capable of understanding that Other People live in this world and Not just FD.

That is why FD Blames Everyone else for HIS Actions.
FD did not pay the Loans, so that was JD/GF.
FD did not pay the Trades, so that was JD/GF.
FD did not pay the Property Taxes, so that was JD/GF.
FD did not pay the 4JC Mortgage (although FD did pay for some months after HF died), so that was JD/GF.
FD did not pay his Family Court Expenses, so that was JD/GF.
FD did not pay Anything, etc, etc, so that was JD/GF.
FD blamed the person driving the car that FD Slammed into the back of, so that was the other person too.

FD thought his Only way out, was to Kill JD, get Her trust fund, get the kid's trust funds and Abscond to Greece with the children, or a non extradition treaty country. Either way, the Children would Not be in the US and there is not a Treaty out there that would return the Children to the US.

IMO, MOO, JMO, etc.
Brilliant! FO and his evil twin!

Let's send out a news flash to No Case Norm.

WS brilliance has solved your lack of alibi/alternative theory issue!

Evil twins figure prominently in history so I'm sure No Case Norm can use his knowledge of history it to spin some brilliant tale that will no doubt put the entire jury to sleep!

I guess we can also suggest that the FD Evil Twin was having an affair with MT and that is why they were both seen on the trashbin odyssey on Albany!

I think this theory is tons better than Gone Girl which was a total bust! MOO
Did FD get his vehicles back yet? Wondering what condition they were in. Will MT be seen driving the Cherokee again?
I don't think there have been any photos of him driving recently so will have to wait I guess. I actually was enjoying the thought of the black KIA being pushed around I84 with petite FD inside and so will be sorry to see it retired.

MT was driving an older model black Nissan Altima at her hearing this week that also looked to be a rental. She couldn't get in her car fast enough when someone shouted at her, " does it feel to be the most hated woman in CT..." or something similar. Wish the press had picked it up as the look on her mothers face was as if she had swallowed 10 ají dulce peppers and was choking. IMO MT Mama has more than a bit of gansta in her! MOO
No, I don't think he could be assured that GF would not be present today and I see your point that he might have been apprehensive about her presence. But the beauty of these proceedings is that in many respects they are about GF and certainly about the benevolence her late husband, but she doesn't have to attend in person to listen to FD! So, IDK if she were there or not or perhaps watched live on video. But my guess is that GF believes her time has more value than spending the day to take a trip to go to Hartford to listen to FD.

The only 'gift' FD received in this whole sorry lending relationship with his late FIL was effectively getting charged 3%/yr. interest when if the loans were called what they really were which was investment capital deserving of 'equity type' returns at much much higher rates. 3%/yr is a GIFT for speculative home building operation and FD knew it/knows it IMO. This entire litigation is simply FD abusing the legal system to torture and torment the people that gave him everything that he has IMO.

What I would like to see argued hypothetically would be to recast the entire FIL lending relationship over the years to charge 'interest' along the lines of speculative capital of say 16-20%/yr+. Pick a number in that range or even higher, redo the FORE financials since 2004 and my guess is that most of the so called 'profits' effectively evaporates. FORE operated by virtue of the FIL loans in a world outside of financial reality. FD had the ability to run and operate FORE DUE TO HIS FIL as he most likely could not have qualified for bank financing or equity investment. We have seen delusion in FD on many fronts but its this FORE business front that in my mind simply 'takes the cake'! Sure there was work that was done sitting in the office at 4Jx by FD on FORE, but the business itself would never have existed at any level without FIL financing. To say otherwise IMO is pure delusion!

IMO FIL was effectively subsidizing his daughters husband to provide something for FD to spend his time doing and hopefully to provide a financial foundation for the children or legacy of some sort that could have been built by FD. Instead, what does FD do? We've seen what FD did with FORE, he turned it into a personal 'piggy bank' to allow him to live with MT, continue his lifestyle and continue to torture and torment JD in family court with no financial consequences.

But GF made the switch to the Substitute in this case IMO for a reason. First, the person knew more about her late husbands business affairs and Second, IMO it sent a strong signal to FD that she was done dealing with him. This is overstating it a bit but IMO GF effectively punted the issue of dealing with FD to the very expensive yet still 'hired help'. IMO this sends the clear message that GF isn't wasting one second of her precious time on earth on Fotis Dulos.

Fotis Dulos has no value to GF and IMO she also believes he has no value as a husband, father, provider to his family and by extension as a human being.

In modern vernacular GF executed a perfect legal 'ghosting' of FD!

ETA: FD was forsaken by GF long ago IMO. Good riddance to bad trash is a phrase that comes to mind! The thing though is that there was a point awhile back in 2018 where FD could have charted a different course and made different choices to in effect 'save himself', end the divorce and get on with life. IMO he did the exact opposite and instead lit himself and FORE on fire to burn it all down. Doesn't make logical sense but it seems to be what we are seeing happen live in this case. Not sure why he is doing it all but it must make sense to him on some level. But my guess is that GF doesn't care about FD or why as she has more important things on her mind and places a greater value on her time that spending it having anything to do with FD.


I say it yet again: GF is my hero and role model.
Thank you for your thoughts. GF daughter has been murdered by FD. Does this little putz FD think anything he could do, or say could touch GF. The loss for GF and Family, was Jennifer. Not the money. However, GF is going to put the screws to FD in a way that he will understand. She knows her blowhard son-in-law FD is all Ego,and hubris. All he cared about was what Jennifer and her family could give him. Now, step by step GF is going to take it all away. For this she has all the time in the world, IMO.

Clearly, FD never heeded the saying that one of the most dangerous places in the world to be is between a mother tiger/bear/human and her child. Scorched earth, taking no prisoners, and no-holds-barred determination. I’m with GF. MOO.
I don't think there have been any photos of him driving recently so will have to wait I guess. I actually was enjoying the thought of the black KIA being pushed around I84 with petite FD inside and so will be sorry to see it retired.

MT was driving an older model black Nissan Altima at her hearing this week that also looked to be a rental. She couldn't get in her car fast enough when someone shouted at her, " does it feel to be the most hated woman in CT..." or something similar. Wish the press had picked it up as the look on her mothers face was as if she had swallowed 10 ají dulce peppers and was choking. IMO MT Mama has more than a bit of gansta in her! MOO

Omg! I’d be upset if someone said something awful about my daughter, too, but in this case, I couldn’t argue and just would be very sad that my daughter had gotten herself into such a terrible situation that hurt others so terribly. MOO.
We all wish GF would take it all away. But she may not be that type of person. Jennifer did not like confrontation. Her mother may have decided on a replacement for that very same reason. She’s hired a hit squad to take care of it.
God watch over her and all of her family.
Dear GF is a Jersey Girl. She doesn't need to show up at court, she sends her muscle. Let FD keep looking over his shoulder, watching every door open. FD knows "it's" coming for him.
This waiting to see what will happen, aside from the constant delay and deflect tactics, is irritating. But at least I am getting more stuff done, because there isn’t so much fast and furious reading of everyone’s very insightful posts. You all are so clever-I am amazed at all of the threads there are to pull here that I never think of. Hopefully, this fall is when those two are arrested and awaiting murder convictions, along with convictions relating to the financial misdeeds.
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