Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #18

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I think his attorney requested a speedy trial in the very beginning which was denied? How come he hasn't tried again?
No Case Norm has backed up the bus on the 'speedy trial' request and is now in the mode of asking for extra time to file motions etc.

Many theories as to why this has been happening but IMO its happening because the early claims of Pattis where he had an account for 'virtually all' of FD time on the 24th/Missing Date turned out to fall apart with further investigation by PI and Pattis Crew. We heard Pattis and FO claims of atty visit on the morning of 24th (believed to be KM of spousal assault arrest fame) and then the infamous 'call from Greece' and the MT can alibi FO for the 24th etc. Any number of claims have been put out by Pattis but so far absent a credible alibi, it looks like its FO, with the knife or blunt object in the garage of JD Welles house on the morning of the 24th/Missing Date.

So, Pattis is left with so alibi/no alternative solution for where exactly his client was on 24th/Missing Date. He knows that the State has HD almost quality video of FD and MT driving the Ford 150 Raptor down Albany Ave and it is believed they were placed there using cell phone pings from FD phone which he gave to NCPD when he was called in for questioning. Mmmm.

So, Pattis is now attempting to argue that the FO iPhoneX data was used by NCPD/State Police without having the proper warrant in place. Again, Mmmm. We haven't yet seen this motion for exclusion of the iPhone but Pattis alluded to it in his 15 page manifesto motion about why he shouldn't be gagged which was submitted to the court earlier this week (I'm calling this document that 'last gasp motion' as hopefully it will be the last gasp we will have to hear from Pattis except for his work in court on behalf of his client!).

I hear you. But it's been three months, no new info, and they still haven't charged him. So, there is something about what they've told us that is not as compelling as it would seem.
So you are advocating for the defendant, living in a foreclosed house with no viable income and wearing a GPS bracelet, to get his children? They should leave their grandmother's house and live with him? Is this what FD wants or does he only want access to the 2 13 year olds?
You might be right. But, what I don't know is how much blood was in those bags. All I have heard from LE is some. Was it a lot? And we heard about that right away and nothing new since. Some on this site assume LE has a lot more evidence. I should hope so. But what if they don't. I can only go on what I hear. Ok, WS is not a jury box. No one is giving us evidence. At this point, maybe I should just tune this whole thing out until they release some new info. And yes, I'm projecting to much onto FD. I do believe, in his own way, he loves those kids. I'd say I know the desperation that a dad fears about loosing his kids. If he killed JD, then he deserves it, but if he didn't kill JD, well, he deserves to be heard.

Don’t forget her t shirt and bra were found in the garbage, too. And I am not too sure (at least to me) that it matters if there was a little blood, or a lot of blood. They know she was bleeding badly in her garage; and they know they didn’t get anywhere near all of the bags of evidence. So what they found was SOME of her blood, which a reasonable person can assume came from Jennifer’s bleeding episode in her garage, since they know the bags containing Jennifer’s blood were deposited on Albany Ave. the same day she disappeared/bled badly in her garage. And his DNA shouldn’t have been in her house, although I suppose it could have been transfer dna from one of the kids. I just wish the housekeeper hadn’t cleaned that day. But, I feel pretty good about the rest of it.
I keep thinking about this series of comments about FD at his parent teacher conferences and I'm almost positive they came from family court documents. There was the reference to FO with his spreadsheets for each child and the teacher asked about the spreadsheets and the response was that he didn't want to be accused of being a disinterested/uninvolved parent or something along these lines. I recall being stunned to hear someone say this.

You might have thought someone would say they were keeping spreadsheets because they care and love their children but that its hard to track 5 children and so you use spreadsheets to make sure you are on top of things or some such comment.

FD IMO made the spreadsheets not about the children but about himself. This comment surfaced early on and I kept going back to it in my head because of how 'off' it seemed for any parent to be this paranoid etc. but I think it also showed just how off the rails the entire divorce action had gone. FD could have been paranoid in general but it seems like the drama of his creation IMO in Family Court could have taken him to a whole different planet where reality had very little role IMO. Sad state of affairs and I feel profoundly sad for these 5 children having to endure this entire situation.
Just jumping off your post -

Maybe FD can make some spreadsheets that have headings such as "contractors owed" in one column (which would be the names of the contractors that he owes). And then make a separate column for the amount he owes to each one. And then another spreadsheet with heading of "court dates and times" and on that sheet, have there be a calendar across the top and then underneath have separate columns that list which court/location and what time he is scheduled to be in court. And then separate spreadsheets for each of his attorneys so he can keep a running balance of the charges and add to it each month when they send his bill with new charges. And then another spreadsheet labeled "GF vs. Fore Group/FD." And I could think of some more but don't want to bore anybody with the rest of my thoughts. JMO
So you are advocating for the defendant, living in a foreclosed house with no viable income and wearing a GPS bracelet, to get his children? They should leave their grandmother's house and live with him? Is this what FD wants or does he only want access to the 2 13 year olds?

Again, not defending FD. But, speaking of just the points you bring up. Living in a foreclosed home. Well, FD does not seem like a financial genius but it does seem to me that GF and JD didn't help the situation. Even the documents posted here yesterday showed all these folks backing out of sales because of the "contentious divorce". Wouldn't be surprised if well placed connections made strategic phone calls to inform well meaning people about the contentious divorce. Wearing a GPS bracelet. Well this is about the evidence tampering. Lot's of suspicion around that, true, but this is my "it's been three months and nothing new" argument. Leave the grandmother's house and live with him. I honestly can't say what's better. I don't know him nor do I know GF. I can't say who's better at raising the kids. But I do believe JD and GF were on a campaign to hurt him. Maybe he deserved it. And it's not a reason to kill her. But he was on the loosing side and appears to still be.
I believe family court is stacked against fathers. Doesn't give him the right to kill anyone, but it doesn't mean that family court judges are fair. Then again, I wasn't the family court judge, so I wouldn't know. But family court is wrong many times.
Its hard to argue against the perceived 'unfairness' in some family court proceedings. As @gitana1 has explained to us many times its a challenging job to be a Judge in Family Court. BUT....

If FD had at any time in the 2 years he had been in Family Court stepped up and demonstrated anything other than complete contempt for the Court, JD and yes his children as he made a series of financial and personal choices in terms of dealing with the overall situation which cost him access to his children, I would agree that he should now have the ability to speak with his children on a supervised basis.

Unfortunately, the Family Court never saw FD step up and take responsbility for anything not even basic things like providing insurance for his children or making support payments for their welfare and care. Zero. Judge Heller called FD a habitual liar on the record in court but she felt that children should have access to their father so she set up the strict visitation process. Judge Heller explained the long and sorry story of FD in her decision to award custody to GF and to me it read clearly that he was a man that created his own hell on earth. FD still feels victimized of course after this ruling and so is seeking appeal. Is this a productive use of legal system given his current circumstances, probably not but its his right and he is pursing it.

Judge Heller also made a point in her custody ruling of saying that FD filed I believe 30 more motions in this legal slugfest than JD. So to me this says that he gave as good as he got and then he slugged away some more for good measure. Did all this help him in court to gain access to his children? Nope, IMO it did not.

IMO, FD placed a higher value on his relationship with MT/daughter than he did on his own children as he would not follow court orders to not have MT/daughter present at visits. I could go on and on and its all be rehashed in these threads mutiple times so isn't worth it IMO.

IMO FD in Family Court isn't even a case where there are 3 strikes and you are out. Nope. FD is a situation where it seems no matter what the Judge asks that its always 'opposite day' with FD. He will not follow instructions from the court and was even unable to work with JD to coordinate basic things like children pick up etc.

So, you seem to be advocating providing access to 5 traumatized children by a man that will not tell the truth and who will not follow court instructions. I'm not sure there is a court in the US that would permit this to happen and in my mind its with good reason!

,,,, until FD is convicted, or at the very least charged with murder, I really can't claim he's guilty. Hell, LE doesn't believe he's guilty enough to charge him. And as long as that's the case, he has every right to try to see them, get medical records, want custody, get them legal representation. Given that there appears to be no evidence that he killed JD or had her killed, he should get custody. Let's say he was a jerk. Say he yelled, was a philanderer, was irresponsible with money. Those aren't reasons to take his kids away from him. The way he probably sees it is that GF and JD were vindictive. GF has lots of money and lots of lawyers and can get her way and he sees this as unfair. And if it were you or me, I think we'd feel the same way. ... But this belief that he's not entitled to due process or to raise his kids is not correct..... If my wife disappeared, LE could not charge me with her disappearance, and I had a rich mother-in-law that could hire better lawyers than me and was holding the kids against their own will (presumably), I would be upset and I would feel I was treated unfairly. So, until LE charges this guy, give him a break. And if LE knows he did it, then charge him already and I'll go back under my rock.

This isn't a case of your run of the mill jerky guy who cheats, yells a lot or is irresponsible with money .... this is a case of a guy whose behavior was so bad & so damaging to his children that the Court, based on professional evaluations & recommendations, deemed it necessary to severely restrict his access to them. Twice.

And ya, he's a narcissist so of course he would see himself as the victim here - wronged by his MIL who is using her wealth & influence to keep him from his children - but that's not the reality here. The reality is FD alone is responsible for his current situation (and, in my opinion, the least deserving person as far as a getting a break is concerned). MOO.
I hear you. But it's been three months, no new info, and they still haven't charged him. So, there is something about what they've told us that is not as compelling as it would seem.

Probably there is a great deal the public is not being told. LE does not owe the public an explanation about the length of the investigation. IMO, there are probably multiple investigations into possible accomplices, possible disposal sites, possible leads the public has called in, possible links to various vehicles that might have been seen on cameras near the Welles Spring address and the park where JD's car was found. Just mentioning these, we're talking about hours and hours and hours of investigative work.

I find it incredibly compelling that FD said, "He knows what he's done and what he hasn't done." The implication from that statement is that he's done something. What is it?

If it has an innocent explanation, why not share it? If he has an alibi for the morning of May 24th, why doesn't he share it? That's all he has to do to reduce the negative comments and feelings of many. That's what he should do to help his children. THEY need to know what happened to their mother. THEY need to know their father wasn't involved in anything that may have lead to her demise. If he has real love and compassion for them, he needs to publicly answer the questions that would direct public thinking and their lives in a positive way. Yet, he remains silent. WHY? To me, that is compelling.

Going water skiing or skipping a meeting with a counselor is not going make these children whole again. THEY need the truth....then, they can begin to live their lives again.
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FO did NOT even have full unsupervised visitation or custody of the children BEFORE JD went missing.

So, Why would FD be allowed full custody AFTER JD went missing?

FO Only had Very Supervised and Very Limited access to the children very recently after a 10 month drought due to FO's actions in the past year that caused psychological harm to the children, as found by the Court.

The Dangers to the children that FD presented with Before JD went missing do not just disappear now that JD is missing.

In this very situation, what is in the Best Interests of the Children, Trumps a parent's assertion of their rights to continue to cause psychological harm to their children.

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Again, not defending FD. But, speaking of just the points you bring up. Living in a foreclosed home. Well, FD does not seem like a financial genius but it does seem to me that GF and JD didn't help the situation.

FD is no academic dummy and NOT A VICTIM except in his own mind IMO. He has a BS in applied math and an MBA in Finance. Does he have the technical qualifications to run the FORE group? Yes, IMO he does. Did Fore Group run into problems because FD was not a 'financial genius'. No, IMO it did not. You don't have to be a financial genius to be an in office/non working contractor/home builder IMO as its a very simple business model to set up and execute.

Your statement about 'GF and JD didn't help the situation' is not even IMO thinly veiled victim blaming/shaming and is frankly offensive to me. Hate to say it. I've never said that on WS ever because victim shaming/blaming is not allowed here for a very good reason.

Did JD/GF not 'help the situation' because they chose to stand up and fight for what they wanted which was in this case the children? Did they not 'help the situation' when they financed EVERYTHING having to do with move and the children? I could go on and on but I hope you see my point. Please explain what JD/GF might have done to 'help the situation' as I am frankly quite curious as to what this would entail.

JD wanted out of her marriage after FD advised her of his 1+yr affair and asked her to remain with the children at 4Jx with MT and her daughter. JD found this unacceptable and executed a clean break from FD AND SHE PAID FOR IT ALL HERSELF (sadly most women can't do this). Then she proceeded to take the scary step for her of filing for divorce where she was fearful for her safety and the safety of her children. JD and GF paid for virtually everything having to do with JD leaving 4Jx, setting up a new home in NC, schooling 5 children ($250,000/yr), and paid for the divorce court proceedings (rough estimate $200,000/yr plus $300,000/yr for GAL).

Was there a point in the divorce proceeding where mediation could have worked? Given the fact pattern its unlikely it could have worked for the Dulos couple. FD IMO knew that the only thing JD wanted from the divorce was custody of the children and he was willing to move heaven and earth to make sure that didn't occur. He did just this and sadly today we are where we are with a missing/presumed dead JD and 5 children living with a grandmother who no doubt loves them greatly. Could this entire situation have been averted with different choices by FD, IMO absolutely.

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I know this is not a popular opinion here and I also know I've shared it before but until FD is convicted, or at the very least charged with murder, I really can't claim he's guilty. Hell, LE doesn't believe he's guilty enough to charge him. And as long as that's the case, he has every right to try to see them, get medical records, want custody, get them legal representation. Given that there appears to be no evidence that he killed JD or had her killed, he should get custody. Let's say he was a jerk. Say he yelled, was a philanderer, was irresponsible with money. Those aren't reasons to take his kids away from him. The way he probably sees it is that GF and JD were vindictive. GF has lots of money and lots of lawyers and can get her way and he sees this as unfair. And if it were you or me, I think we'd feel the same way. Folks on this site have convicted him or murder based on the trash dump and the personality we see from the media. Sure, it makes me highly suspicious too. But this belief that he's not entitled to due process or to raise his kids is not correct. It doesn't matter how much money, or how little, money he has or how much GF has. If he's guilty, charge him and convict him. If LE can't do that, or if it is going to take a long long time to do that, then let him raise his kids. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I believe it's the correct one. If my wife disappeared, LE could not charge me with her disappearance, and I had a rich mother-in-law that could hire better lawyers than me and was holding the kids against their own will (presumably), I would be upset and I would feel I was treated unfairly. So, until LE charges this guy, give him a break. And if LE knows he did it, then charge him already and I'll go back under my rock.
He's guilty. LE knows it. Even NP knows it. FD is more than a jerk. He was caught disposing of bloody items in a garbage run. There's no coincidences there. Nobody said he's not entitled to due process in a court of law. JD and her family are entitled to due process as well. FD had only very limited contact with his children due to issues of his own making. Because he is a BAD person and father. Boohoo. It's not fair that GF has money. That's what he chose to marry into, now he can deal with it. NP has this all under control. Who said LE can't charge him? He's already been charged with tampering related to a bloody assault at the home of JD. I don't think hardly anybody, especially here, would EVER be in FD shoes. He has reaped what he has sowed. FD has been treated very fairly. He's lucky he's out of jail. I'm not giving him one, single break. I know what he is. I know his type and they are a scourge upon decent people. He is disgusting and unfit as a parent and a human being. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. IMO.
IMO, the fact he hasn’t been charged doesn’t mean evidence doesn’t exist, or that he wasn’t involved with her disappearance. As I’ve compared these cases before, this is similar to Jason Lynn Young’s murder of his wife Michelle. It took 2 years for Wake County NC to charge Jason Young. In the meantime, Young’s MIL filed a wrongful death lawsuit. Young would not respond or give a deposition due to the criminal case. The MIL’s civil suit won and Young was declared “the slayer”. Based on that, the MIL filed for custody. Again, Young failed to show, and lost custody. Ultimately he was convicted of murder and is serving life. Let’s hope GF files wrongful death suit as well.
Thanks for that reminder. Justice was done there.
I find it incredibly compelling that FD said, "He knows what he's done and what he hasn't done." The implication from that statement is that he's done something. What is it?

I agree. I found the way he phrased things to be SO bizarre & like he unwittingly implicated himself.

If he's truly innocent, he should be shouting it from the rooftops. MOO.
Don’t forget her t shirt and bra were found in the garbage, too. And I am not too sure (at least to me) that it matters if there was a little blood, or a lot of blood. They know she was bleeding badly in her garage; and they know they didn’t get anywhere near all of the bags of evidence. So what they found was SOME of her blood, which a reasonable person can assume came from Jennifer’s bleeding episode in her garage, since they know the bags containing Jennifer’s blood were deposited on Albany Ave. the same day she disappeared/bled badly in her garage. And his DNA shouldn’t have been in her house, although I suppose it could have been transfer dna from one of the kids. I just wish the housekeeper hadn’t cleaned that day. But, I feel pretty good about the rest of it.

BBM but if FD's DNA was transfer DNA from one of the kids, wouldn't their DNA have been identified as being part of the sample too? JMO but I think the DA felt pretty confident in that piece of evidence when he dropped it on NP.

ETA: I think that when it comes to touch DNA, if one of the children transferred FD's DNA to the faucet, the child's DNA would be classified as "touch" and FD's would be "trace". MOO
IMO something must have prompted the FD/Pattis response in Family Court this week to seek representation for the 2 13 yo (soon to be 14 yo) sons and to request additional information about the children. I don't believe this move came out of the blue and must have been prompted by something or some perceived threat. I wonder if the issue is that absent some information or request for information about the children whether it could be argued that there is 'no ongoing parent-child relationship' and this was a risk to seeking custody appeal or some revision to no contact order. IDK, pure speculation on my part, wish @gitana1 were here for guidance on this issue.

I wonder if GF is pursuing adoption of the children and in order to do this would have to pursue termination of FD rights as a parent? This is an incredibly complicated and no doubt risky legal process to undertake but it might be seen as the only way to truly protect and secure the children.

Here is a link to information on this process of Termination of Parental Rights from the State of CT website:

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Not to beat a dead horse but FD was able to bond out of jail and has 3 attorneys and a PI working for him. It's not as if he hasn't been matching the strides of GF. She may be able to outlast FD but to this point FD has done nothing for his children and squandered countless dollars trying to cover his behind.

GF may have some connections but it's obvious FD does as well. It must be so gauling to GF to know the money FD is spending would probably not be available to FD had it not been for the generosity of her late husband. MOOOOOOOMoooo
I don't understand how GF could be in any way responsible for FD taking out multiple mortgages on the houses, while not paying the contractors and not contributing to his family.

The only people that would be aware of FD's financial problems would be those that did their due diligence to research the person they were doing business with.
Yeah, if I was spending millions on a home, I'd research every single thing.
Yeah, if I was spending millions on a home, I'd research every single thing.
How do you do due diligence and find out about a "contentious" divorce. And how do three potential buyers at essentially the same time, all back out using the same term of "contentious" divorce. But all's fair. Again, my comment was simply in response to using the fact that his houses are in foreclosure against him. He may simply have been outplayed.
How do you do due diligence and find out about a "contentious" divorce. And how do three potential buyers at essentially the same time, all back out using the same term of "contentious" divorce. But all's fair. Again, my comment was simply in response to using the fact that his houses are in foreclosure against him. He may simply have been outplayed.

All the documents that have been brought to WS are available to the public.

We just went through a flood and we're remodeling a rental home. We research everyone before we will even accept a bid.
How do you do due diligence and find out about a "contentious" divorce. And how do three potential buyers at essentially the same time, all back out using the same term of "contentious" divorce. But all's fair. Again, my comment was simply in response to using the fact that his houses are in foreclosure against him. He may simply have been outplayed.
FD owns 50% of 4Jx and was perfectly entitled to request a buyout of the JD 50% share. There is no evidence that such a buyout claim was ever made by FD. FD had a responsbility at a minimum to be responsible for 50% of the 4Jx expenses and mortgage and we have no evidence that he ever met this responsibility.

Instead what the record in family court and civil court show is that JD moves out, MT and daughter move in rent free so far as we know, FD pays no portion of the mortgage and taxes (not even his 50% share), 4Jx goes into foreclosure due to non payment, GF then continues to pay mortgage and taxes on 4Jx as she or her husband had pledged as collateral other real estate to support the 4Jx mortgage and this situation continues until today. Does this sound like a responsible adult choice to make? You own 50% of a property and you don't step up to pay your pro rata share amidst a divorce action? Who does this? FD does this and he did it for nearly 2 years.

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