Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #18

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I don't understand how GF could be in any way responsible for FD taking out multiple mortgages on the houses, while not paying the contractors and not contributing to his family.

The only people that would be aware of FD's financial problems would be those that did their due diligence to research the person they were doing business with.
It would come to the attention of the buyer, their agent and their lender upon receipt of the preliminary title report if there was a lis pendens recorded against the property, to alert interested parties that it is tied up in litigation and that could impact the seller's ability to transfer clear title. The Buyer's agent may have done their due diligence and suggested they look for a property with less impediments to closing. MOO
How do you do due diligence and find out about a "contentious" divorce. And how do three potential buyers at essentially the same time, all back out using the same term of "contentious" divorce. But all's fair. Again, my comment was simply in response to using the fact that his houses are in foreclosure against him. He may simply have been outplayed.
Things are oh so easy to SLEUTH. It's not that hard. Plenty of documents on public websites. "Contentious" is just a polite description for Chaos. Pretty common term. If he was outplayed, bravo.
The Dulos divorce and the MT affair were common knowledge in the small community of Farmington. The MT affair had been going on for at LEAST a year before the divorce and MT/FD made no pretense of hiding the affair in town while JD still resided at 4Jx with the children.

This is just one of many similar articles about the conduct of the affair. This was no secret in this small town. People knew and FD and MT didn't care:

Estranged husband of missing Connecticut mom, and his new girlfriend, flaunted affair before she vanished

I have no idea with GF did or didn't do but IMO she had no vested interested in causing FORE to collapse as she was seeking repayment of monies owed to her husband.

The three letters you reference as being Plaintiff exhibits in the civil case came to GF via the ongoing but very slow discovery process in the case and were provided to her by FD/FORE group. All the people that wrote the letters have known FD for awhile and one even worked for FORE Group previously. GF did not drum up these 3 random letters from people saying they didn't want to do business with FD due to the 'contentious divorce' or because the financial situation of Fore Group was questionable. These were letters written to FD and 2 of the letters were responses to FD explaining why they would not be willing to provide financing on MS and Sturbridge projects.

I've read the letters and believe they were well thought out responses to a financing proposal that they were not willing to take the risk on for the many reasons stated in each letter. Its the classic 'I love you but' letter to decline a financing proposal and these people at least gave some valid reasons for declining the financing IMO which is not necessarily the norm by any shot.

The locals knew that the financial underpinings of FORE came from FIL and Farber family. With the divorce in the works and affair being flaunted IMO GF had to do nothing here as FD and MT had already done the work of sinking FORE. The facts on this particular aspect of FORE are quite clear. FORE worked with FIL alive and providing funding. FORE failed with no FIL alive. FD did zero to try to keep FORE going as a 'going concern' and instead relied solely on financing from FIL. His choice and error IMO and he is paying dearly for it now.

Other contractors, architects, electricians, plumbers, HVAC people, landscapers, know, all the people suing FD...well they talk too. It's as simple as a prospective buyer looking at another home from another builder and asking if they know or have dealt with FD/Fore in conversation.
He's guilty. LE knows it. Even NP knows it. FD is more than a jerk. He was caught disposing of bloody items in a garbage run. There's no coincidences there. Nobody said he's not entitled to due process in a court of law. JD and her family are entitled to due process as well. FD had only very limited contact with his children due to issues of his own making. Because he is a BAD person and father. Boohoo. It's not fair that GF has money. That's what he chose to marry into, now he can deal with it. NP has this all under control. Who said LE can't charge him? He's already been charged with tampering related to a bloody assault at the home of JD. I don't think hardly anybody, especially here, would EVER be in FD shoes. He has reaped what he has sowed. FD has been treated very fairly. He's lucky he's out of jail. I'm not giving him one, single break. I know what he is. I know his type and they are a scourge upon decent people. He is disgusting and unfit as a parent and a human being. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. IMO.

BBM-this is a chance you take when you marry money...he is getting what he has coming to him
BBM but if FD's DNA was transfer DNA from one of the kids, wouldn't their DNA have been identified as being part of the sample too? JMO but I think the DA felt pretty confident in that piece of evidence when he dropped it on NP.

ETA: I think that when it comes to touch DNA, if one of the children transferred FD's DNA to the faucet, the child's DNA would be classified as "touch" and FD's would be "trace". MOO

It may still come to identifying FD’s DNA as “trace”; we don’t know it was yet. Personally, I am betting that it wasn’t.
127.00 08/23/2019 P MOTION FOR ORDER

@thekirbyfamily, I did, agree with you and I'm out for now. MOO
Don't leave for too long @afitzy. We need your insight and eloquent posts. I'm not sure what to make of what's going on here. It's been such a positive thread (18+) so far. We're here for justice for Jennifer and 99% of us support you. Moo moo moo
BBM-this is a chance you take when you marry money...he is getting what he has coming to him
"Hoist with his own petard" is a phrase from a speech in William Shakespeare's play Hamlet that has become proverbial. The phrase's meaning is literally that the bomb-maker (a "petard" is a small explosive device) is blown up ("hoisted" off the ground) by his own bomb, and indicates an ironic reversal, or poetic justice.
Don't leave for too long @afitzy. We need your insight and eloquent posts. I'm not sure what to make of what's going on here. It's been such a positive thread (18+) so far. We're here for justice for Jennifer and 99% of us support you. Moo moo moo
I know what to make of it. I figured it out several weeks ago. Alot of people did. Justice For Jennifer. It's gonna happen.
How do you do due diligence and find out about a "contentious" divorce. And how do three potential buyers at essentially the same time, all back out using the same term of "contentious" divorce. But all's fair. Again, my comment was simply in response to using the fact that his houses are in foreclosure against him. He may simply have been outplayed.

Going down the list of logical fallacies, I see... Now we have the generalization and illogical causation fallacies. Sigh.

To point out the obvious, plenty of people buy houses in foreclosure. Plenty of people buy houses from other people who are in the midst of contentious divorces. Both situations can be seen as opportunities to get an exceptional deal. Many people, however, don’t want to buy a house from a builder whose business practices have been questioned by many long before he was arrested and many people heed the advice commonly given not to buy the most expensive house in the neighborhood. Others may not want to give their money to a man who flaunted his girlfriend all around the country and wanted to move her into the house where his wife (the one whose family paid for so much of everything and the one whose bloody clothes he seems to have been disposing of in other people’s garbage cans) and five children lived. Then there’s that nasty little murder situation; people make up their own minds. But you think it’s because all those people make decisions based on GF trying to get some of her money back from FD? My opinion only, of course.
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