Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #25

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I do wonder if there is anything that can be legally done to protect the childrens images from being sold and used commercially by FD or Pattis?

WHERE IS GAL MEEHAN AND JUDGE HELLER on the issue of protection of the children and their rights?

Did the children consent to the use of those pictures by FD and did the children or their guardian have to sign off on the use of their images by Dateline. Such approvals are fairly standard so if the children or their guardian didn't sign off then how were the images made available to the world?

I'm not sure why we haven't seen anything from Family Court on the issue of the press using images of the children and Dateline in particular. Not sure if anything can be done or if Family Court simply doesn't care but my understanding is that such things fall into the purview of GAL Meehan (if he is still a part of the case as both Plaintiff and Defense have made motions for his termination).

I'm baffled on this one....


GAL Meehan has made enough money off these children that he owes them, for sure.

Now that FD has put the pictures out there, I imagine stopping their use would be like trying to put a genie back in a bottle.

The pictures were probably sold to a company who now owns the copyrights and collects royalties every time they're used.
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Just found this picture of Sturbridge House in NC a/o June 7, 2019 - 14 days from the missing date:
here is a picture of LE on screening drivers on Lapham Rd following JD disappearance. Looks like plenty of coverage for travel through the woods south of Lapham Rd to the train tracks to get to Welles and exposure to poison ivy.upload_2019-9-17_23-21-44.png
ITA about the cursory search of 61 Sturbridge....It is especially concerning to me that the night/morning when neighbors reported the loud banging, JD's disappearance had just been logged and the search starting. Connecting Sturbridge to her disappearance by the dispatcher and responding patrol would be highly unlikely. Twenty-four hours later, the property would have been viewed differently, IMO.

I agree that there is something "off" about FD quizzing the EE about calls and wondering if he saw him. I can understand the calls, but since FD claims he wasn't in New Canaan that morning, that question makes no sense to me either.

Are there any devices that can detect objects under asphalt and concrete or even grass? How strong of a lead would LE need to get a search warrant for the exterior of that home?

I've seen forensics shows where they've found bodies using a device that shows a void under ground or in concrete, perhaps some kind of ultrasound.

Google has articles from 2010 about a new system for underground searches but I don't see any updates on the process since then.
here is a picture of LE on screening drivers on Lapham Rd following JD disappearance. Looks like plenty of coverage for travel through the woods south of Lapham Rd to the train tracks to get to Welles and exposure to poison ivy.View attachment 205027

Does anyone remember or have access to the areas in New Canaan LE asked to preserve or turn over their security camera footage, etc.? I was wondering if there were requests made concerning the Sturbridge Hill area.
Does anyone remember or have access to the areas in New Canaan LE asked to preserve or turn over their security camera footage, etc.? I was wondering if there were requests made concerning the Sturbridge Hill area.
Here is the official request
By findjenniferd
Posted June 3, 2019
In Official Press Releases, What You Can Do to Help
New Canaan Police and the Connecticut State Police Western District Major Crime Squad are investigating the disappearance of Jennifer Dulos.

This investigation has established a timeline of when Jennifer went missing, and as part of this timeline, we seek video surveillance from homes or businesses that have cameras, which capture vehicular activity on roadways.

If you have a surveillance video system at your residence or business, and it captures vehicular activity, we request that you save the video from Wednesday, May 22, 2019, to Saturday, May 25, 2019, and to please e-mail with your contact information and address. Please do not send any video content.

We will provide additional information to those who e-mail Officer Coughlin.

We appreciate the community’s cooperation in assisting us with gaining further information into the disappearance of Jennifer Dulos.
ITA about the cursory search of 61 Sturbridge....It is especially concerning to me that the night/morning when neighbors reported the loud banging, JD's disappearance had just been logged and the search starting. Connecting Sturbridge to her disappearance by the dispatcher and responding patrol would be highly unlikely. Twenty-four hours later, the property would have been viewed differently, IMO.

I agree that there is something "off" about FD quizzing the EE about calls and wondering if he saw him. I can understand the calls, but since FD claims he wasn't in New Canaan that morning, that question makes no sense to me either.

Are there any devices that can detect objects under asphalt and concrete or even grass? How strong of a lead would LE need to get a search warrant for the exterior of that home?

Ground penetrating radar can and is used to locate possible underground storage tanks, utilities, etc. It looks for voids or disturbed underlying soil rather than bones, etc. I believe.

Here’s a link:

About Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Services - FAQs

I saw this link, too:

The science of finding buried bodies

And this is new (to me)—GPR on Drones!

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) surveys with drone | UgCS

I've seen forensics shows where they've found bodies using a device that shows a void under ground or in concrete, perhaps some kind of ultrasound.

Google has articles from 2010 about a new system for underground searches but I don't see any updates on the process since then.

Thanks....A good place to start. (Always...:))
Here is the official request
By findjenniferd
Posted June 3, 2019
In Official Press Releases, What You Can Do to Help
New Canaan Police and the Connecticut State Police Western District Major Crime Squad are investigating the disappearance of Jennifer Dulos.

This investigation has established a timeline of when Jennifer went missing, and as part of this timeline, we seek video surveillance from homes or businesses that have cameras, which capture vehicular activity on roadways.

If you have a surveillance video system at your residence or business, and it captures vehicular activity, we request that you save the video from Wednesday, May 22, 2019, to Saturday, May 25, 2019, and to please e-mail with your contact information and address. Please do not send any video content.

We will provide additional information to those who e-mail Officer Coughlin.

We appreciate the community’s cooperation in assisting us with gaining further information into the disappearance of Jennifer Dulos.

A trifecta...Many thanks! So the request was for any home surveillance. I hope the folks in the Sturbridge area checked and contacted the police.
Ground penetrating radar can and is used to locate possible underground storage tanks, utilities, etc. It looks for voids or disturbed underlying soil rather than bones, etc. I believe.

Here’s a link:

About Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Services - FAQs

I saw this link, too:

The science of finding buried bodies

And this is new (to me)—GPR on Drones!

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) surveys with drone | UgCS

That's it, Hope! I remember a program where they showed the rough outline of a body in concrete in a backyard and another in a home basement. Both did contain human skeletons.

ETA: Now that I think about it one actually had mummified remains.
That's it, Hope! I remember a program where they showed the rough outline of a body in concrete in a backyard and another in a home basement. Both did contain human skeletons.

ETA: Now that I think about it one actually had mummified remains.

Until tonight, I had no idea that you could use it with drones! I’m not a lawyer or drone user so I wonder if it’s legal to fly a drone over a property to look without a search warrant? Maybe it is but the results couldn’t be used in court? No idea. MOO.
Yes, that is why I was always so concerned about the driveway, front courtyard, plantings and rear patio as they weren't yet in at the time of the missing date. We never saw NCPD or State Police digging on this property and it was released back to FD. We know that State Crime visited Strubridge with the Crime Van at least twice but I wonder why no digging was ever done as the front yard was completely exposed at the missing date and it was completely covered with asphalt and the back patio area was covered with what looks to be cement and native stone.

I don't know what that metal portion on the front lawn might be. Lampost electrical perhaps? IDK.

I would have felt more comfortable about the situation if a bulldozer had been brought in and the entire front portion excavated and ditto for the back patio.

I keep going back to the comment in AW2 where FD asks EE if he heard anything on the 24th while EE was in NC working at Sturbridge. Admittedly this is a super vague statement, but we know EE showed up at Sturbridge around 9:30 and so it is possible that FD could have been at the property in advance of EE arrival or even while EE was on site as EE was allegedly inside installing locks and other hardware. I'm not sure what to think about Sturbridge portion of the investigation at all.


When they said he was installing hardware, was that really hardware or like the seats being called that by FD?
I'm really confused. The seats of the Tacoma weren't changed to the Porsche's until days later after FD pressured EE repeatedly to change/get rid of them, correct? What does this have to do with Sturbridge on the 24th and what EE was installing that day?

Or do you think that there was also significant seat changing being orchestrated on the very day JD went missing? The Ford seats? By EE, as instructed by FD?
Yes this was a provision of the original agreement but perhaps after FIL death this was disregarded by FD? IDK, we will have to wait for trial I suppose to find out exactly why FD believes these loans that were originally made as loans suddenly became 'gifts'? I also cannot wait to hear the testimony of the FD original accountant that had these loans correctly listed as such on the tax returns explain to the court what FD wanted them to do. Then we will no doubt hear from the 'new' accountant that converted the loans to equity as to the 'explanation' that FD provided for this conversion. Should be interesting IMO to say the least...... MOO
Curious, why do you think FIL wanted FD to pay in person?
Jennifer Dulos case: ‘Lying lover’ Michelle Troconis due in court

The quote from MT in AW2:about LE showing her the picture of the “blood in the door” of the red truck means that LE has more photos and evidence of blood in the Tacoma than are reported in AW2. That photo they showed MT must be convincing enough for her to be forced to admit that’s what it is (did she try to say it was coffee at first I wonder?)
This is good. What other evidence do they have that we don’t know about yet?

Where else in the Tacoma was there blood? Is the expression “blood in the door” just a grammatical error on MTs part or typo, when she meant to say “blood on the door”, or does it mean that blood somehow got into the cracks or crevices of the door, remaining after detailing? The latter would imply more significant bleeding and seeping of blood into the door, telling something about the placement and condition of the body in the truck.
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The Kelsey Berreth case has been on my mind as Frazee's trial (we hope) approaches in October.
(All of you want to follow this one! Gitana, MassGuy and GordianKnot are ON it!)

You Frazee-Haters remember how dumbfounded we were after learning at the hearing that Frazee's ex-girlfriend, KK had long been discussing with him the prospect of murdering Kelsey, even taking some failed passes at doing away with her. Stunning evidence!

Lately I've begun to consider how FD may have also long been discussing his ongoing murder fantasies/plans with MT (during some of those shared showers).

They may have, like KK and Frazee, had some near-misses which could explain why Jennifer's fears were growing. Maybe she couldn't quite put her finger on what was going on but she knew she had to get out of Dodge.

It's not hard to wrap your mind around Dumb and Dumber failing and having to start over with a new plan, is it? (Remember these are criminals who wrote out Alibi Scripts and virtually nailed them to the door for LE!)

Maybe they even discussed a couple of plans and got them confused, hence the suicide stuff all squished up with EE's frame-up.

KK made herself a sweet deal by giving LE enough details to hang Frazee while probably getting a reduced (or no.....gag!) sentence.

MT may have been involved in Jennifer's murder deeper (as many of you have thought) and far longer than we know.

If this is true there are bound to be extensive planning emails and texts going way back and that could well be the "different kind" of evidence (other than blood) we've been promised.

Bring it on!
The Kelsey Berreth case has been on my mind as Frazee's trial (we hope) approaches in October.
(All of you want to follow this one! Gitana, MassGuy and GordianKnot are ON it!)

You Frazee-Haters remember how dumbfounded we were after learning at the hearing that Frazee's ex-girlfriend, KK had long been discussing with him the prospect of murdering Kelsey, even taking some failed passes at doing away with her. Stunning evidence!

Lately I've begun to consider how FD may have also long been discussing his ongoing murder fantasies/plans with MT (during some of those shared showers).

They may have, like KK and Frazee, had some near-misses which could explain why Jennifer's fears were growing. Maybe she couldn't quite put her finger on what was going on but she knew she had to get out of Dodge.

It's not hard to wrap your mind around Dumb and Dumber failing and having to start over with a new plan, is it? (Remember these are criminals who wrote out Alibi Scripts and virtually nailed them to the door for LE!)

Maybe they even discussed a couple of plans and got them confused, hence the suicide stuff all squished up with EE's frame-up.

KK made herself a sweet deal by giving LE enough details to hang Frazee while probably getting a reduced (or no.....gag!) sentence.

MT may have been involved in Jennifer's murder deeper (as many of you have thought) and far longer than we know.

If this is true there are bound to be extensive planning emails and texts going way back and that could well be the "different kind" of evidence (other than blood) we've been promised.

Bring it on!

Gosh, yes, what if FD and MT had already made failed attempts on JD’s life.

Bizarre as it sounds, we know it to be a real-life scenario from the Kelsey Berreth case.
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