Not to worry.That was Florida.Wonderfully stated....the imagery is brilliant!
My great fear is that NP may be just the right kind of guy to sway that juror who is disgusted with folks who do things "the formal, the right way," picking on normal folks in the courtroom. IMO, those same type of individuals and the Jose Baez "schucks, folks delivery" appealed to some of the jurors who perceived the prosecution as too "uppity" in the CA trial. Norm's appeal will be that we have a hardworking, good-looking (by some standards) immigrant who was building a dream, and it was destroyed by his ultra-rich, STBEX and her family.
NP "sounds" smart and appears to "know what he is talking about." It's all in the delivery. He's fighting for the little fellow...his rights and freedom. None of should under estimate what could happen in a trial.
IMO, the state is going to face a difficult challenge if their evidence doesn't come up with a murder weapon, a body, or proof that FD was at JD's that morning OR they can find verification that FD was driving the Tacoma. It appears that the object of FD's infatuation may be up for a character assassination by the defense.
AW2 looks good to all of us...even indisputable. However, the standard for a murder conviction is very high, and a good defense lawyer can argue some valid points about what is missing. JMOO...MOO
(The truth of this is giving me an ulcer, BTW.)
CT people are a whole different ball game.
I will just leave it at that. MOO.