Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #26

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Point of information:

What do we know about the trash bags? Did FD ask MT to get them????? When? How was the request made?

We know that they didn't shower together (an image none of us needed)...and we have footage of the borrowed red Tacoma making its way to New Canaan, but do we know how many people were in it? Do we have any corroborating evidence that MT remained at 4J? Is it possible that two phones and zero people stayed at 4J? That would give FD a lookout at the park....

We suspect she's in deep. Do we know she wasn't THERE when it happened?

I'm concerned that if a declaration of death is made, FD would be the "surviving parent." Wouldn't that give him standing in family court so that he or his family could make a claim for custody of the children?
IDK. I think FD has always had standing and his motion for custody was made to Family Court and Judge Heller ruled to give temporary custody to GF.

IMO FD via his behavior over the past 2 years in Family Court and prioritizing MT and her daughter over his 5 biological children sealed his fate.

IMO also his other choices related to JD will also seal his fate but we will have to wait for further charges and trial by jury to see exactly what his fate will be.

I think whatever is being done legally is happening in a well planned manner to address the issues surrounding custody.

I've been waiting for the issue of termination of parental rights/adoption to be raised and perhaps that has to be sidelined for now until further charges are made and a trial happens. IDK.

There will be a time for all these issues at some point but so much has to be discovered and proven in court IMO that this might be a long long road for GF and the Farber family.

I trust that whatever GF is doing is in the best interests of the 5 children and the JD legacy.

So, two reasons FD could have been out on Silver Spring Rd on 6/25: either to look for a remote, cell-free spot to cut off his ankle monitor; or, to revisit the scene where he had been on may 24th. (I note the interesting timing, that this trip of his was the day they announced the search at MIRA had ended with nothing found).

Some of you have said here that murderers can't avoid revisiting the scene; he would have to be super stupid to revisit the scene when he was tracked by GPS, you think he would have learned from the Albany Ave mistake. So maybe this was to mislead. Nonetheless...

On the latter point, originally I timed it out using Google map and found it did not fit with the 47 minute time frame between Welles-Waveny-Merritt NC rest area, and found going out to Silver Spring Rd was at least 10 minutes longer than available time.

However, I made a misjudgment there and had him going RT from Waveny out to Silver Spring, and when I went back and re-did the route getting on the Merritt on the way back instead, it came up with 39 minutes RT. Add that to Welles-Waveny in 10 minutes, and it is very close to the elapsed time in AW2 between Welles-NB 15 NC rest stop (47 minutes). Especially if the neighbor webcam timer on Welles is off by a minute or two from the rest stop timer. So it's possible that he went out there after the body transfer on Lapham on the 24th.

The route I used on Google maps started at the parking lot inside Waveny Park (I could not get it set exactly on the Lapham Rd pullout, this is actually a bit further than the Lapham pullout so could account for 1-2 minute added time, making it even closer in time), then to an address on corner of Wilton Rd (exact address withheld for privacy, used for convenience only), South Salem NY, which is on the corner of Silver Spring and Wilton Rd/Vista Rd and a good spot for where the remote, no-houses section of Silver Spring/Laurel begins; then exactly to the NB 15 Mobil/Dunkin service station at NC. Total time it gives me is 39 minutes for that trip.
While parts of this road are bumpy, unpaved, the speed limit is 25 but you can speed at least 10-15mph over back there on the straight sections if you don't mind it too bumpy. He would be in the truck, so no problem. And no chance getting caught speeding back there, it's very remote almost like a private road. IMO.

This would mean that everything had to happen quickly, the body transfer at Lapham, the dump on Silver Spring, and back to the Merritt. He wouldn't even necessarily need to get all the way to East St where it crosses directly over the reservoir (plus the water level might have been too low then, not sure) because there are plenty of remote woods to put a body there before that. Certainly nobody would associate this area with FD in any way. Very wooded so home webcams not likely to catch cars on the road.

Someone who is local might want to go out there and see if starting at Lapham how far you can get up Silver Spring in 17-20 minutes, if you can get to the section past Wilton Rd/Vista Rd (Wilton Rd on NY side, Vista Rd on Wilton side). Use a truck or 4WD so you can speed on the bumpy part :)

Of course, if there is substantial blood in 80MS, that would mean the body was brought up there. I lean towards that being the case, but this scenario could be another option to account for the time gap after leaving Welles that morning.

I'm local. Lapham to Silver Spring/East Street is about 18 - 20 minutes at normal driving speeds and unlikely to encounter any significant traffic on a Friday morning after 8:45 am once all school buses have cleared through. Could be a quicker ride for someone on an adrenaline fueled mission.
Just received another "VINE" notification...

This notification is brought to you by Connecticut Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN) Program.

This email is to inform you that FOTIS DULOS, with docket number FST CR190148554T, has an upcoming court event.

A/An Hearing has been scheduled for 10/04/2019. This will take place in Stamford-Norwalk JD Courthouse located at the following address: 123 Hoyt Street, Stamford, CT.

Please be aware that there is often more than one case scheduled for a particular date in this court. Please visit to check for any updates that maybe available on this case.

For more information, contact the Office of Victim Services at 1-800-822-8428. For updates about this case or for driving directions to the courthouse, you can visit

This notification is sponsored by the Connecticut SAVIN Program. It is our hope that this information has been helpful to you.

Thank you,

The Connecticut SAVIN Program
There are some very nice homes along SS Rd and all in that area. I'd bet that most of them have video or still cameras, because the area is a bit remote.
Honestly, I'm not so sure. Most along Silver Spring Rd from New Canaan border to the reservoir are older, not maintained in the least to Fore Group McMansion standards, plus perhaps only inhabited part time.
Point of information:

What do we know about the trash bags? Did FD ask MT to get them????? When? How was the request made?

We know that they didn't shower together (an image none of us needed)...and we have footage of the borrowed red Tacoma making its way to New Canaan, but do we know how many people were in it? Do we have any corroborating evidence that MT remained at 4J? Is it possible that two phones and zero people stayed at 4J? That would give FD a lookout at the park....

We suspect she's in deep. Do we know she wasn't THERE when it happened?

Short answer. No.
No they didn't shower together - alibi script nonsense seems likely answer here
No we don't know how many people were in the Red Tacoma
No timeline info for MT on 23rd/24th other than AW1 and 2
No we don't know exactly how FD and MT were communicating at 4Jx and 80 MS. Were they texting? How did MT know to bring the bags to 80MS? How did MT know to take the keys to the Red Truck?

Yes, it is possible that 2 phones and 0 people were at 4Jx on the am of the 24th.

We do know LE has MT cell records and no doubt has her timeline and no doubt will build a CCTV picture for MT no different than they have done for FD. This MT timeline hasn't been shared fully in the AW so it appears right now that MT is the 'player to be named later IMO'. My guess that all this info on MT will be coming.

I'm local. Lapham to Silver Spring/East Street is about 18 - 20 minutes at normal driving speeds and unlikely to encounter any significant traffic on a Friday morning after 8:45 am once all school buses have cleared through. Could be a quicker ride for someone on an adrenaline fueled mission.
Great to know! Have you seen any LE activity in that area?? We have had people report on here that the cell service in that area is poor or non existent. I recall that the service drops but I didn't recall precisely where. I also recall that access to the water at Browns is very close to the road.

It just seems unlikely to me that Waze led FD to the Silver Spring area and I even question with the cell service whether he had access to Waze in parts of Silver Spring too?

Just hope LE checked out this early report and wish I had more confidence in the bracelets as my understanding from the info posted last night is that they too are GPS driven. Perhaps the GPS signal fall off was was triggered the warning to Sentinel in the first place.

There are so many areas where cell service isn't in place or is weak and I truly wonder how effective the bracelets really are in tracking people?

I think it is more about what she is going to have to disclose about herself and what the terms of a negotiated plea will look like. She is having to come to terms with what she has done, and that is much harder than having to tell on Dulos. She is protecting her image of herself as a "good person" and does not want to look at her own conduct.

It's not a pretty picture. From starting an affair to moving into the family home with her daughter, to her involvement in violations of the court order from Judge Heller, she does not have a good track record as an ethical person. She was willing to engage a bunch of bad behavior even before Jennifer's murder. Of course, after Dulos murdered Jennifer, MT committed a number of crimes to help him destroy evidence. At a time when MT had to know Dulos had killed Jennifer, she also knowingly helped him get fabricate other evidence.

Even if her involvement in this crime was post murder, why didn't she go to someone, anyone as soon as she knew what was up? Why did she help Dulos write the Alibi Scripts, a portion of which was in her own hand? Is she willing to accept responsibility for her role in this tragedy? Her failure to act is a failure of ethics, but is also rooted in the way she views herself and her conduct.

This is where the law and psychology meet. Perhaps a good forensic psychologist ( as opposed to a therapist) could be of assistance to Mr. Bowman to help him clarify what exactly is going on with MT. I am not talking about someone who will excuse her particpation in this crime, but someone to help give MT the insight she needs to face the behavior(s) she appears to be running from. I also suspect she is on some type of prescription medication, although she looked more clear-eyed during the last hearing. If so, the use of that medication should also be evaluated.

It is in here that the guiding hand of counsel becomes so very important. I have been impressed by Mr. Bowman's comments and demeanor. He has maintained his dignity even during the crush of a media blitz, and that isn't easy with a horde of reporters, cameras, and microphones. He still has a very difficult job ahead of him, because he is going to be the one who has to keep MT on track. That responsibility can be more difficult than actually trying a case and even the best defenders find it challenging.

I know some here question the wisdom of allowing MT to negotiate a plea through cooperation, and I understand why believe have that view. I also believe Mr. Coangelo will proceed with or without MT's testimony. Still, after listening to the experts on Dr. Phil, I think my hunch about her will be proven correct. She will be a prosecution witness, one way of the other. I think the State's choice to use her as a witness is a sound one because, based upon what has been released, it appears he is the more culpable of the two. It will also provide the jury with direct evidence of his guilt, so that he will be found guilty for this crime.
Great insights, so well said!
You all know that I'm a big fan of Michael Dinan and his reporting on the Dulos case and all things NC. I went back today looking at his great early article about the FORE finances (posted in Media thread) and pulled up this article
that was one of the first (written 4 days after the missing date) looking at Family Court situation for the Dulos case. IMO its one of the best articles so far I have seen on Family Court and I put it into the media thread and will post it again here for review and comment.

Accusations of Threats, Lying, Manipulation in Missing New Canaan Woman’s Divorce Case
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I'm concerned that if a declaration of death is made, FD would be the "surviving parent." Wouldn't that give him standing in family court so that he or his family could make a claim for custody of the children?

The court has already prevented FD from seeing his children without declaration of death. Jennifer was awarded sole physical custody of the five children last year when the judge decided that Fotis was an unhealthy influence on the children.

Farber was awarded temp custody after FD was charged with crimes related to the disappearance of their mother.

Surviving parent certainly does not mean the best parent for custody (i.e., does not give him standing).
For all we know he picked someone malleable like MT for the express purpose of doing away with Jennifer.
(Maybe the shower sex was just a bonus.)

He originally chose Jennifer for the purpose of enriching himself so why would he not have chosen MT to help free up the riches and give him complete control of those trust funds?

I never figured FD for a long term planner but the stakes were high!
Thank you afitzy for these segments. I don’t have tv for a reason. I don’t want to bias my thinking. Without other people’s opinion I must form my own thoughts. As I have said, FD does NOT act in any way, shape or form like a husband who just lost his wife, the mother of his 5 children, should, despite a pending divorce. These are two people who took vows, and made 5 children. You would expect some emotion even though the divorce was pending. He’s cold. He’s calculated. But you do see some short temper and anger under the surface . Like we all know, he’s a narcissistic personality. He’s practiced like dr Phil said. That’s a great way to say it . He does not express empathy for JD or his children. In fact, he rarely brings up his children. Not anything like what we would expect from a parent. He practices just like he practices on the water ski. He has had a life where his looks (some would day) and his charm have gotten what he wants and that’s a learned behavior . That’s what he knows, when he comes across someone who’s onto him he likely quickly moves away. He surrounds himself with people who he can knowingly manipulate. Let’s face it, in this day and age what husband would dare spend a month every year away from family without some friction. I don’t know any father who does that, taking these private vacations. However, that said, he hasn’t been challenged to stop the behavior. If JD did start saying something he likely thought I’ve been getting away with this my whole life and I’m not going to let anyone tell me what I can and can’t do. Behavior is usually constant. I’m sure he treated the first wife the same but somewhere along the line she wised up and got out with her life and sanity. She likely realized it because she could have gotten much more out of that divorce but chose to leave with what she had- wise. Even though I am in the field it never ceases to amaze me how many people fall for this type of person. I know they are charming, coniving etc, but there are clues. It’s very unfortunate that in this situation it took a long time to see this. Heck, he even has the courts fooled. There should be a course in “spotting a narcissist and get away fast.”
All great points. I chose very wrong and fell for all of this myself back when I was 20 and didn't know any better, and am still co-parenting with this type of individual. I have been divorced for years now but beyond my passion for justice for Jennifer, in following the conversations here I am recognizing so much about my own experience in retrospect from all of the insightful comments. Thank you all - truly a great community here!
Reading their custody battle... exhausting. What an extraordinary woman to continue to pour her soul into raising and protecting her children. I am so so so sorry for what he put her through...
Nothing to base it on except other cases (especially the one years ago in Florida with the couple whose baby "disappeared"), but I expect LE has monitored all of FD's communications on the and home. MOO
Perhaps MT is afraid of the repercussions of talking while FD is out on bail. She would be smart to be afraid of FD. After all,he murdered one woman already. I say lock FD up, and then let's see what MT decides to do.
Jennifer Dulos divorce: Judge tosses psych exam that favored Fotis Dulos

Sept 20, 2019

Emergency custody hearings were held at the request of Fotis Dulos before Judge Donna N. Heller on May 10 and May 17. The hearings included testimony from court-appointed psychiatrist Dr. Stephen Herman who met with Fotis Dulos 14 times as part of an evaluation of the Dulos family to help determine suitable custody of the children.

Herman’s conclusions were summarized in a sealed report dated April 24, according to a motion filed by attorney Rich Rochlin, who is representing Fotis Dulos in the divorce.

Heller has ordered Herman’s testimony stricken from the record, ruled the hearings as a mistrial, since they were never completed, and required that his report remained sealed. Heller also noted in the order that anyone who reveals or releases the report could face sanctions or contempt of court.
What does everyone believe that the exams revealed?
Just received another "VINE" notification...

This notification is brought to you by Connecticut Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN) Program.

This email is to inform you that FOTIS DULOS, with docket number FST CR190148554T, has an upcoming court event.

A/An Hearing has been scheduled for 10/04/2019. This will take place in Stamford-Norwalk JD Courthouse located at the following address: 123 Hoyt Street, Stamford, CT.

Please be aware that there is often more than one case scheduled for a particular date in this court. Please visit to check for any updates that maybe available on this case.

For more information, contact the Office of Victim Services at 1-800-822-8428. For updates about this case or for driving directions to the courthouse, you can visit

This notification is sponsored by the Connecticut SAVIN Program. It is our hope that this information has been helpful to you.

Thank you,

The Connecticut SAVIN Program

Pre-trial hearing right on schedule...

Fotis Dulos has been ordered to appear Monday in state Superior Court in Stamford for issues with his GPS monitoring device. Fotis Dulos has been accused of not properly charging the batteries at least four times in the past month.

His next pre-trial hearing will be held Oct. 4, while Troconis is next due in court on Oct. 10.
All great points. I chose very wrong and fell for all of this myself back when I was 20 and didn't know any better, and am still co-parenting with this type of individual. I have been divorced for years now but beyond my passion for justice for Jennifer, in following the conversations here I am recognizing so much about my own experience in retrospect from all of the insightful comments. Thank you all - truly a great community here!
Kudos to you for getting away .
Just received another "VINE" notification...

This notification is brought to you by Connecticut Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN) Program.

This email is to inform you that FOTIS DULOS, with docket number FST CR190148554T, has an upcoming court event.

A/An Hearing has been scheduled for 10/04/2019. This will take place in Stamford-Norwalk JD Courthouse located at the following address: 123 Hoyt Street, Stamford, CT.

Please be aware that there is often more than one case scheduled for a particular date in this court. Please visit to check for any updates that maybe available on this case.

For more information, contact the Office of Victim Services at 1-800-822-8428. For updates about this case or for driving directions to the courthouse, you can visit

This notification is sponsored by the Connecticut SAVIN Program. It is our hope that this information has been helpful to you.

Thank you,

The Connecticut SAVIN Program

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