Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #26

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IDK. I think FD has always had standing and his motion for custody was made to Family Court and Judge Heller ruled to give temporary custody to GF.

IMO FD via his behavior over the past 2 years in Family Court and prioritizing MT and her daughter over his 5 biological children sealed his fate.

IMO also his other choices related to JD will also seal his fate but we will have to wait for further charges and trial by jury to see exactly what his fate will be.

I think whatever is being done legally is happening in a well planned manner to address the issues surrounding custody.

I've been waiting for the issue of termination of parental rights/adoption to be raised and perhaps that has to be sidelined for now until further charges are made and a trial happens. IDK.

There will be a time for all these issues at some point but so much has to be discovered and proven in court IMO that this might be a long long road for GF and the Farber family.

I trust that whatever GF is doing is in the best interests of the 5 children and the JD legacy. (BBM)


I certainly agree with the your last sentence 1000% percent. (a little NG hyperbole?)

There is feeling, IMO, of the courts moving more quickly and decisively since AW2, perhaps just my imagination. Regardless, it's a more positive vibe.

The thought of a trial 1-2 years from now is unsettling, especially if FD somehow manages to remain "on bail" during that period of time.

Termination of parental rights is a huge step in CA and can drag out forever, if someone doesn't forfeit those rights. Hope CT, under these circumstances, can settle this more quickly.

IMO, FD is the antithesis of a good parent for teens and pre-teens...oh, my goodness. You're right though, it could be a long, long road until all the aspects of this situation are finalized.

Great to know! Have you seen any LE activity in that area?? We have had people report on here that the cell service in that area is poor or non existent. I recall that the service drops but I didn't recall precisely where. I also recall that access to the water at Browns is very close to the road.

It just seems unlikely to me that Waze led FD to the Silver Spring area and I even question with the cell service whether he had access to Waze in parts of Silver Spring too?

Just hope LE checked out this early report and wish I had more confidence in the bracelets as my understanding from the info posted last night is that they too are GPS driven. Perhaps the GPS signal fall off was was triggered the warning to Sentinel in the first place.

There are so many areas where cell service isn't in place or is weak and I truly wonder how effective the bracelets really are in tracking people?

What does everyone believe that the exams revealed?
This was a hilarious convo on a prior thread as someone in the psych field posted that the exam for psychopath has 20 factors/questions. I won't do this explanation its full justice, but it is believed that FD didn't have 9 of the factors of the 20 factor test.

So, its possible he might have 11 of the factors to be a psychopath OR the brilliant person giving the test didn't administer the full test.

I am easily amused and so when I need a good laugh I just think of the very proud FD atty thinking he is doing well by his client by stating, "FD is not a psychopath"!

As I've said before the Pattisville Crew is the team that just keeps on mining comedy gold!


Edit to add info on the test:
Does a Psychopath Test Exist? Diagnosing the Psychopath | HealthyPlace

The Psychopath Test Questions

As stated, each item on the psychopath test checklist is really a trait or psychopathic symptom and not a question. The following are the traits listed on the PCL-R:

[BBM - CHECK based on our research and MSM about FD - NOT meant to be anything else than a superficial analysis of the situation based on what we have read in MSM and court documents. Feel free to disagree as this is MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO]
  1. Glibness-superficial charm [CHECK]
  2. Grandiose sense of self-worth (narcissistic psychopath) [CHECK]
  3. Need for stimulation [CHECK]
  4. Pathological lying [CHECK]
  5. Conning-manipulative [DOUBLE CHECK]
  6. Lack of remorse or guilt [DOUBLE CHECK]
  7. Shallow affect [CHECK]
  8. Callous-lack of empathy [CHECK]
  9. Parasitic lifestyle [CHECK]
  10. Poor behavior controls [CHECK]
  11. Promiscuous sexual behavior [CHECK}
  12. Early behavioral problems (Do child psychopaths exist?)
  13. Lack of realistic, long-term goals
  14. Impulsivity
  15. Irresponsibility
  16. Failure to accept responsibility [CHECK]
  17. Many marital relationships [CHECK]
  18. Juvenile delinquency (behavior of psychopathic children)
  19. Revocation of conditional release
  20. Criminal versatility [CHECK]
It's important to note that professionals that use the PCL-R are specially trained in how to assess each item on the checklist as well as how to score it and so an individual cannot, reliably, assess his or herself.

Scoring the Psychopath Checklist
As mentioned, each item is scored from zero to two meaning that the highest score possible is a 40. The higher one scores, the more likely the person is a psychopath. Typical scoring groups include:

  • Low – 1-20
  • Medium – 21-29
  • High – 30+
Thirty points or above on the PCL-R is considered a psychopath. People with no criminal background tend to score around a five and criminals who are not psychopaths tend to score around a 22. If you want, you can take the psychopath test here. It's instantly scored.

Am I a Psychopath Test?
Unfortunately, there is no way for an individual to reliably use this or any other test to assess whether he or she is a psychopath. If psychopathy is suspected, the best thing an individual can do is see a psychiatrist who specializes in psychopathy for an assessment. That said, very few, if any, psychopaths would likely take this step as psychopaths are not typically distressed about being psychopaths and thus have no motivation to change or even receive a diagnosis.

APA Reference
Tracy, N. (2015, August 5). Does a Psychopath Test Exist? Diagnosing the Psychopath, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2019, September 19 from Does a Psychopath Test Exist? Diagnosing the Psychopath | HealthyPlace

Last Updated: May 31, 2019
Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD
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You all know that I'm a big fan of Michael Dinan and his reporting on the Dulos case and all things NC. I went back today looking at his great early article about the FORE finances (posted in Media thread) and pulled up this article
that was one of the first (written 4 days after the missing date) looking at Family Court situation for the Dulos case. IMO its one of the best articles so far I have seen on Family Court and I put it into the media thread and will post it again here for review and comment.

Accusations of Threats, Lying, Manipulation in Missing New Canaan Woman’s Divorce Case
Agreed, Dinan of the New Canaanite researched the New Canaan property tax records (Hemlock Hill net sale proceeds from May 2017 likely were ploughed back into the Sturbridge Hill property purchased June 2017, with some socked away). Hilliard Farber passed away on January 8, 2017. MT and her daughter were moved into the marital home in April 2017. Jennifer filed for divorce and custody in June 2017. Greek passports were obtained by FD and a trip was booked for Greece on July 1, 2017. In the Plan, the eventual sale proceeds of 61 Sturbridge Hill, originally listed at $4.5 mm would have been wired by a "mysterious Greek Benefactor" to FORE Group, Inc. crooked escrow accounts managed by Crooked Real Estate Attorney through Crooked New York Private Bank Attorney and personal accounts of FD+MT. To be distributed to Crooked Offshore Accounts held by MT & Company. MT and daughter would then grab a flight to Venezuela and meet up later with FD and his kids. After stewing in prison for 10 days, FD's first impulse is to go visit his retirement fund property in NC, ("real estate values in NC are safe as houses, see Hemlock sold for $5.2mm, best place to park FD's own nest egg") to sweep up and put drywall in a dumpster. A female companion carries out a bulging black briefcase and FD carries out a white duffel bag. Reporting courtesy of RadarOnline using a telephoto lens. Congrats to Dinan of the New Canaanite, the DailyMail and RadarOnline for winning the Best Investigative Reporting Awards. MOO.

Exclusive Photos: Man Accused In Missing Mom Case Cleans House
I haven't noticed anything major recently and was working at home 9/24 and didn't then either - but it is so remote that I would never be aware unless there were at least 5 fire trucks with full sirens! I have Verizon and haven't personally noticed any cell service outages within the vicinity. However I will say that the area around East Road and the Reservoir is VERY remote, no houses, no passing cars for 5+ minutes on end and I would be very surprised if any cameras. It is just not a typical New Canaan (and New York) full bells and whistles neighborhood. It could be an absolutely beautiful walk but I remember not being comfortable going there on my own when I first moved to the area 16 years ago and to this day I counsel my teenage daughters that it is not safe for them to walk there alone either.
I'm local. Lapham to Silver Spring/East Street is about 18 - 20 minutes at normal driving speeds and unlikely to encounter any significant traffic on a Friday morning after 8:45 am once all school buses have cleared through. Could be a quicker ride for someone on an adrenaline fueled mission.

Your post made me think about traffic and it being a holiday weekend. I have no idea if the same is true there in general or these specific roads but where I live, there is a noticeable drop in traffic on a Friday morning (work drive) before a holiday in areas where there is traffic to notice. The traffic reports on the radio/TV routinely mention it. MOO.
All great points. I chose very wrong and fell for all of this myself back when I was 20 and didn't know any better, and am still co-parenting with this type of individual. I have been divorced for years now but beyond my passion for justice for Jennifer, in following the conversations here I am recognizing so much about my own experience in retrospect from all of the insightful comments. Thank you all - truly a great community here!
The hard thing is constantly re-convincing yourself that you can't and never could control that person. Neither you nor Jennifer had a clue what was coming. I hope your co-parenting days are coming to an end and that you and your children got some help. God bless you.
I certainly agree with the your last sentence 1000% percent. (a little NG hyperbole?)

There is feeling, IMO, of the courts moving more quickly and decisively since AW2, perhaps just my imagination. Regardless, it's a more positive vibe.

The thought of a trial 1-2 years from now is unsettling, especially if FD somehow manages to remain "on bail" during that period of time.

Termination of parental rights is a huge step in CA and can drag out forever, if someone doesn't forfeit those rights. Hope CT, under these circumstances, can settle this more quickly.

IMO, FD is the antithesis of a good parent for teens and pre-teens...oh, my goodness. You're right though, it could be a long, long road until all the aspects of this situation are finalized.

With every day that passes Jennifer's children get closer to having a say in where they live and if this must go on for years, at least they will be better equipped to handle it emotionally.
All great points. I chose very wrong and fell for all of this myself back when I was 20 and didn't know any better, and am still co-parenting with this type of individual. I have been divorced for years now but beyond my passion for justice for Jennifer, in following the conversations here I am recognizing so much about my own experience in retrospect from all of the insightful comments. Thank you all - truly a great community here!

Pleased you're reading here, NCmom99, and away from the 'bad times'.:):)
I think we can relate to many of the posts, suggestions as we travel through our paths.
Some like, Jennifer, and many others, found out, 'too late'.
Now for justice, which must be round the corner.
Your post made me think about traffic and it being a holiday weekend. I have no idea if the same is true there in general or these specific roads but where I live, there is a noticeable drop in traffic on a Friday morning (work drive) before a holiday in areas where there is traffic to notice. The traffic reports on the radio/TV routinely mention it. MOO.
IMO NC was quiet on Friday. The traffic heading mainly north on the Merritt/15 and 95 picked up after lunch and were quite heavy into the evening. There was even some heavy traffic heading south on Merritt/15 and 95 beginning in the afternoon as well. MOO
What was the impetus? Why then? Why that day?

It was contentious for two solid years, likely longer. Was it the custody ruling?

When did he gain access to her medical bills? Before or after?

If only he'd been jailed for his cruelty and his contempt prior to May 24th.

It is sickening to think he's still sleeping in her bed.

I haven't noticed anything major recently and was working at home 9/24 and didn't then either - but it is so remote that I would never be aware unless there were at least 5 fire trucks with full sirens! I have Verizon and haven't personally noticed any cell service outages within the vicinity. However I will say that the area around East Road and the Reservoir is VERY remote, no houses, no passing cars for 5+ minutes on end and I would be very surprised if any cameras. It is just not a typical New Canaan (and New York) full bells and whistles neighborhood. It could be an absolutely beautiful walk but I remember not being comfortable going there on my own when I first moved to the area 16 years ago and to this day I counsel my teenage daughters that it is not safe for them to walk there alone either.

The lack of traffic...remoteness...not a typical local area...seems like a good location for FD’s activity. MOO.
IMO NC was quiet on Friday. The traffic heading mainly north on the Merritt/15 and 95 picked up after lunch and were quite heavy into the evening. There was even some heavy traffic heading south on Merritt/15 and 95 beginning in the afternoon as well. MOO

So in terms of the timelines, that could give him more time to reach a place in the morning than usual. Very interesting! MOO. Thanks, as always!
What was the impetus? Why then? Why that day?

It was contentious for two solid years, likely longer. Was it the custody ruling?

When did he gain access to her medical bills? Before or after?

If only he'd been jailed for his cruelty and his contempt prior to May 24th.

It is sickening to think he's still sleeping in her bed.


The impetus was MT and greed!

FD claims Jennifer invited him to have dinner with her and the kids days before she disappeared -- they were at last enjoying a truce (i.e., likely leaving JD vulnerable);

He lost custody = no child support from JD;

He was being sued for millions by his father in laws estate;

He stopped paying the mortgage, and there's evidence he believed the estate could not foreclose on the his home where he lived with MT (i.e., he'd get $4mil home mortgage free);

Approaching end of school year -- he'd take the children and run -- all the while alleging JD ran off.

What was the impetus? Why then? Why that day?

It was contentious for two solid years, likely longer. Was it the custody ruling?

When did he gain access to her medical bills? Before or after?

If only he'd been jailed for his cruelty and his contempt prior to May 24th.

It is sickening to think he's still sleeping in her bed.

It won't surprise me if it all boils down to investors and vendors demanding their money with an end date fixed in FD's mind.
Time to pay the piper, so to speak.

Maybe MT's family was even trying to convince her to take her daughter's child support dollars (and whatever funds they might be supplying) and run.

If you pay attention to the reasons men kill beyond jealousy and sex, being squeezed for money (with the only obvious solution being the death of the wife) is huge.

And why that date?
The holiday had to enter into it, don't you think?
The whole deal about having EE's vehicle?

As far as sleeping in her bed, let's hope that ankle bracelet reminds him every time he turns over that Jennifer got him!

ETA: EE's car availability.
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Does anyone else remember reading that JF wasn't at the house during the Wednesday cookout? I could swear I read that. I wish I could remember where!
@Myvice. I don't think the reporting is clear on this issue. I believe to get the answer you would have to go back to the first FD hearing when Atty Colangelo brought up the blood on the faucet issue as part of his request to get FD bail amt increased (denied by the court). I think it was as part of this conversation that we learned a bit more about the Wed event when FD was at Welles but I don't think the court testimony was all that clear either.

If the event were a typical FD weeknight time with his children then it would make sense to me that JD wouldn't be present. But it seemed like this was some kind of celebration event so maybe she was there. I have never been exactly clear on this point so if you get more info please post back to clear things up. MOO
Bumping my post from earlier today:


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This man murdered the mother of his children. The termination of his parental rights should be a foregone conclusion.

You don’t get to kill your way to custody, that’s not how it works.

Jennifer painted a damning picture of this guy, and her words were nothing short of prophetic.

These kids should be in a loving home, and I’m rooting for Jennifer’s mother all the way.

FD should lose the shirt off his back, his kids, and his freedom (in that order, because it’ll hurt more).
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