Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #26

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Given OJ and Casey Anthony, anything is possible; however, in this unique case, I have to have faith that FD will be put away.
On a side note, I wonder how MT treated the Dulos children and what did they think of her? There are several pictures on the internet showing that she did interact with them, i.e., ski trips, and to what extent was the relationship with FD's kids. Perhaps MT was incredibly sweet to them as part of her plan to win over FD. Her daughter may have been like a step-sibling. I've never thought about the psychological impact of MT's role in the kids' life until now.
I think MT played the role of their dad's fun, cool girlfriend. She is athletic and loves outdoor activities, all fun and games and a credit card. She and FD are both risk takers and rule breakers with no sense of parental responsibility, so their time with the children was undoubtedly fun and exciting with no limits. Sort of like FD letting the children drive the Porsche SUV.

Maybe the Uhaul Express was headed for Norm's. If FD truly has a Grecian oil well, I don't think it is very deep. I have known attorneys who have accepted cars, art, etc. to settle a bill. Perhaps NP is redecorating and upgrading his office furniture, his entertainment center, etc. I would venture to guess that FD isn't going to be needing those things when he downsizes but for the time being, he does need NP.

Heading for the closet to put my MOO MOO on!
Video: Estranged Husband Says He Had Dinner With Missing Mom Two Days Before Her Disappearance

July 4, 2019

The estranged husband of New Canaan missing mother of five Jennifer Farber Dulos says he had dinner with her just two days before her disappearance in an interview with NBC News 4 New York's Sarah Wallace.

Fotis Dulos said he had an improved relationship with Jennifer Dulos before she disappeared without a trace on Friday, May 24.

I suppose then, that GAL MM would be able to say whether or not it went this way, and he hasn’t said anything about this yet; he’s only said that FD told him he didn’t want to leave any DNA in her house. Which, to me, says that JD wasn’t home. If she was, and she invited him inside, he would enter, I think. Still, it does seem kind of strange for him (FD) to be having dinner with the 5 kids and the GAL at her house, outside-what if they needed something? Who goes in to get it-one of the kids? And I wonder how warm it was on May 22nd? Would they eat outside? Norm Pattis claimed that FD was inside the house that day (trying to explain away his DNA on her kitchen faucet-thereby minimizing the impact of the evidence found there). Only the GAL and the children really know if JD was there, having dinner with all of them.
Here’s another option. Instead of making the round trip in JF’s Suburban from Lapham/Waveny wouldn’t it be more likely that FD would leave 69 Welles in JF’s Suburban and go directly to the Reservoir area? If you believe that the Reservoir/Silver Spring is a real option, Why go to Lapham from 69 Welles at 10:25? The video that was captured by the neighbor’s camera only displayed the JF’s Suburban leaving the cul de sac. Assume that he went from 69 Welles, to Brown Reservoir area first...... got rid of the body and then returned the Suburban to Lapham. He could switch vehicles relatively easily on Lapham with no concerns about moving the body from the JF’s Suburban to the Red Toyota. I clocked the drive from 69 Welles to Lapham at about 8 mins. By avoiding Lapham until he switched vehicles he could save 8-10 min off this alternative timeline. My guess is that he would have exited 69 Welles and taken a right towards town.

There might be other options of getting up to Brown/Silver Spring by going left onto Frogtown, but that would require him driving by NCCS (where JF’s vehicle was well known) and taking a right on Ponus Ridge , again driving by ANOTHER entrance to NCCS, and then weave your way up to Silver Spring/Brown’s Reservoir.

I think we would not have wanted to have JF’s Suburban anywhere near NCCS after the act was done. I just hope that JFs Suburban is equipped with a working Onstar system and all of the data is recorded so that LE knows EXACTLY where and when that car was driven on the morning of 5/24. JMO

Iirc, cars these days have miles per hour and time clocked on most internal computer systems. They may not have an actual GPS, but they have such as to when somebody came to a stop, what speed they had Etc. Law enforcement could access this to figure out logically what route was travelled to get the video and or more information from another source?
I certainly agree with the your last sentence 1000% percent. (a little NG hyperbole?)

There is feeling, IMO, of the courts moving more quickly and decisively since AW2, perhaps just my imagination. Regardless, it's a more positive vibe.

The thought of a trial 1-2 years from now is unsettling, especially if FD somehow manages to remain "on bail" during that period of time.

Termination of parental rights is a huge step in CA and can drag out forever, if someone doesn't forfeit those rights. Hope CT, under these circumstances, can settle this more quickly.

IMO, FD is the antithesis of a good parent for teens and pre-teens...oh, my goodness. You're right though, it could be a long, long road until all the aspects of this situation are finalized.

the thought of waiting for a trial in 1-2 years is unsettling; however- mr FD is one very impatient person (likes immediate gratification/satisfaction), so i think he won't be able to stand it and he will mess up soon enough to be put back in jail..mondays court appearance for his issues with 'charging' is ankle bracelet i can't already didn't work with the courts to be moved to his wrist, and NP stating to the media to have it removed completely- seriously dude????
Agreed, @sleuth66 ! I live 10 minutes from Sturbridge, and work has had me frequently schlepping to Hartford area. Waze has never instructed me to take 84 the full way. Always Merritt to 84 heading north, and vice versa for the schlep back. From New Canaan, it's just too much of a hike to 84. And 84 between Danbury and Southbury is frequently a mess.

IMO, if he's taking this route (84-7-35 via Silver Spring) to get to Sturbridge, there is something seriously up already. This would absolutely not be a route a normal person would take to travel between Sturbridge and Farmington, even if there was traffic. Even someone like myself who likes back roads. Especially a person like FD who likes to speed, but that aside.

Just to check to make sure I'm not biased or there's some special aspect to this route I've never found, I google mapped it, and going this way adds 24 minutes on versus the Merritt/8 route tracked in AW2. I don't use Waze so perhaps it is possible it pulled up a wacky unsuitable route for him, because other services have done that for me but not in FFC, only in way more remote places like on Forest Service roads and such, but where was he going that would put him there? Waze should get him off of Silver Spring quickly to get on a faster road (although "faster" is all relative on roads like 33 or 7, given traffic and stoplights, etc).

The day after MSM reported that FD traveled into NY, June 26, I posted on here (thread 11) that I thought that Silver Spring Rd and Brown's reservoir would be a perfect place for him to dump the body. I am familiar with this location and had a gut feeling that could have been a prime spot for him to have gone. The Mary Mount case affirms that, too, although it's more built up than it was in 1969 it is still quite remote back there, in fact some of the most remote place that close to Welles, Sturbridge, etc. IMO.

I wonder if this location is going to play into the story somehow or if FD was trying to mislead. I just think it highly suspicious that FD ended up on Silver Spring back by Brown's reservoir. Did he turn around when it was unpaved? Did he go directly home using that 35/33-7-84 route?? I hope LE checked the accident records that day for the area FD said he was avoiding...

A thought to consider, at whatever point FD set this evil plan in motion, I bet, if he did see JD at that family dinner on the porch, he was a portrait of charm. No need for pettiness when he had his master plan in mind. Show the children how pleasant Daddy is.

Setting his stage.

Kind of makes the hairs on my neck bristle. Sudden change in demeanor could only mean one thing with a MN, more manipulation.

Cunning like a fox.

A thought to consider, at whatever point FD set this evil plan in motion, I bet, if he did see JD at that family dinner on the porch, he was a portrait of charm. No need for pettiness when he had his master plan in mind. Show the children how pleasant Daddy is.

Setting his stage.

Kind of makes the hairs on my neck bristle. Sudden change in demeanor could only mean one thing with a MN, more manipulation.

Cunning like a fox.


His actions, and the effects to his children for the rest of their lives on this Earth ( notwithstanding the near term effects!).. as to relationships with others as they get older in years, is probably going to be very damaged. Moo.

I do hope that they are all getting counseling, yeah I don't think what has been done can be undone as far as future relationships and damage as an adult as to such, the counseling could perhaps minimize the damage.

Parents not considering the damage they do to the children forever in their lives, It makes me Furious.
I live in the neighborhood and never knew about Mary Mount but can believe it. Very secluded private wooded area; definitely not typical New Canaan suburbia. Silver Spring Rd is a popular cut through but a dirt road - I believe on purpose to try to discourage through traffic. More than once I have heard gunfire at night (after 9pm - I assume illegal hunting) and called NC LE to report it but being right on the NY border it is hard to know if they are even going to be able to investigate wherever it is actually happening.


Somewhat OT:

I reminisced a dozen threads back about living in New Canaan as a child. Living in sight of Kiwanis Park.

After this, my sister & I were within sight of an adult -- my Mom, Dad, or our next-door neighbor -- until the day we moved to another state.

We had been allowed to go swimming with other kids previously. Suddenly, 2 adults with any group of kids. Now we know why!

Back on topic, somewhat. Should we each send a copy to FD???


We can pick different versions. A little light reading for FD & MT.

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A thought to consider, at whatever point FD set this evil plan in motion, I bet, if he did see JD at that family dinner on the porch, he was a portrait of charm. No need for pettiness when he had his master plan in mind. Show the children how pleasant Daddy is.

Setting his stage.

Kind of makes the hairs on my neck bristle. Sudden change in demeanor could only mean one thing with a MN, more manipulation.

Cunning like a fox.

As is a change in appearance. Wonder if his head was carefully shaved the night that dinner took place, or did that close shave come after the dinner? I bet MT was the one to do the grooming. IMO
Given OJ and Casey Anthony, anything is possible; however, in this unique case, I have to have faith that FD will be put away.
On a side note, I wonder how MT treated the Dulos children and what did they think of her? There are several pictures on the internet showing that she did interact with them, i.e., ski trips, and to what extent was the relationship with FD's kids. Perhaps MT was incredibly sweet to them as part of her plan to win over FD. Her daughter may have been like a step-sibling. I've never thought about the psychological impact of MT's role in the kids' life until now.
Looking at the Family Court documents the Judge felt strongly enough about the interaction of the 5 Dulos children with MT and her daughter that INTERACTION WAS BANNED. Out and out prohibition of contact. MT and her daughter could NOT be at 4Jx if the 5 Dulos children were there.

Unfortunately even with the court ruling, FD, MT and her daughter continued to interact with the 5 Dulos children knowing that this contact was banned by the court. This was also the period where FD asked his children to LIE ON HIS BEHALF about the contact and then when FD was confronted in court about the damage that can be done to the children by engaging them in lying on his behalf, he didn't understand why this was a bad thing. The Judge ordered FD to therapy to figure it out and also did not allow him contact with the children for nearly 10 months.

MT and her daughter knew as did FD that contact with the Dulos children was not allowed, YET they persisted. MT presumably with a degree in psychology would understand the issues of young children interacting with her and her daughter and seeing them live in a house where they used to live. IMO, MT and her daughter didn't care and its clear that FD didn't care about the issues either. FD and MT thought they knew better than the Judge, GAL and the psychologist on the case and respected neither the wishes of the court nor JD.

I always used this sad story about MT and FD not respecting the court order on the 5 children as a huge red flag about MT in particular. FD was just doing what FD always does which is not follow rules. But as a mother I would have thought that MT might just perhaps be more sensitive to the issues at hand. Nope, she was not. She fell into line with FD and not only that she dragged her then 12 yo daughter into the mix and who knows what impact this overall situation had on MT daughter and the 5 Dulos children.

The conclusions I drew from this sorry episode about MT was that she does what she wants and when she wants and simply follows along with FD wishes. IMO she cared zero about the 5 Dulos children but more disturbingly she appeared to care zero about the impact of the overall situation on her daughter. Reading about this time with MT and FD not following court rules I seriously questioned MT daughter being permitted to reside at 4Jx and wondered also where the MT baby daddy was in the mix? How many fathers would want their child part of a situation where the child is being asked to participate in activities that have been prohibited by court??

Who does this to a child and children? MT and FD did.

I suppose then, that GAL MM would be able to say whether or not it went this way, and he hasn’t said anything about this yet; he’s only said that FD told him he didn’t want to leave any DNA in her house. Which, to me, says that JD wasn’t home. If she was, and she invited him inside, he would enter, I think. Still, it does seem kind of strange for him (FD) to be having dinner with the 5 kids and the GAL at her house, outside-what if they needed something? Who goes in to get it-one of the kids? And I wonder how warm it was on May 22nd? Would they eat outside? Norm Pattis claimed that FD was inside the house that day (trying to explain away his DNA on her kitchen faucet-thereby minimizing the impact of the evidence found there). Only the GAL and the children really know if JD was there, having dinner with all of them.
I am not sure that it was the GAL that was present at the house for that Wed event but the reporting was such that it was hard to figure out whether the GAL was there or if it was the Court Monitor. But it did appear that some official person was there for the bbq.

The process seems to be that there is a court appointed monitor that FD has to pay to be present when there is contact with the children. This person is responsible for filing the reports about FD contact with the children and I believe it sounds like these reports are submitted to GAL who I believe then is responsible for monitoring the overall situation and reporting about it to the court. I believe we learned that the monitor costs something in the range of $150/hr while GAL bills upwards of $300/hr+. This monitor is also required to be on phone calls with the children and FD as well and FD and children can only speak languages that the monitor can speak (so, usually this means no greek).
I think MT played the role of their dad's fun, cool girlfriend. She is athletic and loves outdoor activities, all fun and games and a credit card. She and FD are both risk takers and rule breakers with no sense of parental responsibility, so their time with the children was undoubtedly fun and exciting with no limits. Sort of like FD letting the children drive the Porsche SUV.

I agree, but that's also why it's risky to allow the older children to have a say in who they live with.
Kids love to be with the parent who's all fun,
no discipline, no boundaries, wild and crazy
risk taking. I've seen it. These parents are like
kids themselves.
"Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries".
Video: Estranged Husband Says He Had Dinner With Missing Mom Two Days Before Her Disappearance

July 4, 2019

The estranged husband of New Canaan missing mother of five Jennifer Farber Dulos says he had dinner with her just two days before her disappearance in an interview with NBC News 4 New York's Sarah Wallace.

Fotis Dulos said he had an improved relationship with Jennifer Dulos before she disappeared without a trace on Friday, May 24.
This FD Sarah Wallace interview has always troubled me on many levels but I think it was the portion of the interview where FD attempts to reframe the current state of his relationship with JD that simply hit me as improbable. I'm not saying impossible, but this is a one sided conversation and its just Sarah Wallace 'reporting' what FD is saying about the situation with no follow up on the topic with JD atty or friends.

FD attempt to 'reframe' the status of his relationship I believe was also cynically done to address the issue of motive in this case as there is a huge file documenting FD behavior over 2 years in Family Court that would be damning if heard in Criminal Court IMO.

Clearly JD isn't here to speak to the issue of a 'change' in their relationship or agree with the FD statement about JD being 'taken' by her attys. This might be true but not one JD friend or family member has spoken to confirm this changed state of affairs at all and I always saw this as a red flag that FD was attempting to change the narrative on the situation about what was going on in Family Court. FD had been engaged in an aggressive tit for tat war with JD in Family Court for 2 years. I'm not convinced anything had changed at the time JD went missing. In fact I wonder if there was some bone of contention on the financial aspects or custody that escalated around the time JD went missing? Was it because there was an escalation in the divorce battle that was happening in their real situation that FD took the opportunity in the Sarah Wallace interview to change the narrative as JD wasn't available to respond? IDK, but I am highly suspicious that this might just be the case.

I think the other reason I called BS on the FD statements was JD went missing on Friday and 24th and FD was back in Family Court with a motion on Wed, the 29th I believe with a motion petitioning for custody. Given the lag time in court documents hitting the computer system, IMO its entirely possible this FD request for custody could have been made on Tuesday the 28th just after the long weekend.

To me this indicates that FD was and always had been focused on 'winning' and to him I believe 'winning' meant that he got what JD valued which was the 5 children. JD didn't want FD. Nope, she rejected and fled. JD wanted the children and fought with her life to make sure she had them.

I've always wondered if that “I can have the Mafia break your dad’s legs with a baseball bat," comment was made by one of the older kids to FD to try to "scare" him into not stressing out mom so much. As in making up that mom made that statement.
Or, it's just FD spewing b.s.

You all know that I'm a big fan of Michael Dinan and his reporting on the Dulos case and all things NC. I went back today looking at his great early article about the FORE finances (posted in Media thread) and pulled up this article
that was one of the first (written 4 days after the missing date) looking at Family Court situation for the Dulos case. IMO its one of the best articles so far I have seen on Family Court and I put it into the media thread and will post it again here for review and comment.

Accusations of Threats, Lying, Manipulation in Missing New Canaan Woman’s Divorce Case
Looking at the Family Court documents the Judge felt strongly enough about the interaction of the 5 Dulos children with MT and her daughter that INTERACTION WAS BANNED. Out and out prohibition of contact. MT and her daughter could NOT be at 4Jx if the 5 Dulos children were there.

Unfortunately even with the court ruling, FD, MT and her daughter continued to interact with the 5 Dulos children knowing that this contact was banned by the court. This was also the period where FD asked his children to LIE ON HIS BEHALF about the contact and then when FD was confronted in court about the damage that can be done to the children by engaging them in lying on his behalf, he didn't understand why this was a bad thing. The Judge ordered FD to therapy to figure it out and also did not allow him contact with the children for nearly 10 months.

MT and her daughter knew as did FD that contact with the Dulos children was not allowed, YET they persisted. MT presumably with a degree in psychology would understand the issues of young children interacting with her and her daughter and seeing them live in a house where they used to live. IMO, MT and her daughter didn't care and its clear that FD didn't care about the issues either. FD and MT thought they knew better than the Judge, GAL and the psychologist on the case and respected neither the wishes of the court nor JD.

I always used this sad story about MT and FD not respecting the court order on the 5 children as a huge red flag about MT in particular. FD was just doing what FD always does which is not follow rules. But as a mother I would have thought that MT might just perhaps be more sensitive to the issues at hand. Nope, she was not. She fell into line with FD and not only that she dragged her then 12 yo daughter into the mix and who knows what impact this overall situation had on MT daughter and the 5 Dulos children.

The conclusions I drew from this sorry episode about MT was that she does what she wants and when she wants and simply follows along with FD wishes. IMO she cared zero about the 5 Dulos children but more disturbingly she appeared to care zero about the impact of the overall situation on her daughter. Reading about this time with MT and FD not following court rules I seriously questioned MT daughter being permitted to reside at 4Jx and wondered also where the MT baby daddy was in the mix? How many fathers would want their child part of a situation where the child is being asked to participate in activities that have been prohibited by court??

Who does this to a child and children? MT and FD did.

Looking at the Family Court documents the Judge felt strongly enough about the interaction of the 5 Dulos children with MT and her daughter that INTERACTION WAS BANNED. Out and out prohibition of contact. MT and her daughter could NOT be at 4Jx if the 5 Dulos children were there.

Unfortunately even with the court ruling, FD, MT and her daughter continued to interact with the 5 Dulos children knowing that this contact was banned by the court. This was also the period where FD asked his children to LIE ON HIS BEHALF about the contact and then when FD was confronted in court about the damage that can be done to the children by engaging them in lying on his behalf, he didn't understand why this was a bad thing. The Judge ordered FD to therapy to figure it out and also did not allow him contact with the children for nearly 10 months.

MT and her daughter knew as did FD that contact with the Dulos children was not allowed, YET they persisted. MT presumably with a degree in psychology would understand the issues of young children interacting with her and her daughter and seeing them live in a house where they used to live. IMO, MT and her daughter didn't care and its clear that FD didn't care about the issues either. FD and MT thought they knew better than the Judge, GAL and the psychologist on the case and respected neither the wishes of the court nor JD.

I always used this sad story about MT and FD not respecting the court order on the 5 children as a huge red flag about MT in particular. FD was just doing what FD always does which is not follow rules. But as a mother I would have thought that MT might just perhaps be more sensitive to the issues at hand. Nope, she was not. She fell into line with FD and not only that she dragged her then 12 yo daughter into the mix and who knows what impact this overall situation had on MT daughter and the 5 Dulos children.

The conclusions I drew from this sorry episode about MT was that she does what she wants and when she wants and simply follows along with FD wishes. IMO she cared zero about the 5 Dulos children but more disturbingly she appeared to care zero about the impact of the overall situation on her daughter. Reading about this time with MT and FD not following court rules I seriously questioned MT daughter being permitted to reside at 4Jx and wondered also where the MT baby daddy was in the mix? How many fathers would want their child part of a situation where the child is being asked to participate in activities that have been prohibited by court??

Who does this to a child and children? MT and FD did.


I suppose it is possible that the father of MT’s daughter didn’t know that this was going on, IN SPITE of a court order. I tend to think he knew that MT and daughter were shacked up with FD in the former marital home though-which may by itself not make him look like a super awesome dad himself. But I wonder if he’d really sanction having his daughter in a situation that at least at times was against a court order?
I am not sure that it was the GAL that was present at the house for that Wed event but the reporting was such that it was hard to figure out whether the GAL was there or if it was the Court Monitor. But it did appear that some official person was there for the bbq.

The process seems to be that there is a court appointed monitor that FD has to pay to be present when there is contact with the children. This person is responsible for filing the reports about FD contact with the children and I believe it sounds like these reports are submitted to GAL who I believe then is responsible for monitoring the overall situation and reporting about it to the court. I believe we learned that the monitor costs something in the range of $150/hr while GAL bills upwards of $300/hr+. This monitor is also required to be on phone calls with the children and FD as well and FD and children can only speak languages that the monitor can speak (so, usually this means no greek).

Fitzy-I thought I read that M Meehan said FD told him he didn’t want to go into JD’s house that day because he didn’t want to leave any DNA, but I could be mistaken. It doesn’t really matter who it was, though-FD was with another adult who wasn’t JD, and the whole “dinner at 69 Welles” seems a little weird without JD’s presence. I don’t believe she was there, or at least, not actually having dinner with all of them (like maybe she was in a remote part of her house, giving him a chance to be a dad to his kids, without actually leaving). They were unlikely to have been on good terms with each other on that day, since the requests for financial disclosure had recently ramped up, and we know for a fact that he didn’t want to disclose, so they weren’t on super friendly terms, for sure.
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