Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #27

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Just some musings on a Sunday while my household gets ready for a day of football:

I grew up in NC K-12 not far from JFD. As a child, those woods by her house were my woods. We used to call the area our

“magic kingdom”.

Sad for me to think that my “magic kingdom” will always be associated with evil now. Foremost though, I mourn for a life lost senselessly. I want this case solved and the monster(s)who committed this to be locked away.

There is a poster here ( sorry not to recall which one) who thinks JFD’s body will be found in those woods and part of me agrees.

A long time has passed since I played in those woods, but back then those woods were full of poison ivy. IMO FD spent a lot of time creeping thru those woods. He had plenty of time to prepare a burial spot.

IMO FD killed JFD. Narcissists in my experience can come to a boiling point very quickly when they perceive

“disrespect” and when they feel they are backed into a corner. To him I believe the final “disrespect” came that Wed night at Welles Lane, when he was not allowed into the house.

FD was running out of court filings to delay turning over info on his finances. Totally backed into a corner. Lots of rage boiling just below the surface. Narcissists always think they are the victim. He felt it was all JFD’s fault..

IMO there are no quick books/ organized accounting. Just FD spending money helter skelter. I believe he has a disorganized mind. His lifestyle of expensive restaurants, lots of travel, skiing – water and snow – all very expensive hobbies. Money went to the sister, the “admiral” and their daughters. IMO the sister has always been his most important relationship. Hence the name of the company. If you live a big lifestyle money does not last.

I think MT is a combination of a lot of things others have written. For sure, she is involved in the cover up. The rest I don’t know.

IMO it is tough to put a label on MT and paint her or most, with a broad brush. To me, most people are not black and white. IMO people that do bad things are rarely all bad. And people that do good things are rarely all good. IMO People are a lot more complex than that. FD is my exception here so far. He is bad. He is not capable of love, empathy or good intentions for anyone but himself.

All the events that we believe MT to be involved in, definitely point to a lack of good character/ lack of morals and ethics as well as very low emotional intelligence.

Why hasn’t MT come clean? If I try and put myself in her shoes( yes the five inch heels from Jimmy Chou ), I would say she has not come clean simply because it appears to be not in her best interest to say much, until all the charges are on the table.

Selfish strategy? IMO very hard to have an expectation otherwise. Very unattractive to me and all of us as posters

Not what any of us think we would do –

I expect none of use will ever find ourselves in this situation. I struggle if this were my loved one/child/friend,

to understand how I would advise her. IMO, if we are honest, I suppose none of us will ever truly know unless we are actually in that situation. Concept vs reality – sometimes two very different things IME.

The longer she can drag this out the longer she remains free (albeit stuck in CT). Seems she has chosen to roll the dice. She appears uninterested in doing the right thing and speaking up yet for JFD and JFD’s family etc –. Once all charges are in place /somewhere down the road, hopefully she will find it in her best interest to tell what she knows. I am not sure her lawyer
is advising her any differently.
IDK what will unfold. What I do know, is that more will be revealed and my opinions will remain fluid.

There has to be some explanation for the time period FD spent at the Welles Lane address. JD home 8:05am and if the confrontation was in the garage, it would IMO be at that time, or when she was preparing to depart for NY.
Caught on neighbour's cctv at 10:25am would have given the perpetrator eg 2hours+. 1 hour, 2 hours - either is a very long time. From what I've read, killers don't hang around if there is the possibility of being caught, and I expect FD to be no different.
Yes he went into the house to wash his hands, however it is doubtful that he ransacked the house during the missing time period, as evidence of his entry would have been recovered by the forensic team.

Knowing that poison ivy is in those woods behind the house could well indicate that the perpetrator entered the woods for a reconnoitre of the potential disposal of JD's body; possibly changed his mind. I don't know.
Surely LE have undertaken a thorough search in the aftermath; run cadaver dogs through the entire area.

They might even find a discarded written list of instructions of what to do, if they're lucky (smack my wrist)
I just can't come to terms with this missing time -
And to State's Attorney Colangelo....
The article is 3 days old...and in another there is a video of FD professing his innocence. Could be used at trial.

@Laughing LOL...must have been typing mine as you posted yours...sorry!
I can envision FD weaseling out of it with the Following excuse’s :

*My interview was with a foreign publication where the gag order doesn’t apply .

* I gave that interview months ago before the gag order went into effect .

* I was misquoted . The interviewer embellished an interview I gave him/ her months ago .

Wait for it ...
That article certainly was full of inaccuracies-and at what point did JD become an ex-wife? Do the Greeks determine that once the husband has told the wife that it wasn’t working anymore, that they are divorced? Why was he still fighting over money, if they were no longer married? In any event, we already know that Jennifer was the one who wanted out, probably since 2010. He is so full of it. If he says that he was entitled to give an interview to an outfit that is in Greece since they aren’t covered by the gag order, how are they to keep it from the Greek American community, because they aren’t supposed to be reading it?
I would still send directly to Colangelo and Blawie. sometimes things get lost in the shuffle. ;)
and thank you for doing this.

I second that! Please send to Colangelo and Blawie. My trust of the police department positively passing any information along is a minus one. Just to be on the safe side, you must put it in the hands of the people you truly want to have it. Thank you. JMO.
I can envision FD weaseling out of it with the Following excuse’s :

*My interview was with a foreign publication where the gag order doesn’t apply .

* I gave that interview months ago before the gag order went into effect .

* I was misquoted . The interviewer embellished an interview I gave him/ her months ago .

Wait for it ...
I wonder if the gag order applies to doing an interview in the U.S. with a foreign publication?
I wonder if the gag order applies to doing an interview in the U.S. with a foreign publication?
We need to go back and see the wording in the gag order. Seems to me a Gag is a Gag...meaning do not discuss w/ any media, period.
but then we know rules don't apply to the bad boys.

Morgan10028, what a sleuth you are. Glad you're on our TEAM!!!
That article certainly was full of inaccuracies-and at what point did JD become an ex-wife? Do the Greeks determine that once the husband has told the wife that it wasn’t working anymore, that they are divorced? Why was he still fighting over money, if they were no longer married? In any event, we already know that Jennifer was the one who wanted out, probably since 2010. He is so full of it. If he says that he was entitled to give an interview to an outfit that is in Greece since they aren’t covered by the gag order, how are they to keep it from the Greek American community, because they aren’t supposed to be reading it?
BBM - JD's 2012 blogs reflect her inner sadness and efforts in trying to appease FD. Also, great point about the Greek American community - very true! MOO.
We need to go back and see the wording in the gag order. Seems to me a Gag is a Gag...meaning do not discuss w/ any media, period.
but then we know rules don't apply to the bad boys.

Morgan10028, what a sleuth you are. Glad you're on our TEAM!!!
Well, the rules certainly don’t seem to apply to him . Do they ....
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In the email, I asked them to forward to Blawie and Colangelo. I have faith...PatagoniaStyles (on instagram) was open for about 3 weeks before I reported it, it's not a coincidence IMO.
Yes, and FD was part of it as well. Good work reporting this situation as it was certainly concerning as it was a perfect platform to evade the no contact order.
It’s getting pretty quiet here on this always makes me sad when it happens on threads I’m following. It usually means that it’s going cold; I hope that it doesn’t take years to charge these two mutts.
Things ebb and flow. There is a lot of information out there that is being sleuthed which cannot be brought into the thread due to TOS. We have the Atty P motion to overturn the gag order and a couple of upcoming court appearances to focus on over the upcoming weeks. Its a bit of a waiting game at the moment but I'm using the time to update my timeline and poke more in/around NC for possibilities for arrival to Welles.
Thought provoking analysis and ideas for consideration!

I hope that Welles had camera coverage to see is your woods idea plays out in one way or another.

Do you see it possible to have cut through those woods from the direction of the Winter Club? The Grey Hughes video had FD lying in wait at the back of the garage area near the back yard. If FD didn't want to approach from the front of Welles he had to have come from the rear or side somehow IMO. YES both ways I believe are possible

Do you see those woods being accessible even though over the years houses have been built? YES - not without risk but possible

I'm with you 100% on fluid opinions but I guess where I am tripping up on MT is that if she had an easy clean out it would have made sense to work that angle prior to now. From the outside looking at her situation it seems that instead of working to free herself from the situation that she has instead sunk deeper and deeper into the legal muck and then when Atty B started talking about additional criminal charges possibly arising out of Civil Court testimony, IMO it just seemed like MT is in legal quicksand and is looking at potentially many many years behind bars! And we haven't even really discussed the potential for any civil charges being filed by GF either!

IMO you are approaching this with logic and objectivity, while my opinion is that MT would approach issues more thru “emotion” vs “logic” or rational thinking. She is used to drama. All Just my opinion.

Messy legal situation but I'm not sure waiting makes things any easier. IDK.
My responses are within the quote
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