Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #27

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Thank you for the map of Silver Spring Rd and Browns Reservoir. Few locals know about it. I went to Browns Reservoir yesterday using WAZE. No way that traffic could ever be so bad that I would ever be diverted to South Salem NY trying to get to 61 Sturbridge Hill. Exits 35, 36 and 37 off the Merritt were driven in an effort to figure out what makes most sense driving out of 69 Welles Ln with a bloody body to dispose of within a 13 minute radius. I believe a transfer of blood soaked mat/carpet at the Lapham turnout would have been extremely risky. Lots of joggers and dog walkers. Common to pull over and park at Lapham. No one would notice a red truck facing the wrong way, anytime of the day. Joggers on trail can see you parked across the road though. Way too risky. FD would have never risked getting out of red truck to jog around Waveny with JD's cellphone and risk being seen anywhere near the murder scene. IMO, a transfer was done at Browns Reservoir, the one spot where GPS does NOT work. It is desolate there and no signs leading up to the dirt path to get to the drinking water, which is fenced. Can drive to Exit 37, 61 Sturbridge Hill and 69 Welles Ln within 13 minutes. MOO.
Totally agree with you on this one! I keep trying to figure out why LE didn't question Waze sending FD to Silver Spring in the first place. IDK. Maybe LE looked at the area and we will find this out when the search warrants are unsealed.
Things ebb and flow. There is a lot of information out there that is being sleuthed which cannot be brought into the thread due to TOS. We have the Atty P motion to overturn the gag order and a couple of upcoming court appearances to focus on over the upcoming weeks. Its a bit of a waiting game at the moment but I'm using the time to update my timeline and poke more in/around NC for possibilities for arrival to Welles.


hhmm, yes Atty Pattis said weeks ago that he would appeal the gag order. Was his timeline rearranged when he learned that FD had granted this interview???

And, if a staffer truly reads here -- Atty Pattis' weekend ended early, I think. :cool:

Article posted on a Greek Blog (original link at bottom)
*Below is the google translation, which I did my best to correct. Original translation shown in the parentheses ( )
*It was obviously recent due to the underlined comment


Fotis Doulos: "I didn't kill my rich wife" (Interview)

Born to a wealthy family and a particularly charming young man in the mid-80s, Fotis Doulos adored water skiing and left Hatzigiani Mexi at the Hilton to go down to the Star to pursue his favorite sport. His life seemed ideal when he left for America to study, first at Columbia and then at Brown before moving to New York, where he worked at Ernst & Young, one of the world's best-known chartered accountants. It made good money and was able to ski in the summer in the Hamptons and descend on the snowy slopes of Aspen in Colorado in the winter. That's where one night he saw his old girlfriend Jennifer Farber again, a beautiful woman he'd been married to (dating) for 12 years. Their divorce was not easy, especially since the former couple had five children, twice twins (two boys and a boy - a girl and then another daughter), who inadvertently found themselves in a tough whirlpool. Separation.

On May 24, Fotis' ex-wife, who was staying with the children in New Canaan, in a spectacular rented home, was last seen alive. From that day began the nightmare of the Greek businessman, whom the authorities investigating the case consider directly involved.

The arrest warrant published by "THEMA" contains evidence as well as interpretations that find Fotis Doulos and his lawyer vertically opposed. The skier, after paying a $ 500,000 bail, returned to the mansion he stayed with his ex-wife and their children in Connecticut, where everything in his life seemed like a pretty fairy tale. He has not seen his children since May 24. Although the divorce court had banned them from leaving the State of Connecticut because of the divorce, they went (moved) with their nanny to New York. Their mother had arranged for them to be examined by a dentist and would then meet them there for everyone to return to New Canaan, something that never happened.

Since that afternoon they are staying with their grandmother Gloria - Jennifer's father, Hilliard (Hillary) Farber, vice president at Chase Manhatan Bank, passed away two years ago - and Fotis Doulos has not seen them and has not spoken to them. At the same time, Jennifer Farber is considered dead by her relatives, while police investigations into her find have not yielded fruit to this thriller that has unfolded in the last five months.

As for Fotis Doulou's arrest warrant, each side gives its own interpretation of the elements embedded in its 40 pages. Police are convinced that the Greek businessman tampered with or destroyed evidence and evidence, which he certainly does not accept. He speaks of (through) the prison "The guards and the officers were kind and fair with me, and I never felt threatened. I was in solitary confinement for nine days in a 6'x9' (2 × 3) cell and thank God I'm not claustrophobic, " are his first words.

“The days were suddenly long and lonely, so I tried to read and think a lot. I even created differential equations and tried to solve them in order to keep my mind alert, " the skier champion says," I had very little communication with the outside world and I didn't know what was going on. As soon as Norm Pattis and his team took over the case, things changed after they visited me and together we prepared a plan for the case. "

Greek-American Fotis Doulou gives his own version of what happened. He (She) hopes Jennifer is still alive, no matter how utopian it sounds to many people, five months after the day she was lost.

I ask him if he ever imagined himself in the orange uniform of the prisoner, and his answer is immediate: "I never imagined myself in prison and, to be exact, I was pinched to make sure I didn't see a bad thing."

The answer to what he lacked most during his time in custody was to be expected of a man who, until last May, never imagined the adventure that awaited him: "My children, Michelle, missed my daily contacts with coworkers and friends, but most of all I lacked my freedom, obviously the most important value in our lives, which I considered to be a given until then. "

I am referring to his marriage that looked happy until 2016, with five children and a comfortable life, all of which seemed to run perfectly, but he has a different view.

"My marriage has not been so happy since 2010. Jennifer had (has) gradually begun to take me out of her life and has become increasingly distant, a hermit. I tried hard to reach out and understand what was happening, but it never felt better. I'm sorry to say it, but Jennifer was suffering from serious psychological problems that I didn't immediately understand and don't (didn't) want to go into further. I put it aside because I was in love with her and focused on other things that make our lives beautiful. Our children were growing up beautifully, my job was going great and I was trying to enjoy life despite the fact that in my marriage (at my wedding) I was no longer happy. "

When their children began to notice that their parents were in fact something like two business partners and not two lovers, Fotis Doulos decided to take the first step.
"After a while I decided that if this situation continued, Jennifer and I would not be honest with ourselves, our children, and of course one another. So, I asked her to split in December 2016. "

I ask him how his ex-wife handled the divorce request. "We had a civilized conversation and Jennifer asked me to try to save our marriage, but my heart was no longer there. I wanted to be the best parents for our kids, best friends and support each other, but without being together. We weren't intimate (haven't had relationships) in over six years, and I didn't expect that to change. At that point my contact with Jennifer was centered around the children and there were no private moments or mental contact. I knew this would require a process for all of us that took time, but for me the decision was made. "

Because much has been written about intense controversy and quarrels, I ask for his own version.

"No, we didn't often argue (go around), hardly at all. Jennifer and I are both quiet characters. In March 2018, I told her that I had feelings for Michelle (ed: Troconis) and that we could no longer be married. We had long discussions, all at a civilized level. We decided to break up our marriage amicably and we agreed that the children would learn it after the end of the school year." According to him, the children had realized that their parents had moved apart (away): "As I said, the children had understood, so, as we had agreed, we talked to them in the early summer and received them very well. Petros (Peter) said this was for the good of all, and we told them about Michelle and Nicole (ed: his partner's daughter from another marriage) and my move to Connecticut. The kids would say they were excited because they liked Michelle and her daughter a lot. "

The debate is inevitably coming to Jennifer's disappearance, and I ask him (her) to make a comment: "I can't explain it. I hope and hope that the Police will find her (it). I hope she (it) is alive. "

I ask him if he thinks she's (he's) dead.

"I am very concerned about her disappearance, so what I believe is not so important. I say it again, I wish she (it) was alive. "

His view of Michelle Troconis after her third deposition (?) did not change, as some would expect: "My heart is with her. Michelle is experiencing incredible pressure. I know her, I love her and I'm sure she'll tell the truth in the end. "

He himself sounds cool when he talks about what he is going through: “I try to be strong. I pray for Jennifer and my children, Michelle and her daughter, and I try to be grateful for the family and friends I have every day. The only thing that saddens me is that due to a court decision I have almost five months to speak to them and see them. "

Are there people who like him in these difficult times? "My whole family, my friends, my high school classmates, my work colleagues, but also people I've never met, who approached me and told me that they support me in all that I experience and that believe".

Φώτης Ντούλος: «Δεν σκότωσα εγώ την πλούσια γυναίκα μου» (Συνέντευξη)
Brilliant sleuthing! Thank you for this and I hope that you sent it to the NCPD and States Atty Colangelo as it seems to violate any number of the provisions of the Gag Order! Also, how typically FD that he wouldn't think an article in Greece would be discovered. Thank you!

The below portion of the article I found highly interesting as it put a date around a question that has long been here on WS, namely when the marriage started to 'head south'. 2010 per FD. Mmmmm.

"My marriage has not been so happy since 2010. Jennifer had (has) gradually begun to take me out of her life and has become increasingly distant, a hermit. I tried hard to reach out and understand what was happening, but it never felt better. I'm sorry to say it, but Jennifer was suffering from serious psychological problems that I didn't immediately understand and don't (didn't) want to go into further. I put it aside because I was in love with her and focused on other things that make our lives beautiful. Our children were growing up beautifully, my job was going great and I was trying to enjoy life despite the fact that in my marriage (at my wedding) I was no longer happy. "

When their children began to notice that their parents were in fact something like two business partners and not two lovers, Fotis Doulos decided to take the first step.
"After a while I decided that if this situation continued, Jennifer and I would not be honest with ourselves, our children, and of course one another. So, I asked her to split in December 2016. "

I ask him how his ex-wife handled the divorce request. "We had a civilized conversation and Jennifer asked me to try to save our marriage, but my heart was no longer there. I wanted to be the best parents for our kids, best friends and support each other, but without being together. We weren't intimate (haven't had relationships) in over six years, and I didn't expect that to change. [BBM] At that point my contact with Jennifer was centered around the children and there were no private moments or mental contact. I knew this would require a process for all of us that took time, but for me the decision was made. "

As Nancy Grace would say, "BOMBSHELL"! Truly not sure what to make of all of this from FD. Is he just putting this out for his "Greek Supporters" as he knows the folks in the US would simply call "BS"? IDK. But its certainly interesting IMO and worthy of more investigation.

I was personally amused by the proposition of FD doing differential equations in his cell at BPT. I do think that any differential equations associated with his planning of his alleged crime might bear reevaluation as any number of key factors didn't seem to be incorporated or possibly solved for properly IMO! Perhaps when he heads back to BPT he might have time to reflect on the many errors in his various equations! HaHa! I'm actually quite good at very basic math things such as differential equations myself as are many other folks here on WS and I certainly love a good equation and so will take on his challenge by STEPPING UP THE SLEUTHING!

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That article certainly was full of inaccuracies-and at what point did JD become an ex-wife? Do the Greeks determine that once the husband has told the wife that it wasn’t working anymore, that they are divorced? Why was he still fighting over money, if they were no longer married? In any event, we already know that Jennifer was the one who wanted out, probably since 2010. He is so full of it. If he says that he was entitled to give an interview to an outfit that is in Greece since they aren’t covered by the gag order, how are they to keep it from the Greek American community, because they aren’t supposed to be reading it?
The gag order has no geographic restrictions that I can find as the focus is on the parties involved with the order and not where they are located. FD and Atty P (who has no case BTW IMO) is out of order on this article IMO. I am so glad it was reported as it is a very clear and fragrant violation of Judge Blawie's intentions. MOO
The gag order has no geographic restrictions that I can find as the focus is on the parties involved with the order and not where they are located. FD and Atty P (who has no case BTW IMO) is out of order on this article IMO. I am so glad it was reported as it is a very clear and fragrant violation of Judge Blawie's intentions. MOO
Read it .
Seems broad.
Not specific.
Wonder if NP could find a loophole ..
Perhaps that is why Atty P (who has no case IMO) is looking to overturn the gag order? Wonder if Atty P even knows about the "Greek interview".
It appears that a few Greek publications ran articles, quoting him. The most recent, if I understand correctly, was nine hours ago and has more pictures of him and arrest document (9/4/19). Most of the content is the same as the Blog. I used the Google Translate to find some differences. The ending read:
The conversation closes with us asking what he wants to say to Greek friends and acquaintances who read what is written about him in the press. "My friends and acquaintances in Greece know who I am. I don't have to say much to them."
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