Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #27

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Φώτης Ντούλος: Σπάει τη σιωπή του ο Έλληνας που κατηγορείται ότι σκότωσε την πλούσια σύζυγό του

Essentially similar article to what was posted earlier today but with a few different quotes from FD.

Quotes from article (used google translate from original greek):
What is not mentioned in the warrant is that on May 21, when his son Constantine had his nominal feast, Jennifer Farber called Fotis Doulos home to tell her child a lot. The latter bought a cake and spent some time with his children playing with them before returning home while eating together. Police later spoke of his own DNA at Jennifer's home, which was perfectly reasonable for him after eating a cake, drinking water and using utensils and cutlery.

As for his first call from the police, he went to great lengths to testify about his ex-wife's disappearance, but his lawyer prevented him from such a move, given his experience that in America Police sometimes use specific interrogation methods aimed directly at the suspect.

His refusal, however, was likely to heighten suspicions by the authorities that he was involved in Jennifer's disappearance and so they requested to see his cellphone. Doulos gave it, and gave them the code to unlock it, but when the police demanded it back, they did not return it.

His life with Jennifer was idyllic until the birth of their fifth child, in 2011, when they gradually began to move away from one another.

His view of Michel Troconis after her third deposition did not change, as some would expect: "My heart is with her. Michelle is experiencing incredible pressure. I know her, I love her and I'm sure she'll tell the truth in the end.
I don’t believe I’d classify JD’s problems as psychological due to mental illness. Having 5 children in close succession while basically being a single parent would create physical issues...exhaustion! What woman wants to have relations with a man who is anything but present and engaged in the day to day life? Intimacy is born from shared experiences. Desire is created from tenderness, understanding and care. He chose to go elsewhere for his gratification. JMO. She continued to be responsible, staying close and raising the children. By then, she saw his true colors, and knew his character. MOO
Truth in your words and I thank you! I imagine Jennifer would appreciate your words as well. How incredibly exhausted she must have been on any given day as she was essentially a single mother of five. Prayers for her mother as she holds the candle now despite her age. Strength and grace will endure.
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Truth in your words and I thank you! I imagine Jennifer would appreciate your words as well. How incredibly exhausted she must have been on any given day as she was essentially a single mother of five. Prayers foe her mother as she holds the candle now despite her age. Strength and grace will endure.
Yes, totally agree. FD was most likely simply behaving like a '6th child' that required more work managing than the other 5 young children together. By 2010 JD must have simply been exhausted from lack of support and simply didn't have the energy to continue to prop up FD emotionally even though she probably did go through the motions for longer than FD gave her credit for.

His 'revisionist history' of the relationship in his interview talking about thinking going south in 2010 was stunning to read. I do hope we hear testimony from JD friends eventually at trial to put this all into context of the realities of JD day to day life as a single parent of 5 young children.
What a GD liar. That doesn’t even make sense. If he really wanted the divorce when she asked for it in 2017 he should have jumped at it but no. He tried to stop her from moving and told her that they all were going to live together in the home. Liar, liar, pants on fire.
I wonder if FD mentioned to MT that she would be living with his ex and his children when she moved in .
The incorrect dates could be a problem with the media....BUT....smoke and mirrors are the name of game...
  • The first set of twins were born in 2005
  • The second set in 2007-2008
  • And the 5th child in approximately 2010-11 (3-years between twins #2 and last child)
If JD was distant in 2010, the woman was exhausted...such an idjiot!

It is a general Websleuth theory that the relationship between FD and MT began in 2016. JD found out about it after a PI brought her the information at the beginning of 2017.

In 2017 is when FD began making his ridiculous demands that she live at her parents NY home....he could stay over anytime in the guest house....MT and daughter would live at 4 Jefferson Crossing...they would all live together during the summer....He RATIONALLY gave his demands. He saw no needs to provide a home or support for JD or his children.

Just summarizing in case any Newbies or Guests are reading....(^;

It would be pathetic if MT was amiable to moving herself and her daughter from Florida into JD’s house so, all 9 of them could live under the same roof .

What’s also Pathetic is FD not moving out of the house so, Jennifer and his own kids
“Whom he misses and Loves SO much” wouldn’t need to be uprooted from their schools , bedrooms and routine .

His behavior is so ghastly it’s hard to even write it down ..
Some details from FD interview about his visit to Welles on 21st:
"What is not mentioned in the warrant is that on May 21, when his son Constantine had his nominal feast, Jennifer Farber called Fotis Doulos home to tell her child a lot. The latter bought a cake and spent some time with his children playing with them before returning home while eating together. Police later spoke of his own DNA at Jennifer's home, which was perfectly reasonable for him after eating a cake, drinking water and using utensils and cutlery".

I wonder why he is putting out very specific information about the May 21st event and attempting the cast doubt on the States information about mixed dna on faucet at Welles? Would Atty P. think this was a good idea? Or, is this FD and his compulsive need to make himself look good to anyone who will listen?

I just find it stunning that anyone could think that an article such as the ones we have seen would be a good idea?

I can envision FD weaseling out of it with the Following excuse’s :

*My interview was with a foreign publication where the gag order doesn’t apply .

* I gave that interview months ago before the gag order went into effect .

* I was misquoted . The interviewer embellished an interview I gave him/ her months ago .

Wait for it ...
I would agree entirely, except there was that tiny detail of "almost 5 months" since he's seen his kids and MT that sealed the date! imo
I second that! Please send to Colangelo and Blawie. My trust of the police department positively passing any information along is a minus one. Just to be on the safe side, you must put it in the hands of the people you truly want to have it. Thank you. JMO.
Yes to all who suggested, I'm going to send it to Blawie and Colangelo just in case...
Using the Greek spelling...I opened a few other articles translated by Google: Google Translate

Discovered FD has two brothers:
"Together with his brothers, Maria Christina and Matthew (Matthew for his friends), they were among the "cool" kids of the time, children who stood out for their good morals and ways."

Adding from another article at the same link, that follows the second arrest warrant,
"All this time , Doulos denies everything . He apparently does not insist on his original line of defense, namely that the disappearance was a well-intentioned trick by his ex-wife to put pressure on him in the wake of a court dispute over child custody, but he continues to uphold his innocence. He is probably the only person on earth who knows the truth. But he also knows that without a corpse, the charge of murder is difficult to establish. Even if all the elements seem to be photographing themselves as guilty …"

Edited to add second quote...

QUOTING MYSELF: I have another article that claims Maria Christina and Matthew are FD's cousin and friend....There seem to be some issues with the translator or the articles themselves. SO SORRY! (Not brothers....)
Some details from FD interview about his visit to Welles on 21st:
"What is not mentioned in the warrant is that on May 21, when his son Constantine had his nominal feast, Jennifer Farber called Fotis Doulos home to tell her child a lot. The latter bought a cake and spent some time with his children playing with them before returning home while eating together. Police later spoke of his own DNA at Jennifer's home, which was perfectly reasonable for him after eating a cake, drinking water and using utensils and cutlery".

I wonder why he is putting out very specific information about the May 21st event and attempting the cast doubt on the States information about mixed dna on faucet at Welles? Would Atty P. think this was a good idea? Or, is this FD and his compulsive need to make himself look good to anyone who will listen?

I just find it stunning that anyone could think that an article such as the ones we have seen would be a good idea?

BBM - But we all know how he likes to break the rules and why not? He's never punished or reprimanded for his actions and it seems he does things his way, no matter what he has been told! And until he is punished for his actions, it will only continue (as we're seeing here with the recent Greek blogs)! Look at all the crap he got away with in the courts related to the custody/civil case!!! So, of course his behaviors will continue and why will they continue, because there's never any punishment for his actions!!! JMO
The Headline could read: "Fotis Dulos Devises A Way to Bypass A Judge’s Gag Order by Speaking to the Greek Press"
My thought in suggesting it is...we've all been annoyed at what he seems to get away with and/or the slaps on the wrist he gets...maybe there is another way to skin this cat. By getting the media and anyone who will listen all know the saying there is strength in numbers. It's the "enough heat on them and they will be forced to act" sort of thing.
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My thought in suggesting it is...we've all been annoyed at what he seems to get away with and/or the slaps on the wrist he gets...maybe there is another way to skin this cat. By getting the media and anyone who will listen all know the saying there is strength in numbers. It's the enough heat on them and they will be forced to act sort of thing.[/QUOTE

Great point .
1. Required to keep ankle bracelet charged.

2.Not supposed to cross state border.

3. No contact order .
Oh please .

4. Gag order.
Ignored .

5. Hand over financial documents .
Ignored .

6. Show up for deposition .
Thanks! I just got home from dinner and saw the responses and planned to send (but wanted to read all posts first). Glad I did!
Did anyone check to make sure Nassos Blog is ok to discuss?
I'm assuming it is because there are about 70 posts about it but does that mean it's in MSM?
I'm just making sure before I comment on it because I've made that mistake before.
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