Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #27

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Gloria Farber has recently had her home renovated and each child now has their own bedroom. IMO, no matter what happens with FD (convicted/not) the children will NEVER return to his custody. That gives me comfort.
How do we know that? If he’s not convicted of murder, why wouldn’t he regain custody of his children?
How do we know that? If he’s not convicted of murder, why wouldn’t he regain custody of his children?
In response to your post, whether FD gains access (he has zero access now), restoration of supervised visitation or any level of custody will be in the hands of the court.

Any POV about FD and custody/visitation/access is hugely complex but will be determined by the Judge based on the best interests of the 5 children.

IMO the Judge Heller order giving custody to GF does a solid job of outlining the FD history as a father, husband and human being and summarises his behaviour in the 2 yr Family Court case. I cannot say I understand Judge Heller's handling of the Dulos case, but I did agree with the document she prepared on the temporary custody and think its worth a read for anyone that wants a summary of the situation.

From what I recall, FD Atty Rochlin said that their intention was to appeal the custody award. I haven't heard any update on the status of the appear (or even whether it was filed) and there don't appear to be any new documents filed in Family Court other than the recent flurry surrounding psych exams for GF and FD.

The full document is 12 pages if I recall and can be found here (2nd document in the stack so you have to flip through the first document to reach it).

Jennifer Dulos’ mother granted continued custody of 5 children
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I will hope, hope, HOPE he has learned. I don’t know what “terminal” means here but I hope it’s not worse than jail time. I’m not being nosy so please don’t think you need to tell me. I just feel for you because no matter what, our children are our hearts. I’ll keep wishing for brighter days for you all. Take care—really.
Dear Hope for the Best: no worries at all. I appreciate your kind words and don't think you are being nosy. Terminal = serve the whole sentence that is given (720 months). This will allow him to have no probation, etc. when he gets out. It is a good choice for him - since as I said, I am not sure he has learned that actions have consequences. He is my youngest child...and I have probably babied him more than my other two children (they say I have/do). But there is just something about him being the youngest - I still see him as a child...and want to protect, hand-hold, etc. him. As you say, our children are our hearts. I accept and love him for who he is - trouble, quirks, jail, court and all. Thank you again for your comments. They mean a lot to me. xo Not my opinion - truth.

Dear DLHarris2712,

I am glad you don’t feel I was being nosy and that my words are helpful to you. I am very glad to learn what terminal meant in this context because I just was afraid it was something even worse—although that made no sense. I didn’t know that “terminal” was an option but it seems to me like a choice that would take maturity and courage to take. Essentially your son is forgoing immediate rewards like possible parole for longer-term gain, which seems very mature to me! A friend who was a police chief for years said he felt impulsivity was a major factor in some cases, especially with young men. Psychologist friends have said much the same.

While I am in no way an expert and I’m not in the psychology field, your son and how you describe him make me think of human development theories in young adults. While there are various theories of human development, Chickering and Reisser’s theory is foundational and related to individuals of college age and older (doesn’t mean at all that it only happens in those who attend college or that the development process ends after four years—; that’s what they studied). That theory says that adult development generally occurs in nonlinear ways, with both direction and momentum, and is not always moving steadily forward; development can occur in one area like in development of competence and not in the ability to manage one’s emotions or the ability to have interdependent relationships, and then we may see surges in those areas at different times.


While I am not at all saying your son has ADHD or attention issues (I’m not any kind of medical professional), your remark about impulsivity in his speech made me think about related information that might give you more hope for the future with your son. Males reportedly do develop more slowly overall in the ability to self regulate (many say 25) and if someone—regardless of gender—has ADHD or related attentional issues, it takes even longer. As below in the link, in peer-reviewed research, executive functioning may not catch up until a person is in his or her 30’s.


I also think that people just tend to say that about a youngest child being babied more although I haven’t researched it so MOO. Of course you feel that way about your son; that’s what unconditional love is about in my view. However old my kids are and whatever they do (which is not the same as saying I’d agree with bad behavior, and they know that well, just as your son clearly knows about you), they always will be my babies and my heart. That doesn’t mean I kept them from consequences; not at all. I just always say to them that what matters most is that we learn from what we do and we work to make progress and move forward—and not to repeat whatever it was. Some lessons are so much harder than others to learn and some take more time. I certainly am a major work in progress to say the least and am quite slow at learning some lessons I need to learn so sometimes I’m a good example maybe but often I’m more of a horrible warning about what not to do! :)

It seems funny to say this on this site but at some time in my life, years ago, I saw this clip on TV about Teddy Bundy’s adoptive mother. (Forgive me if I have any details wrong as this was long ago and I don’t want to read about it.) As I recall, she was elderly and crying, and apparently said to the families that she felt so awful about what he’d done to all those victims and their families but she couldn’t help but still love Ted because he was her child. And, again, as I recall this, the families felt sorry for her, too, and understood how she could feel both. I of course hope and pray my kids never do such a thing but I’ve also thought about that in terms of unconditional love—love no matter what, which again isn’t the same as excusing bad behavior and worse in my opinion. This is all MOO. I hope this too was helpful to you, and I wish you, your son, and family better, happier days ahead. I feel very hopeful things will improve!

P.S. My apologies if I’ve bored or offended anyone with all this.
Oh, I missed that. So, no matter what happens, FD will never regain custody of children? Wow.
No, I don't believe that a conclusion that FD will never regain custody of his children can be reached at this time.

This being said, it just seems unlikely that he will ever gain custody given that he had supervised visitation prior to JD disappearance, did not see his children for nearly 10 months when he prioritised relationship with MT/daughter over seeing his own children as he/they would not comply with court orders about visitation, lost access to the 5 children as part of the present 2 charges and Judge Heller has awarded temporary custody to GF.

IMO time, FD well established track record in Family Court and the slowness of the CT courts is not in FD favour to ever gaining custody of his children or even gaining visitation. Total MOO and I am sure FD atty would absolutely disagree which is why we continue to see all the activity in Family Court!

GF has temporary custody of the 5 children presently.

My guess is that the next steps in the entire custody situation might depend on further charges being filed along with the outcome of trials. As I've said, I wouldn't be surprised to see termination of parental rights and possibly adoption, but this is pure speculation and most likely far into the future!

We then might also have the further complexity of possible civil litigation against MT and FD related to the disappearance of JD which could drag for years too. This could possibly result in additional prison time for FD and MT if convicted.

If the oldest 2 children are 14 this year, it is likely that they would easily be older than 16-18 by the time all this litigation makes it through the courts IMO. The youngest children most likely would be older than 14 by the time the bulk of the litigation is complete and so would be old enough to be heard in Family Court as to their preferences.

Thanks for this. Have watched 3 times now.
I feel Colangelo hit a home run in his comments.
Started out low key. There has never been a time FD was untrackable. If, so I would be kicking and screaming.
Kicked it up a notch.
Mr. Dulos is obviously thumbing his nose at the court.
Kicked up another notch.
Fotis Dulos thinks he is above the courts. Let's give him a curfew.

Other notes.
Judge says NP is trivializing his client's problem.
NP says FD has posted a million dollars bond.
Did we know this? I didn't.
FD had a 2 hour refresher course on charging the GPS ankle monitor! Oh, to be a fly on the wall.
And finally, who is the pink/blue lady?
She seems to volley for a seat on camera.
There is something to be said for anyone who can formulate coherent legal arguments off the cuff, complete with citing relevant caselaw, in a criminal matter with such massive public interest. Yes, NP definitely comes across as unethical in some of his requests to the court, as well as his courtroom etiquette, but I have to give credit where credit is due — he knows how to think on his feet. How to reformulate his argument on a moments notice in hopes of getting the judge to reevaluate his position. He is quite good at (apparently) emotionally detaching from the subject matter and sticking to precedent. I really enjoy watching talented litigators go at it in the courtroom. Drama is inherent in law. A courtroom can be as riveting as any Colosseum, IMO. Artists tell stories, and stories about the legal system are laced with human vulnerability. They are cinematic not because they are visual, but because the human experience—in all its complexity—is on full display. Again, not a NP enthusiast by any means, but I have no problem highlighting that he is highly competent at his profession.

Edit: I’ve worked in law for the better part of 15 years, and that experience has definitely shaped my opinion of NP and what he is trying to accomplish in a courtroom. Don’t come for me, ok?? :)

I’m not coming for you, and I respect your opinion. I’m also very fond of language used masterfully, and I have an affinity for the unique, the offbeat, and individual differences. That’s why I find it so interesting that I do not see NP at all as you describe here! While I am not in the legal field, I am familiar with logic and coherence in argument, and I have been struck regularly by the lack of both in what I have heard NP say. I am again not coming for you but I do not feel that NP “comes across as unethical”; I think more than a little of what NP says and does IS unethical, such as saying things as truth when in fact they were not true, such as the polygraph-test issue. All MOO but I disagree that NP appears highly competent in his profession based on even the items the CT Bar noted as important for an attorney. MOO. I do thank you for your post as I found it most intriguing to consider in terms of highly divergent, individual perspectives. MOO.
I think it’s quite simple. They don’t have the murder weapon or the body. They want those things bc the government gets one chance to convict someone and they don’t want to risk anything. I think they still think that MT knows more than she’s giving them and are going to apply as much pressure as they can to get that info on the body. MOO.

You're absolutely correct IMO. We may need to wait a long, long time.

It is "obvious" to us that FD was at JD's home the morning of May 24th, but LE, even with their outstanding second arrest warrant, falls short of the ingredients for a first degree murder charge/conviction.

NP outlines the three components Det. Foyle Wannabe states above In the interview below, toward the end, FD cites:
1. Opportunity ….Check
2. Body....
3. Manner and means of death...

NP goes on to say, what we've heard before, that the longer the case continues without a body, the better for his client. And, if you noticed at the recent hearing, he continues to harp on the fact that FD isn't proven to be at the Welles address. Rather makes one want to scream to the heavens, eh?

Interview: Attorney Norm Pattis answers questions about Dulos case
Lots going on with fingers in this case!

We saw FD in court this week with bruised and infected fingernails and a band aid on his thumb I believe.

Unless he is just sitting at the kitchen table and hammering away at his nails with a hammer for no reason at all due to the frustration of his world imploding, we have seen black and blue and damaged/infected nails at every court hearing!

He isn't a builder and so far as we know does not have a hobby as a woodworker or even a gardener! What else could account for the ongoing situation with the nails?

What is going on with the hands and nails!


Maybe he's been experimenting with ways to take the ankle bracelet off. Someone earlier suggested that he might be intentionally trying to lose weight for this purpose. Maybe his gaunt appearance isn't all anxiety/stress related :(
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